Seminar: Dynamic kirigami for solar tracking and concentration

13/03/2019 - 12:00 - 11:00Add To Calendar 2019-03-13 11:00:00 2019-03-13 12:00:00 Seminar: Dynamic kirigami for solar tracking and concentration S E M I N A R Wednesday 13/03/19, 11:00 am Building 211, seminar room   SPEAKER: Prof. Max Shtein  from University of Michigan   TOPIC: Dynamic kirigami for solar tracking and concentration     We demonstrate how a simple 2-dimensional cut and fold patterns transform into 3-dimensional shapes upon stretching, resulting in mechanical metamaterials with several interesting properties and applications (e.g. stretchable electronics, energy storage and energy harvesting). We detail several shapes that can be used for diurnal solar tracking and for up to 100x solar concentration, while maintaining a low profile of a flat panel, potentially transforming the economics of solar electricity generation.  Abstract Department of Chemistry Asia/Jerusalem public


Wednesday 13/03/19, 11:00 am

Building 211, seminar room



Prof. Max Shtein 

from University of Michigan



Dynamic kirigami for solar tracking and concentration



We demonstrate how a simple 2-dimensional cut and fold patterns transform into 3-dimensional shapes upon stretching, resulting in mechanical metamaterials with several interesting properties and applications (e.g. stretchable electronics, energy storage and energy harvesting). We detail several shapes that can be used for diurnal solar tracking and for up to 100x solar concentration, while maintaining a low profile of a flat panel, potentially transforming the economics of solar electricity generation. 


תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/03/2019