פרופ' אהרון גדנקן
קורות חיים
Name: Aharon Gedanken
Date of Birth: December 24, 1940
Marital Status: Married
No. of children: 2
Address: 29 Nitzana Street
Givatayim, Israel 53465
Phone: Home: (03) 7313036
Office: (03) 5318315
Country of Citizenship: Israel
1959-1961: Military Service
1962-1965: B.Sc. (Magna Cum Laude), Bar-Ilan University
1966-1967: M.Sc., Bar-Ilan University
1968-1972: Ph.D. thesis at Department of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University: "Electronic Excitation of Impurity States in Solid Rare Gases (under supervision of Prof. J. Jortner). This research was awarded the Landau Prize for Scientific Research.
1973-1974: University of Southern California. Research Associate with Prof. Otto Schnepp. Work on CD and MCD in the VUV.
1975-1977: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1978-1981: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1979 : Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.
1980-1981: Sabbatical leave at Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J. (Counsellor and Visiting Scientist).
1982-1985: Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1982-1988: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1983 : Summer Visiting Professor, Physikalische Institute Bonn University, Germany (Minerva Fellowship).
1984 : Summer Visiting Scientist, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J.
1985 : Visiting Scientist, Hasylab Desy, Hamburg, W. Germany.
1986 : Visiting Scientist, Bessy, Berlin, W. Germany.
1987-1988: Sabbatical leave, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J.
1988-present: Professor of Chemistry.
1989-1991: Summer Visiting Scientist, NIDDK, NIH. Bethesda, Md., USA.
1991-present: Board of Directors: Gilad Pension Fund.
1991-1998: Head, The National Committee for Chemistry in Education
1992 : Visiting Scientist, NIDDK, NIH.
1993-2005 : From January, 1993, Gilad Pension Fund - Investment Committee.
1993-1995: Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
1999-2001: Chairman, National committee for strategic studies in Advanced Materials and Chemical Technologies
- Chairman, Board of Directors Ashkelon College.
- Board of Directors of Orot Israel College
- Board of Directors of Beit Berl College
2002- Editorial Advisory Board of Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry Published by Elsevier Science
2002- Short sabbatical at City University of Hong Kong
2004-2005 Member of a national committee on “A National Program for the Isreali Chemical Industry”
2007- Editor for Nanotechnology, Central European Journal of Chemistry
2007- 2014 Member of the Editorial Board of The Open Acoustics Journal.
2008- 2015 Editorial Advisory Board of The Open Catalysis Journal
2008- 2010 Editorial Board of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
2009- Awarded the prize for excellence in research by the Israel Vacuum Society.
2009- 2013 Israeli Representative to the NMP (Nanotechnology, Materials, Processes) committee of the EC (European Community)
2009- Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, since October 2009.
2010- 2012 Editorial Advisory board of ACS applied Materials and Interfaces.
2012- 2015 Visiting Chair Professor at the Department of Materials Science & Eng. NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan
2012- Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal
2012- 2017 Visiting Professor at RCPTM, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
2012- Editorial Board of "Nanomaterials & Molecualar Nanotechnology"
2012-2017 Editorial Board of Dataset Papers in Science
2013. Editorial Board of "Conference Papers in Chemistry"
2012 Israel Chemical Society Prize of Excellence awarded in Feb. 2013
2014- Editorial Board of J. Mater. Chem. B
2014 The SONO project coordinated by Gedanken in FP7 declared a “Success Story”
2017- Editorial Board of Applied Sciences
2017- President, Givat Washington Teachers college
The list of publication of Gedanken includes 832 papers in per-reviewed journals and 40 Patent Applications H-index:90
Gedanken's Patents
1. "Electronic Gas Discharge Lamp", A. Gedanken, B. Raz, J. Jortner and A. Szצke, U.S. Patent 3,778,661 (1974)
2. "Laser Driven Production of Metal Atoms and Ions", G. Fisanick, A. Gedanken and M.B. Robin. Applied for U.S. Patent.
3. "Candles Burning with Colored Flames", I. Barnes and A. Gedanken. Applied for an Israeli Patent March 1986.
4. "Lighting Oils", A. Gedanken and I. Barness. Applied for Patent (Appl. No. 80145) Sept. 1986.
5. "Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds", S. Hoz and A. Gedanken (Patent Appl. Israel & US, March 1995, PCT/US/96/02811).
6. "Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons", A. Gedanken and S. Chandrasekaran. 4500/US /97 (US Patent Pending).
7. "Silicon Nanoclusters and a Method for Producing Same", N. Arul Dhas and A. Gedanken. (US patent, P-1340-USP, pending).
8. "Coating of Silver Nanoparticles onto Nylon by a Sonochemical Method and Making the Antimicrobial Active Yarns Thereof Application No 60/715,60, 6/9/05
9. "Nanosized Chalcogenides" US Prov. 60/474,629 02/06/2003
10. "Nanoscale air-stable Metal Particles" USA 09/905,495 16/07/2001
11. "Nanosized a-Nickel Hydroxide" US Prov. 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
12. "Carbon Nanotubes w.Cobalt Nanowire in the center" US Prov. 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
13. " Silicon Nanaoclusters" 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
14. "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" Europe 01978809.0 ; 22/10/2001
15. "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" PCT IN01/00184 ; 22/10/2001
16. a) "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" USA 09/982,946 ; 22/10/2001
16b) Sen, Ranjan; Chatterjee, Minati; Naskar, Milan Kanti; Pal, Mrinmay; Paul, Mukul Chandra; Bhadra, Shyamal Kumar; Dasgupta, Kamal; Ganguli, Dibyendu; Bandyopadhyay, Tarun; Gedanken, Aharon. Method for manufacturing of rare earth-doped optical fiber. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2004), 13 pp. CODEN: USXXCO US 2004187524 A1 20040930 CAN 141:318411 AN 2004:803776 CAPLUS
17. "Silicon Carbide Nanopart." USA Prov. 60/555,669 ; 24/03/2004
18. "Silicon Carbide Nanopart." USA Prov. ; 60/667,775 ; 04/04/2005
19. "Tungsten & Silicon Carbides Nanorods" 03/08/2005
20. MICRON SIZED CARBON SPHERICAL PARTICLES filed May 16, 2007No. and application number 60/924,460. 20070423001-1-01
21. Gedanken, Aharon; Tel-Or, Elisha; Chefetz, Benny; Elmeshaly, Smadar. Method of removal of heavy metal ions from water. PCT Int. Appl. (2007), CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2007083304 A2 20070726 AN 2007:817363
23. Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Actions of Nanosized Magnesium Fluoride Nanoparticles (Banin) US Prov. Re-filed 29-Jan-2009 PCT due Jan 2010
Inventors: Ehud Banin, Aharon Gedanken, Jonathan Lellouche
Application No. 61/202,115
24.Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Water-Soluble Sulfonate- Protected Nanoparticles and Uses Thereof By Sarid, Ronit; Gedanken, Aharon; Baram-Pinto, Dana
From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2012), US 20120027809 A1 20120202. Antiviral pharmaceuticals comprising water-soluble sulfonate-protected nanoparticles Full Text
- By Sarid, Ronit; Gedanken, Aharon; Baram-Pinto, Dana
From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2012), US 20120027809 A1 20120202.|
25. Sonochemical coating of textiles with of Metal Oxides (Zno, MgO, CuO) Nanoparticles for producing an Antimicrobial Fabrics Provisional filed 30-Jun-2008 PCT due Jun 2009,
Gedanken, Aharon; Nitzan, Yeshayahu; Perelshtein, Ilana; Perkas, Nina; Applerot, Guy. Sonochemical coating of textiles with metal oxide nanoparticles for antimicrobial fabrics. PCT Int. Appl. (2010), 20pp.
26. Plasma Reduction of Metallic Ions in Solvents (Klein, Genish) Provisional filed 22-Jan-2009 PCT due Jan 2010
27. "Attaching Proteinaceous Microspheres to a Variety of Fabrics Using Ultrasound Radiation" Full Text By Gedanken, Aharon; Shimanovich, Ulyana; Perelshtein, Ilana U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2011), US 20110300767 A1 20111208.
28. "Sonochemical formation of RNA Microspheres"filed August 31, 2009.
29. " Plasma Reduction of Metallic Ions in Solvents (Lior Klein) Provisional
30. Coating Artificial Nails with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Producing Antimicrobial Nails (Lubart)
31. Insertion of Ionic Materials into Polymers and Glasses using their Aqueous Solution by Ultrasonic waves US Provisional 20/01/2011.
32. Accelerating the Fermentation of Glucose using a Sonochemical Process with the Aid of Yeast
US Provisional 21/03/2011.
33. Antibiofilm Surface Functionalization of Catheters US Provisional 29/06/2011.
34. Decomposition of cellulose under microwave irradiation US Provisional 11/10/2011.
35. A synergetic effect in killing microorganisms using sonochemically deposited nanoparticales of CUZNO
36. Converting CO2 into a Commercially Important Chemical Attaching proteinaceous microspheres to a variety of fabrics using ultrasound radiation Full Text By Gedanken, Aharon; Shimanovich, Ulyana; Perelshtein, Ilana
From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2011), US 20110300767 A1 20111208.
קבוצת מחקר
שם |
Name |
Status |
בילאל אבו סאלח |
Belal Abu Salha |
M.Sc student |
ענת זנדני |
Anat Zandany |
M.Sc student |
אנסטסיה וסילנקו |
Anastasia Aasilenko |
M.Sc student |
קושה שרמה |
Kusha Sharma |
PH.D student |
אמרוטה מוטילידסאי |
Amruta Mutalikdesai |
PH.D student |
קרישנה הריקה וילה |
Vilia Krishna Harika |
PH.D student |
מורטי מרוטהפנדי |
Moorthy Maruthapandi |
PH.D student |
הארי קרישנה סדאנאלה |
Hari Krishana Sandhanala |
Post doc |
ילנה בנישטי |
Elena Benisvi |
Post doc |
אילנה פרלשטיין |
Ilana Perelshtein |
Researcher |
פרופ' יורי קולטיפין |
Yuri Kotypin | Professor Kamea | koltypy@mail.biu.ac.il |
פרופ' נינה פרקס | Nina Perkas | Professor Kamea | |
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 19/05/2022