Prof. Aharon Gedanken
Name: Aharon Gedanken
Date of Birth: December 24, 1940
Marital Status: Married
No. of children: 2
Address: 29 Nitzana Street
Givatayim, Israel 53465
Phone: Home: (03) 7313036
Office: (03) 5318315
Country of Citizenship: Israel
1959-1961: Military Service
1962-1965: B.Sc. (Magna Cum Laude), Bar-Ilan University
1966-1967: M.Sc., Bar-Ilan University
1968-1972: Ph.D. thesis at Department of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University: "Electronic Excitation of Impurity States in Solid Rare Gases (under supervision of Prof. J. Jortner). This research was awarded the Landau Prize for Scientific Research.
1973-1974: University of Southern California. Research Associate with Prof. Otto Schnepp. Work on CD and MCD in the VUV.
1975-1977: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1978-1981: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1979 : Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.
1980-1981: Sabbatical leave at Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J. (Counsellor and Visiting Scientist).
1982-1985: Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1982-1988: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
1983 : Summer Visiting Professor, Physikalische Institute Bonn University, Germany (Minerva Fellowship).
1984 : Summer Visiting Scientist, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J.
1985 : Visiting Scientist, Hasylab Desy, Hamburg, W. Germany.
1986 : Visiting Scientist, Bessy, Berlin, W. Germany.
1987-1988: Sabbatical leave, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray-Hill, N.J.
1988-present: Professor of Chemistry.
1989-1991: Summer Visiting Scientist, NIDDK, NIH. Bethesda, Md., USA.
1991-present: Board of Directors: Gilad Pension Fund.
1991-1998: Head, The National Committee for Chemistry in Education
1992 : Visiting Scientist, NIDDK, NIH.
1993-2005 : From January, 1993, Gilad Pension Fund - Investment Committee.
1993-1995: Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
1999-2001: Chairman, National committee for strategic studies in Advanced Materials and Chemical Technologies
2000- Chairman, Board of Directors Ashkelon College.
2001- Board of Directors of Orot Israel College
2002- Board of Directors of Beit Berl College
2002- Editorial Advisory Board of Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry Published by Elsevier Science
2002- Short sabbatical at City University of Hong Kong
2004-2005 Member of a national committee on “A National Program for the Israeli Chemical Industry”
2007- Editor for Nanotechnology, Central European Journal of Chemistry
2007- Member of the Editorial Board of The Open Acoustics Journal.
2008- Editorial Advisory Board of The Open Catalysis Journal
2008- Editorial Board of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
2009- Awarded the prize for excellence in research by the Israel Vacuum Society.
2009- Israeli Representative to the NMP (Nanotechnology, Materials, Processes) committee of the EC (European Community)
2009- Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, since October 2009.
2010- Editorial Advisory board of ACS applied Materials and Interfaces.
2012- Visiting Chair Professor at the Department of Materials Science & Eng. NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan
2012- Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal
2012- Visiting Professor at RCPTM, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
2012- Editorial Board of "Nanomaterials & Molecualar Nanotechnology"
2013 Editorial Board of "Conference Papers in Chemistry"
The list of publication of Gedanken includes 632 papers in per-reviewed journals and 37 Patent Applications
Publications 2021
- “Microspheres of biomolecules/macromolecules for enantioseparation” applications” Mutalikdesai, Amruta; Pagidi, Sudhakar; Hassner, Alfred; Gedanken, Aharon, European Polymer Journal 142, 110145 (2021).
- “A comprehensive study on the combustion kinetic modeling of typical electronic plastic waste - TV plastic shell”. Luo, Qiyu; Yao, Zhitong; Qi, Wei; Sun, Jianyuan; Gedanken, Aharon; Chen, Xinyang; Sun, Yuhang; Liu, Jie; Xu, Shaodan; Wu, Weihong, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, pages 1-10 (2021).
- “Making salty cucumbers and honeyed apples by applying the sonochemical method”, Abu Salha, Belal ; Perkas, Nina ; Gedanken, Aharon, J. Food & Technolo. (2021).
- “In vitro copper oxide nanoparticle toxicity on intestinal barrier” Alessia Bertero, Graziano Colombo, Cristina Cortinovis, Virginia Bassi, Elisa Moschini, Nicholas Bellitto, Maria Chiara Perego, Marco Albonico, Emanuela Astori, Isabella Dalle‐Donne, Aharon Gedanken, Ilana Perelshtein, Paride Mantecca, Francesca Caloni, J.Appl.Toxicol. 41, 291-302 (2021).
- “High Quantum Yield Boron-doped Carbon Dots: Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Mg2+ ions” Hari Krishna Sadhanala, Sudhakar Pagidi, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. C, 9, 1632 - 1640 (2021).
- “Exploring the Effect of Iron Metal-Organic Framework Particles in Polylactic Acid Membranes for the Azeotropic Separation of Organic/Organic Mixtures by Pervaporation” Msahel, A. ; Galiano, F. ; Pilloni, M. ; Russo, F. ; Hafiane, A. ; Castro-Munoz, R. ; Kumar, V. B. ; Gedanken, A. ; Ennas, G. ; Porat, Z. ; Scano, A. ; Ben Hamouda, S. ; Figoli, A. Membranes, 11, Article Number: 65 (2021).
- “Sustainable Existence of Solid Mercury (Hg) Nanoparticles at Room Temperature and Their Applications” Villa Krishna Harika, Tirupathi Rao Penki, Boddapati Loukya, Atanu Samanta, Gui-Liang Xu, Cheng-Jun Sun, Ilya Grinberg, Francis Leonard Deepak, Khalil Amine, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken, Chemical Science 12, 3226-3238 (2021).
- “Green Synthesis of Multifunctional Carbon Dots with Anti-bacterial Activities”. Arumugam Saravanan, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Poushali Das, John H.T. Luong, and Aharon Gedanken, Nanomaterials (2021).
- "Immobilization of heteroatom doped carbon dots onto non-polar plastics for anti-fogging, antioxidant and food monitoring applications" Das, Poushali; Ganguly, Sayan; Margel, Shlomo; Gedanken, Aharon, Langmuir 37, 3508-3520 (2021).
Publications 2020
- "Sonication-Assisted Synthesis of Bimetallic Hg/Pd Alloy Nanoparticles for Catalytic Reduction of Nitrophenol and its Derivatives" Harika, Villa Krishna; Sadhanala, Hari Krishna; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon, Ultrasonics Sonochem. 60, 104804 (2020).
- "Hazard assessment of polymer-capped CuO and ZnO nanocolloids: A contribution to the safe-by-design implementation of biocidal agents" Luisa Fiandra, Patrizia Bonfanti, Ylenia Piunno, Anjani P. Nagvenkar, Ilana Perlesthein, Aharon Gedanken, Melissa Saibene, Anita Colombo, Paride Mantecca, NanoImpact, 17, article Number100195 (2020).
- "Sonochemical preparation of polyaniline@TiO2 and polyaniline@SiO2 for removal of anionic and cationic dyes" Moorthy Maruthapandi, Lakshmanan Eswaran, John H. T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 62, 104864 (2020).
- "Electrochemical oxidation of glycine by bimetallic nickelmanganese oxide catalysts" Roopathy Mohan, Arindam Modak, Alex Schechter, Rivka Cahan, Aharon Gedanken, Palaniappan Subramanian, and P. Sivakumar, ChemElectroChem, 7, 561-568 (2020).
- "Sonochemical Carbon Dots Synthesis, Effect of Parameters, and Catalytic, Energy, Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Applications" Vijay B. Kumar, Raj. Kumar and A. Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 64, 105009 (2020).
- “Facile Molecular Catalysis for Isomerization of Glucose to Fructose Using KMnO4 in Water”Zandany, Anat ; Kumar, Vijay B. ; Gedanken, Aharon, ChemistrySelect, 5, 2913-2917 (2020).
- “Nitrogen-Enriched Porous Benzimidazole-Linked Polymeric Network for the Adsorption of La (III), Ce (III), and Nd (III)” Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Luong, John H. T.; Gedanken, Aharon, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 6206-6214 (2020).
- “Silica-Supported Nitrogen-Enriched Porous Benzimidazole-Linked and Triazine-Based Polymers for the Adsorption of CO2”Maruthapandi, M. ; Eswaran, L. ; Cohen, R. ; Perkas, N. ; Luong, J. H. T. ; Gedanken, A., Langmuir, 36, 4280-4288 (2020).
- “Cooperative crystallization effect in the formation of sonochemically grafted active materials based on polysaccharides” Shebis, Y. ; Kumar, V. B.; Gedanken, A. ; Poverenov, E. Coll. & Surf. B, Biointerf. 190, 110931 (2020).
- “Ultrasonic assisted synthesis of styrylpyridinium dyes: Optical properties and DFT calculations” Abed Saady, Pagidi Sudhakar, Molhm Nassir, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 67, Pages:105182 (2020).
- "Antibacterial activities of microwave-assisted synthesized polypyrrole/chitosan and poly (pyrrole-N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine) stimulated by C-dots” Moorthy Maruthapandi, Kusha Sharma , John H. T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, Carbohydrate Polymers 243 Pages: 116474 (2020).
- ”Small molecule-decorated gold nanoparticles for preparing antibiofilm fabrics” Wang, Le; Natan, Michal; Zheng, Wenshu; Zheng, Wenfu; Liu, Shaoqin; Jacobi, Gila; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon; Banin, Ehud; Jiang, Xingyu Nanoscale Advances 2, 2293-2302 (2020).
- 13. “Antimicrobial properties of polyaniline and polypyrrole decorated with zinc-doped copper oxide nanoparticles” Aharon Gedanken, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arumugam Saravanan, John Luong, Polymers 12, 1286 (2020).
- “An efficient method to produce 1,4-pentanediol from the biomass of the algae Chlorella ohadi with levulinic acid as intermediate” Elena Benisvy-Aharonovich, Anat Zandany, Abed Saady, Yael Kinel-Tahan, Yaron Yehoshua and Aharon Gedanken, Bioresource Technology Reports 11, 100514 (2020).
- "Boosting Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of Nickel foam Supported Nickel Hydroxide by Ruthenium Doping" Hari Krishna Sadhanala, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, ChemistrySelect 5, 9626-9634 (2020).
- “Bifunctional carbon dots - magnetic and fluorescent hybrid nanoparticles for diagnostic applications” Ilana Perelshtein, Nina Perkas, Shai Rahimipour, Aharon Gedanken Nanomaterials 10, 1384 (2020).
- "Antimicrobial properties of the polyaniline composites against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae" Moorthy Maruthapandi, Arumugam Saravanan, John H.T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, J. of Functional Biomaterials 11, 59 (2020).
- "Microwave Synthesized Polysaccharide Derived Carbon Dots as Therapeutic Cargoes and Toughening Agent for Elastomeric Gels" Ganguly, Sayan; Das, Poushali; Itzhaki, Ella; Hadad, Elad; Gedanken, Aharon; Margel, Shlomo, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 12, 51940-51951 (2020).
- "Applications of N-doped carbon dots as antimicrobial agents, antibiotic carriers, and selective fluorescent probes for nitro explosives" Saravanan, Arumugam; Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Das, Poushali; Ganguly, Sayan; Margel, Shlomo; Luong, John; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Appl. Biomater. 3, 8023-8031 (2020).
- “Entrapment and release kinetics study of dyes from BSA microspheres forming a matrix and a reservoir system” Kusha Sharma, Abed Saady, Avi Jacob, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem B 8, 10154 - 10161 (2020).
- "Nickel-Rich Phosphide (Ni12P5) Nanosheets Coupled with Oxidized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Oxygen Evolution" Aziz, SK; Malik, Bibhudatta; Sadhanala, Hari; Gedanken , A ; Noked, Malachi; Nessim, Gilbert, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 10914-10921 (2020).
- "Antimicrobial activities of Zn doped CuO microparticles decorated on polydopamine against sensitive and antibiotic-resistant bacteria" Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Saravanan, Arumugam; Das, Poushali; Natan, Michal; Jacobi, Gila; Banin, Ehud; Luong, John; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2, 5878-5888 (2020).
- “Carbon Dots for Heavy Metal Sensing, pH-Sensitive Cargo Delivery, and Antibacterial Applications" Das, Poushali; Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Saravanan, Arumugam; Natan, Michal; Jacobi, Gila; Banin, Ehud; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 11777-11790 (2020).
- “In vitro copper oxide nanoparticle toxicity on intestinal barrier”. Alessia Bertero, Graziano Colombo, Cristina Cortinovis, Virginia Bassi, Elisa Moschini, Nicholas Bellitto, Maria Chiara Perego, Marco Albonico, Emanuela Astori, Isabella Dalle‐Donne, Aharon Gedanken, Ilana Perelshtein, Paride Mantecca, Francesca Caloni, J. Appl. Toxicol. (2020).
Publications 2019
- “Antibacterial and physical properties of a novel sonochemical-assisted Zn-CuO contact lens nanocoating" Nahum, Yoav; Israeli, Reut; Mircus, Gabriel; Perelshtein, Ilana; Ehrenberg, Miriam; Gutfreund, Shay; Gedanken, Aharon; Bahar, Irit Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 257, 95-100 (2019).
- “Kinetics, isotherm and Mechanism studies of organic dyes adsorption on poly (4, 4’-oxybisbenzenamine) and copolymer of poly (4, 4’-oxybisbenzenamine-pyrrole) macro-nanoparticles synthesized by multifunctional Carbon dot" M. Maruthapandi, J. H. T. Luong, A. Gedanken, New J. of Chem. 43, 1926 - 1935 (2019).
- "Zn-doped CuO nanocomposites inhibit tumor growth by NF-kappa B pathway cross-linked autophagy and apoptosis" Xu, Huanli ; Yuan, Ru ; Liu, Xiaohui ; Li, Xiao ; Qiao, Gan ; Li, Cong ; Gedanken, Aharon ; Lin, Xiukun Nanomedic. 14, 131-149 (2019).
- "In vivo and in vitro study of a novel nanohydroxyapatite sonocoated scaffolds for enhanced bone regeneration" J. Rogowska-Tylman, W. Łojkowski, B. Wozniak, W. Swieszkowski, A/ Kędzierska-Sar, A. Gedanken, J. Wojnarowicz, J. Locs, K. Szlazak, I. Salma, M. Pilmane, T. Chudoba, A. Chlanda, V. Zalite, Mater. Sci. & Eng. C. 99, 669-684 (2019).
- "Ternary nickel cobalt manganese spinel oxide nanoparticles as heterogeneous electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction reaction" P.Sivakumar, Palaniappan Subramanian, Thandavarayan Maiyalagan, Aharon Gedanken, Alex Schechter, Mater. Chem. and Phys. 229, 190-196 (2019).
- “Ultrafine Ruthenium Oxide Nanoparticles Supported on Molybdenum Oxide Nanosheets as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic Medium” Hari Krishna Sadhanala, Villa Krishna Harika, Tirupathi Rao Penki, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken, ChemCatChem. 11, 1495-1502 (2019).
- "Functionalization of WS2 Nanotubes with Fluorescent C-dots and Conductive Polythiophenes" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Yifat Harel, Rivka Ben-Ishay, Jean-Paul Lellouche, Aharon Gedanken, Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics 220 (7) (2019).
- "Selective Production of Furfural from the Dehydration of Xylose using Zn doped CuO Catalyst" Rahul Kumar Mishra, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Amudavalli Victor, Indra Neel Pulidindi, and Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 56, 55-62 (2019).
- "Zinc-Doped Copper Oxide Nanocomposites Inhibit the Growth of Pancreatic Cancer by Inducing Autophagy Through AMPK/mTOR Pathway" Li, X. ; Xu, H. L. ; Li, C. ; Qiao, G. ; Farooqi, A. A. ; Gedanken, A. ; Liu, X. H. ; Lin, X. K. Front. Pharmac. , 10, Article Number: 319 (2019).
- "One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of Elements (B, N, P)-doped fluorescent Carbon Dots for cell labelling, differentiation and outgrowth of neuronal cells" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Raj Kumar, Ofir Friedman, Yuval Golan, Aharon Gedanken, Orit Shefi, ChemistrySelect, 4, 4222-4232 (2019).
- "Antibacterial properties of polypyrrole-treated fabrics by ultrasound deposition" Diego Omar Sanchez Ramirez, Alessio Varesano, Riccardo Andrea Carletto, Claudia Vineis, Ilana Perelshtein, Michal Natan, Nina Perkas, Ehud Banin, Aharon Gedanken, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 102, 164-170 (2019).
- "The Sonochemical Functionalization of Textiles I. Perelshtein, N. Perkas and A. Gedanken Chapter 7, pages 161-193, in "The Impact and Prospects of Green Chemistry for Textile Technology" Shahid-ul-Islam and B. S. Butola (Ed.), Elsevier (2019).
- "Carbon-dot initiated synthesis of polypyrrole and polypyrrole@CuO micro/nanoparticles with enhanced antibacterial activity" Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Nagvenkar, Anjani; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 1, 1181-1186 (2019).
Publications 2018
- “One-Pot Sonochemical Synthesis of Hg-Ag Alloy Microspheres from Liquid Mercury” Villa Krishna Harika, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 40(Part_A), 157-165 (2018).
- “Proteinaceous microspheres as a delivery system for carvacrol and thymol in antibacterial applicatinos” Sokolik, Chana G.; Ben-Shabat-Binyamini, Rina; Gedanken, Aharon; Lellouche, Jean-Paul, Ultrason. Sonochem. 41, 288-296 (2018).
- “Novel polymerization of Aniline and Pyrrole by carbon dots“ Moorthy Maruthapandi, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, New Journal of Chemistry, 42, 535 - 540 (2018).
- “Continuous Waste Cooking Oil Transesterification with Microwave Heating and Strontium Oxide Catalyst” Lee, Han; Liao, Jiunn-Der; Yang, Jung-Wei; Hsu, Wen-Dung; Liu, Bernard Haochih; Chen, Teng-Chien; Sivashanmugan, Kundan; Gedanken, Aharon, Chemical Engineering & Technology 41, 192-198 (2018).
- “Topographical Impact of Silver Nanolines on the Morphology of Neuronal SH-SY5Y Cells” Ifat Nissan, Hadas Schori, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Merav Antman Passig, Orit Shefi and Aharon Gedanken, ACS Omega 3, 1897-1903 (2018).
- ”Durable antimicrobial cotton textiles coated sonochemically with ZnO nanoparticles embedded in an in-situ enzymatically generated bioadhesive” Marc Salat, Petya Petkova, Javier Hoyo, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Tzanko Tzanov Carbohydrate Polymers 189, 198-203 (2018).
- ”Facile method for deposition of volatile nanoparticles based on natural compounds on biodegradable polymer surfaces” A. Buslovich, B. Horev, V. Rodov, A. Gedanken, E. Poverenov, J. Mater.Chem. B. 6, 2240 - 2249 (2018).
- “Imparting Superhydrophobic and Biocidal Functionalities to a Polymeric Substrate by the Sonochemical Method” Asya Svirinovsky, Ilana Perelshtein, Michal Natan, Ehud Banin, Aharon Gedanken. Ultrason. Sonochem. 44, 398-403 (2018).
- “Enantioselective Separation of Racemic Tryptophan with Sonochemically Prepared Egg Albumin Microspheres” Amruta Mutalikdesai, Amani Zoabi, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Raed Abu-Reziq, Alfred Hassner and Aharon Gedanken, ChemistrySelect 3, 4004-4008 (2018).
- “Antiparasitic Ointment based on Biocompatibile Carbon Dot Nanocomposite" Kumar, Vijay; Dolitzky, Avishay; Michaeli, Shulamit; Gedanken, Aharon ACS Applied Nanomaterials 1, 1784-1791 (2018).
- "Formation of metallic silver and copper in non-aqueous media by ultrasonic radiation” Martina Pilloni, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Guido Ennas, Ze’ev Porat, Alessandra Scano, Valentina Cabras, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonics Sonochem. 47, 108-113 (2018).
- “Accelerated Bone Regeneration by Nitrogen-doped Carbon Dots Functionalized with Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles” Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Dana Gigi, Aharon Gedanken, David Karasik, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 10, 19373-19385. (2018).
- “Zinc-doped copper oxide nanocomposites reverse temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma by inhibiting AKT and ERK1/2”. Wu, N. Zhang, C. Wang, C. Song, L. Yao, W. Gedanken, A. Lin, X. Shi, D. Nanomedicine (Lond). 13, 1303-1318 (2018).
- “Carbon Dot Initiated Synthesis of Poly (4, 4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane) and Its Methylene Blue Adsorption" Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Kumar, Vijay; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Omega 3, 7061-7068 (2018).
- "Kinetics, Isotherm and Thermodynamic Studies of Methylene Blue Adsorption on Polyaniline and Polypyrrole Macro-Nanoparticles Synthesized by C-Dot Initiated Polymerization" Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Kumar, Vijay; Luong, John; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Omega 3, 7196-7203 (2018).
- “Green Synthesis of MoS2 Nanoflowers for Efficient Degradation of Methylene Blue and Crystal Violet Dyes under Natural Sun Light and Dark Conditions” H. K. Sadhanala, Subrata Senapati, Harika Krishna Villa, Karuna Kar Nanda, Aharon Gedanken, New J. Chem. 42, 14318 - 14324 (2018).
- “Surfactant Effect on the Thermal and Electrical Behaviors of Sonochemically Synthesized Fe and Fe-PVP Nanofluids and Insight into the Magnetism of Their in Situ Oxidized α-Fe2O3 Analogues" Nagvenkar, Anjani; Shani, Lior; Felner, Israel; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon; Yeshurun, Yosef J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 20755-20762 (2018).
- “Fabrication of poly (4,4'-oxybisbenzenamine) and its conjugated copolymers initiated by easily accessible carbon dots” Maruthapandi, Moorthy; Kumar, Vijay Bhooshan; Levine, Mindy; Gedanken, Aharon European Polymer Journal 109, 153-161 (2018).
- “Controllable synthesis of nanohorn-like architectured cobalt oxide for hybrid supercapacitor application” Periyasamy Sivakumar; Milan Jana; Manikantan Kota; Min Gyu Jung; Aharon Gedanken; Ho Seok Park, J. Power Sources 402, 147-156 (2018).
- "Eco-Friendly and Facile Preparation of Spherical Chitin Nanoparticles" J. H. T. Luong, A. Gedanken, ChemistrySelect 3, 10787-10791 (2018).
- “Zn-doped CuO nanocomposites inhibit tumor growth by NF-kappaB pathway cross-linked autophagy and apoptosis” Xu, Huanli; Yuan, Ru; Liu, Xiaohui; Li, Xiao; Qiao, Gan; Li, Cong; Gedanken, Aharon; Lin, Xiukun, Nanomedicine (London) 13, 1303-1318 (2018).
- “Effect of carbon coating on the superconducting properties of Pb and Sn nano-spheres” Shani, L.; Kumar, V. B.; Gedanken, A.; Shapiro, I.; Shapiro, B. Y.; Shaulov, A.; Yeshurun, Y. , J. Phys. : Conference Series 969, 012045/1-012045/5 (2018).
- "Imparting Pharmaceutical Applications to the Surface of Fabrics for Wound and Skin Care by Ultrasonic Waves" Aharon Gedanken, Nina Perkas, Ilana Perelshtein* and Anat Lipovsky Current Medicinal Chemistry, 25, 1-16 (2018).
- "Coating Textiles with Antibacterial Nanoparticles Using the Sonochemical Technique" Nina Perkas, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, J. Machine Constr. and Maintenance 4, 15–26 (2018).
Publications 2017
- "Nonaqueous Synthesis of SrO Nanopowder and SrO/SiO2 Composite and their Application for Biodiesel Production via Microwave Irradiation" Efrat Ohayon Naor, Miri Koberg, Aharon Gedanken, Renewable Energy, 101, 493-499 (2017).
- "Continuous flow through a microwave oven for the large-scale production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil" Alex Tangy, Indraneel Pulidindi, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Bioresource Technology 224, 333-341(2017).
- “Achievement and assessment of direct electron transfer of glucose oxidase in electrochemical biosensing using carbon nanotubes, graphene, and their nanocomposites” J. H. T. Luong, J. D. Glennon, A. Gedanken, S. K. Vashist, Microchimica Acta 184, 369-388 (2017).
- "Catheters coated with Zn-doped CuO Nanoparticles Exhibit Delayed Onset of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections" Yakov Shalom, Ilana Perelshtein, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, and Ehud Banin, Nano Res. 10, 520-533 (2017).
- ”Detection of human neutrophil elastase (HNE) on wound dressings marker of inflammation" Ana V. Ferreira, Ilana Perelshtein, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Joana Cunha, and Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101, 1443-1454 (2017).
- “The Sonochemically-Fabricated Ga@C-dots@Ga Nanoparticle-Aided Neural Growth” Ifat Nissan, Noa Alon, Hadas Schori, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Orit Shefi, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. B, 5, 1371-1379 (2017).
- "Ga@C-dots as an antibacterial agent for the eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Michal Natan, Gila Jacobi, Ze'ev Porat, Ehud Banin, and Aharon Gedanken, Intern. J. Nanomedicine 12, 725-730 (2017).
- “One-step Surface Grafting of Organic Nanoparticles. In-situ Deposition of Antimicrobial Vanillin and Chitosan on Polyethylene Packaging Films” A. Buslovich, B. Horev, V. Rodov, A. Gedanken, E. Poverenov, J. Mater. Chem. B. 5, 2655-2661 (2017).
- “Stiffening of Metallic Gallium Particles by Entrapment of Organic Molecules Kumar, Vijay; Girshevitz, Olga; Avnir, David; Gedanken, Aharon; Porat, Ze'ev, Crystal Growth & Design, 17, 2041-2045 (2017).
- "Graphene-based “Hotplate” for the Capturing and Destruction of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1" Deokar, Archana; Nagvenkar, Anjani; Kalt, Inna; Shani, Lior; Yeshurun, Yosef; Sarid, Ronit, Gedanken Aharon, Bioconjugate Chem. 28, 1115-1122 (2017).
- “Nano Sized Photosensitizers (PS) AND IPL FOR P. ACNES Treatment” . Longo, Leonardo; Sheykh, Olha; Mileo, Anna Maria; Gedanken, Aharon; Lipovsky, Anat; Fixler, Dror; Yariv, Inbar; Lubart, Rachel. Lasers in Surg. & Medi. 49, 55-56 (2017).
- “Nitrogen-doped carbon dots prepared from bovine serum albumin to enhance algal astaxanthin production” Abu-Ghosh, Said, ; Kumar, Vijay Bhooshan. ; Fixler, Dror. ; Dubinsky, Zvy. ; Gedanken, Aharon. ; Iluz, David. Algal Res. –Biomass Biofuels & Bioprod. 23, 161-165 (2017).
- "Solar-heated sustainable biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using a sonochemically-deposited SrO catalyst on microporous activated carbon" : Gedanken, Aharon; Tabah, Betina; Nagvenkar, Anjani; Perkas, Nina. Energy & Fuels 31, 6228-6239 (2017).
- “Fluorescent Nanoparticles with Tissue Dependent Affinity for Live Zebrafish Imaging" Khajuria, Deepak Kumar; Kumar, Vijay; Karasik, David; Gedanken, Aharon, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 9, 18557-18565 (2017).
- ”Sonochemical Fabrication of Edible Fragrant Antimicrobial Nano Coating on Textiles and Polypropylene Cups" Oshrat Tzhayik, Anat Lipovsky, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 38, 614-621 (2017).
- "Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Activity of Metal Embedded Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanostructures Derived from Pyrolysis of Nitrogen-rich Guanidinium Salt" P. Sivakumar, Palaniappan Subramanian, Maiyalagan Thandavarayan, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken and Alex Schechter, J. Electrochem. Soc. 164, F781-F789 (2017).
- “The interaction between molten gallium and the hydrocarbon medium induced by ultrasonic energy - can gallium carbide be formed?” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Manuel Monte, Olivier Mathon, Sakura Pascarelli, Ze'ev Porat, and Aharon Gedanken, J. Amer. Cer. Soc. 100, 3305-3315. (2017).
- “A New Approach to the Synthesis of Transition Metal Phosphide Nanocrystallites (MoP, MoP2, Cu3P and CuP2) by Using Reaction Under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures (RAPET) Technique” George, P. P.; Genish, I.; Maklouf, Shirly Ben-david; Koltypin, Y.; Gedanken, A., Intern. J. Nanosci. 16, 1650030 (2017).
- “Solar-energy-driven conversion of biomass to bioethanol: a sustainable approach” Betina Tabah, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Venkateswara Rao Chitturi, Leela Mohana Reddy Arava, Alexander Varvak, Elizabeth Foran, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. A 5, 15486-15506 (2017).
- “Airborne nanoparticle release and toxicological risk from metal oxide-coated textiles: toward a multi-scale safe-by-design approach” Mantecca, Paride; Kasemets, Kaja; Deokar, Archana; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon; Bahk, Yeon Kyoung; Kianfar, Baharh; Wang, Jing, Env. Sci. & Techn. 51, 9305-9317 (2017).
- “Solar-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity of Novel Sn@C-dot Modified TiO2 Catalyst" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Nina Perkas, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, ChemistrySelect 2, 6683-6688 (2017).
- ”Refractive Tuning of Highly Fluorescent Carbon Dots” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Amit Kumar Sahu, Abu S.M. Mohsin, Xiangping Li and Aharon Gedanken, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 9, 28930-28938 (2017).
- “NANOCI—Nanotechnology Based Cochlear Implant With Gapless Interface to Auditory Neurons” Pascal Senn, Marta Roccio, Stefan Hahnewald, Claudia Frick, Monika Kwiatkowska, Masaaki Ishikawa, Peter Bako, Hao Li, Fredrik Edin, Wei Liu, Helge Rask-Andersen, Ilmari Pyykko, Jing Zou, Marika Mannerstro, Herbert Keppner, Alexandra Homsy, Edith Laux, Miguel Llera, Jean-Paul Lellouche, Stella Ostrovsky, Ehud Banin, Aharon Gedanken, Nina Perkas, Ute Wank, Karl-Heinz Wiesmu, Pavel Mistrık, Heval Benav, Carolyn Garnham, Claude Jolly, Filippo Gander, Peter Ulrich, Marcus Muller, Hubert Lowenheim, Otology & Neurotology 38, e224-e231 (2017).
- “A New Approach to Chiral Enrichment by Exposure of Racemates of Amino Acids to Sonochemically-Prepared BSA Microspheres” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Yael Steinberg, Ze'ev Porat, Molhm Nassir, Abed Saady, Alfred Hassner, Aharon Gedanken, ChemistrySelect, 2, 8234–8238 (2017).
- "Hybrid chitosan-silver nanoparticles enzymatically-embedded on cork filter material for water disinfection" Garcia Peña, Lina Vanesa ; Petkova, Petya; Margalef-Marti, Rosanna; Vives, Marc ; Aguilar, Lorena ; Gallegos, Angel ; Francesko, Antonio; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon; Mendoza, Ernest; Casas-Zapata, Juan; Morató, Jordi ; Tzanov, Tzanko, Indust. & Engin.Chem. Res. 56, 3599-3606 (2017).
- “Antimicrobial Medical Textile - An Important Part of the Complex Infection Control Measures in the Burn Units” M Аrgirova, M Leseva, I Perelshtein, A Gedanken and Eng Gencho Genchev, Annals of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, 1, 42-52 (2017).
- “Impact of Silver Nanolines on the Topographical Morphology of Neuronal SH-SY5Y Cells” Ifat Nissan, Hadas Schori, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Merav Antman Passig, Orit Shefi, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. B, 5, 9346-9353 (2017).
- “Doping Effect on the Thermal Conductivity of Metal-Oxide Nanofluids: Insight and Mechanistic Investigation” Anjani P. Nagvenkar, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 26551-26557 (2017).
Publications 2016
- "Facile One-Step Sonochemical Synthesis of Ultrafine and Stable Fluorescent C-dots" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 27, 367-375 (2016).
- "Simultaneous sonochemical-enzymatic coating of medical textiles with antibacterial ZnO nanoparticles" Petya Petkova, Antonio Francesko, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Tzanko Tzanov Ultrason. Sonochem. 29, 244-250 (2016).
- “Can r-Graphene Oxide Replace the Noble Metals in SERS Studies: The Detection of Acrylamide” Elad Segal, Aharon Gedanken, Environ. Chem. 13, 58-67 (2016).
- "Design of selective solid acid catalyst for the optimization of glucose production from Oryza Sativa straw" Amudavalli Victor, Indraneel Pulidindi, T. Kim, A. Gedanken, RSC Adv. 6, 31-38 (2016).
- "Dispersion of Polymers in Metallic Gallium" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Aharon Gedanken, David Avnir, Ze’ev Porat, ChemPhysChem 17, 162-169 (2016).
- "Sonochemical co-deposition of antibacterial nanoparticles and dyes on textiles" Ilana Perelshtein, Anat Lipovsky, Nina Perkas, Tzanko Tzanov, Aharon Gedanken, Beilstein J. of Nanotechnology 7, 1-8 (2016).
- "Sonochemical Formation of Ga-Pt Intermetallic Nanoparticles Embedded in Graphene and its Potential Use as an Electrocatalyst" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Jakkid Sanetuntikul, Pandian Ganesan, Ze’ev Porat, Sangaraju Shanmugam, Aharon Gedanken, Electrochimica Acta 190, 659-667 (2016).
- "Nanotechnology solutions to restore antibiotic activity" U. Shimanovich, A. Gedanken J. Mater. Chem. B: Materials for Biology and Medicine, 4, 824-833 (2016).
- "Sonochemical synthesis of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite ultrafine nanocrystal sensitizers for solar energy applications" Vijay B. Kumar, Laxman Gouda, Ze'ev Porat, and Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 32, 54-59 (2016).
- "Utilization of solar energy for continuous bioethanol production for energy applications" Betina Tabah, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Alexander Varvak, Elizabeth Foran, Ehud Banin, and Aharon Gedanken, RSC Advances 6, 24203-24209 (2016).
- "In situ formation of carbon dots aids ampicillin sensing" Rahul Mishra, Indraneel Pulidndi, Aharon Gedanken, Analytical Methods 8, 2441 - 2447 (2016).
- "On the Nature of the nanospikes obtained in the sonication of a molten mixture of bismuth and Indium under silicon oil" Vijay B. Kumar, Vladimir Ezersky, Z. Porat, A. Gedanken, J.Alloys. & Comp. 672, 476-480 (2016).
- "A one-step sonochemical synthesis of ZnO-PVA nanofluid as a potential biocidal agent" Anjani P. Nagvenkar, Archana Deokar, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. B. 4, 2124-2132 (2016).
- “Effects of the 3D sizing of polyacrylonitrile fabric with carbon nanotube–SP1 protein complex on the interfacial properties of polyacrylonitrile/phenolic composites” Ido Abramovitch, Nerya Hoter, Hagit Levy, Aharon Gedanken, Amnon Wolf, Asa Eitan, Tamir Fine, Lea Elmaleh, Itzhak Shalev, Galit Cohen, Elena Grimberg, Yuval Nevo and Oded Shoseyov, J. Compos. Mater. 50, 1031-1036 (2016).
- "DNA microspheres coated with bioavailable polymer as an efficient gene expression agent in yeasts" Irena Reytblat, Anat Lipovsky, Aharon Gedanken Journal of Nanomaterials 5178029/1-5178029/9 (2016).
- "Highly efficient silver particle layers on glass substrate synthesized by the sonochemical method for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy purposes" Petr Suchomel, Robert Prucek, Klára Černá, Ariana Fargašová, Aleš Panáček, Aharon Gedanken, Radek Zbořil, Libor Kvítek, Ultrason. Sonochem. 32, 165-172 (2016).
- "Glucose production from potato peel waste under microwave irradiation" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Aharon Gedanken, J. of Mol. Catal. A: Chem." 417, 163-167 (2016).
- ”Hydrophobic coating of GaAs surfaces with nanostructured ZnO" N. Perkas, G. Amirian, O. Girshevitz, A. Gedanken, Mater. Lett. 175, 101-105 (2016).
- "SiO2 Beads Decorated with SrO Nanoparticles for Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Using Microwave Irradiation" Tangy, Alex; Pulidindi, Indra Neel; Gedanken, Aharon Energy & Fuels 30, 3151-3160 (2016).
- "Facile sonochemical preparation and magnetic properties of strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19) nanoparticles"; P. Sivakumar; Avner Shaulov; Lior Shani; Yosef Yeshurun, Aharon Gedanken, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27, 5707-5714 (2016).
- "Evaluation of the potential of Chlorella vulgaris for bioethanol production" Kumar, Vijay; Pulidindi, Indraneel; Kinel-Tahan, Yael; Yehoshua, Yaron; Gedanken, Aharon, Energy & Fuels 30, 3161-3166 (2016).
- "Two Are Better than One: Combining ZnO and MgF2 Nanoparticles Reduces Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation on Cochlear Implants" Michal Natan, Fredrik Edin, Nina Perkas, Gila Yacobi, Ilana Perelshtein, Elad Segal, Alexandra Homsy, Edith Laux, Herbert Keppner, Helge Rask-Andersen, Aharon Gedanken, Ehud Banin, Advanc. Funct. Mater. 26, 2473-2481. (2016).
- "A hydrothermal reaction of an aqueous solution of BSA yields highly fluorescent N doped C-dots used for imaging of live mammalian cells" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Yoni Sheinberger, Zeev Porat, Yaron Shav-Tal, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem B. 4, 2913 - 2920 (2016).
- "Bioethanol production from Ficus religiosa leaves using microwave irradiation" Miri Klein, Ofir Griess, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, J. Environm. Manage. 177, 20-25 (2016).
- "Exceptionally active and stable spinel nickel manganese oxide electrocatalysts for urea oxidation reaction" Sivakumar Periyasamy, Palaniappan Subramanian, Elena Levi, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken, Alex Schechter, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 8, 12176-12185 (2016).
- "In Vitro Studies of Polyethyleneimine coated miRNA Microspheres as Anticancer Agents" Irena Rytblat, Ning Wu, Huangli Xu, Aharon Gedanken, XiuKun Lin Nano Research 9, 1609-1617 (2016).
- "Sonochemical synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 cathode material for Li-ion batteries application" P. Sivakumar, Prasant Kumar Nayak, Judith Grinblat, Nina Perkas, Boris Markovsky, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken, J. Solid State Electrochem. 20, 1683-1695 (2016).
- "A green and low-cost room temperature biodiesel production method from waste oil using egg shells as catalyst" Alla Piker, Betina Tabah, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Fuel 182, 34-41 (2016).
- "Fabrication of a Stable and Efficient Antibacterial Nanocoating of Zn-CuO on Contact Lenses" Reut Tuby, Shay Gutfreund, Ilana Perelshtein, Gabriel Mircus, Miriam Ehrenberg, Michael Mimouni, Aharon Gedanken, Irit Bahar, ChemNanoMat 2, 547–551 (2016).
- "Activated Carbon Modified with Carbon Nano-Dots as Novel Electrode Material for Supercapacitors" Kumar, Vijay; Borenstein, Arie; Markovsky, Boris; Aurbach, Doron; Gedanken, Aharon; Talianker, Michael; Porat, Ze'ev, J. Phys. Chem C 120, 13406-13413 (2016).
- "Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Eradication by Nano-Sized Penicillin G" T. Tzanov, A. Gedanken, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 12, 2061-2069 (2016).
- "In situ Sonochemical Synthesis of Luminescent Sn@C-dots and Hybrid Sn@C-dots@Sn Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Jialiang Tang, Kay Jangweon Lee, Vilas G. Pol, and Aharon Gedanken, RSC Advances 6, 66256 - 66265 (2016).
- "Synthesis of WS2 and WSe2 nanowires on stainless steel coupon by reaction under autogenic pressure at elevated temperature method" Yuvasravan, R.; Apsana, G.; George, P. P.; Genish, I.; Maklouf, Shirly Ben-david; Koltypin, Y.; Gedanken, A.; Applied Nanoscience 6, 855-862 ((2016).
- "A topical antibacterial ointment made of Zn-doped copper oxide nanocomposite" A. R. Deokar,Y. Shalom, I. Perelshtein, N. Perkas, A. Gedanken, E. Banin, J. Nanopart. Res. 18, 1-6 (2016).
- "Effect of different densities of silver nanoparticles on neuronal growth" Ifat Nissan, Hadas Schori , Anat Lipovsky, Noa Alon, Aharon Gedanken, Orit Shefi J. Nanopart. Res. 18, 1-10 (2016).
- "A New Approach to the Synthesis of Transition Metal Phosphide Nanocrystallites (MoP, MoP2, Cu3P and CuP2) by using Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures (RAPET) Technique" P. P. George, I. Genish, Shirly ben-david Maklouf, Y. Koltypin and A. Gedanken, International Journal of Nanoscience, 15, 1650030 (2016).
- "RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures) Technique Assisted Synthesis of Encapsulated CdE@C [E¼ S, Se and Te] Nanocrystallites" P. P. George, I. Genish, Shirly ben-david Maklouf, Y. Koltypin and A. Gedanken, International Journal of Nanoscience, 15, 1650032 (2016).
- "Production of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol via fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Betina Tabah, Alexander Varvak, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Elizabeth Foran, Ehud Banin, and Aharon Gedanken, Green Chemistry 18, 4657-4666 (2016).
- "Cu0.89Zn0.11O, a new peroxidase-mimicking nanozyme with high sensitivity for glucose and antioxidant detection" Anjani P. Nagvenkar, Aharon Gedanken, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 8, 22301-22308 (2016).
- "Preparation and Catalytic Activity of Thermosensitive Ga2O3 Nanorods" Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Rahul Kumar Mishra, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Ze’ev Porat, John H.T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, Energy &Fuels 30, 7419-7427 (2016).
- "Nonaqueous Synthesis of SrO Nanopowder and SrO/SiO2 Composite and their Application for Biodiesel Production via Microwave Irradiation" Efrat Ohayon Naor, Miri Koberg, Aharon Gedanken, Renewable Energy, 101, 493-499 (2017).
- "Surfactant-free synthesis of a water-soluble PEGylated nanographeneoxide/metal-oxide nanocomposite as engineered antimicrobial weaponry" Rahul Kumar Mishra, Yakov Shalom, Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, John H.T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, Ehud Banin, J. Mater. Chem. B 4, 6706 - 6715 (2016).
Publications 2015
- “A Novel Sonochemical Synthesis of Antlerite Nanorods” Elad Segal, Ilana Perelshtein and Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22, 30-4 (2015).
- “Antibiotic Nanoparticles Embedded into the Parylene C Layer as a New Method to Prevent Medical Device-Associated Infections” Olga Grinberg, Michal Natan, Anat Lipovsky, Alexander Varvak, Herbert Keppner, Aharon Gedanken and Ehud Banin, J. Mater. Chem. B 3, 59 – 64 (2015).
- “Sonocatalytic degradation of oxalic acid in the presence of oxygen and Pt/TiO2” T. Chave, ; N. M. Navarro, ; P. Pochon, ; N. Perkas, ; A. Gedanken, ; S. I. Nikitenko, Catalysis Today 241 (Part_A), 55-62. (2015).
- “NMR Studies of DNA Nanospheres Prepared Using Sonochemical Methods” Irena Reytblat, Keren Keinan-Adamsky, Jordan Chill, Hugo E. Gottlieb, Aharon Gedanken, Gil Goobes, PCCP, 17, 2235-2240 (2015).
- “Synergistic catalytic effect of ZnBr2-HCl system for levulinic acid production using microwave irradiation” Kumar, Vijay Bhooshan; Pulidindi, Indra Neel; Gedanken, Aharon RSC Advances 5, 11043 – 11048 (2015).
- “Protein Microgels from Amyloid Fibril Networks” Shimanovich, Ulyana; Efimov, Igor; Mason, Thomas O.; Flagmeier, Patrick; Buell, Alexander Kai; Gedanken, Aharon; Linse, Sara; Akerfeldt, Karin Stigsdotter; Dobson, Christopher M.; Weitz, David A. ; ACS Nano 9, 43-51 (2015).
- “Selective conversion of starch to glucose using carbon based solid acid catalyst” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Aharon Gedanken, Renewable Energy 78, 141-145 (2015).
- “Sonochemically Synthesized Ag Nanoparticles as a SERS Active Substrate and Effect of Surfactant” Nitzan Dar , Kuang-Yu Chen, Yung-Tang Nien , Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken , In-Gann Chen, App.Surf. Sci. 331, 219-224 (2015).
- “Single Step Production of Bioethanol from the Seaweed Ulva rigida using Sonication” L. Korzen, I. Pulidindi, A. Israel, A. Abelson, A. Gedanken, RSC Advances, 5, 16223 – 16229 (2015).
- “The Influence of the Crystalline Nature of Nano Metal Oxides on Their Antibacterial and Toxicity Properties” I. Perelshtein, A. Lipovsky, N. Perkas, A. Gedanken, E. Moschini, P. Mantecca, Nano Research 8(2), 695-707. (2015).
- “DSC measurements of the thermal properties of gallium particles in the micron and sub-micron size, obtained by sonication of molten gallium” Vijay B. Kumar, Z. Porat, A. Gedanken, J. Therm. Anal. & Calorim. 119, 1587-1592 (2015).
- “The Sonochemical Synthesis of Ga@C-dots Particles” V. B. Kumar, Z. Porat, A. Gedanken, RSC Advances, 5, 25533 - 25540 (2015).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of HSiW/Graphene Catalyst for Enhanced Biomass Hydrolysis” Miri Klein, Alexander Varvak, Elad Segal, Boris Markovsky, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Green Chemistry 17, 2418-2425 (2015).
- “Tetacycline Nanoparticles as Antibacterial Agents and as Gene-silencing Agents in Parasites” U. Shimanovich, A. Lypovsky, D. Eliaz, S. Zigdon, Y. Nitzan, S. Michaeli, A. Gedanken, Advanced Healthcare Materials 4, 723-728 (2015) .
- “Heteropoly acid catalyzed hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose” Miri Klein, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Biomass & Bioenergy 76, 61-68. (2015).
- “Reduction of metallic ions by molten gallium under ultrasonic irradiation and interactions between the formed metals and the gallium” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Ilana Perelshtein, Giora Kimmel, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, J. Alloys & Comp. 637, 538-544 (2015).
- “New Life for an Old Antibiotic" Mishra, Rahul; Segal, Elad; Lipovsky, Anat; Gedanken, Aharon; Banin, Ehud; Natan, Michal, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 7, 7324-7333 (2015).
- “Making the Hospital a Safer Place by Sonochemical Coating of all its Textiles with Antibacterial Nanoparticles” Ilana Perelshtein, Anat Lipovsky, Nina Perkas, Tzanko Tzanov, M. Аrgirova, M. Leseva, Aharon Gedanken Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 25, 82-88 (2015).
- “Chiral imprinting in molten gallium” V. B. Kumar, Y. Mastai, Z. Porat, A. Gedanken, New J. Chem. 39, 2690-2696 (2015).
- “Facile synthesis of gallium oxide hydroxide by ultrasonic irradiation of molten gallium in water” Vijay B. Kumar, A. Gedanken, Z. Porat, Ultrason. Sonochem. 26, 340–344 (2015).
- “Sonochemical synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and its electrochemical performance as a cathode material for 5 V Li-ion batteries” P. Sivakumar, Prasant Kumar Nayak, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonics Sonochem. 26,332–339 (2015).
- “Thermal and Structural Characterization of Ultrasonicated Bi-Sn Alloy in the Eutectic Composition” M. Pilloni, G. Ennas, V. Cabras, V. Denotti, V.B. Kumer , Z. Porat, A. Scano, A. Gedanken, J. of Therm. Anal. & Calorimet. 120, 1543-1551 (2015).
- “Formation of particles of bismuth-based binary alloys and intermetallic compounds by ultrasonic cavitation” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Giora Kimmel, Ze’ev Porat, Aharon Gedanken, New Journal of Chemistry 39, 5374 - 5381 (2015).
- “Ruthenium Phosphide Synthesis and Electroactivity towards Oxygen reduction in Acid Solutions” Teller, Hanan; Krichevski, Olga; Gur, Meytal; Gedanken, Aharon; Schechter, Alex, ACS Catalysis 5, 4260-4267 (2015).
- “Marine integrated culture of carbohydrate rich Ulva rigida for enhanced production of bioethanol” Leor Kortzen, Indraneel Pulidindi, Alvaro Israel, Avigdor Abelson; Aharon Gedanken, RSC Advances 5, 59251 - 59256 (2015).
- “Toxicity Evaluation of a New Zn-doped CuO Nanocomposite with Highly Effective Antibacterial Properties” P. Mantecca, E. Moschini , P. Bonfanti, U. Fascio, I. Perhelstein, A. Lipovsky, , G. Chirico, R. Bacchetta, L. Del Giacco, A. Colombo, A. Gedanken, Toxicologial Sciences 146, 16-30 (2015).
- “Enhanced pharmacological activity of Vitamin B12 and Penicillin as nanoparticles” Inbar Yariv, Anat Lipovsky, Aharon Gedanken, Rachel Lubart, Dror Fixler Intern. J. Nanomedicine 10, 3593-3601 (2015).
- “Assessment of Holocellulose for the production of Bioethanol by conserving Pinus radiata cones as renewable feedstock” Amudhavalli Victor, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Aharon Gedanken, J. Environ. Manage. 162, 215-220 (2015).
- “Ultrasound coating of polydimethylsiloxanes with antimicrobial enzymes” Anat Lipovsky, Barbara Thallinger, Ilana Perelstein, Roland Ludwig, Christoph Sygmund, Gibson S. Nyanhongo, Georg M. Guebitz, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. B 3, 7014 - 7019 (2015).
- "Novel Technology for Bio-diesel Production from Cooking and Waste Cooking Oil by Microwave Irradiation" R. Priambodo, ; T-C. Chen, ; M-C. Lu, ; A. Gedanken, ; J-D. Liao, ; Y-H. Huang, Energy Procedia 75, 84-91 (2015).
- “Study on Fermentation Kinetics for Accelerated Production of Bioethanol from Glucose, Sucrose and Molasses” B. Tabah, I. Pulidindi, A. Gedanken, J. Bioproc. & Biotechn. 5, 232 (2015).
- "Solar Energy Driven Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) of Starch to Bioethanol for Fuel Cell applications" Betina Tabah, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Venkateswara Rao Chitturi, Leela Mohana Reddy Arava and Aharon Gedanken, ChemSusChem. 8, 3497-3503 (2015).
- ממאקרו-אצות בישראל" אתנול היבטים בהפקת ביו-”אלוארו ישראל1 אהרון גדנקן, מרדכי שכטר, אביגדור אבלסון, שירי שמיר-צמח, ליאור קורזן נמרוד קרופניק, אנדי קרי1 ויואב פלד Ecology & Environment, אוקטובר 2015, 211-216.
Publications 2014
- "Sonochemical synthesis, structural, magnetic and grain size dependent electrical properties of NdVO4 nanoparticles" Yuvaraj, S; Kalai Selvan, R; Bhooshan Kumar, Vijay; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, A; Isakkimuthu, S; Arumugam, S. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 21, 599-605 (2014).
- "Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Attachment Inhibition by Functionalized Graphene Oxide" Matias Sametband, Inna Kalt, Aharon Gedanken, Ronit Sarid, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 6, 1228-1235 (2014).
- "Ultrasonic Cavitation of Molten Gallium in Water: Entrapment of Organic Molecules in Gallium Microspheres" Vijay Booshan Kumar, Aharon Gedanken, Zeev Porat, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 1309-1317, (2014).
- "Sonochemical coating of textiles with hybrid ZnO/chitosan antimicrobial nanoparticles" Petkova, Petya; Francesko, Antonio; Fernandes, Margarida; Mendoza, Ernest; Perelshtein, Ilana; Gedanken, Aharon; Tzanov, Tzanko, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 6, 1164-1172 (2014).
- "Carbon Nanoparticles based Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensor" Pulidindi Indra Neel, Aharon Gedanken, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 94, 28-35, (2014).
- "Ultrasonic cavitation of molten gallium: formation of micro- and nano-spheres" Vijay Booshan Kumar, Aharon Gedanken, Zeev Porat, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 21, 1166-1173 (2014).
- "Sonochemically-induced spectral shift as a probe of green fluorescent protein release from nano capsules" Shimanovich, Ulyana; Munder, Anna; Azoia, Nuno G.; Cavaco-Paulo, Artur; Gruzman, Arie; Knowles, Tuomas P. J. ; Gedanken, Aharon, RSC Advances 4, 10303-10309 (2014) .
- "Pre-miRNA expressing plasmid delivery for anti-cancer therapy" Elena Benisvy-Aharonovich, Ulyana Shimanovich, Noam Kronfeld, Nis Giladi, Ariel Bier, Gila Kazimirsky, Aharon Gedanken, and Chaya Brodi, Medchemcomm. 5, 459 - 462 (2014).
- "Sonochemical approach improves the CuO-ZnO/TiO2 catalyst for WGS reaction" Nina Perkas, Poernomo Gunawan, Galina Amirian, Zhan Wang, Ziyi Zhong, Aharon Gedanken PCCP, 16, 7521 – 7530 (2014).
- "Substrates Coated with Silver Nanoparticles as a Neuronal Regenerative Material " Noa Alon, Yana Miroshnikov, Nina Perkas, Ifat Nissan, Aharon Gedanken, Orit Shefi, Internat. J. Nanomed. 9, 23 (2014).
- "A Zn-doped CuO nanocomposite shows enhanced antibiofilm and antibacterial activities against Streptococcus mutans compared to nanosized CuO" Michal Eshed, Jonathan Lellouche, Aharon Gedanken, and Ehud Banin, Advanc. Funct. Mater. 24, 1382–1390 (2014).
- “An ultrasonic technology for production of anti-bacterial nanomaterials and their coating on textiles” A. V. Abramova, ; V. O. Abramov, ; A. Gedanken, ; I. Perelshtein, ; V. M. Bayazitov, Beilst. J. Nanotechn. 5, 532-536 (2014).
- “Can Cellulose be a sustainable feedstock for Bioethanol production?” Baruchi B Kimchi, Indra Neel Pulidindi, A. Gedanken Renewable Energy 71, 77-80 (2014).
- “Facile Synthesis of Self-Assembled Spherical and Mesoporous Dandelion Capsules of ZnO: Efficient Carrier for DNA and Anti-cancer Drugs” Vijay Bhooshan Kumar, Koushi Kumar, Aharon Gedanken and P. Paik, J. Mater. Chem. B 2, 3956-3964 (2014).
- “Selective chemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate using Microwave irradiation” Indra Neel Pulidindi, Aharon Gedanken Journal of CO2 Utilization 7, 19–22 (2014).
- "Tannic Acid NPs - Synthesis and Immobilization Onto a Solid Surface in a One - Step Process and Their Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory Properties" Ilana Perelshtein, Elena Ruderman, Antonio Francesko, Margarida M. Fernandes, Tzanko Tzanov, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 21,1916-1920. (2014).
- “One-step sonochemical preparation of redox-responsive nanocapsules for glutathione mediated RNA release” Antonio Francesko, Tzanko Tzanov, I. Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2, 6020-6029 (2014).
- “Innovative Inorganic Nanoparticles with Antimicrobial Properties Attached to Textiles by Sonochemistry” Aharon Gedanken, Nina Perkas, Ilana Perelshtein, Anat Lipovsky, Yeshayahu Nitzan, Rachel Lubart, Chapter 9, in Cavitation Ed. Sivakumar Manickam and Muthupandian Ashokkumar, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, 263-300 (2014) USA.
- “Enhanced Activity of Immobilized Pepsin Nanoparticles Coated on Solid Substrates Compared to Free Pepsin” D. Meridor, A. Gedanken, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 67, 67-76 (2014).
- “Levulinic acid production from Cicer arietinum, Cotton, Pinus radiata and Sugar cane bagasse” Amudhavalli Victor, Indra Neel Pulidindi, Aharon Gedanken, RSC Advances 4, 44706-44711 (2014).
- “Gene silencing by siRNA nanoparticles synthesized via sonochemical method” U. Shimanovich, A. Munder, A. Loureiro, N. G. Azoia, A. Gomes, A. Cavaco-Paulo, A. Gedanken, A. Gruzman, Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechn, 5, 1000204/1-1000204/5 (2014).
- "Forming Nano Spherical Cellulose Containers" Tzhayik, Oshrat; Pulidindi, Indra; Gedanken, Aharon Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53, 13871-13880 (2014).
- "Metal Oxide Nanoparticles as a Source for ROS: Their Application in the Fabrication of antimicrobial Textiles" A. Lipovsky, I. Perelshtein, N. Perkas, R. Lubart, A. Gedanken, Chapter 4 in a book " HANDBOOK on Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Eds. M. Suzuki, S. Yamamoto, Nova Pub. Pages 169-196 (2014).
- “Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides, Composites and Related Materials as a Platform for Electrochemical, Magnetic, and Chemical Biosensors” V. Urbanova, M. Magro, ; A. Gedanken, ; D. Baratella,; F. Vianello,; R. Zboril, Chem. Mater. 26, 6653-6673 (2014).
- “Optimizing Algal Lipid Production and its Efficient Conversion to Biodiesel Biofuels, Moran Topf, Miri Koberg, Yael Kinel-Tahan, Aharon Gedanken, Zvy Dubinsky, Yaron Yehoshua, Biofuels, 5, 405-413 (2014).
- “Isosaccharinic Acid Mediated Fine Chemicals Production from Cellulose” Indra Neel Pulidindi, Mariana R. Hakim, Patricia Mayer, Aharon Gedanken, J. Fundam. Renew. Energy and Appl. 4, 143 (2014).
Publications 2012
- "Synthesis of Metal-Carbon Core-Shell Nanoparticles by RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures" Evgeny Butovsky, Alexander Irzh, Boris Markovsky and Aharon Gedanken, New J. of Chem. 36, 155-160 (2012).
- "Graphene Oxide Microspheres Prepared by a Simple, One-step Ultrasonication Method" Matias Sametband, Ulyana Shimanovich and Aharon Gedanken New J. of Chem. 36, 36-39 (2012).
- "Embedding antibacterial inorganic nanoparticles and proteinaceous microspheres in textiles by a sonochemical method" Perkas, N.; Gedanken, A.; Perelshtein, I.; Shimanovich, U. Edited by Garti, Nissim; Amar-Yuli, Idit From Nanotechnologies for Solubilization and Delivery in Foods, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals 341-366 (2012).
- "Sonochemical coating of cotton and polyester fabrics with "antibacterial" BSA and casein spheres" Ulyana Shimanovich, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Yeshayahu Nitzan, Aharon Gedanken, Chem. Europ. J. 18, 365-369 (2012).
- "Depositing Nanoparticles Inside Millimeter-size Hollow Tubing" Alexandra Friedman, Nina Perkas, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, Applied Surf. Sci. 258, 2368-2372(2012).
- "The different behavior of Rutile and Anatase nanoparticles in forming oxy radicals upon illumination with visible light: An EPR study" Anat Lipovsky, Luba levitski, Zeev Tzitrinovich, Aharon Gedanken, Rachel Lubart Photochemistry and Photobiology 88, 14-20 (2012).
- "Fragrance Release Profile from Sonochemically Prepared Protein Microspheres Containers" Oshrat Tzhayik, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 19, pp. 858-863 (2012).
- "ZnO nanoparticle-coated surfaces inhibit bacterial biofilm formation and increase antibiotic susceptibility" Guy Applerot, Jonathan Lellouche, Nina Perkas, Yeshayahu Nitzan, Aharon Gedanken, and Ehud Banin, RSC-Asdvances 2, 2314-2321 (2012).
- "Antibiofilm surface functionalization of catheters by magnesium fluoride nanoparticles",J. Lellouche, A. Friedman, R. Lahmi, A. Gedanken, E. Banin International Journal of Nanomedicine 7, 1175–1188 (2012).
- "Mild Sonication Accelerates Ethanol Production by Yeast Fermentation" Indra Neel, Pulidindi; Gedanken, Aharon; Schwarz, Rakefet; Sendersky, Eleonora; Energy & Fuels 26, 2352-2356 (2012).
- "A One-Step Process for the Antimicrobial Finishing of Textiles with Crystalline TiO2 Nanoparticles" Perelshtein, Ilana; Applerot, Guy; Perkas, Nina; Grinblat, Judith; Gedanken, Aharon; Chemistry--A European Journal 18, 4575-4582 (2012).
- "Forming nanoparticles of water-soluble ionic molecules and embedding them into polymer and glass substrates" Stella Kiel, Olga Grinberg, Nina Perkas, Jerome Charmet, Herbert Keppner, and Aharon Gedanken, Beilsthein J. of Nanotechn. 3, 267-276 (2012).
- "Nanometer size effects on magnetic order in La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.5 and 0.6) manganites, probed by ferromagnetic resonance" Shames, A. I.; Rozenberg, E.; Sominski, E.; Gedanken, A; J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D701/1-07D701/3 (2012).
- "Enzymatic pre-treatment as a means of enhancing the antibacterial activity and stability of ZnO nanoparticles sonochemically coated on cotton fabrics" Ilana Perelshtein, Yelena Ruderman; Nina Perkas, Kamelia Traeger, Tzanko Tzanov, Jamie Beddow, Eadaoin Joyce, Timothy J Mason, María Blanes, Korina Mollá, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. . J. Mater.Chem., 22, 10736 – 10742 (2012).
- "Optimization of bio-diesel production from oils, cooking oils, microalgae, castor, and jatropha seeds: probing various heating sources and catalysts" Miri Koberg, Aharon Gedanken, Energy Environ. Sci., 5, 7460 – 7469 (2012).
- "Biodegradability study and pH influence on growth and orientation of ZnO nanorods via aqueous solution process " Kumar, P. Suresh; Paik, P.; Raj, A. Dhayal; Mangalaraj, D.; Nataraj, D.; Gedanken, A.; Ramakrishna, S. Appl. Surf. Science 258, 6765-677 (2012).
Publication 2011
- "Coating a stainless steel plate with silver nanoparticles by the sonochemical method" Maria Soloviev, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 18, 356-362 (2011).
- "Optimization of Bio-Diesel Production from Soybean and Wastes of Cooked Oil: Combining Dielectric Microwave Irradiation and a SrO Catalyst" Miri Koberg, Riam Abu-Much, Aharon Gedanken, Bioresource Techn. 102, 1073-1078 (2011).
- "Innovative Inorganic Nanoparticles with Antibacterial Properties Attached to Textiles by Sonochemistry" N. Perkas, A. Gedanken, E. Wehrschuetz-Sigl, G.M. Guebitz, I. Perelshtein, and G. Applerot, pp. 367-391. Chapter in Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Perspectives, Ed. Claudia Altavilla, Ciliberto, Enrico CRC Press (2011).
- "The Sonochemical Coating of Paper by Microbiocidal Silver Nanoparticles" A. Gedanken, S. Shukla, R. Gottesman, Y. Nitzan, L. Solovyov, N. Perkas, Langmuir, 27, 720-726 (2011).
- "Modification of Parylene film-coated glass with TiO2 nanoparticles and its photocatalytic properties" Nina Perkas, Galina Amirian, Olga Girshevitz, Jerome Charmet, Edith Laux, Geoffroy Guibert, Herbert Keppner, Aharon Gedanken, Surface and Coatings Technology 205, 3190-3197 (2011).
- "One-step synthesis of prolate spheroidal-shaped carbon produced by the thermolysis of octene under its autogenic pressure" Hila Gershi, Aharon Gedanken, Herbert Keppner, Hagai Cohen, Carbon, , 49 1067-1074 (2011).
- "Bio-diesel production directly from the microalgae biomass of Nannochloropsis by microwave and ultrasound radiation" Miri Koberg; Aharon Gedanken; Moshe Cohen; Ami Ben-Amotz, Bioresource Technology 102 4265-4269 (2011).
- "Corrugation of the external surface of multiwall carbon nanotubes by catalytic oxidative etching and its efferct on their decoration with metal nanoparticles" Landau, Miron; S. S. ; A. Ivanov, ; V. Lunin, ; L. Titelman, ; Yu. Koltypin, ; A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Sci. 46, 2162-2172. (2011).
- "Antifungal activity of ZnO nanoparticles –The role of ROS mediated cell injury" A. Lipovsky, R. Lubart, Y. Nitzan, A. Gedanken, Nanotechnology 22, 105101, (2011).
- "Synthesis of air stable FeCo/C alloy nanoparticles by decomposing a mixture of the corresponding metal-acetyl acetonates under their autogenic pressure." E. Holodelshikov, E. Perelshtein, A. Gedanken, Inorganic Chemistry, 50, 1288–1294 (2011).
- "Magnetic properties of Cd1-xMnxTe/C nanocrystals" Sayan Bhattacharyya, David Zitoun, Aharon Gedanken, Nanotechnology, 22, Article Number: 075703 (2011).
- "Aluminum A356 Reinforcement by Carbide Nanoparticles" Konstantin Borodianskiy, Michael Zinigrad, Aharon Gedanken, J. Nano Res. 13 pp 41-46 (2011).
- "Dry Autoclaving for the Nanofabrication of Sulfides, Selenides, Borides, Phosphides, Nitrides, Carbides, and Oxides" V. G. Pol, S. V. Pol , A. Gedanken Adv. Mater. 23, 1179-1190 (2011).
- "Enhanced Inactivation of Bacteria by Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles Combined With Visible Light Irradiation" A. Lipovsky, A. Gedanken, Y. Nitzan, R. Lubart, Lasers in Surg. And Med. 43, 236-240, (2011).
- "Zirconium nanoparticles prepared by the reduction of zirconium oxide using the RAPET method" Michal Eshed, Swati Pol, Aharon Gedanken, Mahalingam Balasubramanian, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2, 198-203 (2011).
- "Stabilizing RNA by the Sonochemical Formation of RNA Nanospheres" Ulyana Shimanovich, Vadim Volkov, Dror Eliaz, Adva Aizer, Shulamit Michaeli, Aharon Gedanken, Small 7, 1068-1074 ((2011).
- "Effective Multi-strain Inhibition of Influenza Virus by Anionic Gold Nanoparticles" Matias Sametband, Sourabh Shukla, Tal Meningher, Shira Hirsh, Ella Mendelson, Ronit Sarid, Aharon Gedanken, Michal Mandelboim, Medicinal Chemistry Communications 2, 421-423 (2011).
- "Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from an Aqueous Solution Using Aquatic Plants in a Microwave Field" S. Elmachliy, B. Chefetz, E. Tel-Or, Lorena Vidal, Antonio Canals, A. Gedanken, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 218, 365 (2011).
- "Preparation of antimicrobial textiles using a sonochemical method" Gedanken, Aharon; Perkas, Nina; Perelshtein, Ilana; Applerot, Guy; Lipovsky, Anat; Nitzan, Yeshayahu; Lubart, Rachel, Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering (2011), 4(1), 1-5.
- "Synthesis of Carbon coated NiO/MgO core/shell Nanocomposite as Pd electro-catalyst support for ethanol oxidation" C. Mahendiran, T. Maiyalagan, K. Scott, A. Gedanken, Materials Chemistry and Physics 128, 341-347 (2011).
- "Decoration of MWCNT with Nickel NPs: Effect of deposition strategy on Metal dispersion and performance in the hydrogenation of p-chloroacetpohenon" M. V. Landau, S. V. Savilov, M. N. Kirikova, N. B. Cherkasov, A. S. Ivanov, V. V. Lunin, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Mendeleev Comm. 21, 125-128 (2011).
- "Sonochemical Synthesis of DNA nanospheres" Ulyana Shimanovich, Dror Eliaz, Adva Aizer, Irena Vayman, Shulamit Michaeli, Yaron Shav-Tal, Aharon Gedanken, ChemBioChem. 1678–1681 (2011).
- "Supported Ru Catalysts Prepared by Two Sonication-assisted Methods for Preferential Oxidation of CO in H2" Nina Perkas, Jaclyn Teo, Shoucang Shen, Zhan Wang, James Highfield, Ziyi Zhong, Aharon Gedanken, PCCP 13, 15690-15698 (2011).
- "Structural, magnetic, electrical and electrochemical properties of NiFe2O4 synthesized by the molten salt technique" Baskaran Senthilkumar, Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Palanisamy Vinothbabu, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Materials Chemistry and Physics 130, 285-292 (2011).
- "Chemical Reactions under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature to Fabricate Photo-luminescent Ga2O3 nanocrystals and its Coatings" Pani. P. George, Vilas. G. Pol,* Yuri. Koltypin, Makluf. Shirly Ben-David, I. Genish and Aharon. Gedanken RSC Advances 1, 619-624 (2011) .
- "Encapsulation of RNA Molecules in BSA Microspheres and Internalization into Trypanosoma Brucei Parasites and Human U2OS Cancer Cells"
- Shimanovich, Ulyana; Tkacz, Itai Dov; Eliaz, Dror; Cavaco-Paulo, Artur; Michaeli, Shulamit; Gedanken, Aharon, Advanced Functional Materials 21, 3659-3666 (2011).
- "Chiral amplification in crystallization under ultrasound radiation" D. Medina, Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken, Chem. A Europ. J. 17, 11139-11142 (2011).
- "Transition to electron doping in La1-xCaxMnO3 manganite" Shames, A. I.; Rozenberg, E.; Auslender, M.; Mogilyansky, D.; Sominski, E.; Gedanken, A. Solid State Communications 151, 1593-1598 (2011).
- "Chemical disorder influence on magnetic state of optimally-doped La0.7Ca0.3MnO3" E. Rozenberg, M. Auslender, A. I. Shames, G. Jung, I. Felner, M. I. Tsindlekht, D. Mogilyansky, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, G. Gorodetsky. J. Appl. Phys. 110, 073919 (2011);
- "A Facile One Pot Sonochemical Synthesis of Surface-Coated Mannosyl Proteinaceous Microspheres for Detection and Killing of Bacteria" Natalia Skirtenko , Michal Richman, Yeshayahu Nitzan, Aharon Gedanken, Shai Rahimipour, Chem. Comm. 47(45), 12277-12279 (2011).
- "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Investigation of Manganese Dopig in ZnL (L = O, S, Se, Te) Nanocystals" Sayan Bhattacharya and Aharon Gedanken Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 3, 541-549 (2011) special issue for 'ESR in Small Systems'
- "Rapid Deposition of Transparent Super-Hydrophobic Layers on Various Surfaces Using Microwave Plasma" A. Irzh, L. Ghindes, A. Gedanken, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 12, 4566- 4572 (2011).
- "Triggering a metal-insulator transition in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes" Lee, Kyu Won; Lee, Cheol Eui; Gedanken, A.; Sominski, E.; Koltypin, Yu. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, L3309-L3313 ((2011).
Publications 2010
- "The application of ultrasound radiation to the synthesis of nanocrystalline metal oxide in a nonaqueous solvent" Efrat Ohayon, Aharon Gedanken Ultrasonic Sonochemistry Sonochemistry 17, 173-178 (2010).
- "Chiral Separation Abilities: Aspartic Acid Block Copolymer-imprinted Mesoporous Silica" P. Paik, A. Gedanken, Y. Mastai Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 129, 82-89, (2010).
- "Coating dielectric substrates by plasma-reduction of metallic ions in solvents" Isaschar Genish, Alexander Irzh, Aharon Gedanken, Assaf Anderson, Arie Zaban, Lior Klein, Surface and Coatings Technology 204, 1347-1352 (2010).
- "The Sonochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Chiral Titania Using a Chiral Inorganic Precursor" Alexandra Gabashvili, Dan T. Major, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 17, 605-609 (2010).
- "Preparation of Chitosan microspheres by a sonochemical method" Natalia Skirtenko, Shai Rahimipur, Tzanko Tzanov, and Aharon Gedanken Chemistry: A European J. 16, 562-567 (2010).
- "Preparation of Siloxane-modified Tetraglycidyl Epoxy-Clay Nanocomposites - Its Thermal and Morphological Properties" A. Selvaganapathi, , M. Alagar, P. Gnanasundaram, A. Gedanken, J. Compos. Mater. 44, 543-557 (2010).
- "Sonochemical Stabilization of Ultrafine Colloidal Biocompatible Magnetite Nanoparticles using Amino acid, L-Arginine, for possible Bio applications" Sriharsha Theerdhala, Dhirendra Bahadur, Satish Vitta, Nina Perkas, Ziyi Zhong , and Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 17, 730-737 (2010).
- "In situ Sonochemical Hydrolysis and Deposition of Composite Layers of Ionic Liquid Entrapped in Colloidal Silica Network and their Application as Sensors for Various Gases" David S. Jacob, Avner Rothschild, Harry L. Tuller, Aharon Gedanken Ultrason. Sonochem. 17, 726-729 (2010).
- "Microspheres of Mixed Proteins" Ulyana Angel (Shimanovich), Devorah Matas, Shulamit Michaeli, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Aharon Gedanken. Chemistry: A European Journal 16, 2108-2114 (2010).
- "Synthesis of ZnO and Zn nanoparticles in microwave plasma and their deposition on glass slides" A. Irzh, A. Gedanken, Irzh, I. Genish, L. Solovyov, L. Klein, Langmuir 26, 5976-5984 (2010).
- "Electron paramagnetic resonance study of size and nonstoichiometry effects on magnetic ordering in half-doped La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 manganite" M. Auslender, A. I. Shames, E. Rozenberg, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09D702 (2010).
- "Effect of SBA-15 microporosity on the inserted TiO2 crystal size determined by Raman spectroscopy" L. Vradman, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Materials Chemistry & Physics 122, 53-59 (2010).
- "The development and characterization of starch microspheres prepared by a sonochemical method for the potential drug delivery of insulin" Olga Grinberg and Aharon Gedanken Macromol. Chem. & Phys. 211, 924-931 (2010).
- "Decorating Parylene-Coated Glass with ZnO Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Applications: A Comparative Study of Sonochemical, Microwave, and Microwave-Plasma Coating Routes" N. Perkas, G. Applerot, Gedanken, Aharon; Applerot, Guy, R. Abu-Much, A. Irzh, E. Laux, J. Charmet, H. Keppner, G. Guibert, A. Gedanken, ACS Applied Mater. & Interf. 2, 1052-1059 (2010).
- "Enantioselectivity of Chiral-mesoporous-polypyrrole Synthesized by Templating Amino Acid Block Copolymers" Pradip Paik, Aharon Gedanken, Yitzhak Mastai J. Mater. Chem. 20, 4085-4093 (2010).
- "Inhibition of HSV -1 Attachment, Entry &cell-to-cell spread by Multivalent Gold Nanoparticles" Dana Baram-Pinto, Sourabh Shukla, Aharon Gedanken, and Ronit Sarid, Small 6, 1044–1050 (2010).
- "Solid state synthesis of water-dispersible silicon nanoparticles from silica nanoparticles" Keren Kravitz, Aharon Gedanken, Shlomo Magdassi, Alexander Kamyshny, J. Solid State Chem. 183, 1442-1447 (2010).
- "Strontium hexaferrite nanomagnets suspended in a cosmetic preparation: a convenient tool to evaluate the biological effects of surface magnetism on human skin" T. Zioni, N. Perkas, Y. Wolfus, Y. Soroka, I. Popov, M. Oron, I. Perelshtein, Y. Bruckental, F. M. Brégégère, Z. Ma'or, A. Gedanken, Y. Yeshurun, R. Neuman, Y. Milner, Skin Research and Technology 16, 316-324 (2010).
- "Infrared-wavenumber-dependent metal-insulator transition in vanadium dioxide nanoparticles" K. W. Lee, Cheol Eui Lee, Raman Ganesan, A. Gedanken, and E. Rozenberg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 243111 (2010).
- "Ultrasound Radiation as a "Throwing Stones" Technique for the Production of Antibacterial Nanocomposite Textiles" Gedanken, Aharon; Perelshtein, Ilana; Perkas, Nina; Applerot, Guy; Wehrschütz-Sigl, Eva; Hasmann, Andrea; Gübitz, Georg; Hulla, Elisabeth, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 2, 1999-2004 (2010).
- "Visible Light-Induced Killing of Bacteria as a Function of Wavelength: Implication for Wound Healing" A. Lipovsky, Y. Nitzan, A. Gedanken, R. Lubart, Lasers in Surg. & Medicine. 42, 467-472 (2010).
- "Attaching different kinds of proteinaceous nanospheres to a variety of fabrics using ultrasound radiation" Ulyana Angel (Shimanovich), Carla Manuela Silva, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Aharon Gedanken, Israel J. Chem. 50, 524–529 (2010).
- "Luminescent and Ferromagnetic CdS:Mn2+/C Core-Shell Nanocrystals" S. Bhattacharyya, Y. Estrin, D. Rich, D. Zitoun, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 22002-22011 (2010).
- "Properties of nanostructured metal oxides synthesized by RAPET approach" V. G. Pol, S. V. Pol, A. Gedanken, Edited by A. Umar, ; Y-B. Hahn, From Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications (2010), 1, 239-266.
- "Synthesis and Characterization of Hierarchically-Structured La2O2M@C:Eu3+ (M = S & Se) Micro-flowers by a Single-Step RAPET Method" Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan and Aharon Gedanken, Europ. J. Inorgan. Chem. 2010, Issue 36, 5685–5690, (2010).
- "Nanometric Size Effect on Magnetic Ordering in Half-doped La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 Manganite: EPR Probing" M. Auslender, Cheol Eui Lee∗, E. Rozenberg, A. I. Shames , D. Mogilyansky, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 57, 1559-1562 (2010)
Publications 2009
- “Sonochemical deposition of magnetite on silver nanocrystals" Nina Perkas, Galina Amirian, Claudio Rottman, Fernando de la Vega, Aharon Gedanken. Ultrason. Sonochem. 16, 132-135 (2009).
- "A One-step, Template-free Synthesis, Characterization, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xMnxTe Nanosheets" Sayan Bhattacharyya, D. Zitoun, Y. Estrin, O. Moshe, D. H. Rich, and A. Gedanken, Chem Mater. 21, 326-335 (2009).
- "Sonochemical synthesis and characterization of Cu1-xNixWO4 nanoparticles/nanorods and their application in electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution" Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Aharon Gedanken, Nanotechnology 20 105602/1-105602/7 (2009).
- "Antibacterial Properties of an In-situ Generated and Simultaneously Deposited Nanocrystalline ZnO on Fabrics" I. Perelshtein, G. Applerot, N. Perkas, E. Wehrschetz-Sigl, A. Hasmann, G. M. Guebitz, A. Gedanken ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1, 361-366 (2009).
- "One-Step Synthesis and Characterization of SiC, Mo2C and WC Nanostructures" Vilas G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, and Aharon Gedanken Europ. J. Inorg. Chem. Europ. J. Inorg. Chem. 6, 709-715 (2009).
- “Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Nitride, Niobium Nitride and Tantalum Nitride Nanocrystals via the RAPET(Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Moderate Temperature) Technique”. P. P. George, A. Gedanken, . Shirly Ben-David Makhluf, I. Genish and A. Marciano, J. Nanoparticle Res. 11, 995 (2009).
- "Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Nanocrystalline ZnO Is Due to Increased ROS-Mediated Cell Injury" Guy Applerot, Anat Lipovsky, Rachel Dror, Nina Perkas, Yeshayahu Nitzan, Rachel Lubart, and Aharon Gedanken, Advanced Functional Mater. 19, 842-852 (2009).
- "Ultra strong, paramagnetic, conducting carbon microspheres synthesized by decomposition of used polyethylene terephthalate" By Swati Vilas Pol, Vilas Ganpat Pol, Dov Sherman, and Aharon Gedanken, Green Chemistry 11, 448-451 (2009).
- "Paramagnetic spin correlations and spin dynamics in doped manganites as the precursors of their magnetic ordering". E. Rozenberg, M. Auslender, A. I. Shames, Ya. M. Mukovskii, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Journal of Applied Physics 105(7), 07D707/1-07D707/3 (2009).
- "Chloroethene dehalogenation with ultrasonically produced air-stable nano iron" Tiehm Andreas, Kraßnitzer Silke, Koltypin Yuri, Gedanken Aharon, Ultrason. Sonochem. 16, 617-621 (2009).
- "Sonoelectrochemical synthesis of metallic Aluminum nanoparticles" Chinnathambi Mahendiran, Raman Ganesan and Aharon Gedanken, European J. of Inorg. Chem. 2009(14), 2050-2053 (2009).
- "A microwave assisted process for coating polymer and glass surfaces with semiconducting ZnO submicron particles" Alexander Irzh and Aharon Gedanken J. Appl. Pol. Sci. 113, 1773-1780 (2009).
- "Wear life and adhesion of solid lubricant films on laser-textured steel surfaces" L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, A. Gedanken, Yu. Koltypin, E. Sominski, G. Halperin, I. Etsion Wear 267, 1203–1207 (2009).
- “Converting Stöber Silica and Mediterranean Sand to High Surface Area Porous Silicon by a Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures” N. H. Hai, A. Gedanken Submitted to J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 10521-10526 (2009).
- "Core-shell Vanadium oxide-carbon Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescence Properties" Vilas G Pol, Swati V. Pol, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 10500-10504 (2009).
- "Size and Nonstoichiometry Effects on Magnetic Properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 Manganite" E. Rozenberg, M. I. Tsindlekht, I. Felner, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Y. M. Mukovskii, C. E. Lee, IEEE Transac. On Magnet. 45, 2576-2579 (2009).
- "General Approach to Directing Assembly Behavior of Gold Colloids by Co-polymer Molecules, and Tracking and Imaging Solution Nanostructures of the Polymer Molecules" Ziyi Zhong, Hongting Lee, Shoucang Shen, Aharon Gedanken, Soft Matter 5, 2558-2562 (2009).
- "Methanation of Carbon Dioxide on Ni Catalysts on Mesoporous ZrO2 Doped with Rare Earth Oxides" Nina Perkas, Galina Amirian, Ziyi Zhong, Jaclyn Teo, Yosef Gofer, Aharon Gedanken, Catalysis Letts. 130, 455-462 (2009).
- "Reduction of titanium dioxide to metallic titanium conducted under the autogenic pressure of the reactants" Michal Eshed, Alex Irzh, Aharon Gedanken, Inorganic Chem. 48, 7066-7069 (2009).
- "Highly Luminescent ZnxCd1-xSe/C Core/Shell Nanocrystals: Large Scale Synthesis, Structural and Cathodoluminescence Studies" Bhattacharyya, Sayan; Estrin, Yevgeni; Moshe, Ofer; Rich, Daniel; Solovyov, Leonid; Gedanken, Aharon ACS Nano 3, 1864-1876 (2009).
- "Proteinous Microspheres Containing KLVFF Peptides Strongly Inhibit Amyloid -Beta Aggeregation & Toxicity" M. Richman, S. Willick, N. Skirtenko, A. Gedanken, S. Rahimipour, Biopolymers 92, 324 (2009).
- "Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth Orthovanadate (RVO4; R = La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu & Gd) Nanorods/ Nanocrystals/ Nanospindles by a Facile Sonochemical Method and its Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Properties" Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Aharon Gedanken, Premkumar Anilkumar, Govindasamy Manikandan, Chockalingam Karunakaran, J. Cluster Science (a special issue dedicated to the 75 Birthday of Prof. C. N. R. Rao) 20, 291-305 (2009).
- "Deposition of air-stable zinc nanoparticles on glass slides by the Solvent-Assisted Deposition in Plasma (SADIP) method"; A. Irzh, I. Genish, ; L. Chen, Y-C. Ling, L. Klein, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C. 113, 14097-14101 (2009).
- "A precursor decomposition method for the fabrication of carbon-related materials" Vilas G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, Aharon Gedanken Recent Research Activities of Micro- and Nano-Scale Carbon Related Materials 163-194 (2009).
- "CuO-cotton Nanocomposite: Formation, Morphology, and Antibacterial Activity" I. Perelshtein, G.Applerot, N. Perkas, E. Wehrschetz-Sigl, A. Hasmann, G. Guebitz, A. Gedanken Surface and Coatings Technology 204 pp. 54-57 (2009).
- "Enantioselective Separation Using Chiral Mesoporous Spherical Silica Prepared by Templating of Chiral Block Copolymers" P. Paik, A. Gedanken, Y. Mastai, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, 1834–1842 (2009).
- "Inhibition of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) Infection by Silver Nanoparticles Capped with Mercaptoethane Sulfonate" Baram-Pinto, Dana; Shukla, Sourabh; Perkas, Nina; Gedanken, Aharon; Sarid, Ronit Bioconjugate Chemistry 20, 1497–1502 (2009).
- "EPR study of visible light-induced ROS generation by nanoparticles of ZnO" Lipovsky Anat, Applerot Guy, Lubart Rachel, Tzitrinovich Zeev, Friedmann Harry, Gedanken Aharon J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 15997–16001 (2009).
- "Antibiofilm activity of nanosized metal fluorides" Jonathan Lellouche, Edith Kahana, Aharon Gedanken and Ehud Banin, Biomaterials 30, 5969-5978 (2009).
- "In Vivo Toxicity Studies of Europium Hydroxide Nanorods in Mice Chitta Ranjan Patra, Soha S. Abdel Moneim, Enfeng Wang, Sham Dutta, Sujata Patra, Michal Eshed, Priyabrata Mukherjee, Aharon Gedanken, Vijay H. Shah, Debabrata Mukhopadhyay, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 240, 88-98 (2009).
- "Sonochemically-prepared BSA microspheres containing Gemcitabine, and their potential application in renal cancer therapeutics" Olga Grinberg, Aharon Gedanken, Chitta Ranjan Patra, Sujata Patra, Priyabrata Mukherjee, Debabrata Mukhopadhyay Acta Biomaterialia 5, 3031-3037 (2009).
Publications 2008
- "Ultrasound-assisted dispersion of SrFe12O19 nanoparticles in organic solvents and the use of the dispersion as magnetic cosmetics" I. Perelshtein, N. Perkas, Sh. Magdassi, T. Zioni, M. Royz, Z. Maor, A. Gedanken, J. Nanoparticle Res. 10, 191-195 (2008).
- “The synthesis of WO3 nanoparticles using a biopolymer as a template for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution” Raman Ganesan, Sangaraju Shanmugam, Judith Grinblat, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Nanotechnology 19, 025702, (2008).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis under a Magnetic Field: Structuring magnetite nanoparticles and the destabilization of a colloidal magnetic aqueous solution under a magnetic field” R. Abu-Much, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 35-42 (2008).
- "Microwave Assisted Insertion of Silver Nanoparticles into 3-D Mesoporous Zinc Oxide Nanocomposites and Nanorods" Sayan Bhattacharyya; Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem C. 112, 659-665 (2008).
- "Investigations on the Structural, Morphological, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of CuFe2O4−NiO Nanocomposites" Selvan, R. K.; Krishnan, V.; Augustin, C. O.; Bertagnolli, H.; Kim, C. S.; Gedanken, A. Chem. Mater. 20, 429-439 (2008).
- “Deposition of Gold Particles on Mesoporous Catalyst Supports by Sonochemical Method, and Their Catalytic Performance for CO oxidation” Nina Perkas, Ziyi Zhong, Judit Grinblat, Aharon Gedanken Catal. Lett. 120, 19-24 (2008).
- “A single step, low temperature synthesis of submicron-sized rare earth hexaborides” Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Isaschar Genish, Ilana Perelshtein, Jose M. Calderon Moreno, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C112, 1795-1802 (2008).
- “Synthesis of hexagonal shaped SnO2 nanocrystals and SnO2@C nanocomposites for electrochemical redox supercapacitors” Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Ilana Perelshtein, Nina Perkas, and Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 1825-1830 (2008).
- “Sonochemical Immobilization of Nanosilver on Porous Polypropylene” Nina Perkas, Michael Shuster, Galina Amirian, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, J. Polymer Science A: Polymer Chem. 46, 1719-1730 (2008).
- “Biotemplated synthesis of single crystalline W18O49@C core shell nanorod and its capacitance properties” Raman Ganesan, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 1913-1919 (2008).
- "Combining MoS2 or MoSe2 Nanoflakes with Carbon by Reacting Mo(CO)6 with S or Se under Their Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature" V. G. Pol, P. P. George, S.V. Pol, J. Chen, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Sci. 43, 1966-1973 (2008).
- “Proangiogenic Properties of Europium(III) Hydroxide Nanorods” Chitta Ranjan Patra, Resham Bhattacharya, Sujata Patra, Nicholas E. Vlahakis, Alexandra Gabashvili, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, Priyabrata Mukherjee, Debabrata Mukhopadhyay, Advanced Materials 20, 753-756 (2008).
- “Synthesis, Characterization and Photoluminescence property of carbon vesicles encapsulating In2O3 nanocrystals and In2O3 nanocrystals by Reacting In(acetate)3 via RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures) technique” P. P. George, A. Gedanken, Europ. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 919-924 (2008).
- “Selective oxidation of CO in the presence of air over gold-based catalysts Au/TiO2/C (Sonochemistry) and Au/TiO2/C (Microwave)” P. P. George, A. Gedanken, N. Perkas and Z. Zhong, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 15/4, 539-547 (2008).
- "Comparative electron magnetic resonance study of magnetic ordering in La1-xCa xMnO3 x=0.1,0.3… bulk and nanometer sized manganite crystals, A. I. Shames, M. Auslender, E. Rozenberg, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07F715 (2008).
- "Trapping Metallic Liquid Mercury in a Carbon Shell by the Decomposition of Dimethyl Mercury" A. Gedanken, E. Luvchik, J. M. Calderon-Moreno, N. Veglio, J. L. I. Tamarit Advanced Materials, 20, 1000-1002 (2008).
- “A Template-free, Sonochemical Route to Porous ZnO Nano-disks” Sayan Bhattacharyya and A. Gedanken, Microp. & Mesopor. Mater. 110/2, 553-559 (2008).
- "Micro to Nano Conversion: One-step, Environmental Friendly, Solid State, Bulk Fabrication of WS2 and MoS2 Nanoplates" Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati Vilas Pol, Aharon Gedanken Cryst. Growth & Des. 8, 1126-1132 (2008).
- ''Synthesis of Magnesium Nanoparticles by Sonoelectrochemistry” I. Haas, A. Gedanken, Chem. Comm. 1795 - 1797 (2008).
- “Synthesis, Characterization and Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Cobalt-doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO:Co2+) Nanocrystals Encapsulated in Carbon” Sayan Bhattacharyya, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 4517-4523 (2008).
- “Coating Zinc Oxide Submicron Crystals on Poly(methyl methacrylate) Chips and Spheres via Ultrasound Irradiation” A Kotlyar, N Perkas, Y Koltypin, M Meyer, W Zimmermann, A Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, Ultrason. Sonochem. 15, 839-845 (2008).
- “Preparation and Properties of Proteinaceous Microspheres Made Sonochemically” A. Gedanken, Chemistry: A European Journal 14, 3840-3853 (2008).
- “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using the RAPET Technique With or Without Employing an External Magnetic Field” V. G. Pol, S. V. Pol, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. 112, 6627-6637 (2008).
- “Sonochemical coating of textile fabrics: depositing silver nanoparticles on nylon, polyester and cotton fabrics, and their antibacterial activity” Ilana Perelshteina, Guy Applerot, Nina Perkas, Geoffrey Guibert, Serguei Mikhailov, Aharon Gedanken Nanotechnology Guibert, Serguei Mikhailov , Aharon Gedanken Nanotechnology 19, 245705 (2008).
- "EMR study of magnetic inhomogeneities in crystalline bulk and nanometer-sized La0.7Ca0.3MnO3" A.I. Shames,_, E. Rozenberg, Ya.M. Mukovskii, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, e8–e11 (2008).
- "D-Glucose Derived Polymer Intermediates as Template for the Synthesis of Ultra-stable and Re-dispersible Gold Colloids" Gedanken, Aharon; Zhong, Ziyi; Sim, Daohao; Teo, Jaclyn; Luo, Jizhong; Zhang, Huajun, Langmuir 24, 4655-4660 (2008).
- "Core-shell nanorods of SnS-C and SnSe-C: Synthesis and Characterizations" Vilas G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 24, 5135-5139 (2008).
- "The phase transition from the ferromagnetic to superparamagnetic with loop shift about 5 nm nickel particles" X. S. Liu, L. G. Chen, H. Kai, S. Q. Zhou, U. Meridor, A. Frydman, A. Gedanken, Rare Metal Mater. & Eng. 37, 456-459 (2008).
- "One-Pot Synthesis and Characterization of Mn2+-doped Wurtzite CdSe Nanocrystals Encapsulated with Carbon" Aharon Gedanken, Sayan Bhattacharyya, David Zitoun, J. Phys. Chem. 112, 7624-7630 (2008).
- “Synthesis of copper dendrites nanostructure by the sonoelectrochemical method” Iris Haas, Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken Chem. A Europ. J. 14, 4696-4703 (2008).
- "A Continuous Flow, Circulating Microwave System and its Applications in Nanoparticle’s Fabrication and Biodiesel Synthesis" Aharon Gedanken, Yoni Groisman J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 8802-8808 (2008).
- “A General Process for the Fabrication of Air-stable Nanometals (Cd, Zn and Al) by the Decomposition of Alkyl-metal Compounds” E. Luvchik, A. Gedanken, Europ. J. Inorg. Chem. 15, 2471-2475 (2008).
- “One Pot, Environmentally Benign, Thermal Reaction to Fabricate WSe2 and MoSe2 Nanoplates” Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati Vilas Pol and Aharon Gedanken, J. Nano Res. 3, 15-24 (2008).
- “One-step Solvent-free Synthesis and Characterization of Zn1-xMnxSe @ C Nanorods and Nanowires” Sayan Bhattacharyya, Ilana Perelshtein Moshe Ofer; Daniel H. Rich and A. Gedanken, Adv. Funct. Mater. 18, 1641-1653 (2008).
- "Effects of a 10 Tesla External Magnetic Field on the Thermal Decomposition of Fe, Ni and Co Acetyl Acetonates" Vilas Pol, Swati Pol, Aharon Gedanken, G. Sung; Shigeo Asai, Langmuir 24, 7532-7537 (2008).
- "Labeling of sperm cells via the spontaneous penetration of Eu+3 ions as nanoparticles complexed with PVA or PVP" Gedanken, Aharon; Ben David Makhluf, Shirly; Arnon, Raffi; Patra, Chitta Ranjan; Mukhopadhyay, Debabrata.; Breitbart, Haim. , J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 12801-12807 (2008).
- "Facile synthesis of WSe2 nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes" Vilas Pol, Swati Pol, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 5356-5360 (2008).
- "Ultrasonic Processing to Produce Nanoparticles" A. Gedanken, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Pages 9450-9456 (2008).
- "Nanometer size effect on magnetic order in La0.4Ca0.6MnO3: Predominant influence of doped electron localization" E. Rozenberg, M. Auslender, A. I. Shames, D. Mogilyansky, I. Felner, E. Sominskii, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, Phys. Rev. B 78, 052405 (2008).
- "Synthesis of One-Dimensional Structured Metal Phthalocyanine in an Ionic Liquid" David S. Jacob, Somashekarappa Mallenahalli, Leonid A. Solovyov, Evangelia Xenogiannopoulou, Konstantinos Iliopoulos, Stelios Couris, Aharon Gedanken J. Porphyrines and Phthalocyanines. 11, 713-718 (2007).
- "Interplay of Porosity in g-Al2O3 doped ZnO Nanocomposites: A Comparative Study of Sonochemical and Microwave Reaction Routes" Sayan Bhattacharyya and A. Gedanken J. Phys. Chem C 112, 13156-13162 (2008).
- "An easy single step route to synthesize open-ended carbon nanotubes" Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken, Carbon 46, 1615-1619 (2008).
- "Facile Synthesis of Photoluminescent ZnS and ZnSe Nanopowders" Vilas Pol, Swati Pol, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Stephanie Cheylan, Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 24, 10462-10466b (2008).
- “Effect of Reaction Parameters on the Hydrolysis of TMOS (Tetramethyl Orthosilicate) and TEOS (Tetraethyl Orthosilicate) and their Surface Morphology in an Ionic Liquid” D. S. Jacob, A. Gedanken, J. Amer. Cer. Soc. 91, 3024-3030 (2008).
- “Selective Coating of Anatase and Rutile TiO2 on Carbon via Ultrasound Irradiation: Mitigating Fuel Cell Catalyst Degradation” P. P. George, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, A. Gabashivili, M. Cai, A. M. Mance, L. Feng, M. S. Ruthkosky, J. Fuel Cell Science & Tech. 5, 041012 (2008) .
- "Creation of Shock-Abrasion Resistance Build-up Metal Using Pysico-Chemical Model of High Temperature Processes". K. Borodianskiy, V. Mazurovsky, M. Zinigrad, A. Gedanken Isr. J. of Chem. 47(3-4), 351-355 (2008).
- “Depositing silver nanoparticles on/in a glass slide by sonochemical method” Nina Perkas, Galina Amirian, Guy Applerot, Eldar Efendiev, Yuri Kaganovskii, Anil Vithal Ghule, Bo-Jung Chen, Yong-Chien Ling, Aharon Gedanken, Nanotechnology 19, 435604 (2008).
- "An easy single step route to manganese oxide nanoparticles embedded in carbon and their magnetic properties" S. Shamugam, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 15752-15758 (2008).
- "Modified PVA-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as a Protein Carrier into Sperm Cells" Shirly Ben-David Makhluf, Riam Abu-Mukh, Sara Rubinstein, Aharon Gedanken, and Haim Breitbart, Small 4, 1453-1458 (2008).
- "Developing a Required Structure of Metals Using Computational Methods" K. Borodianskiy, V. Mazurovsky, A. Gedanken, M. Zinigrad, Mater, Sci. & Eng A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 497, 322-325 (2008).
- "Synthesis and Characterization of CuFe2O4/CeO2 nanocomposites" R. Kalai Selvan, C. O. Augustin, V. Sepelak, L. John Berchmans, C. Sanjeeviraja, A. Gedanken, Mater. Chem. & Phys. 497, 322-325 (2008).
- "Electrochemical Reduction of Trinitrotoluene on Core-Shell Tin-Carbon Electrodes" Irena Grigoriants, Boris Markovsky*, Rachel Persky, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken, Doron Aurbach, Boris Filanovsky, Tatiana Bourenko, Israel Felner, Electrochimica Acta 54, 690-697 (2008).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis under a Magnetic Field: Preparation of nickel and cobalt particles as aggregates and as a stable organosol” R. Abu-Much, A. Gedanken, Chem. A Europ. J. 14, 10115-10122 (2008).
- "One-Pot Fabrication and Magnetic Studies of Mn-doped TiO2 Nanocrystals Coated with Carbon" Sayan Bhattacharyya, Andrea Pucci, D. Zitoun and A. Gedanken, Nanotechnology 19, 495711 (2008).
- "Specific effects of nanometer scale size on magnetic ordering in La1- xCaxMnO3 (x =0.1, 0.3 and 0.6) manganites" E. Rozenberg, ; M. Auslender, ; A. I. Shames, ; Ya. M. Mukovskii, ; E. Sominski, E. ; A. Gedanken, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354, 5282-5286 (2008),
- “Differential Adsorption of silver nanoparticles to inner and outer surfaces of Agave Americana cuticle” Avi Marciano, Benny Chefetz, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chemistry C 112, 18082-18086 (2008).
- “Ta2O5 Nanobars and Their Composites: Synthesis and Characterization” P. P. George & A. Gedanken J. Nanoscience & Nanotech. 8, 5801–5806 (2008).
- "Organic-Inorganic hybrid materials based on Polyaniline/TiO2 nanocomposites for ascorbic acid fuel cell systems" Raman Ganesan and Aharon Gedanken, Nanotechnology 19, 435709/1-435709/5 (2008).
- "Pulsed sonoelectrochemical synthesis of polyaniline nanoparticles and their capacitance properties". Raman Ganesan, Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken, Synth. Metals 158, 848-853 ((2008).
- "Comparative Study of Magnetic Ordering in Bulk and Comparative Study of Magnetic Ordering in Bulk and Nano-Grained La0.4Ca0.6MnO3 Manganite" E. Rozenberg, M. Auslender, I. Felner, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, A. Pestun, Ya. M. Mukovskii, IEEE Trans. On Magnet. , 44, 2914-2917, (2008).
- "Semiconducting, magnetic or superconducting nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon shells by RAPET method" Vilas G. Pol ; Swati V. Pol ; Aharon Gedanken, Carbon: Science and Technology 1(1), 46-56 (2008).
- "One-step Synthesis of Ultrastable and Amorphous Fe3O4 Colloids Capped with Cysteine Molecules" Hila Cohen, Aharon Gedanken, Ziyi Zhong J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 15429-15438 (2008).
Publication 2007
- “Are sonochemically prepared α-amylase protein microspheres biologically active?” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, S. Avivi (Levi) and A. Gedanken 14, 1-5, (2007).
- "Electron magnetic resonance (EMR) in sonochemically prepared doped nano-manganites" A.I. Shames, E. Rozenberg, G. Gorodetsky, I. Felner, E. Sominski, G. Pang and A. Gedanken, Current Applied Physics, , 7, 21-27 (2007).
- ”Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Tin Sulfide Nanoflakes and their Electrochemical Performance as Li-inserting Materials” Chitta R. Patra, Ayelet Odani, Vilas G. Pol, Doron Aurbach, Aharon Gedanken J. Sol. Stat. Electrochem. 11, 186-194 (2007).
“WS2 Breeds with Carbon to Create a Worm-like Nanostructure and Assembly: Reaction of W(CO)6 with S under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature under Inert Atmosphere” Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati Vilas Pol, Nina Perkas, and Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 134-140 (2007).
“Synthesis and Characterization of Nb2O5@C Core-shell Nanorods and Nb2O5 Nanorods by Reacting Nb(OEt)5 via RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures) technique” P. P. George, V. G. Pol, and A. Gedanken, Nanoscale Res. Letts. 2, 17-23 (2007).
- “Protective effect of free-radical scavengers on corneal endothelial damage in phacoemulsification” Arie Y. Nemet, Ehud I. Assia, Dan Meyerstein, Naomi Meyerstein, Aharon Gedanken and Morris Topaz, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 33, 310-315 (2007).
- "Unusual Low-Temperature Synthesis of Nanocrystalline ZrTi2O6 and its Dielectric Properties" S. V. Pol, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, Y. Grinblat, R. Kalai Selvan, V. G. Kessler, G. I. Spijksma, G. A. Seisenbaeva, and S. Gohil, J. Phys. Chem C. 111, 2484-2489 (2007).
- "Ultrasound-Assisted Coating of Nylon 6,6 with Silver Nanoparticles, and its Antibacterial Activity" N. Perkas, G. Amiryan, S. Dubinsky, S. Gazit, A. Gedanken J. Appl. Pol. Science 104, 1423-1430 (2007).
- "Sonochemical Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Wool Fibers" Liraz Hadad, Nina Perkas, Yosef Gofer, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Anil Ghule, Aharon Gedanken, J. Appl. Polymer Science 104, 1732-1737 (2007).
- “Synthesis of Stable Spherical Platinum diphosphide, PtP2/carbon Nanocomposite by reacting Pt(PPh3)4 at elevated temperature under autogenic pressure” P. P. George, A. Gedanken, A. Gabashvili, Mater. Res. Bull. 42, 626-632 (2007).
- “Doping nanoparticles into polymers and ceramics using ultrasound radiation” A. Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochem. 14,, 418-430 (2007).
- “Nano-particles of La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 manganite: Size-induced change of magnetic ground state and interplay between surface and core contributions to its magnetism E. Rozenberg, S.S. Banerjee, I. Felner, E. Sominski and A. Gedanken , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353, 817-819 (2007).
- “Amorphous Iron(III) Oxides” A Review, Libor Machala, Radek Zboril, and Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B. 111, 4003-4018 (2007).
- “Characterization and Activity of Sonochemically-Prepared BSA Microspheres Containing Taxol – an Anticancer Drug” Olga Grinberg, Michal Hayun, Benjamin Sredni, and Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 14, 661-666 (2007).
- “The Thermal Decomposition of the Three Magnetic Acetates, [Fe(II), Ni(II), and Co(II)], at their Autogenic Pressure at 700 0C under Inert Atmosphere Yields Different Products. Why?" Swati V. Pol, Vilas G. Pol, Aharon Gedanken, Europ. J. Inorg. Chem. 14, 2089-2096 (2007).
- “Difference in the bonding scheme of calix(6)arene and p-sulfonic calix(6)arene to nanoparticles of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4" M. Ben-Ishay, A. Gedanken, Langmuir 23 5238-5242 (2007).
- “Coating Silver Nanoparticles on Poly(methyl methacrylate) Chips and Spheres via Ultrasound Irradiation” A. Kotlyar, N. Perkas, G. Amiryan, M. Meyer, W. Zimmermann, A. Gedanken, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 104, 2868-2876 (2007).
- "Manipulating the Self-Assembling Process to Obtain Control over the Morphologies of Copper Oxide in Hydrothermal Synthesis and Creating Pores in the Oxide Architecture" Zhong, Ziyi; Ng, Vivien; Luo, Jizhong; Teh, Siew-Pheng; Teo, Jaclin; Gedanken, Aharon. Langmuir 23, 5971-5977 (2007).
- “Magnetic Properties of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Manganite Bulk and Nanometer-Sized Crystals” E. Rozenberg, M. I. Tsindlekht, I. Felner, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, and Ya. M. Mukovskii, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 43, 3052, (2007).
- "Microwave-Assisted Polyol Method for the Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Silica Spheres" T. Tuval and A. Gedanken, Nanotechnology 18, 255601 (2007) (7pp).
- “External Magnetic Field-Induced Mesoscopic Organization of Fe3O4 a Pyramids and Carbon Sheets" S. Pol, V. Pol, Aharon Gedanken, I. Felner, I.; M-G. Sung, ; S. Asai, Inorg. Chem. 46, 4951-4959 (2007).
- “Large Scale synthesis, Annealing, Purification, and Magnetic Properties of Crystalline Helical Carbon Nanotubes with Symmetrical Structure” Nujiang Tang, Wei Zhong, Chaktong Au, Aharon Gedanken, Yi Yung, Youwei Du, Advanc. Funct. Mater. 17, 1542-1550 (2007).
- “Carbon Electrodes Modified with TiO2/Metal Nanoparticles and Their pplication for Detection of Trinitrotoluene" Boris Markovsky, Boris Filanovsky, Tatiana Bourenko, Nina Perkas, Rachel Persky, A. Gedanken, Doron Aurbach Adv. Funct. Mater. 17, 1487-1492 (2007).
- “Pt-Supported TiO2@C Core-Shell Composite as a Potential Anode Electrode Catalyst for Methanol Oxidation” Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken, Small, 7, 1189-1193 (2007).
- “Sonochemical Insertion of Silver Nanoparticles into 2-D Mesoporous Alumina” Sayan Bhattacharyya, Alexandra Gabashvili, Nina Perkas, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem C 111, 11161-11167 (2007).
- “Effect of water intercalation on VOx layers in dodecylamine-intercalated vanadium oxide nanotubes” Hyocheon Kweon, Kyu Won Lee, Eun Mo Lee, Jitae Park, I-M. Kim, Cheol Eui Lee*, G. Jung, , A. Gedanken, Yu. Koltypin, Phys. Rev. B 76, 045434 _(2007).
- “The study of carbon-coated V2O5 nanoparticles as a potential cathodic material for Li rechargeable batteries” M. Koltypin, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, D. Aurbach J. Electorchem. Soc. 154, A605-A613 (2007).
- “Microwave-assisted coating of PMMA beads by silver nanoparticles” A. Irzh, N. Perkas, A. Gedanken, Langmuir 23, 9891-9897 (2007).
- “Encapsulating ZnS and ZnSe Nanocrystals in the Carbon Shell: A RAPET Approach” S. V. Pol, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C. C. 111, 13309-13314 (2007).
- “Synthesis of Porous α-Fe2O3 Nanofibers and Deposition of Very Small Gold Particles in the Pores for Catalytic Oxidation of CO” Ziyi Zhong, Judith Ho, Jaclyn Teo, Shoucang Shen, Aharon Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 19, 4776-4782 (2007).
- “Templating Mesoporous Silica with Chiral Block Copolymers and its Application for Enantioselective Separation” A. Gabashvili, Dana. D. Medina, Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 11105-11110 (2007).
- "Synthesis of carbon encapsulated nanocrystals of WP by reacting W(CO)6 with triphenylphosphine at elevated temperature under autogenic pressure", P. P. George, V. G. Pol and A. Gedanken, J. Nanoparticles Research 9, 1187-1193 (2007).
- “Synthesis of Ferromagnetic Core-shell Nanofibers” S.V. Pol, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 16781-16786 (2007).
- “EXAFS and XANES Investigations of CuFe2O4 Nanoparticles and CuFe2O4-MO2 (M = Sn, Ce) Nanocomposites” Krishnan, Venkata; Selvan, Ramakrishnan Kalai; Augustin, Chanassary Ouso; Gedanken, Aharon; Bertagnolli, Helmut. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, 16724-16733 (2007).
- “Magnetic inhomogeneities in crystalline bulk and nanometer sized La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 : ESR probing” E. Rozenberg, A. I. Shames, G. Jung, Ya. M. Mukovskii, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Cheol Eui Lee, Phys. Stat. Sol. 244, 4554-4557 (2007).
- "Disorder-induced phase coexistence in bulk doped manganites and its suppression in nanometer-sized crystals: The case of La0.9Ca0.1MnO3"
- E. Rozenberg,1, A. I. Shames, M. Auslender, G. Jung, I. Felner, Jaivardhan Sinha, S. S. Banerjee, D. Mogilyansky, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, G. Gorodetsky, Phys. Rev. B 76, 214429 (2007).
- "Synthesis of One-Dimensional Structured Metal Phthalocyanine in an Ionic Liquid" David S. Jacob, Somashekarappa Mallenahalli, Leonid A. Solovyov, Evangelia Xenogiannopoulou, Konstantinos Iliopoulos, Stelios Couris, Aharon Gedanken J. Porphyrines and Phthalocyanines 11, 713-718 (2007).
Publication 2006
- "Acoustic Cavitation An Efficient Energetic Tool to Synthesize Nanosized CuO- ZrO2 Catalysts with Mesoporous Distribution" Manickam Sivakumar, Aharon Gedanken, Ziyi Zhong and Luwei Chen, New J. Chem. 102 – 107 (2006).
- “Gold Induced Crystallization of SiO2 and TiO2 Particles” N. Perkas, V. G. Pol, S. V. Pol, A. Gedanken, Crystal Growth & Design 6, 293-296 (2006).
- "Generation of Hydrophilic, Bamboo-Shaped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Solid State Pyrolysis and its Electrochemical Studies" Sangaraju Shanmugam, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 2037-2044 (2006).
- "Assembly of Au Colloids into Linear and Spherical Aggregates and Effect of Ultrasound irradiation on Structure" Ziyi Zhong, Fengxi Chen, Alamelu Suriya Subramanian, Jianyi Lin, James Highfield, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 16, 489-495 (2006).
- "Magnetic resonance in crystalline La0.9Ca0.1MnO3: Comparative study of bulk and nanometer-sized samples" A. I. Shames, M. Auslender, E. Rozenberg, G. Gorodetsky, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken and Ya. M. Mukovskii, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300, 12–15, (2006).
- “Growth of Carbon Sausages Filled with in situ Formed Tungsten Oxide Nanorods: Thermal Dissociation of Tungsten(VI) Isopropoxide in Isopropanol” Swati V. Pol, Vilas G. Pol, V. Kessler, and Aharon Gedanken, New J. Chem. 1, 370 – 376, (2006).
- “Sonoelectrochemistry of Cu++ in the presence of CTAB: obtaining instead of Copper” Iris Haas, Aharon Gedanken, Chem. Mater. . 18, 1184-1189, (2006)
- “A Microwave Route for the Synthesis of Nanoflakes and Dendrites-type β-In2S3 and their Characterization” Chitta Ranjan Patra, Aharon Gedanken, Yitzhak Mastai, Alexandra Gabashvili, Yuri Koltypin, Valery Palchik, Michael A. Slifkin, J. NanoSci. & Nanotechn. J. NanoSci. & Nanotechn. 6, 845-851 (2006).
- “The Application of an Electric Field (AC and DC) in the Growth of Carbon Filaments via RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperatures) of Mesitylene” Vilas G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Aharon Gedanken Chem. Mater. 18, 1512-1519 (2006).
- ”The Formation of a 3-D microstructure of Fe3O4-PVA Composite by Evaporating the Hydrosol under a Magnetic Field” R. Abu-Much, U. Meridor, A. Frydman, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. 110, 8194-8203 (2006).
- "Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2@C Core-Shell Composite Nanoparticles and Evaluation of their Photocatalytic Activities" Sangaraju Shanmugam, Alexandra Gabashvili, David. S. Jacob, Jimmy C. Yu, Aharon Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 18, 2275-2282 (2006).
- "Preparation and spectroscopy study of monodispersed metal oxide nanocrystals" Pang, G., Jin, H., Li, Y., Wan, Q., Sun, Y., Feng, S., Gedanken, A. J. Mater. Sci. 41, 1429-1431, (2006).
- "Generation of Hydrophilic, Bamboo-Shaped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Solid State Pyrolysis and its Electrochemical Studies" Sangaraju Shanmugam, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem B 110, 2037-2044 (2006).
- "The synthesis and magnetic properties of monodispersed single-domain nickel nanospheres and highly globular nanostructures of NicoreNiOshell” Xiansong Liu, Udi Meridor, Peng Zhao, Gongbao Song, Aviad Frydman, and Aharon Gedanken J. Mag. & Mag. Mater. 301, 13-21 (2006).
- "Magnetic properties of crystalline La0.9Ca0.1MnO3: Comparison of bulk and nanometer-sized samples" E. Rozenberg, G. Jung, M. Auslender, G. Gorodetsky, I. Felner, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, Ya. M. Mukovskii, Submitted to J. Appl. Phys. 99, Art. No. 08Q305 APR 15 (2006).
- Thermal Decomposition of Commercial Silicone Oil to Produce High Yield High Surface Area SiC Nanorods” Pol, V. G.; Pol, S. V.; Gedanken, A.; Lim, S. H.; Zhong, Z.; Lin, J. J. Phys. Chem.; 110, 11237-11240 (2006).
- “Optimization of sintering on the structural, electrical and dielectric properties of SnO2 coated CuFe2O4 nanoparticles” R. Kalai Selvan, C.O.Augustin, C.Sanjeeviraja, V.G.Pol, A.Gedanken, Mater. Chem. & Phys. 99, 109-116 (2006).
- “The Dependence of the Oriented Growth of Carbon Filaments on the Intensity of a Magnetic Field” Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati Vilas Pol, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Mun-Gyu Sung, Shigeo Asai, and Aharon Gedanken, Carbon 44, 1913-1918 (2006)
- "Testing carbon-coated VOx prepared via RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature) as Li insertion materials" Ayelet Odani, Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati Vilas Pol, Maxim Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, and Doron Aurbach, Advanced Mater. 18, 1431-1436 (2006).
- “Impact of growth kinetics on morphology and pore structure of TiO2-one-pot synthesis of macroporous TiO2 microspheres” Z. Y. Zhong, F. X. Chen, T. P. Ang, Y. F. Han, W. Q. Lim, A. Gedanken, Inorg. Chem. 45, 4619-4625 (2006).
- "High Magnetization Helical Carbon Nanofibers Produced by Nanoparticle Catalysis" Nujiang Tang, Wei Zhong, Aharon Gedanken, Youwei Du, J. Phys. Chem. B; 110, 11772-11774 (2006).
- “Syntheses and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CuCr2Se4” Alexey N. Rusnak, Dongsoo Kim, Shyam Parameswaran, Chitta Ranjan Patra, Viktor B. Trofimov, Riki Harpness, Aharon Gedanken, Yuriy S. Tver’yanovich, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352, 2885-2891 (2006).
- "Are Ionic Liquids Really a Boon for the Synthesis of Inorganic Materials? A General Method for the Fabrication of Nanosized Metal Fluorides" David S.Jacob, Liora Bitton, Judith Grinblat, Israel Felner, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, Chem Mater. 18, 3162-3168 (2006). .
- “Preparation and properties of CuCr2Se4 ferromagnetic spinel nanocrystals” Kim, D. , Rusnak, A. N. , Parameswaran, S. , Patra, C. R. , Trofimov, V. B. , Harpness, R. , Gedanken A, Tver'yanovich, Y. S. Glass Phys. & Chem. 32, 330-336 (2006).
- “Electrochemical Properties of Bamboo-Shaped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Generated by Solid State Pyrolysis" Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken, submitted to Electrochem. Comm. 8, 1099-1105 (2006)
- “Iron-fullerene clusters” Lityaeva, I. S. , Bulina, N. V. , Petrakovskaya, E. A. , Marachevsky, A. V. , Zharkov, S. M. , Gedanken, A. , Churilov, G. N. Fulleren. Nanatub. & Carbon Nanostr. 14, 499-502 (2006).
- "Sonochemically Prepared Pt/CeO2 and its Application as a Catalyst in Ethyl Acetate Combustion" Nina Perkas, Hadar Rotter, Leonid Vradman, Miron V. Landau, Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 22, 7072-7077 (2006).
- "Synthesis of a Conducting SiO2–carbon Composite from Commercial Silicone Grease and its Conversion to Paramagnetic SiO2 Particles" V. G. Pol, S. V. Pol, P. P. George, B. Markovsky and A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B. 110, 13420-13424 (2006).
- "Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline CuCr2Se4 particles" D. Kim, A. Gedanken, Y.S. Tver'yanovich, D.W. Lee, and B.K. Kim, Materials Letters 60, 2807-2809 (2006).
- "Synthesis of WC Nanotubes" Swati Vilas Pol, Vilas Ganpat Pol, Aharon Gedanken, Adv. Mater. 18, 2023-2027 (2006).
- "Pulsed sonoelectrochemical synthesis of size-controlled copper nanoparticles stabilized by poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)" Haas Iris, Sangaraju Shanmugam and Aharon Gedanken J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 16947-16952 (2006).
- “Magnetic properties of dense graphitic filaments formed via thermal decomposition of mesitylene in an applied electric field" José M. Calderon-Moreno, Amílcar Labarta, Xavier Batlle, Daniel Crespo, Vilas G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, Aharon Gedanken Carbon 44, 2864-2867 (2006).
- "Phase transition from the ferromagnetic to superparamagnetic with a loop shift in 5-nm nickel particles" Xiansong Liu, Kai Huang, Shengqiang Zhou, Peng Zhao, Udi Meridor, Aviad Frydman and Aharon Gedanken, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 305, 504-508 (2006).
- ''Carbon Coated Core Shell Structured Copper and Nickel-Nanoparticles Synthesized in Ionic Liquid” David S. Jacob, Isaschar Genish, Lior Klein, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 17711-17714. (2006).
- “Crystallization of ZnO on crystalline magnetite nanoparticles in the presence of ultrasound radiation”. R. Turgeman and A. Gedanken, Cryst. Growth &Design 6, 2260-2265. (2006).
- ”Monodispersed Ni sphere observation and Ni/NiO magnetic properties” X. S. Liu, S. Q. Zhou, K. Huang, U. Meridor, A. Frydrnan, A. Gedanken, RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 35, 1457-1460, (2006)
- "Loading Magnetic Nanoparticles into Sperm Cells Does Not Affect their Functionality" Shirly Ben -David Makhluf, Riam Qasem, Sara Rubinstein, Aharon Gedanken, Haim Breitbart. Langmuir 22, 9480-9482 (2006).
- “High yield one-step synthesis of carbon spheres produced by dissociating individual hydrocarbons at their autogenic pressure at low temperatures” Vilas Ganpat Pol, Swati V. Pol, Jose M. Calderon Moreno, Aharon Gedanken, Carbon 44, 3285-3292 (2006).
- "Preparation of ceria nanoparticles embedded in PMMA using sonochemical technique" Vijaya K. Rangari, D. N. Srivastava, A. Gedanken, Mater. Lett. 60, 3766-3768 (2006).
- "MnO nanocrystals and MnO@C core-shell composites: Synthesis and electrocatalytic properties" Sangaraju Shanmugam, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B. 110, 24486-24491 (2006).
- “A Versatile Wet-chemical Method for Synthesis of One Dimensional (1D) Ferric and Other Transition Metal Oxides” Ziyi Zhong, Ming Lin, Vivien Ng, Gary Xian Boon Ng, Yonglim Foo, Aharon Gedanken, Chem Mater. 18, 6031-6036 (2006).
- “Critical Current Density in MgB2 Nanoparticles Prepared under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature” Vilas G Pol, Swati V Pol, Israel Felner, Aharon Gedanken, Chem. Phys. Lett. 433, 115–119 (2006).
- “Magnetic properties of ZnMnO nanopowders solvothermally grown at low temperature from zinc and manganese acetate” A. Tomaszewska–Grzęda, A. Opalińska, E. Grzanka, and W. Łojkowski, A. Gedanken, M. Godlewski*, S. Yatsunenko, V. Osinniy and T. Story, Appl. Phys. Letts. 89, 242102 (2006).
Publications 2004
- “Nanophase formation of strontium hexafirrite fine powder by the sonochemical method using Fe(CO)5” M. Sivakumar, A. Gedanken, D. Bhattacharya, Y. Yeshurun, W. Zhong, Y. Du, I. Felner, J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 268/1-2, 95-104 (2004).
- “Carbon Spherules: Synthesis, Properties and Mechanistic Elucidation” Vilas Ganpat Pol, Menachem Motiei, Aharon Gedanken, Jose Calderon-Moreno, Masahiro Yoshimura, Carbon 42, 111-116 (2004).
- “Oriented Growth of ZnO crystals on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Functionalized Alkyl Silanes” R. Turgeman, O. Gershevitz, O. Palchik, M. Deutsch, B.M. Ocko, A. Gedanken, C. N. Sukenik . Crystal Growth & Design 4, 169 – 175 (2004).
- “A Fast Synthesis for Zintl Phase Compounds of Na3SbTe3, NaSbTe2 and K3SbTe3 by Microwave Irradiation” Gen-Tao Zhou, V. G. Pol, Oleg Palchik, Riki Kerner, Elena Sominski,Yuri Koltypin and Aharon Gedanken, J. Sol. Stat. Chem. 177, 361-365 (2004).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Nanocrystalline LaFeO3” Sivakumar, M., Gedanken, A., Zhong, W., Jiang, H.Y., Du, Y.W., Brukental, I., Bhattacharya, D., Yeshurun, Y., Nowik, I., J. Mater. Chem. 14, 764 - 769 (2004).
- “THE POSSIBLE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDANTS IN ULTRASOUND-ASSISTED LIPOPLASTY” Moris Topaz, ; Ehud I. Assia, ; Naomi Meyerstein, ; Dan Meyerstein, ; Aharon Gedanken, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 113, 788-789 (2004).
- “Using Sonochemistry for the Fabrication of Nanomaterials” Aharon Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 11, 47-55 (2004).
- “Thermal Decomposition of Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) Produces Silicon Coated Carbon Spheres” V. G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, A.Gedanken, Y. Gofer, J. Mater. Chem. 14, 966 – 969 (2004).
- Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken “Sonochemistry and Other Novel Methods Developed for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles” Chapter in "The Chemistry of Nanomaterials". Edited by C. N. R. Rao, Vol.1, Pages 113-169 (2004).
- "An Uncatalyzed Meerwein-Ponndorf-Oppenauer-Verley Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones Under Supercritical Conditions" S. Hoz, L. Sominski, A. Gedanken, J. Org. Chem. 69, 1492-1496, (2004).
- "The Surface Chemistry of Au Colloids and their Interactions with Functional Amino Acids" Ziyi Zhong, Sergiy Patskovskyy, Pierre Bouvrette, John H. T. Luong, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 4046-4052 (2004).
- “Microwave synthesis of core-shell gold/palladium bimetallic nanoparticles” Riki Harpeness, Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 20, 3431-3434 (2004).
- “Growing ZnO Crystals on Magnetite Nanoparticles” Rachel Turgeman, Shay Tirosh, Aharon Gedanken, Chemistry - A European Journal, 10, 1845-1850 (2004).
- “Characterisation and magnetic behaviour of nickel nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon”, Patricia B. Oliete , T. Cristina Rojas , Asunción Fernández , Aharon Gedanken , Yuri Koltypin, Fernando Palacio, Acta Materialia 52, 2165-2171 (2004).
- “Preparation and characterization of Cu2SnSe4 nanoparticles using a microwave-assisted polyol method” Haviv Grisaru, V. G. Pol, Aharon Gedanken, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 9, 1859-1864 (2004).
- “The Effect of a Magnetic Field on a RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature) of MoO(OMe)4; Fabrication of MoO2 Nanoparticles Coated with Carbon or Separated MoO2 and Carbon Particles” S. V. Pol, V. G. Pol, V. G. Kessler, G. A. Seisenbaeva, M. Sung, S. Asai, and A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 6322-6327 (2004).
- “Stabilization of Metastable FCC Cobalt and the Tetragonal Phase of Zirconia by a carbon shell; the RAPET (Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature) of CoZr2(acac)2(OPr)8” Swati V. Pol, Vilas G. Pol, Gulaim Seisenbaeva, Vadim G. Kessler, and A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 16, 1793-1798 (2004).
- “ Novel Methods (sonochemistry, sonoelectrochemistry, and microwave heating) for the Preparation of Nano-sized Inorganic Compounds” in Inorganic Materials: Recent Advances, Edit: D. Bahadur, S. Vitta, O. Prakash, Narosa Publishing House, 2004, Pages. 302-307.
- “Tailoring the Properties of Fe-Fe3C Nanocrystalline Particles Prepared by Sonochemistry” S.I. Nikitenko, Yu. Koltypin, I. Felner, I. Yeshurun, A.I. Shames, J.Z. Jiang, V. Markovich, G. Gorodetsky, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B. 108, 7620-7626 (2004).
- “Sonochemical Decoration of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Nanocrystalline Tin” Longhui Qiu, Vilas G. Pol, Yun Wei, Aharon Gedanken, New J. Chem. 28, 1055-1059 (2004).
- “Rapid Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Hexagonal Type In2O3 and Spherical Type Tl2O3 by Microwave Irradiation” Chitta Ranjan Patra and Aharon Gedanken New Journal of Chemistry 28, 1060-1065 (2004).
- “Encapsulating a Superconducting Material, MgCNi3, in a Carbon Nanoflask” A. Gedanken, R. K. Rana, V. G. Pol, I. Felner, E. Meridor, A. Frydman, Adv. Mater. 16, 972 (2004).
- “Insights into the Sonochemical Decomposition of Fe(CO)5 : Theoretical and Experimental Understanding with Crucial Molar Concentration and Power Density factors to achieve higher reaction rates” M. Sivakumar, A. Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 11, 373-378, (2004).
- “Magnetic Field Guided Formation of Long Carbon Filaments (Sausages)” A. Gedanken, V. G. Pol, Swati V. Pol, Mun-Gyu Sung, and Shigeo Asai, Carbon 42/12-13, 2738-2741, (2004).
- “Electron Magnetic Resonance Study of Sonochemically Prepared Nanopowders of La1-xSrxMnO3 (X=0.16, 0.3) CMR Manganites” A. I. Shames, E. Rozenberg, G. Gorodetsky, G. Pang, and A. Gedanken, B. Atkas et al. (eds), Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 199-204, (2004).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Rare Earth Orthoferrites using Fe(CO)5 Precursor” M. Sivakumar, A. Gedanken, D. Bhattacharya, I. Brukental, Y. Yeshurun, W. Zhong, Y.W. Du, I. Felner, I. Nowik, Chem. Mater. 16, 3623-3632 (2004).
- “Synthesis of alpha-MoTe2 Nanorods via Annealing Te-seeded Amorphous MoTe2 Particles” Longhui. Qiu, Vilas G. Pol, Yun Wei, Aharon Gedanken, Inorganic Chemistry 43, 6061-6066 (2004).
- “An Ultrasound-Assisted Polyol Method for the Preparation of SBA-15-supported Ruthenium nanoparticles and the study of its Catalytic Activity on the Partial Oxidation of Methane” Hongliang Li, Renzhang Wang, Qi Hong, Luwei Chen, Ziyi Zhong, Yuri Koltypin, J. Calderon-Moreno, and Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 20, 8352-8356 (2004).
- “Reactions under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature (RAPET) of Various alkoxides; the Formation of Metals/Metal Oxides-Carbon Core-shell Structures” Swati V. Pol, Vilas G. Pol, Aharon Gedanken, Chemistry: A European Journal 10, 4467-4473 (2004)..
- “Commercial edible oils as new solvents for ultrasonic synthesis of nanoparticles: the preparation of air stable nanocrystalline iron particles” Yury Koltypin, Nina Perkas, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 14, 2975 - 2977 (2004)
- “Interaction between Ti-gel and Silver, Copper as well as Nickel Compounds under Ultrasound Irradiation” Weiping Huang, Suwen Liu, Xianghai Tang, Menachem Motiei, Yuri Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 30, 793 - 805 (2004), Special issue on Sonochemistry
- “Sonochemical and soft-chemical intercalation of lithium ions into MnO2 polymorphs” V. G. Kumar, J. S. Gnanaraj, G. Salitra, A. Abramov, A. Gedanken, D. Aurbach, J. B. Soupart and J. C. Rousche, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 8, 957-967 (2004).
- “The Sonochemical Insertion of Nanomaterials into Mesostructures” A. Gedanken, Y. Koltypin, N. Perkas, M. Besson, L. Vradman, M. Hershkovitz, M. V. Landau, Trans. of the Indian Ceramic Society, 63, 137 (2004).
- “Novel Synthesis of Ordered MCM-41 Titanosilicate with very high Titanium Content via Ultrasound radiation” X. Tang, W. Huang Huang, S. Liu, Y. Wang, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, D. M. Pickup, E. R. H. van Eck, A. Gednaken, Israel Journal of Chemistry 44, 235-241 (2004). (special issue for Prof. J. Jortner 70th birthday)
- “Microwave-Assisted Selective Preparation and Characterization of Li21Si5 and Li17Sn4” Gen-Tou Zhao, Oleg Palchik, Israel Nowik, R. Herber, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken J. Sol. State Chem. 177/9, 3014-3020 (2004).
- "Controlled Organizations of Au Colloids into Linear Assemblies” Ziyi Zhong, Jizhong Luo, Thiam Peng Ang, James Highfield, Jianyi Lin, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B. 108, 18119-18123 (2004).
- “Microwave–assisted Synthesis of GaO(OH) and Ga2O3 Nanorods” Chitta Ranjan Patra, Yitzhak Mastai and Aharon Gedanken, J. Nanoparticles Research 6, 509-518 (2004).
Publication 2003
- “Preparation of Porous Cobalt and Nickel Oxides from Corresponding Alkoxides using a Sonochemical Technique and its Application as a Catalyst in the Oxidation of Hydrocarbon” D. N. Srivastava, N. Perkas, G. A. Seisenbaeva, Y. Koltypin, V. G. Kessler and A. Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochem. 10, 1 (2003).
- “Sonochemical Polymerization of Diphenylmethane” S. Nikitenko, Yu. Koltypin, D. Pickup, E. Van-Eck, A. Gedanken, Ultrason. Sonochem. 10, 11 (2003).
- “A comparison between hot hydrolysis and sonolysis of various Mn(II) salts” V. Ganesh Kumar, D. Aurbach, and A. Gedanken Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 10, 17 (2003).
“Preparation of La1-xSrxMnO3 nanoparticles by sonication-assisted coprecipitation” G. Pang, X. Xu, V. Markovich, S. Avivi, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, G. Gorodetsky, Y. Yeshurun, A. Gedanken, Mater. Res. Bull. 38, 11 (2003).
“High Loading of Short WS2 Slabs Inside SBA-15 Nanotubes: Promotion with Nickel and Performance in Hydrodesulforization and hydrogeneation” L. Vradman, M. V. Landau, M. Herskowitz, V. Ezersky, M. Talianker, S. Nikitenko, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Catal. , 213, 115 (2003).
6. “Synthesis and characterization of Zinc oxide-PVA nanocomposite by ultrasound irradiation and the effect of nanocomposite on the crystal growth of Zinc oxide” R. Vijaya Kumar, R. Elgamiel, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, J. Norwig, J. Crystal Growth. 250/3-4, 409 (2003).
- “Catalytic aerobic epoxidation of olefins by nanostructured amorphous CoO-MCM-41” Dwairath Dhar, Yu. Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, and Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Catalysis Letters 86, 197- 200 (2003).
- “Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Silica Spheres: A Sonochemical Approach”, V. G. Pol, A. Gedanken, and J. Calderon-Moreno, Chem. Mater. 15, 1111 (2003).
- “Synthesis and Charactrization of Fe3Co7 alloy encapsulated in carbon nanoflasks”, Rohit Kumar Rana, Ishai Brukental , Yosef Yeshurun, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 13, 663 (2003).
- “Synthesis of Monodispersed Carbon Spherules and Sonochemical Deposition of Air- Stable Iron Nanoparticles on Their Surface” V. G. Pol, M. Motiei, A. Gedanken, J. Calderon-Moreno and Y. Mastai, Chem. Mater. 15, 1378 (2003).
- “Use of antioxidants to reduce corneal damage induced by acoustic cavitation during phacoemulsification” M. Topaz, A. Rubowitz, E. I. Assia, M. Rosner, D. Meyerstein, N. Meyerstein and A. Gedanken, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 29, S31 (2003).
- “A Novel Ultrasound Assisted Approach to the Synthesis of of CdSe and CdS, Nanocrystals” Hong-liang Li; Ying-chun Zhu; Si-guang Chen; Oleg Palchik; Jin-ping Xiong; Yuri Koltypin; Yosef Gofer; and A. Gedanken J. Sol. State Chem. 172, 102 (2003).
- “The Sonochemical Preparation of a Mesoporous NiO/YSZ Composite” E. Sominski, A. Gedanken, N. Perkas, H . P. Buchkremer, N. H. Menzler Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 60, 91-97 (2003).
- “Cobalt Analogue of The Superconducting MgCNi3 Encapsulated in Carbon Nanoflask” Rohit K. Rana, X. N. Xu, Y. Yeshurun and A. Gedanken Adv. Mater. 15, 926 (2003).
- “Simple Air-tight Powder-XRD Cell” O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, Y. Rubinstein Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 3175 (2003).
- “Development and testing of nanomaterials for rechargeable lithium batteries” A. Odani, A. Nimberger, B. Markovsky, E. Sominski, E. Levi, V. G. Kumar, M. Motiei, A. Gedanken, P. Dan, D. Aurbach, Journal of Power Sources, 119-121, 517 (2003).
- “Mesoporous Structures from Supramolecular Assembly of in-situ Generated ZnS Nanoparticles” Rohit Kumar Rana, Lizhi Zhang, Jimmy C. Yu, Yitzhak Mastai and Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 19, 5904 (2003).
- “8YSZ Nanomaterials for the fabrication of electrolyte membranes in Solid Oxide Fuel cells” N. H. Menzler, D. Lavergnat, F. Tietz, E. Djurado, W. Fischer, G. Pang, A. Gedanken, H. P. Buchkremer, Ceramic International 29/6, 619-628 (2003).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Air-stable Fe/Co Alloy Nanoparticles” Qiaoling Li, Hongliang Li, V. G. Pol, Ishai Bruckental, Yuri Koltypin, and Aharon Gedanken New J. of Chem. New J. of Chem. 27, 1194 - 1199 (2003).
- “Microwave-assisted synthesis of nanosized Bi2Se3” Riki Harpness, A. Gedanken, New J. of. Chem. 27, 1191 – 1193, (2003)
- “High Loading of Short W(Mo)S2 Slabs inside the SBA-15 Nanotubes. Promotion with Ni(Co) and Performance in Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation”, L. Vradman, M. V. Landau, M. Herskowitz, V. Ezersky, M. Talianker, S. Nikitenko, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 146, 721 (2003).
- “Microwave-Assisted Solid-State Synthesis and Characterization of Intermatallic compounds of Li3Bi and Li3Sb” Gen-Tao Zhou, O. Palchik, V. G. Pol, E. Sominska, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 13, 2607 (2003).
- 23. “A Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Nanosized MoSe2” Riki Harpeness, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 13, 2603 - 2606 (2003).
- “A mesoporous iron-titanium oxide composite prepared sonochemically” N. Perkas, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Submitted to J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 8772-8778 (2003).
- “Improving the high temperature performance of LiMn2O4 spinel electrodes by coating the active mass with MgO via a sonochemical method” J. S. Gnanaraj, V.G. Pol, A. Gedanken and D. Aurbach, Electrochem. Comm. 5, 940-945 (2003).
- “Microwave-assisted polyol synthesis of CuInTe2 and CuInSe2 nanoparticles”,Oleg Palchik, Haviv Grisaru, Valery Palchik, Aharon Gedanken Inorg. Chem. 42, 7148-7155 (2003).
- “An aqueous reduction method to synthesize spinel-LiMn2O4 nanoparticles as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries” V. G. Kumar, J. S. Gnanaraj, S. Ben-David, D. M. Pickup, E. R. H. Van-Eck, A. Gedanken, D. Aurbach, Chem. Mater. 15, 4211-4216 (2003).
- “The Sonochemical Preparation of Lamellar MoOx” A. Gabashvili, G.A. Seisenbaeva, V.G. Kessler, L.Z. Zhang, J.C. Yu, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 13, 2851 - 2852 (2003).
- “A Two-step Process for the Synthesis of MoTe2 Nanotubes: Combining Sonochemical Technique with Heat Treatment” Longhui Qiu, Vilas G. Pol, Yun Wei and Aharon Gedanken J. Mater. Chem. 13, 2985 – 2988 (2003).
- “Sonochemistry and its Application to Nanochemistry” A. Gedanken, Current Science, 85, No. 12, 1 (2003).
- “Improved silanization modification of silica surface and it application to the preparation of silica supported Polyoxometalates catalyst” Hong-liang Li, Nina Perkas, Qiao-ling Li, Yossi Gofer, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken, Langmuir 19, 10409 (2003).
- “An easy sonochemical route for the encapsulation of tetracycline in bovine serum albumin microspheres”. S. Avivi (Levi,), Y. Nitzan, R. Dror and A. Gedanken J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 125, 15712 (2003).
- “Reduction of acoustic cavitation effects under simulated phacoemulsification conditions in vitro” M. Topaz, E. I. Assia, D. Meyerstein, N. Meyerstein, A.Gedanken, Invest. Ophthalm. & Visual Sci. 44,183 (2003).
- “Ascorbic acid protects corneal endothelium from damage induced by free radicals during phacoemulsification” E. I. Assia, A. Rubowitz, M. Rosner, D. Meyerstein, N. Meyerstein, A. Gedanken, S. Margel, M. Topaz, Invest. Ophthalm. & Visual Sci. 44, 229 (2003)
Publications 2002
- “Sonochemical synthesis and characterization of Ag2S/PVA and CuS/PVA nanocomposite”, Kumar, R. V. Palchik, O. Koltypin, Y. Diamant, Y. Gedanken, A. Ultrason. Sonochem. 9, 65-70 (2002).
- “Synthesis and characterization of submicrospherical silica particles uniformly coated with nanocrystalline yttria stabilized zirconia” Ramesh, S. Sominska, E. Gedanken, A. Ultrason. Sonochem. 9, 61-64 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles — Effect of Additives and Quantum Size Effect” Lunxiang Yin, Yanqin Wang, Guangsheng Pang, Yuri Koltypin and Aharon Gedanken, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 246, 78 (2002).
- “Preparation of the Cd1-xZnxSe alloys in the nanophase form using microwave irradiation”. H. Grisaru, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, V. Palchik, M. A. Slifkin, A. M. Weiss. J. Mater. Chem. 12, 339-344 (2002).
- Hong-liang Li, Ying-chun Zhu, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, V. Palchik, M. Slifkin, A. M. Weiss, “Sonochemical preparation of GaSb Nanoparticles” Inorganic Chemistry 41, 637 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Mesoporous Iron Oxide and Accounts of its Magnetic and Catalytic Properties” D. N. Srivastava, N. Perkas, A. Gedanken, I. Felner, J. Phys. Chem B 106, 1878-1883 (2002).
- Preparation of Nanosized Nickel Aluminate Spinel by a Sonochemical Method”.P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Mater. Sci.& Eng. B 90, 125 (2002).
- “The sonochemical preparation of tungsten oxide nanoparticles” Yu. Koltypin, S. Nikitenko, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 12, 1107 (2002).
- “Preparation of nanosized cobalt hydroxides and oxyhydroxides assisted by sonication” Yingchun Zhu, Hongliang Li, Yuri Koltypin, and Aharon Gedanken J. Mater. Chem. 12, 729 (2002).
- “Sonochemical deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Silica spheres” Vilas G. Pol, D. N. Srivastava, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, Langmuir 18, 3352 (2002).
- “Annealing study of Fe2O3 nanoparticles: magnetic size effects and phase transformations” X. N. Xu, Y. Wolfus, A. Shaulov, Y. Yeshurun, I. Felner, I. Novik, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken J. Appl. Phys. 91, 4611-4616 (2002).
- “Preparation, Texture and Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/Nanoparticles Doped with Cobalt” R. K. Rana, A. Gedanken, Y. Yeshurun, X. Xu, J. Phys. Chem. B. 106, 4079-4084 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Tungsten Sulfide Nanorods” Sergei Nikitenko, Yuri Koltypin, Yitzhak Mastai, Maxim Koltypin and Aharon Gedanken J. Mater. Chem. 12, 1450 (2002).
- “Microwave assisted preparation, morphological and photoacoustic studies of the Na4SnSe4, K4Sn2Se6, and K4Sn3Se8 Zintl molecular Sn-Se oligomers.” O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, V. Palchik, M. A. Slifkin, A. M. Weiss, J. Sol. State Chem. 165, 125 (2002).
- “Electron magnetic resonance studies of magnetic inhomogeneities in crystalline and nanosized powders of La1-xSrxMnO3” A. I. Shames, E. Rozenberg G. Gorodetsky, A. A. Arsenov, D. A. Shulyatev, Ya. M. Mukovskii, A. Gedanken, G. Pang, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 7929 (2002).
- “Preparation and characterization of Ag2E (E=Se, Te) using the sonochemically-assisted polyol method” R. Harpeness, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, V. Palchik, S. Amiel, M. A. Slifkin, A. M. Weiss, Chem. Mater. 14, 2094 (2002).
- “Forming multiwalled carbon nanotubes by the thermal decomposition of Mo(CO)6”. M. Motiei, J. M. Calderon-Moreno, A. Gedanken, Chem. Phys. Letts. 357, 267 (2002).
- “Suspensive Electrode Formation in Pulsed Electrochemical Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles” Y. Socol, O. Abramson, A. Gedanken, Y. Meshorer, A. Zaban Langmuir 18, 4736-4740 (2002).
- “Influence of pH on the structure of the aqueous sonolysis products of Mn(III) acetylacetonate” V. Ganesh Kumar, D. Aurbach, A. Gedanken J. Mater. Res. 17, 1706 (2002).
- “Preparation and Characterization of Nickel-polystyrene Nanocomposite by Ultrasound irradiation” R. Vijaya Kumar, Yu. Koltypin, O. Palchik, and A. Gedanken, J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 86, 160 (2002).
- “The formation of carbon-coated MgO cubes and carbon cubes” Menachem Motiei, Jose Calderon-Moreno†, Aharon Gedanken, Adv. Mater. 14, 1169 (2002).
- “Are S-S Bonds Responsible for the Sonochemical Formation of Proteinaceous Microspheres? The Case of Streptavidin”. S. Avivi (Levi) and A. Gedanken, Biochemical Journal 366, 705 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Mesoporous Tin oxide” D. N. Srivastava, S. Chappel, O. Palchik, A. Zaban, A. Gedanken, Langmuir 18, 4160 (2002).
- “Acoustic Cavitation in Phacoemulsification-Chemical effects Modes of Action and Cavitation Index, M. Topaz, M. Motiei, A. Gedanken, D. Meyerstein, N. Meyerstein, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 28, 775 (2002).
- “Preparation and Characterization of FexOy-TiO2 via Sonochemical Synthesis” W. Huang, X. Tang, I. Felner, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken Mater. Res. Bull. 37, 1721-1735 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Mesoporous Transition Metal and Rare Earth Oxides Yanqin Wang, Lunxiang Yin, Aharon Gedanken, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry 9, 285 (2002).
- “Acoustic cavitation leading to the morphosynthesis of mesoporous silica vesicles” R. Kumar Rana, Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken Adv. Mater. 14, 1414 (2002).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis and Optical Properties of Europium Oxide Nanolayer Coated on Titania” V. G. Pol, R. Reisfeld, and A. Gedanken Chem. Mater. 14, 3920 (2002).
- V. G. Pol, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, I. Felner, “Synthesis of Europium Oxide Nanorods by Ultrasound Irradiation” J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 9737 (2002).
- “Carbon Nanoflask: A Mechanistic elucidation of its formation, Rohit Kumar Rana, Aharon Gedanken. J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 9769 (2002).
- “Sonochemistry as a Tool for Preparation of Porous Metal Oxides” D. N. Srivastava, N. Perkas, A. Zaban, A. Gedanken, Pure and Applied Chemistry 74, 1509 (2002).
- “Blocking Temperatures of Amorphous Iron Nanoparticles Coated by Various Surfactants” G. Kataby‑, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, I. Felner, Appl. Surf. Sci. 201, 191-195 (2002).
- “A Promising sonochemical Process for the Synthesis of Metal Selenides: The Preparation of a-CuSe Nanocrystals and Flakes” Hong-Liang Li, Ying-Chun Zhu, Sigalit Avivi, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 12, 3723 (2002).
- “Nanoparticles of SnO produced by sonochemistry as anode materials for rechangeable, high energy density Li batteries” D. Aurbach, A. Nimberger, E. Levi, E. Sominski, A. Gedanken Chem. Mater. 14, 4155 (2002).
- “Synthesis of Air-Stable Iron-Iron Carbide Nanocrystalline Particles Showing Very High Saturation Magnetization” Sergey I. Nikitenko, Yuri Koltypin, Vladimir Markovich, Evgeny Rozenberg, Gad Gorodetsky, and Aharon Gedanken, IEEE on Magnetism 38, 2592 (2002).
- “Catalytic Transformation of Carbon Black to Carbon Nanotubes” Stanislav Kishinevski, Sergei I. Nikitenko, D. M. Pickup, Ernst R.H.Van-Eck Chem. Mater. 14, 4498 (2002).
Publications in 2001
- “Mesoporous Titanium Oxide: Sonochemical Synthesis and Application in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” Y. Wang, S. G. Chen, X. H. Tang, O. Palchik, A. Zaban, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 11, 521(2001).
- “Oxidation of cyclohexane with nanostructured amorphous catalysts under mild conditions” Nina Perkas, Yuri Koltypin, Oleg Palchik, S. Chandrasekaran, Aharon Gedanken, Appl. Catal. A: General, 209/1-2, 125 (2001).
- “Sonochemical Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Copper Oxide Embedded in Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Its Effect on Crystal Growth of Copper Oxide” R. Vijaya Kumar, R. Elgamiel, Y. Diamant, and A. Gedanken , Langmuir, 17, 1406-1410 (2001).
- “Microwave-assisted polyol method for the preparation of CdSe “nanoballs” O. Palchik, R. Kerner, A. Gedanken, A. M. Weiss, M. A. Slifkin, V. Palchik J. Mater. Chem. 11, 874 (2001).
- “Synthesis of Lanthanum Carbonate Particles with Novel Morphologies” P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, O. Palchik, A. Gadanken J. Mater.Chem. 11, 869 (2001).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Amorphous Copper (or) Nanocrystalline Copper(I) Oxide Embedded in Polyaniline Matrix” R. Vijaya Kumar, Y. Mastai, Y. Diamant, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 11, 1210 (2001).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Layered and Hexagonal Yttrium-Zirconium Oxide” Y. Wang, L. Yin, O. Palchik, Y. Rozenfeld-Hacohen, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater.13, 1248 (2001).
- “Sonochemical and Microwave-assisted Preparations of PbTe and PbSe. A Comparative Study” R. Kerner, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken, Chem Mater.13, 1413 (2001).
- “Synthesis of Long Silver Nanowires from AgBr Nanocrystallines” Suwen Liu, Jun Yue, Aharon Gedanken Adv. Mater. 13, 656 (2001).
- “Nanostructured amorphous metals, alloys, and metal oxides as new catalysts for oxidation” Kesavan, V., Dhar, D., Koltypin, Y., Perkas, N., Palchik, O., Gedanken, A., Chandrasekaran, S. Pure & Appl. Chem. 73, 85-91,(2001).
- “Mesoporous iron-titania catalyst for cyclohexane oxidation” Nina Perkas, Yanqin Wang, Yuri Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken* and Srinivasan Chandrasekaran Chem. Comm. 988 (2001).
- “Preparing a Stable Colloidal Solution of Hydrous YSZ by Sonication” G. Pang, E. Sominska, H. Colfen, Y. Mastai, S. Avivi, Yu, Koltypin, A. Gedanken Langmuir 17, 3223 (2001).
- “Synthesis of Nanosized a nickel hydroxide by a sonochemical method” P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Nanoletters 1, 263 (2001).
- “Synthesis of X-ray amorphous silver nanoparticles by the pulsed sonoelectrochemical method”. S. Liu, W. Huang, S. Chen, S. Avivi, A. Gedanken J. Non-Crystalline Solids 283, 231 (2001).
- “Preparation and characterization of monodispersed YSZ nanocrystals” G. Pang, S. Chen, Y. Zhu, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem.105, 4647 (2001).
- “Fabrication of Magnetite Nanorods by Ultrasound Irradiation” R. Vijayakumar, Yu. Koltypin, X. N. Xu, Y. Yeshurun, A. Gedanken, I. Felner J. Appl. Phys. 89, 6324 (2001).
- “Ultrasonically controlled deposition-precipitation Co-Mo HDS catalysts deposited on wide-pore MCM material” M. V. Landau, L. Vradman and M. Herskowitz, Y. Koltypin and A. Gedanken, J. of Catalysis 201, 22 (2001).
- “EPR analysis of radicals generated in ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty simulated enviroment” M. Topaz, M. Motiei, A. Gedanken, D. Meyerstein, N. Meyerstein, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 27, 851 (2001).
- “The Sonochemical Synthesis of Nanophased Indium Sulfide” S. Avivi and A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 13, 2195 (2001).
- “Novel SnS2 Anode for Rechargeable Lithium Battery” T. Momma, N. Shiraishi, A. Yoshizawa, T. Osaka, A. Gedanken, J. Zhu, L. Sominska, J. Power Sources 97-8, 198, Sp. Iss. SI (2001).
- “The Study of Cobalt-filled Carbon Nanoflasks” Suwen Liu, Seth Boeshore, A. Fernandez, M. J. Sayagues, J. E. Fischer, Aharon Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem B. 105, 7606 (2001).
- “Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ag granular alloy” L. Suwen, L. Yin, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, X. Xu, Y. Yeshurun, I. Felner, G. Gorodetsky. J. Magnet. &Magnet. Mater. 233, 195 (2001).
- “Rapid Synthesis of Mesoporous Yttrium-Zirconium Oxides with Ultrasound Irradiation, Y. Q. Wang, L. X. Yin, O. Palchik, Y. Rosenfeld Hacohen, Yu. Koltypin and A. Gedanken, Langmuir 17, 4131 (2001).
- “Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from in situ generated cobalt nanoparticles and carbon monoxide”. Rohit Kumar Rana, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken Chem. Phys. Lett. 344, 256 (2001).
- “The preparation of magnetic proteinaceous microspheres using the sonochemical method”. S. Avivi (Levi), I. Felner, I. Novik and A. Gedanken Biochimica et Biophysica Acta GENERAL SUBJECTS 1527, 123-129 (2001).
- “The effect of Ultrasound Irradiation on Polycrystalline MoO3” P. Jeevanandam, Y. Diamant, M. Motiei, A. Gedanken Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3, 4107 (2001).
- “Preparation of Cd1-xZnxSe using microwave-assisted polyol synthesis” H. Grisaru, O. Palchik, A. Gedanken*, V. Palchik, M. A. Slifkin, A. M. Weiss, Y. Rozenfeld Hacohen, Inorganic Chemistry 40, 4814 (2001).
- “Preparing Carbon Nanotubes and Nested Fullerenes from Supercritical CO2 by a Chemical Reaction” Menachem Motiei, Yaron Rosenfeld Hacohen, Jose Calderon-Moreno, and Aharon Gedanken Journal of the American Chemical Society; 123 8624-8625 (2001).
- “Using sonochemical methods for the preparation of mesoporous materials and for the deposition of catalysts into the mesopores” Aharon Gedanken, Y. Wang, X. Tang, N. Perkas, Yu. Koltypin, M. V. Landau, L. Vradman and M. Herskowitz Chemistry: A European Journal, 7, 4546-4552 (2001).
- “Synthesis of Highly Magnetic Air-stable Iron/Iron Carbide “ S. Nikitenko, Yu. Koltypin, I. Felner, A. Gedanken, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 40, 4447-4449 (2001).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Crystalline nanoporous Zinc oxide spheres and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells” S. G. Chen, R. Vijaya Kumar, A. Zaban, A. Gedanken Israel Journal of Chemistry 41, 51 (2001).
- “Controlling the Particle Size of Calcined SnO2 Nanocrystals” Guangsheng Pang, Siguang Chen, Yuri Koltypin, Arie Zaban, Shouhua Feng, and Aharon Gedanken, Nanoletters, 1, 723 (2001).
- “Sonochemical synthesis of titania whiskers and nanotubes” Yingchun Zhu, Hongliang Li, Yuri Koltypin, Yaron Rosenfeld Hacohen, Aharon Gedanken Chem. Comm. 2616 (2001).
- A. Gedanken, “Ultrasonic processing to produce nanoparticles”. In Buschow K H J, Cahn R W, Flemings M C, Ilschner B, Kramer E J, Mahajan S (eds.) Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology. Elsevier Science, Oxford, Vol. 10, pp. 9450-6, 2001.
Publication in 2000
- "A General Sonochemical Method for the preparation of Nanophased Selenides: the synthesis of ZnSe” J. J. Zhu, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken Chem. Mater. 12, 73, (2000).
- “A novel method for the preparation of lead selenide: pulsed sonoelectrochemical synthesis of PbSe nanoparticles”. J. Zhu, S. T. Aruna, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 12, 143 (2000).
- “Synthesis of α-cobalt (II) hydroxide using ultrasound radiation P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Y. Mastai, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 511 (2000).
- "Nanocrystalline g-alumina synthesized by sonohydrolysis of alkoxide precursor in the presence of organic acids: structure and morphological properties" S. Ramesh, E. Sominska, B. Cina, R. Chaim and A. Gedanken J. Amer. Cer. Soc. 83, 89 (2000).
- "Elongated copper nanoparticles coated with a zwitterionic surfactant” R. A. Salkar, P. Jeevanandam, S. T. Aruna, Yu. Koltypin, O. Palchik and A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B, 104, 893 (2000).
- "Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Nanosized Amorphous Ternary Fe-Ni-Co alloy Powders” K. V. P. M. Shafi, A. Gedanken, R. Prozorov, A. Revesz, J. Lendvai, J. Mater. Res. 15, 332 (2000).
- "Preparation and Coating of Molybdenum Oxide on Alumina Submicrospheres by Sonochemical Method” Z. Y. Zhong, Y. Mestai, R. A. Salkar, Y. Koltypin and A. Gedanken J. Mater. Res. 15, 393 (2000).
- "TEM, EELS and EFTEM Characterization of Nickel Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Carbon”T. C. Rojas, M. J. Sayagues, A. Caballero, A. Fernandez, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, L. Ponsonnet, B. Vacher, J. Martin, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 715 (2000).
- "Preparation of amorphous magnetite nanoparticles embedded in polyvinylalcohol using ultrasound radiation” R. Vijaykumar, Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken, Y. S. Cohen, Yair Cohen, D. Aurbach, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 1125 (2000).
- "Microwave assisted preparation of binary oxides nanoparticles” O. Palchik, J. Zhu, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 1251 (2000).
- "Reaction Pathways at the iron-silica interface: mechanistic aspects of the formation of target iron oxide phases" S. Ramesh, I. Felner, Y. Koltypin and A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Res. 15, 944 (2000).
- “The Preparation of a Polystyrene-Iron Composite by Using Ultrasound Radiation”. S. Wizel, S. Margel, A. Gedanken, Polymer International. 49, 445 (2000).
- “New Fullerene-like Inorganic Compound A Fabricated by the Sonolysis of an Aqueous Solution of TlCl3”. S. Avivi, Y. Mastai, and A. Gedanken. JACS 122, 4331 (2000).
- “Synthesis of carbon nanoflasks” Suwen Liu, X. Tang, L. Yin, Yu. Koltypin, Aharon Gedanken J. Mater. Chem. 10, 1271 (2000).
- “The Sonohydrolysis of In+3 Ions: The Formation of Needle-like Particles of Indium Hydroxide” S. Avivi, Y. Mastai, and A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 12, 1229 (2000).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Pure nanometer-sized Fe3O4 Particles” R. Vijaykumar, Yu. Koltypin, I. Felner, A. Gedanken, Mater. Sci. &Eng. A286, 101(2000).
- “Selective Synthesis of Anatase and Rutile via Ultrasound Irradiation” W. Huang, X. Tang, Y. Wang, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Chem. Comm. 1415, 2000.
- “Sonochemical synthesis of lead hydroxy bromide Needles” P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Y. Mastai, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 2143 (2000).
- “Microwave assisted preparation of CdSe, PbSe, and Cu2-x Se” Junjie Zhu, O. Palchik and A. Gedanken, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 7344 (2000).
- “Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Pulse Sonoelectrochemical Methods” J. J. Zhu, S. Liu, O. Palchik, Yu. Koltypin, A. Gedanken, Langmuir 16, 6396 (2000).
- “Sonochemical Preparation and Characterization of Europium Oxide Doped in, and Coated on, ZrO2 and YSZ” A. Gedanken, R. Reisfeld, E. Sominski, Yu. Koltypin, O. Palchik, G. Panzer, M. Gaft, H. Minti, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 7057 (2000).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Nanometer-size Transition Metal Oxides from Metal Acetates” R. Vijay Kumar, Yishai Diament, A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 12, 2301 (2000).
- “Preparation and Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes Filled with Cobalt”. Suwen Liu, J. Zhu, Y. Mestai, I. Felner, A. Gedanken Chem. Mater. 12, 2205 (2000).
- “Sonochemical Synthesis of Mesoporous Titanium Oxide with Wormholelike Framework Structures” Y. Wang, X. Tang, L. Yin, W. Huang, A. Gedanken Advanced Mater 12, 1137 (2000).
- “Time dependence of Luminescence of Nanophased Eu2O3 and Tb2O3 Deposited on and Doped in Alumina” A. Gedanken, R. Reisfeld, L. Sominski, Z. Zhong, Yu. Koltypin, G. Panczer, M. Gaft, H. Minti, Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 945 (2000).
- “A Novel Sonochemical Method for the Preparation of Nanophasic Sulfides: Synthesis of HgS and PbS Nanoparticles” J. Zhu, S. Liu, O. Palchik, Y. Koltypin, and A.Gedanken J. Sol. State. Chem. 153, 342 (2000).
- “Sonochemical synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles and their potential use as anode material for Li batteries”. J. Zhu, Z. Lu, T. S. Aruna, D. Aurbach, A. Gedanken Chem. Mater. 12, 2557 (2000).
- "Amorphous Iron Oxide, Fe2O3, Prepared by Microwave Heating” O. Palchik, I. Felner, G. Kataby, T. Prozorov, A. Gedanken J. Mater. Res. 15, 2176 (2000).
- “Preparation and Characterization of Iron-Encapsulated Carbon Nanotubes and Nanoparticles” Suwen Liu, Xianghai Tang, Yizhak Mastai, Israel Felner, Aharon Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 2502 (2000).
- “Rapid Synthesis of High Quality MCM-41 Silica with Ultrasound Radiation” X. Tang, S. Liu, Y. Wang, W. Huang Yu. Koltypin. A. Gedanken, to Chem. Comm. 2119 (2000).
- “Sonochemical synthesis of nanocrystallites of Ruthenium Sulfide” P. Jeevanandam, Yu. Koltypin, Y. Gofer, Y. Diamant, A. Gedanken, J. Mater. Chem. 10, 2769 (2000).
- "Preparation of Cu2-xTe and HgTe Using Microwave Heating” O. Palchik, R. Kerner, Z. Zhu and A. Gedanken, J. Solid State Chem. 154, 530 (2000).
- “The Sonochemical Synthesis of Nanocrystlline Paramelachite (Cu4O3)” R. Vijaykumar, Y. Mastai, A. Gedanken, Chem. Mater. 12, 3892 (2000).
Gedanken's Patents
1. "Electronic Gas Discharge Lamp", A. Gedanken, B. Raz, J. Jortner and A. Szצke, U.S. Patent 3,778,661 (1974)
2. "Laser Driven Production of Metal Atoms and Ions", G. Fisanick, A. Gedanken and M.B. Robin. Applied for U.S. Patent.
3. "Candles Burning with Colored Flames", I. Barnes and A. Gedanken. Applied for an Israeli Patent March 1986.
4. "Lighting Oils", A. Gedanken and I. Barness. Applied for Patent (Appl. No. 80145) Sept. 1986.
5. "Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds", S. Hoz and A. Gedanken (Patent Appl. Israel & US, March 1995, PCT/US/96/02811).
6. "Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons", A. Gedanken and S. Chandrasekaran. 4500/US /97 (US Patent Pending).
7. "Silicon Nanoclusters and a Method for Producing Same", N. Arul Dhas and A. Gedanken. (US patent, P-1340-USP, pending).
8. "Coating of Silver Nanoparticles onto Nylon by a Sonochemical Method and Making the Antimicrobial Active Yarns Thereof Application No 60/715,60, 6/9/05
9. "Nanosized Chalcogenides" US Prov. 60/474,629 02/06/2003
10. "Nanoscale air-stable Metal Particles" USA 09/905,495 16/07/2001
11. "Nanosized a-Nickel Hydroxide" US Prov. 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
12. "Carbon Nanotubes w.Cobalt Nanowire in the center" US Prov. 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
13. "Silicon Nanaoclusters" 60/261,193; 16/01/2001
14. "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" Europe 01978809.0 ; 22/10/2001
15. "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" PCT IN01/00184 ; 22/10/2001
16. a) "Rare Earth Doped Opt. Fibre" USA 09/982,946 ; 22/10/2001
16b) Sen, Ranjan; Chatterjee, Minati; Naskar, Milan Kanti; Pal, Mrinmay; Paul, Mukul Chandra; Bhadra, Shyamal Kumar; Dasgupta, Kamal; Ganguli, Dibyendu; Bandyopadhyay, Tarun; Gedanken, Aharon. Method for manufacturing of rare earth-doped optical fiber. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2004), 13 pp. CODEN: USXXCO US 2004187524 A1 20040930 CAN 141:318411 AN 2004:803776 CAPLUS
17. "Silicon Carbide Nanopart." USA Prov. 60/555,669 ; 24/03/2004
18. "Silicon Carbide Nanopart." USA Prov. ; 60/667,775 ; 04/04/2005
19. "Tungsten & Silicon Carbides Nanorods" 03/08/2005
20. MICRON SIZED CARBON SPHERICAL PARTICLES filed May 16, 2007No. and application number 60/924,460. 20070423001-1-01
21. Gedanken, Aharon; Tel-Or, Elisha; Chefetz, Benny; Elmeshaly, Smadar. Method of removal of heavy metal ions from water. PCT Int. Appl. (2007), CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2007083304 A2 20070726 AN 2007:817363
23. Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Actions of Nanosized Magnesium Fluoride Nanoparticles (Banin) US Prov. Re-filed 29-Jan-2009 PCT due Jan 2010
Inventors: Ehud Banin, Aharon Gedanken, Jonathan Lellouche
Application No. 61/202,115
24.Pharmaceutical Compositions Comprising Water-Soluble Sulfonate- Protected Nanoparticles and Uses Thereof By Sarid, Ronit; Gedanken, Aharon; Baram-Pinto, Dana.From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2012), US 20120027809 A1 20120202.
Antiviral pharmaceuticals comprising water-soluble sulfonate-protected nanoparticles Full Text By Sarid, Ronit; Gedanken, Aharon; Baram-Pinto, Dana. From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2012), US 20120027809 A1 20120202.|
25. Sonochemical coating of textiles with of Metal Oxides (Zno, MgO, CuO) Nanoparticles for producing an Antimicrobial Fabrics, Provisional filed 30-Jun-2008,PCT due Jun 2009, Gedanken, Aharon; Nitzan, Yeshayahu; Perelshtein, Ilana; Perkas, Nina; Applerot, Guy. Sonochemical coating of textiles with metal oxide nanoparticles for antimicrobial fabrics. PCT Int. Appl. (2010), 20pp.
26. Plasma Reduction of Metallic Ions in Solvents (Klein, Genish) Provisional filed 22-Jan-2009 PCT due Jan 2010
27. "Attaching Proteinaceous Microspheres to a Variety of Fabrics Using Ultrasound Radiation" Full Text By Gedanken, Aharon; Shimanovich, Ulyana; Perelshtein, Ilana U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2011), US 20110300767 A1 20111208.
28. "Sonochemical formation of RNA Microspheres"filed August 31, 2009.
29. " Plasma Reduction of Metallic Ions in Solvents (Lior Klein) Provisional
30. Coating Artificial Nails with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Producing Antimicrobial Nails (Lubart)
31. Insertion of Ionic Materials into Polymers and Glasses using their Aqueous Solution by Ultrasonic waves US Provisional 20/01/2011.
32. Accelerating the Fermentation of Glucose using a Sonochemical Process with the Aid of Yeast US Provisional 21/03/2011.
33. Antibiofilm Surface Functionalization of Catheters US Provisional 29/06/2011.
34. Decomposition of cellulose under microwave irradiation US Provisional 11/10/2011.
35. A synergetic effect in killing microorganisms using sonochemically deposited nanoparticales of CUZNO
36. Converting CO2 into a Commercially Important Chemical Attaching proteinaceous microspheres to a variety of fabrics using ultrasound radiation Full Text By Gedanken, Aharon; Shimanovich, Ulyana; Perelshtein, Ilana. From U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2011), US 20110300767 A1 20111208.
Research Group
שם |
Name |
Status |
בילאל אבו סאלח |
Belal Abu Salha |
M.Sc student |
ענת זנדני |
Anat Zandany |
M.Sc student |
סרבנן ארגומן |
Saravanan Arumugam |
PH.D student |
קושה שרמה |
Kusha Sharma |
PH.D student |
אמרוטה מוטילידסאי |
Amruta Mutalikdesai |
PH.D student |
קרישנה הריקה וילה |
Vilia Krishna Harika |
PH.D student |
מורטי מרוטהפנדי |
Moorthy Maruthapandi |
Post doc |
הארי קרישנה סדאנאלה |
Hari Krishana Sandhanala |
Post doc |
אילנה פרלשטיין |
Ilana Perelshtein |
Researcher |
גלינה אמריאן |
Galina Amirian |
Lab Technician |
פרופ' נינה פרקס | Nina Perkas | Professor Kamea |
Last Updated Date : 01/03/2023