פרופ' חגי שפייזמן
קורות חיים
See our website for more details.
2019 – Current Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry & Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2013 – 2019 Senior Lecturer (eq. to Assistant Professor)
Department of Chemistry & Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), Bar-Ilan University, Israel
2010-2013 Post-Doctoral Fellow at New York University, Dept. of Physics, Center for Soft Matter Research.
“Material design, characterization and manipulation for soft matter advanced research”
Advisor: Prof. David G. Grier
2005-2010 Ph.D. at the Weizmann Inst. of Science, Dept. of Materials & Interfaces.
"Electronic transport across molecular monolayers and the importance of the electrical contacts"
Advisor: Prof. David Cahen
2001-2003 M.Sc. in Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University [cum laude].
"Beam propagation in a four level double-Lambda system"
Advisor: Prof. Arlene Wilson-Gordon
1999–2005 R&D researcher and group head in an elite technological unit at Israel Defense Forces.
Developed new technological procedures by combining a variety of techniques in the fields of chemistry, physics and chemical / material engineering. Specialized in optical compatibility, adhesives, paints, rubber compounds, etching and degradation processes.
Captain by rank - functioning as Major
1996-1999 B.Sc. in Chemistry and Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University [cum laude].
See homepage for more details.
We are fascinated by scientific questions that are at the interface between chemistry, physics and material science. We develop novel methods for bottom-up directed assembly by utilizing optical and acoustic fields. These fields dictate the spatial distribution of materials, their mesoscopic structure and could allow formation of new hybrid materials.
A key feature of this approach is its modularity, as it could be implemented on various material systems. Due to the flexibility in material choice, this innovative approach will open the door to new ways to act upon materials, with envisioned applications for electronics, photonics and drug delivery systems.
* כימיה כללית א'
* תהליכי ייצור מתקדמים
* מעבדה בכימיה פיזיקלית
* מבוא למחשבים בכימיה
See Profile at Google Scholar for updated list of publications.
* E. Greenberg, N. Armon, H. Shpaisman, "3-D PHOTO-THERMAL LASER PRINTING OF METALS AND METAL COMPOSITES" (Provisional appl. no.: 62/733,713, 2018)
* H. Sazan, S. Piperno, H. Shpaisman, "Method for directed fabrication of materials using acoustic waves" (Provisional appl. no.: 62/522,730, 2017)
* H. Shpaisman, B. J. Krishnatreya, D. G. Grier; "Holographic Microrefractometer" (U.S patent #WO/2013/126554)
* C. Weng, H. Shpaisman, A. Hollingsworth, D. G. Grier; “In-Line Particle Characterization” (U.S patent pending)
קבוצת מחקר
ראה דף הבית לעוד פרטים בנוגע לחברי הקבוצה.
מנהלת מעבדה: ד"ר סילביה פיפרנו
אבי קניגסברג
אודי גרינברג
אורנית נגלר-אברמבויץ
שלומית צוראל
שיר מינרבי
בוגרי המעבדה:
ד"ר נינה ערמון, ד"ר איתן אדרי, חלי לוי, עטרת כפיר, דניאל לובוצקי, ד"ר חיים סזן, אלעד חדד, אראל לסנוי, יפעת יעקב
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 03/03/2024