פרופ' דניאל נסים
- nanomaterials
- chemical vapor deposition
- transition metal chalcogenides
- Electrocatalysis
- photocatalysis
The Nessim Lab:
Laboratory for the synthesis of innovative nanostructures
Carbon nanostructured materials such as carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, and graphene are prime candidates of new battery and supercapacitor elements that can massively improve battery efficiency for energy conversion and storage. Such devices have the potential to provide extremely high surface per unit volume of catalytically active sites, making a three to fivefold improvement in energy density possible.
Despite attempts to combine carbon nanostructures with active electrode materials, the mechanisms of carbon nanostructure growth are still not fully explained, and critical issues remain: 1) energy density is far below the theoretical level, 2) cyclability is limited, and 3) most synthesis techniques work in the lab but are impractical for industrial production.
The goal of the Nessim lab is to study the scientific mechanisms of the synthesis of nanostructures and to develop relevant industrial applications, with a prime emphasis on energy devices (batteries and supercapacitors). The group currently comprises two postdocs, two PhD candidates, a Masters student, and two visiting summer students. Additionally, the group collaborates with researchers in BIU (e.g., Aurbach and Lellouche groups) and with researchers in the USA (MIT, U.Michigan, Vanderbilt) and Europe (ETH).
We plan to study in-situ, simultaneous synthesis and functionalization of carbon nanostructures primarily by chemical vapor deposition. Because this way the growth of the carbon nanostructures and their functionalization with active electrode material will happen at the same time, the method has the potential to synthesise ultra-dense composite structures, maximizing energy density while maintaining structural integrity and high cyclability. These studies will uncover many scientific aspects of carbon nanostructure nucleation, growth, and functionalization. Multiple material combinations corresponding to selected battery and supercapacitor chemistries will be synthesized and electrochemically tested. Customized, industrially-scalable plasma-enhanced CVD synthesis equipment will be used to synthesize the electrodes.
The learning of mechanisms and factors affecting simultaneous carbon nanostructure growth and functionalization is critical for nanotechnology. Success in this research will allow the development of ultra-high energy density batteries and supercapacitors that will make the electric car a manufacturing reality with great consequences to the environment and society.
1. Leonardo Ricotti, Cafarelli, Gilbert Daniel Nessim, Gina Lisignoli, Elena Gabusi, Milena Fini, Matilde Tschon, Alessandro Russo, Stefano Zaffagnini, Riccardo Meliconi, Aharon Wechsler, Erik Jean-Claude Dumont, Yirij Fedutik, Carsten Jost, Tomasz Gapinski, Krzysztof Stanislaw Lenartowicz, Pär Bergsten, ke Jernberger, Magnus Eriksson,Yonatan Shachaf, Lorenzo Vannozzi (Consortium Admaiora, EU grant)
Materiale e sistema per il trattamento terapeutico di articolazioni
25/2/2019, N. 102019000002697
2. G.D. Nessim, D. Zitoun, Y. Kostikov, V. Shokhen, provisional patent
Scalable Silver-Based Catalyst for Highly Efficient Electrochemical Water Splitting
3. G.D. Nessim, A. Itzhak, and E. Teblum, provisional patent
High yield synthesis of 2D monolayers of p-type copper sulfide using thermal annealing of bulk copper and sulfur gas
4. G.D. Nessim and E. Shawat, provisional patent submitted on 16 July 2014 (Bar Ilan University)
Ultra high-yield one-step synthesis of conductive, and superhydrophobic three-dimensional mats of carbon nanofibers via full catalysis of unconstrained thin film
5. G.D. Nessim, provisional patent submitted in June 2012 (Bar Ilan University)
Synthesis of highly conductive metal-CNT (carbon nanotube) wire
Prior to BIU
G.D. Nessim, provisional patent filed in 2003
Collapsible, modular, and multi-functional personal transportation vehicle
G.D. Nessim & S. Simnegar, provisional patent filed in 2001
Portable projector
G.D. Nessim & B. Mehlman, invention description provided to Otis Elevators in 1993
Optoelectronic contacts for elevator hoistway and car doors
G.D. Nessim & B. Beignet, invention description provided to Otis Elevators in 1993
Self-adjusting and vertical moving brush for application on the I.R.V. door obstacle detector
G.D. Nessim & G. Nivoix, filed by Otis Elevators in 1992 in France and USA
Infrared obstacle detector for elevator doors
קבוצת מחקר
Jonathan Richter, Toar Rishon, visiting student since 7/2018
Rajashree Konar, postdoc, since 10/2022
Dr. Efrat Shawat Avraham, postdoc, since 10/2019
Alina Yarmolenko, MSc and PhD, since 10/2019
Bibhumalik Datta, PhD, since 10/2019
Noam Levi, Masters, since 8/2021 (co-supervised with Dr. Netanel Shpigel)
Gary Eliad, lab manager, since 2/2022
Vivek Kumar Singh, postdoc, since 11/2022
Srijith, PhD, since 1/2023
Dr. Haviv Grisaru, postdoc, lab manager, 2/2011 – 11/2011
Raj Krishnan, postdoc, 3/2012 – 10/2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Lellouche)
Ilan Oussadon, M.Sc. candidate, 10/2011 – 3/2012
Alex Tangy, Ph.D. candidate, 10/2011 – 3/2012
Asaf Cohen, M.Sc. candidate, since 9/2013 – 3/2014 (co-supervised with Dr. Alex Schechter (Ariel))
Yana Simony, Ph.D. candidate, 12/2012 – 5/2014 (then supervised by Dr. Zitoun)
Miriam Somekh, M.Sc. 2014 (Masters)
Dr. Revital Balter, postdoc, 9/2014 – 8/2015
Reut Yemini, M.Sc. 2017 (Masters)
Merav Muallem, Ph.D. 2017, (co-supervised with Dr. Tischler) (PhD)
Dr. Subodh Kumar, postdoc, PBC fellowship, 8/2015 – 8/2107
Anat Itzhak, M.Sc, 2015 – 2017 (Masters)
Tali Sharabani, M.Sc, 2015 – 2017 (Masters)
Yulia Kostikov, M.Sc., 9/2016 – 10/2018 (Masters)
Efrat Shawat Avraham, M.Sc. & Ph.D, 3/2011 – 12/2018 (Masters and PhD)
Dr. Suparna Das, postdoc, PBC fellowship, February 2019 – November 2019
Pola Schriber, Ph.D, 9/2015 – 12/2020 (PhD)
Tarik Aziz, Ph.D candidate, 3/2017 – 1/2021 (PhD)
Dr. Sumit Majumder, postdoc, 9/2019 – 6/2021
Dr. Arka Saha, postdoc, PBC fellowship, 8/2018 – 11/2021 (shared with Dr. M. Noked)
Dr. Eti Teblum, lab manager, 6/2010 – 2/2022
Madina Telkhozhayeva, Ph.D candidate, 10/2018 – 8/2022 (PhD)
Rajashree Konar, Ph.D candidate, 10/2018 – 9/2022 (PhD) (also visiting student summer 2018)
Dr. Baruch Hirsch, Ph.D candidate, 1/2019 – 10/2022 (collaboration with Prof. D. Aurbach)
Ortal Kravian, visting B.Sc. summer student from BIU, 6/2011 – 9/2011
André Röthlisberger, visiting M.Sc. summer student from ETH Zurich, 30/6/2011 – 30/9/2011
Nathan Monroe, MIT (MISTI) visiting student summer 2011 (co-supervised with Dr. Tischler)
Alain Reiser, visiting M.Sc. summer student from ETH Zurich, 30/6/2012 – 1/9/2012
Jelimo Maswan, MIT (MISTI) visiting student summer 2012 (co-supervised with Dr. Tischler)
Shoshy Bernstein, visiting B.Sc. summer student, 1/6/2012 – 1/9/2012
Levi Rybalov, visiting student (pre-B.Sc.), 1/2/2013 – 25/6/2013
Joanna Chen, MIT (MISTI) visiting student summer 2013 (co-supervised with Dr. Tischler)
Andrew Westover (Vanderbilt), visiting student summer 2016 (student of Prof. Cary L. Pint)
Arun Kumar (University of Verona), visiting student summer 2017 (student of Prof. Gino Mariotto)
Sasha Ohayon, visiting student (pre-B.Sc.), 2/2018 – 8/2018
Yana Zubarev, B.Sc. summer visiting student from Clark University 2018
Phillip Nagler, B.Sc. summer visiting student from Yeshiva University 2018
Rivka Greenstone, visiting student BIU, B.Sc. summer 2019
Gabi Bentolila, visiting student, 10/2019 – 6/2020
Michelangelo Paiardi (Politecnico di Milano), 11/2021 – 3/2022
Michael Hubner, visiting student, 2/2022 – 6/2022
ד"ר אתי טייבלום, מנהלת המעבדה, מאז 6/2010
פולה שרייבר, מועמדת דוקטורט, מאז 2015\9 טאריק עזיז, מועמד לתואר שלישי, מאז 3/2017
יונתן ריכטר, טואר ראשון, תלמיד אורח מאז 7/2018
ד"ר ארקא סאה, פוסט-דוקטורט מאז 8/2018 (משותף עם ד"ר מלאכי נוקד)
קונר רג'יסטרי, מועמדת ל-Ph.D, מאז 10/2018 (ביקור סטודנטים בקיץ 2018)
מדינה טלוקוזייבה, מועמדת Ph.D, מאז 10/2018
קרלו אצ'לטור, סטודנט אורח מאז 12/2018
ד"ר ברוך הירש, מועמד לדוקטורט מאז 1/2019 (בשיתוף עם פרופ' ד' אורבך)
מאור מוסאייף, מאז 1/2019
ד"ר סופרנה דאס, פוסט-דוקטור, מצטרפת ב- 3/2019
מישל קדאשב, תלמידת ישיבה מאוניברסיטת ישיבה מצטרפת החל מפברואר ועד מאי 2019
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 29/05/2024