פרופ' דורון אורבך
קורות חיים
פרופ' דורון אורבך, המחלקה לכימיה, היינו חבר סנאט ודירקטור של מרכז קלינטק בבר אילן במכון לננוטכנולוגיה (BINA).
פרופ' אורבך וקבוצת המחקר האלקטרוכימית שבראשותו עוסקת במחקר של מתכות פעילות ומערכות פולריות א-פרוטיות, פיתוח של שיטות ספקטרוסקופיות עבור מערכות אלקטרוכימיות רגישות, תהליכי אינטרקלציה אלקטרוכימיים ועוד
קבוצת המחקר שבראשות פרופ' אורבך מפתחת, חוקרת ומאפיינת סוללות נטענות בעלות צפיפות אנרגטית גבוהה, סופר קבלים, פולימרים מוליכים, אלקטרודות בעלות פחמן מאוקטב, התפלת מים באמצעים אלקטרוכימיים ועוד.
לפרופ' אורבך מעל 500 מאמרים, מעל 20 פרקים בספרות המקצועית ומעל 20 פטנטים רשומים.
פרופ' אורבך זוכה בפרסים יוקרתיים וחשובים. בשנת 2014 הוא זכה בפרס ייגר, 2012 בפרס לנדאו, 2001 בפרס האגודה הישראלית לוואקום ועוד.
פרופ' אורבך משמש כעמית חבר ב-(ECS (2008), ISE (2010) and MRS (2012 וכן כעורך כתבי עת מהמובילים והנחשבים בתחום- EES, JES (journals of the Electrochemical Society) and JOSSEC, J. Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer).
פרופ' אורבך משמש כיו"ר הרשות הלאומית להסמכת מעבדות (ISRAC) משנת 2010.
קבוצת המחקר שבראשותו היינה קבוצת המחקר הגדולה ביותר בארץ בתחום האלקטרוכימיה ומונה כ-40 איש והכוללת סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים, פוסטדוקטורנטים וחוקרים בכירים.
INREP - משנת 2012 פרופ' אורבך עומד בראש המרכז הלאומי להנעה אלקטרוכימית-INREP. מרכז מחקר המאגד 4 מוסדות אקדמים מובילים (בר אילן, טכניון, תל אביב ואריאל), 16 קבוצות מחקר וכ-100 חוקרים. מרכז המחקר הוקם בהתאם להחלטת ממשלה לקידום פיתוח ומחקר של תחליפי הדלק לתחבורה. המררכז פועל בשיתוף פעולה מלא עם מנהלת לתחליפי הנפט במשרד ראש הממשלה.
סוללות בעלות צפיפות אנרגטית גבוהה
סוללות ליתיום
סוללות ליתיום - אויר
סוללות ליתיום - סיליקון
סוללות ליתיום - גופרית
סוללות ליתיום - מגנזיום
סוללות ליתיום - נתרן
סופר קבלים- EDLC
EQCM- שיטת מדידה אלקטרוכימית- ספקטרוסקופית
CDI- התפלת מים
המרה ואגירת אנרגיה
מקורות אנרגיה לרכבים חשמליים
מדע פני שטח וחומרים
Statistics: Web of Science: > 55,000 citations, H-index=116, second highest in Israel ; Google Scholar nearly 70,000 citations, H-index= 131 , October 2020)
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Cyclobutane-bicyclobutane system Part l: The reactivity of the central bond in bicyclobutanecarbonitrile and the double bond in crotononitrile in nucleophilic reactions, Tetrahedron, 35, 33l (1979).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Free hydrogen-bonded and cation stabilized carbanions a to a cyano group in a cyclobutane ring, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 102, 2340 (1980).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Aviv. C.; An unexpected b-elimination from 3,3-difluorocyclocarbonitrile, Tetrahedron Lett., 1639 (1983).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Zwitterionic bicyclobutane: An intermediate in the course of nucleophilic vinylic like substitution reactions on 3-halobicyclobutanecarbonitrile, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105, 7685 (1983).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; An unusual case of proton removal from an oxocarbenium ion, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm., 364 (1984).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Ionic bicyclobutane as an intermediate in the reaction of Ph- with 3-halobicyclobutanecarbonitrile. Comparison between thio and oxocarbenium ions, J. Org. Chem., 49, 3285 (1984).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Nucleophilic "addition-elimination" displacements on activated bicyclobutanes, J. Org. Chem., 49, 4l44 (1984).
- Hoz, S.; Aurbach, D.; Formation and stability of alkoxyimidates in the cyclobutane bicyclobutane system, , Tetrahedron, 41, 1307 (1985).
- Aurbach, D., Daroux, M., Faguy, P. & Yeager, E. Identification of surface films formed on lithium in propylene carbonate solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 134, 1611-1620 (1987).
- Aurbach, D., Daroux, M., Faguy, P. & Yeager, E. Identification of surface films formed on lithium in dimethoxyethane and tetrahydrofuran solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 135, 1863-1871 (1988).
- Aurbach, D. Identification of Surface Films Formed on Lithium Surfaces in γ‐Butyrolactone Solutions I. Uncontaminated Solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 136, 1606-1610 (1989).
- Aurbach, D. The Electrochemical Behavior of Lithium Salt Solutions of γ‐Butyrolactone with Noble Metal Electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 136, 906-913 (1989).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y. & Langzam, J. The correlation between surface chemistry, surface morphology, and cycling efficiency of lithium electrodes in a few polar aprotic systems. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 136, 3198-3205 (1989).
- Aurbach, D. & Gottlieb, H. The electrochemical behavior of selected polar aprotic systems. Electrochimica acta 34, 141-156 (1989).
- Aurbach, D., Youngman, O. & Dan, P. The electrochemical behavior of 1, 3-dioxolane—LiClO4 solutions—II. Contaminated solutions. Electrochimica acta 35, 639-655 (1990).
- Aurbach, D., Youngman, O., Gofer, Y. & Meitav, A. The electrochemical behaviour of 1, 3-dioxolane—LiClO 4 solutions—I. Uncontaminated solutions. Electrochimica acta 35, 625-638 (1990).
- Sredni, B., Kalechman, Y., Albeck, M., Gross, O., Aurbach, D., Sharon, P., Sehgal, S., Gurwith, M. & Michlin, H. Cytokine secretion effected by synergism of the immunomodulator AS101 and the protein kinase C inducer bryostatin. Immunology 70, 473 (1990).
- Aurbach, D., Daroux, M., Faguy, P. & Yeager, E. The electrochemistry of noble metal electrodes in aprotic organic solvents containing lithium salts. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry 297, 225-244 (1991).
- Aurbach, D. & Gofer, Y. The behavior of lithium electrodes in mixtures of alkyl carbonates and ethers. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 138, 3529-3536 (1991).
- Aurbach, D., Skaletsky, R. & Gofer, Y. The electrochemical behavior of calcium electrodes in a few organic electrolytes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 138, 3536-3545 (1991).
- Goren, E., Chusid, O. & Aurbach, D. The application of in situ FTIR spectroscopy to the study of surface films formed on lithium and noble metals at low potentials in Li battery electrolytes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 138, L6-L9 (1991).
- Malik, Y., Aurbach, D., Dan, P. & Meitav, A. The electrochemical behaviour of 2-methyltetrahydrofuran solutions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 282, 73-105 (1991).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y., Ben-Zion, M. & Aped, P. The behaviour of lithium electrodes in propylene and ethylene carbonate: Te major factors that influence Li cycling efficiency. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 339, 451-471 (1992).
- Ely, Y. E. & Aurbach, D. Identification of surface films formed on active metals and nonactive metal electrodes at low potentials in methyl formate solutions. Langmuir 8, 1845-1850 (1992).
- Gofer, Y., Ben-Zion, M. & Aurbach, D. Solutions of LiAsF6 in 1, 3-dioxolane for secondary lithium batteries. Journal of power sources 39, 163-178 (1992).
- Gofer, Y., Ely, Y. E. & Aurbach, D. Surface chemistry of lithium in 1, 3-dioxolane. Electrochimica acta 37, 1897-1899 (1992).
- Aurbach, D. & Chusid, O. The study of surface films formed on lithium and noble metal electrodes in polar aprotic systems by the use of in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 140, L1-L4 (1993).
- Aurbach, D. & Chusid, O. In situ FTIR spectroelectrochemical studies of surface films formed on Li and nonactive electrodes at low potentials in Li salt solutions containing CO 2. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 140, L155-L157 (1993).
- Aurbach, D., Daroux, M., McDougall, G. & Yeager, E. Spectroscopic studies of lithium in an ultrahigh vacuum system. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 358, 63-76 (1993).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. Impedance spectroscopy of lithium electrodes: Part 1. General behavior in propylene carbonate solutions and the correlation to surface chemistry and cycling efficiency. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 348, 155-179 (1993).
- Chusid, O. Y., Ely, E. E., Aurbach, D., Babai, M. & Carmeli, Y. Electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of carbon electrodes in lithium battery electrolyte systems. Journal of power sources 43, 47-64 (1993).
- Aurbach, D., Ein‐Eli, Y., Chusid, O., Carmeli, Y., Babai, M. & Yamin, H. The Correlation Between the Surface Chemistry and the Performance of Li‐Carbon Intercalation Anodes for Rechargeable ‘Rocking‐Chair’Type Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 141, 603-611 (1994).
- Aurbach, D., Ein‐Ely, Y. & Zaban, A. The surface chemistry of lithium electrodes in alkyl carbonate solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 141, L1-L3 (1994).
- Aurbach, D., Weissman, I., Zaban, A. & Chusid, O. Correlation between surface chemistry, morphology, cycling efficiency and interfacial properties of Li electrodes in solutions containing different Li salts. Electrochimica Acta 39, 51-71 (1994).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. Impedance spectroscopy of lithium electrodes: Part 3. The importance of Li electrode surface preparation. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 365, 41-45 (1994).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. Impedance spectroscope of lithium electrodes: Part 2. The behaviour in propylene carbonate solutions—the significance of the data obtained. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 367, 15-25 (1994).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. Impedance spectroscopy of nonactive metal electrodes at low potentials in propylene carbonate solutions a comparison to studies of Li electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 141, 1808-1819 (1994).
- Ein-Eli, Y., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D., Carmeli, Y., Yamin, H. & Luski, S. The dependence of the performance of Li-C intercalation anodes for Li-ion secondary batteries on the electrolyte solution composition. Electrochimica Acta 39, 2559-2569 (1994).
- Aurbach, D. & Ein‐Eli, Y. The study of Li‐graphite intercalation processes in several electrolyte systems using in situ X‐ray diffraction. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 142, 1746-1752 (1995).
- Aurbach, D., Ein‐Eli, Y., Markovsky, B., Zaban, A., Luski, S., Carmeli, Y. & Yamin, H. The study of electrolyte solutions based on ethylene and diethyl carbonates for rechargeable Li batteries II. Graphite electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 142, 2882-2890 (1995).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. The Use of EQCM for the Study of Nonactive Metal Electrodes in Propylene Carbonate‐LiAsF6 Solutions Significance of the Data Obtained. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 142, L108-L111 (1995).
- Aurbach, D. & Zaban, A. The application of EQCM to the study of the electrochemical behavior of propylene carbonate solutions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 393, 43-53 (1995).
- Aurbach, D., Zaban, A., Gofer, Y., Abramson, O. & Ben‐Zion, M. Studies of Li Anodes in the Electrolyte System 2Me‐THF/THF/Me‐Furan/LiAsF6. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 142, 687-696 (1995).
- Aurbach, D., Zaban, A., Gofer, Y., Ely, Y. E., Weissman, I., Chusid, O. & Abramson, O. Recent studies of the lithium-liquid electrolyte interface Electrochemical, morphological and spectral studies of a few important systems. Journal of Power Sources 54, 76-84 (1995).
- Aurbach, D., Zaban, A., Schechter, A., Ein‐Eli, Y., Zinigrad, E. & Markovsky, B. The study of electrolyte solutions based on ethylene and diethyl carbonates for rechargeable Li batteries I. Li metal anodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 142, 2873-2882 (1995).
- Dan, P., Mengeritski, E., Geronov, Y., Aurbach, D. & Weisman, I. Performances and safety behaviour of rechargeable AA-size Li/LixMnO2 cell. Journal of power sources 54, 143-145 (1995).
- Ein-Eli, Y. & Aurbach, D. The correlation between the cycling efficiency, surface chemistry and morphology of Li electrodes in electrolyte solutions based on methyl formate. Journal of power sources 54, 281-288 (1995).
- Zaban, A. & Aurbach, D. Impedance spectroscopy of lithium and nickel electrodes in propylene carbonate solutions of different lithium salts A comparative study. Journal of power sources 54, 289-295 (1995).
- Aurbach, D., Chusid, O., Weissman, I. & Dan, P. LiC (SO2CF3) 3, a new salt for Li battery systems. A comparative study of Li and non-active metal electrodes in its ethereal solutions using in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Electrochimica acta 41, 747-760 (1996).
- Aurbach, D. & Cohen, Y. The application of atomic force microscopy for the study of Li deposition processes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 143, 3525-3532 (1996).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Shechter, A., Ein‐Eli, Y. & Cohen, H. A Comparative Study of Synthetic Graphite and Li Electrodes in Electrolyte Solutions Based on Ethylene Carbonate‐Dimethyl Carbonate Mixtures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 143, 3809-3820 (1996).
- Aurbach, D., Weissman, I., Schechter, A. & Cohen, H. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of lithium surfaces prepared in several important electrolyte solutions. A comparison with previous studies by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Langmuir 12, 3991-4007 (1996).
- Ein‐Eli, Y., Thomas, S. R., Koch, V., Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B. & Schechter, A. Ethylmethylcarbonate, a Promising Solvent for Li‐Ion Rechargeable Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 143, L273-L277 (1996).
- Mengeritsky, E., Dan, P., Weissman, I., Zaban, A. & Aurbach, D. Safety and Performance of Tadiran TLR‐7103 Rechargeable Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 143, 2110-2116 (1996).
- Zaban, A., Zinigrad, E. & Aurbach, D. Impedance spectroscopy of Li electrodes. 4. A general simple model of the Li− solution interphase in polar aprotic systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100, 3089-3101 (1996).
- Aurbach, D. & Chusid, O. The use of in situ Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for the study of surface phenomena on electrodes in selected lithium battery electrolyte solutions. Journal of power sources 68, 463-470 (1997).
- Aurbach, D. & Cohen, Y. Morphological studies of Li deposition processes in LiAsF6/PC solutions by in situ atomic force microscopy. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 144, 3355-3360 (1997).
- Aurbach, D. & Granot, E. The study of electrolyte solutions based on solvents from the “glyme” family (linear polyethers) for secondary Li battery systems. Electrochimica Acta 42, 697-718 (1997).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, M. D., Levi, E. & Schechter, A. Failure and stabilization mechanisms of graphite electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101, 2195-2206 (1997).
- Aurbach, D., Zaban, A., Ein-Eli, Y., Weissman, I., Chusid, O., Markovsky, B., Levi, M., Levi, E., Schechter, A. & Granot, E. Recent studies on the correlation between surface chemistry, morphology, three-dimensional structures and performance of Li and Li-C intercalation anodes in several important electrolyte systems. Journal of power sources 68, 91-98 (1997).
- Dan, P., Mengeritsky, E., Aurbach, D., Weissman, I. & Zinigrad, E. More details on the new LiMnO2 rechargeable battery technology developed at Tadiran. Journal of power sources 68, 443-447 (1997).
- Ein‐Eli, Y., McDevitt, S. F., Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B. & Schechter, A. Methyl Propyl Carbonate: A Promising Single Solvent for Li‐Ion Battery Electrolytes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 144, L180-L184 (1997).
- Levi, E., Zinigrad, E., Teller, H., Levi, M., Aurbach, D., Mengeritsky, E., Elster, E., Dan, P., Granot, E. & Yamin, H. Structural and Electrochemical Studies of 3 V Li x MnO2 Cathodes for Rechargeable Li Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 144, 4133-4141 (1997).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Diffusion coefficients of lithium ions during intercalation into graphite derived from the simultaneous measurements and modeling of electrochemical impedance and potentiostatic intermittent titration characteristics of thin graphite electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101, 4641-4647 (1997).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Simultaneous measurements and modeling of the electrochemical impedance and the cyclic voltammetric characteristics of graphite electrodes doped with lithium. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101, 4630-4640 (1997).
- Levi, M., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. The mechanism of lithium intercalation in graphite film electrodes in aprotic media. Part 2. Potentiostatic intermittent titration and in situ XRD studies of the solid-state ionic diffusion. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 421, 89-97 (1997).
- Levi, M. D. & Aurbach, D. The mechanism of lithium intercalation in graphite film electrodes in aprotic media. Part 1. High resolution slow scan rate cyclic voltammetric studies and modeling. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 421, 79-88 (1997).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, M. D., Levi, E., Teller, H., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Heider, U. & Heider, L. Common electroanalytical behavior of Li intercalation processes into graphite and transition metal oxides. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145, 3024-3034 (1998).
- Aurbach, D. & Moshkovich, M. A Study of Lithium Deposition‐Dissolution Processes in a Few Selected Electrolyte Solutions by Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145, 2629-2639 (1998).
- Aurbach, D., Weissman, I., Yamin, H. & Elster, E. The correlation between charge/discharge rates and morphology, surface chemistry, and performance of Li electrodes and the connection to cycle life of practical batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145, 1421-1426 (1998).
- Levi, E., Zinigrad, E., Teller, H., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. The Structure of a 3 V Li x MnO2 Cathode and Its Change upon Electrochemical Lithiation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145, 3440-3443 (1998).
- Markovsky, B., Levi, M. D. & Aurbach, D. The basic electroanalytical behavior of practical graphite–lithium intercalation electrodes. Electrochimica acta 43, 2287-2304 (1998).
- Rabinovich, L., Gun, J., Lev, O., Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B. & Levi, M. D. Sol-gel-derived carbon ceramic electrodes: A new lithium intercalation anode. Advanced Materials 10, 577-580 (1998).
- Ramesh, S., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. Atomic force microscopy investigation of the surface topography and adhesion of nickel nanoparticles to submicrospherical silica. Chemical physics letters 287, 461-467 (1998).
- Ramesh, S., Cohen, Y., Prozorov, R., Shafi, K. V., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. Organized silica microspheres carrying ferromagnetic cobalt nanoparticles as a basis for tip arrays in magnetic force microscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102, 10234-10242 (1998).
- Wizel, S., Prozorov, R., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D., Margel, S. & Gedanken, A. The preparation of metal-polymer composite materials using ultrasound radiation. Journal of materials research 13, 211-216 (1998).
- Aurbach, D. Nonaqueous electrochemistry. (CRC Press, 1999).
- Aurbach, D. & Cohen, Y. In situ micromorphological studies of Li electrodes by atomic force microscopy in a glove box system. Electrochemical and solid-state letters 2, 16-18 (1999).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, M., Gamulski, K., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Levi, E., Heider, U., Heider, L. & Oesten, R. Capacity fading of Li x Mn 2 O 4 spinel electrodes studied by XRD and electroanalytical techniques. Journal of Power Sources 81, 472-479 (1999).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Levi, M., Levi, E., Schechter, A., Moshkovich, M. & Cohen, Y. New insights into the interactions between electrode materials and electrolyte solutions for advanced nonaqueous batteries. Journal of power sources 81, 95-111 (1999).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Weissman, I., Levi, E. & Ein-Eli, Y. On the correlation between surface chemistry and performance of graphite negative electrodes for Li ion batteries. Electrochimica acta 45, 67-86 (1999).
- Aurbach, D., Moshkovich, M., Cohen, Y. & Schechter, A. The study of surface film formation on noble-metal electrodes in alkyl carbonates/Li salt solutions, using simultaneous in situ AFM, EQCM, FTIR, and EIS. Langmuir 15, 2947-2960 (1999).
- Aurbach, D. & Weissman, I. On the possibility of LiH formation on Li surfaces in wet electrolyte solutions. Electrochemistry communications 1, 324-331 (1999).
- Aurbach, D., Weissman, I., Zaban, A. & Dan, P. On the role of water contamination in rechargeable Li batteries. Electrochimica acta 45, 1135-1140 (1999).
- Cohen, Y. & Aurbach, D. The use of a special work station for in situ measurements of highly reactive electrochemical systems by atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes. Review of Scientific Instruments 70, 4668-4675 (1999).
- Levi, E., Levi, M., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Oesten, R., Heider, U. & Heider, L. In situ XRD study of Li deintercalation from two different types of LiMn 2 O 4 spinel. Solid State Ionics 126, 109-119 (1999).
- Levi, E., Levi, M., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Oesten, R., Heider, U. & Heider, L. Electrochemical and in-situ XRD characterization of LiNiO 2 and LiCo 0.2 Ni 0.8 O 2 electrodes for rechargeable lithium cells. Solid State Ionics 126, 97-108 (1999).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Frumkin intercalation isotherm—a tool for the description of lithium insertion into host materials: a review. Electrochimica Acta 45, 167-185 (1999).
- Levi, M., Gamolsky, K., Aurbach, D., Heider, U. & Oesten, R. Determination of the Li ion chemical diffusion coefficient for the topotactic solid-state reactions occurring via a two-phase or single-phase solid solution pathway. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 477, 32-40 (1999).
- Levi, M., Levi, E., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D., Vieil, E. & Serose, J. Dilute graphite− sulfates intercalation stages studied by simultaneous application of cyclic voltammetry, probe-beam deflection, in situ resistometry, and X-ray diffraction techniques. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103, 1499-1508 (1999).
- Levi, M., Lu, Z., Gofer, Y., Cohen, Y., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D., Vieil, E. & Serose, J. Simultaneous in-situ conductivity and cyclic voltammetry characterization of Li-ion intercalation into thin V 2 O 5 films. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 479, 12-20 (1999).
- Levi, M., Salitra, G., Markovsky, B., Teller, H., Aurbach, D., Heider, U. & Heider, L. Solid‐State Electrochemical Kinetics of Li‐Ion Intercalation into Li1− x CoO2: Simultaneous Application of Electroanalytical Techniques SSCV, PITT, and EIS. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 146, 1279-1289 (1999).
- Lu, Z., Schechter, A., Moshkovich, M. & Aurbach, D. On the electrochemical behavior of magnesium electrodes in polar aprotic electrolyte solutions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466, 203-217 (1999).
- Schechter, A., Aurbach, D. & Cohen, H. X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy study of surface films formed on Li electrodes freshly prepared in Alkyl carbonate solutions. Langmuir 15, 3334-3342 (1999).
- Shembel, E., Apostolova, R., Nagirny, V., Aurbach, D. & Markovsky, B. Synthesis, investigation and practical application in lithium batteries of some compounds based on vanadium oxides. Journal of power sources 80, 90-97 (1999).
- Shembel, E., Apostolova, R., Nagirny, V., Aurbach, D. & Markovsky, B. Interrelation between structural and electrochemical properties of the cathode based on vanadium oxide for rechargeable batteries. Journal of power sources 81, 480-486 (1999).
- Aurbach, D. Review of selected electrode–solution interactions which determine the performance of Li and Li ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 89, 206-218 (2000).
- Aurbach, D., Gamolsky, K., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Gofer, Y., Heider, U., Oesten, R. & Schmidt, M. The study of surface phenomena related to electrochemical lithium intercalation into Li x MO y host materials (M= Ni, Mn). Journal of The Electrochemical Society 147, 1322-1331 (2000).
- Aurbach, D., Lu, Z., Schechter, A. & Gofer, Y. Prototype systems for rechargeable magnesium batteries. Nature 407, 724 (2000).
- Aurbach, D., Moshkovich, M., Schechter, A. & Turgeman, R. Magnesium Deposition and Dissolution Processes in Ethereal Grignard Salt Solutions Using Simultaneous EQCM‐EIS and In Situ FTIR Spectroscopy. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 3, 31-34 (2000).
- Aurbach, D., Zinigrad, E., Teller, H. & Dan, P. Factors which limit the cycle life of rechargeable lithium (metal) batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 147, 1274-1279 (2000).
- Kumar, R. V., Koltypin, Y., Cohen, Y., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D., Palchik, O., Felner, I. & Gedanken, A. Preparation of amorphous magnetite nanoparticles embedded in polyvinyl alcohol using ultrasound radiation. Journal of Materials Chemistry 10, 1125-1129 (2000).
- Levi, M., Cohen, Y., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D., Lapkowski, M., Vieil, E. & Serose, J. Atomic force microscopy study of the morphology of polythiophene films grafted onto the surface of a Pt microelectrode array. Synthetic metals 109, 55-65 (2000).
- Levi, M., Gamolsky, K., Aurbach, D., Heider, U. & Oesten, R. Evidence for Slow Droplet Formation during Cubic‐to‐Tetragonal Phase Transition in Li x Mn2 O 4 Spinel. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 147, 25-33 (2000).
- Levi, M., Gamolsky, K., Aurbach, D., Heider, U. & Oesten, R. On electrochemical impedance measurements of Li x Co 0.2 Ni 0.8 O 2 and Li x NiO 2 intercalation electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 45, 1781-1789 (2000).
- Levi, M., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D., Lapkowski, M., Vieil, E. & Serose, J. Simultaneous Voltammetric and In Situ Conductivity Studies of n‐Doping of Polythiophene Films with Tetraalkylammonium, Alkali, and Alkaline–Earth Cations. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 147, 1096-1104 (2000).
- Lu, Z., Levi, M., Salitra, G., Gofer, Y., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Basic electroanalytical characterization of lithium insertion into thin, well-crystallized V 2 O 5 films. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 491, 211-221 (2000).
- Vakarin, E., Badiali, J., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Role of host distortion in the intercalation process. Physical Review B 63, 014304 (2000).
- Zhu, J., Lu, Z., Aruna, S., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. Sonochemical synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles and their preliminary study as Li insertion electrodes. Chemistry of Materials 12, 2557-2566 (2000).
- Apostolova, R., Nagirnyi, V., Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B. & Langzam, Y. Synthesis and Examination of Electrolytic Sodium–Vanadium Oxide Compounds Intended for Cathodes of Lithium Batteries: The Mechanism of Formation of Electrolytic Bronze β-NaxV2O5. Russian journal of electrochemistry 37, 1041-1049 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Gnanaraj, J., Levi, M., Levi, E., Fischer, J. & Claye, A. On the correlation among surface chemistry, 3D structure, morphology, electrochemical and impedance behavior of various lithiated carbon electrodes. Journal of Power Sources 97, 92-96 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y., Lu, Z., Schechter, A., Chusid, O., Gizbar, H., Cohen, Y., Ashkenazi, V., Moshkovich, M. & Turgeman, R. A short review on the comparison between Li battery systems and rechargeable magnesium battery technology. Journal of power sources 97, 28-32 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y., Schechter, A., Chusid, O., Gizbar, H., Cohen, Y., Moshkovich, M. & Turgeman, R. A comparison between the electrochemical behavior of reversible magnesium and lithium electrodes. Journal of power sources 97, 269-273 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Cohen, Y., Shembel, E., Apostolova, R. & Nagirny, V. Study of lithium insertion into electrochemically synthesized sodium–vanadium oxide. Journal of power sources 97, 486-490 (2001).
- Aurbach, D. & Schechter, A. Changes in the resistance of electrolyte solutions during contact with lithium electrodes at open circuit potential that reflect the Li surface chemistry. Electrochimica acta 46, 2395-2400 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Schechter, A., Moshkovich, M. & Cohen, Y. On the Mechanisms of Reversible Magnesium Deposition Processes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 148, A1004-A1014 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Turgeman, R., Chusid, O. & Gofer, Y. Spectroelectrochemical studies of magnesium deposition by in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Electrochemistry communications 3, 252-261 (2001).
- Chusid, O., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D., Watanabe, M., Momma, T. & Osaka, T. Studies of the interface between lithium electrodes and polymeric electrolyte systems using in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Journal of power sources 97, 632-636 (2001).
- Eliad, L., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Ion sieving effects in the electrical double layer of porous carbon electrodes: estimating effective ion size in electrolytic solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105, 6880-6887 (2001).
- Gnanaraj, J., Cohen, Y. S., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. The effect of pressure on the electroanalytical response of graphite anodes and LiCoO 2 cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 516, 89-102 (2001).
- Gnanaraj, J., Levi, M., Levi, E., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Fischer, J. E. & Claye, A. Comparison between the electrochemical behavior of disordered carbons and graphite electrodes in connection with their structure. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 148, A525-A536 (2001).
- Grisaru, H., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D. & Sukenik, C. N. Highly doped silicon electrodes for the electrochemical modification of self-assembled siloxane-anchored monolayers: A feasibility study. Langmuir 17, 1608-1619 (2001).
- Levi, M., Lu, Z. & Aurbach, D. Li-insertion into thin monolithic V 2 O 5 films electrodes characterized by a variety of electroanalytical techniques. Journal of power sources 97, 482-485 (2001).
- Levi, M. D., Lu, Z. & Aurbach, D. Application of finite-diffusion models for the interpretation of chronoamperometric and electrochemical impedance responses of thin lithium insertion V2O5 electrodes. Solid State Ionics 143, 309-318, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00819-0 (2001).
- Moshkovich, M., Cojocaru, M., Gottlieb, H. & Aurbach, D. The study of the anodic stability of alkyl carbonate solutions by in situ FTIR spectroscopy, EQCM, NMR and MS. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 497, 84-96 (2001).
- Ostrovskii, D., Ronci, F., Scrosati, B. & Jacobsson, P. A FTIR and Raman study of spontaneous reactions occurring at the LiNi y Co (1− y) O 2 electrode/non-aqueous electrolyte interface. Journal of power sources 94, 183-188 (2001).
- Tsirlina, G. A., Levi, M. D., Petrii, O. A. & Aurbach, D. Comparison of equilibrium electrochemical behavior of PdH x and Li x Mn 2 O 4 intercalation electrodes in terms of sorption isotherms. Electrochimica acta 46, 4141-4149 (2001).
- Vorotyntsev, M. A., Levi, M. D., Schechter, A. & Aurbach, D. Time− Difference Impedance Spectroscopy of Growing Films Containing a Single Mobile Charge Carrier, with Application to Surface Films on Li Electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105, 188-194 (2001).
- Zinigrad, E., Aurbach, D. & Dan, P. Simulation of galvanostatic growth of polycrystalline Li deposits in rechargeable Li batteries. Electrochimica acta 46, 1863-1869 (2001).
- Aurbach, D., Gamolsky, K., Markovsky, B., Gofer, Y., Schmidt, M. & Heider, U. On the use of vinylene carbonate (VC) as an additive to electrolyte solutions for Li-ion batteries. Electrochimica acta 47, 1423-1439 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Gizbar, H., Schechter, A., Chusid, O., Gottlieb, H. E., Gofer, Y. & Goldberg, I. Electrolyte solutions for rechargeable magnesium batteries based on organomagnesium chloroaluminate complexes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 149, A115-A121 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Koltypin, M. & Teller, H. In situ AFM imaging of surface phenomena on composite graphite electrodes during lithium insertion. Langmuir 18, 9000-9009 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Nimberger, A., Levi, E. & Gofer, Y. Electrochemical Li-insertion processes into carbons produced by milling graphitic powders: the impact of the carbons’ surface chemistry. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 149, A152-A161 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Rodkin, A., Cojocaru, M., Levi, E. & Kim, H.-J. An analysis of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries after prolonged cycling. Electrochimica Acta 47, 1899-1911 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Rodkin, A., Levi, E., Cohen, Y., Kim, H.-J. & Schmidt, M. On the capacity fading of LiCoO 2 intercalation electrodes:: the effect of cycling, storage, temperature, and surface film forming additives. Electrochimica Acta 47, 4291-4306 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Nimberger, A., Markovsky, B., Levi, E., Sominski, E. & Gedanken, A. Nanoparticles of SnO produced by sonochemistry as anode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries. Chemistry of materials 14, 4155-4163 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Teller, H. & Levi, E. Morphology/behavior relationship in reversible electrochemical lithium insertion into graphitic materials. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 149, A1255-A1266 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Zinigrad, E., Cohen, Y. & Teller, H. A short review of failure mechanisms of lithium metal and lithiated graphite anodes in liquid electrolyte solutions. Solid state ionics 148, 405-416 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Zinigrad, E., Teller, H., Cohen, Y., Salitra, G., Yamin, H., Dan, P. & Elster, E. Attempts to improve the behavior of Li electrodes in rechargeable lithium batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 149, A1267-A1277 (2002).
- Eliad, L., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Proton-selective environment in the pores of activated molecular sieving carbon electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, 10128-10134 (2002).
- Koltypin, M., Cohen, Y. S., Markovsky, B., Cohen, Y. & Aurbach, D. The study of lithium insertion–deinsertion processes into composite graphite electrodes by in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). Electrochemistry communications 4, 17-23 (2002).
- Levi, E., Gofer, Y., Vestfreed, Y., Lancry, E. & Aurbach, D. Cu2Mo6S8 chevrel phase, a promising cathode material for new rechargeable Mg batteries: A mechanically induced chemical reaction. Chemistry of materials 14, 2767-2773 (2002).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. The Behavior of Polypyrrole-Coated Electrodes in Propylene Carbonate Solutions II. Kinetics of Electrochemical Doping Studied by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 149, E215-E221 (2002).
- Levi, M., Aurbach, D. & Vorotyntsev, M. Interpretation of potential intermittence titration technique experiments for various Li-intercalation electrodes∗. Condensed Matter Physics (2002).
- Levi, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. A synopsis of recent attempts toward construction of rechargeable batteries utilizing conducting polymer cathodes and anodes. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 13, 697-713 (2002).
- Levi, M., Lankri, E., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D. & Otero, T. The Behavior of Polypyrrole-Coated Electrodes in Propylene Carbonate Solutions I. Characterization of PPy Films by a Combination of Electroanalytical Tools and XPS. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 149, E204-E214 (2002).
- Aurbach, D. Electrode–solution interactions in Li-ion batteries: a short summary and new insights. Journal of power sources 119, 497-503 (2003).
- Aurbach, D., Teller, H., Koltypin, M. & Levi, E. On the behavior of different types of graphite anodes. Journal of power sources 119, 2-7 (2003).
- Aurbach, D., Weissman, I., Gofer, Y. & Levi, E. Nonaqueous magnesium electrochemistry and its application in secondary batteries. The Chemical Record 3, 61-73 (2003).
- Chusid, O., Gofer, Y., Gizbar, H., Vestfrid, Y., Levi, E., Aurbach, D. & Riech, I. Solid-State Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries. Advanced Materials 15, 627-630 (2003).
- Cohen, Y., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Micromorphological dynamics of polypyrrole films in propylene carbonate solutions studied by in situ AFM and EQCM. Langmuir 19, 9804-9811 (2003).
- Cohen-Hyams, T., Kaplan, W., Aurbach, D., Cohen, Y. & Yahalom, J. Electrodeposition of granular Cu-Co alloys. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150, C28-C35 (2003).
- Gnanaraj, J., Pol, V., Gedanken, A. & Aurbach, D. Improving the high-temperature performance of LiMn 2 O 4 spinel electrodes by coating the active mass with MgO via a sonochemical method. Electrochemistry Communications 5, 940-945 (2003).
- Gnanaraj, J., Zinigrad, E., Asraf, L., Sprecher, M., Gottlieb, H., Geissler, W., Schmidt, M. & Aurbach, D. On the use of LiPF 3 (CF 2 CF 3) 3 (LiFAP) solutions for Li-ion batteries. Electrochemical and thermal studies. Electrochemistry communications 5, 946-951 (2003).
- Gnanaraj, J., Zinigrad, E., Levi, M., Aurbach, D. & Schmidt, M. A comparison among LiPF 6, LiPF 3 (CF 2 CF 3) 3 (LiFAP), and LiN (SO2CF2CF3) 2 (LiBETI) solutions: electrochemical and thermal studies. Journal of power sources 119, 799-804 (2003).
- Gnanaraj, J. S., Levi, M. D., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D. & Schmidt, M. LiPF3 ( CF 2 CF 3 ) 3 : A Salt for Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 150, A445-A454 (2003).
- Gnanaraj, J. S., Zinigrad, E., Asraf, L., Gottlieb, H. E., Sprecher, M., Aurbach, D. & Schmidt, M. The use of accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC) for the study of the thermal reactions of Li-ion battery electrolyte solutions. Journal of Power Sources 119, 794-798 (2003).
- Gofer, Y., Turgeman, R., Cohen, H. & Aurbach, D. XPS investigation of surface chemistry of magnesium electrodes in contact with organic solutions of organochloroaluminate complex salts. Langmuir 19, 2344-2348 (2003).
- Howlett, P., MacFarlane, D. & Hollenkamp, A. A sealed optical cell for the study of lithium-electrode| electrolyte interfaces. Journal of power sources 114, 277-284 (2003).
- Isaev, I., Salitra, G., Soffer, A., Cohen, Y., Aurbach, D. & Fischer, J. A new approach for the preparation of anodes for Li-ion batteries based on activated hard carbon cloth with pore design. Journal of power sources 119, 28-33 (2003).
- Kumar, V. G., Gnanaraj, J., Ben-David, S., Pickup, D. M., Van-Eck, E. R., Gedanken, A. & Aurbach, D. An aqueous reduction method to synthesize spinel-LiMn2O4 nanoparticles as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Chemistry of materials 15, 4211-4216 (2003).
- Levi, M., Gofer, Y., Cherkinsky, M., Birsa, M., Aurbach, D. & Berlin, A. Electroanalytical features of non-uniformly doped conducting poly-3-(3, 4, 5-trifluorophenyl) thiophene films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5, 2886-2893 (2003).
- Levi, M., Wang, C., Gnanaraj, J. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical behavior of graphite anode at elevated temperatures in organic carbonate solutions. Journal of power sources 119, 538-542 (2003).
- Markovsky, B., Rodkin, A., Cohen, Y. S., Palchik, O., Levi, E., Aurbach, D., Kim, H. J. & Schmidt, M. The study of capacity fading processes of Li-ion batteries: major factors that play a role. Journal of Power Sources 119, 504-510, (2003).
- Odani, A., Nimberger, A., Markovsky, B., Sominski, E., Levi, E., Kumar, V. G., Motiei, M., Gedanken, A., Dan, P. & Aurbach, D. Development and testing of nanomaterials for rechargeable lithium batteries. Journal of Power Sources 119, 517-521, (2003).
- Aurbach, D. & Cohen, Y. S. Identification of surface films on electrodes in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions: spectroscopic, electronic and morphological studies. (Imperial College Press: London, 2004).
- Aurbach, D., Gnanaraj, J. S., Geissler, W. & Schmidt, M. Vinylene Carbonate and Li Salicylatoborate as Additives in LiPF3 ( CF2C 3)3 Solutions for Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 151, A23-A30 (2004).
- Aurbach, D., Talyosef, Y., Markovsky, B., Markevich, E., Zinigrad, E., Asraf, L., Gnanaraj, J. S. & Kim, H.-J. Design of electrolyte solutions for Li and Li-ion batteries: a review. Electrochimica Acta 50, 247-254 (2004).
- Belostotskii, A. M., Markevich, E. & Aurbach, D. On Li-chelating additives to electrolytes for Li batteries. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 57, 1047-1056 (2004).
- Cohen, Y. S. & Aurbach, D. Surface films phenomena on vanadium-pentoxide cathodes for Li and Li-ion batteries: in situ AFM imaging. Electrochemistry communications 6, 536-542 (2004).
- Gizbar, H., Vestfrid, Y., Chusid, O., Gofer, Y., Gottlieb, H. E., Marks, V. & Aurbach, D. Alkyl Group transmetalation reactions in electrolytic solutions studied by multinuclear NMR. Organometallics 23, 3826-3831 (2004).
- Herstedt, M., Abraham, D. P., Kerr, J. B. & Edström, K. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of negative electrodes from high-power lithium-ion cells showing various levels of power fade. Electrochimica Acta 49, 5097-5110 (2004).
- Kumar, V., Gnanaraj, J., Salitra, G., Abramov, A., Gedanken, A., Aurbach, D., Soupart, J. & Rousche, J. Sonochemical and soft-chemical intercalation of lithium ions into MnO2 polymorphs. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 8, 957-967 (2004).
- Lancry, E., Levi, E., Gofer, Y., Levi, M., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Leaching chemistry and the performance of the Mo6S8 cathodes in rechargeable Mg batteries. Chemistry of materials 16, 2832-2838 (2004).
- Levi, M., Cohen, Y., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical responses of active metal insertion electrodes and electronically conducting polymers: common features and new insights. Electrochimica acta 49, 3701-3710 (2004).
- Levi, M., Gizbar, H., Lancry, E., Gofer, Y., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. A comparative study of Mg 2+ and Li+ ion insertions into the Mo 6 S 8 Chevrel phase using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 569, 211-223 (2004).
- Levi, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Effect of the structure of nonuniform conducting polymer films on their electrochemical impedance response. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 40, 273-279 (2004).
- Levi, M., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D. & Berlin, A. EIS evidence for charge trapping in n-doped poly-3-(3, 4, 5-trifluorophenyl) thiophene. Electrochimica acta 49, 433-444 (2004).
- Levi, M., Lancry, E., Gizbar, H., Gofer, Y., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Phase transitions and diffusion kinetics during Mg 2+-and Li+-ion insertions into the Mo 6 S 8 chevrel phase compound studied by PITT. Electrochimica acta 49, 3201-3209 (2004).
- Levi, M., Lancry, E., Gizbar, H., Lu, Z., Levi, E., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Mg2+ and Li+ Ion Insertion into the Mo6 S 8 Chevrel Phase. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 151, A1044-A1051 (2004).
- Levi, M., Markevich, E., Wang, C., Koltypin, M. & Aurbach, D. The effect of dimethyl pyrocarbonate on electroanalytical behavior and cycling of graphite electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 151, A848-A856 (2004).
- Levi, M., Wang, C. & Aurbach, D. Self-discharge of graphite electrodes at elevated temperatures studied by CV and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 151, A781-A790 (2004).
- Levi, M., Wang, C. & Aurbach, D. Two parallel diffusion paths model for interpretation of PITT and EIS responses from non-uniform intercalation electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 561, 1-11 (2004).
- Levi, M., Wang, C., Aurbach, D. & Chvoj, Z. Effect of temperature on the kinetics and thermodynamics of electrochemical insertion of Li-ions into a graphite electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 562, 187-203 (2004).
- Levi, M. D. & Aurbach, D. Impedance of a Single Intercalation Particle and of Non-Homogeneous, Multilayered Porous Composite Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 11693-11703 (2004).
- Markovsky, B., Nimberger, A., Talyosef, Y., Rodkin, A., Belostotskii, A. M., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Kim, H.-J. On the influence of additives in electrolyte solutions on the electrochemical behavior of carbon/LiCoO2 cells at elevated temperatures. Journal of power sources 136, 296-302 (2004).
- Markovsky, B., Rodkin, A., Salitra, G., Talyosef, Y., Aurbach, D. & Kim, H.-J. The impact of Co2+ ions in solutions on the performance of LiCoO2, Li, and lithiated graphite electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 151, A1068-A1076 (2004).
- Markovsky, B., Talyossef, Y., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Kim, H.-J. & Choi, S. Cycling and storage performance at elevated temperatures of LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 positive electrodes for advanced 5 V Li-ion batteries. Electrochemistry communications 6, 821-826 (2004).
- Vorotyntsev, M. A., Levi, M. D. & Aurbach, D. Spatially limited diffusion coupled with ohmic potential drop and/or slow interfacial exchange: a new method to determine the diffusion time constant and external resistance from potential step (PITT) experiments. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 572, 299-307 (2004).
- Zinigrad, E., Levi, E., Teller, H., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Dan, P. Investigation of Lithium Electrodeposits Formed in Practical Rechargeable Li Li x MnO2 Batteries Based on LiAsF6/1, 3-Dioxolane Solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 151, A111-A118 (2004).
- Aurbach, D. A review on new solutions, new measurements procedures and new materials for rechargeable Li batteries. Journal of Power Sources 146, 71-78 (2005).
- Eliad, L., Salitra, G., Pollak, E., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Enhanced anion electroadsorption into carbon molecular sieve electrodes in acidic media. Langmuir 21, 10615-10623 (2005).
- Eliad, L., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. On the mechanism of selective electroadsorption of protons in the pores of carbon molecular sieves. Langmuir 21, 3198-3202 (2005).
- Grigoriants, I., Soffer, A., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Nanoparticles of tin confined in microporous carbon matrices as anode materials for Li batteries. Journal of power sources 146, 185-189 (2005).
- Grigoriants, I., Sominski, L., Li, H., Ifargan, I., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. The use of tin-decorated mesoporous carbon as an anode material for rechargeable lithium batteries. Chemical Communications, 921-923, (2005).
- Koltypin, M., Licht, S., Vered, R. T., Nashits, V. & Aurbach, D. The study of K 2 FeO 4 (Fe 6+-super iron compound) as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries. Journal of power sources 146, 723-726 (2005).
- Kovacheva, D., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Talyosef, Y., Gorova, M., Levi, E., Riboch, M., Kim, H.-J. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical behavior of electrodes comprising micro-and nano-sized particles of LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4: a comparative study. Electrochimica acta 50, 5553-5560 (2005).
- Lancry, E., Levi, E., Gofer, Y., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. The effect of milling on the performance of a Mo6S8 Chevrel phase as a cathode material for rechargeable Mg batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 9, 259-266 (2005).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Impedance spectra of porous, composite intercalation electrodes: The origin of the low-frequency semicircles. Journal of power sources 146, 727-731 (2005).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. A comparison between intercalation of Li and Mg ions into the model Chevrel phase compound (M x Mo 6 S 8): Impedance spectroscopic studies. Journal of power sources 146, 349-354 (2005).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Distinction between energetic inhomogeneity and geometric non-uniformity of ion insertion electrodes based on complex impedance and complex capacitance analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 2763-2773 (2005).
- Levi, M., Demadrille, R., Pron, A., Vorotyntsev, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Application of a novel refinement method for accurate determination of chemical diffusion coefficients in electroactive materials by potential step technique. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152, E61-E67 (2005).
- Levi, M., Lancri, E., Levi, E., Gizbar, H., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. The effect of the anionic framework of Mo 6 X 8 Chevrel Phase (X= S, Se) on the thermodynamics and the kinetics of the electrochemical insertion of Mg 2+ ions. Solid State Ionics 176, 1695-1699 (2005).
- Levi, M., Markevich, E. & Aurbach, D. The effect of slow interfacial kinetics on the chronoamperometric response of composite lithiated graphite electrodes and on the calculation of the chemical diffusion coefficient of Li ions in graphite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 7420-7427 (2005).
- Levi, M., Markevich, E. & Aurbach, D. Comparison between Cottrell diffusion and moving boundary models for determination of the chemical diffusion coefficients in ion-insertion electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 51, 98-110 (2005).
- Markervich, E., Salitra, G., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Capacity fading of lithiated graphite electrodes studied by a combination of electroanalytical methods, Raman spectroscopy and SEM. Journal of power sources 146, 146-150 (2005).
- Markevich, E., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. New Insight into Studies of the Cycling Performance of Li-Graphite Electrodes A Combination of Cyclic Voltammetry, Electrochemical Impedance, and Differential Self-Discharge Measurements. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 152, A778-A786 (2005).
- Markevich, E., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Comparison between potentiostatic and galvanostatic intermittent titration techniques for determination of chemical diffusion coefficients in ion-insertion electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 580, 231-237 (2005).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Influence of the PVdF binder on the stability of LiCoO 2 electrodes. Electrochemistry communications 7, 1298-1304 (2005).
- Novák, P., Goers, D., Hardwick, L., Holzapfel, M., Scheifele, W., Ufheil, J. & Würsig, A. Advanced in situ characterization methods applied to carbonaceous materials. Journal of Power Sources 146, 15-20 (2005).
- Nowik, I., Herber, R., Koltypin, M., Aurbach, D. & Licht, S. Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of the disintegration of hexavalent iron compounds (BaFeO4 and K2FeO4). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66, 1307-1313 (2005).
- Skompska, M., Vorotyntsev, M. A., Goux, J., Moise, C., Heinz, O., Cohen, Y. S., Levi, M. D., Gofer, Y., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Mechanism of redox transformation of titanocene dichloride centers immobilized inside a polypyrrole matrix—EQCM and XPS evidences. Electrochimica acta 50, 1635-1641 (2005).
- Talyosef, Y., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Kim, H. J. & Choi, S. The study of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 5-V cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 146, 664-669 (2005).
- Viestfrid, Y., Levi, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Microelectrode studies of reversible Mg deposition in THF solutions containing complexes of alkylaluminum chlorides and dialkylmagnesium. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 576, 183-195 (2005).
- Zinigrad, E., Larush-Asraf, L., Gnanaraj, J., Gottlieb, H. E., Sprecher, M. & Aurbach, D. Calorimetric studies of the thermal stability of electrolyte solutions based on alkyl carbonates and the effect of the contact with lithium. Journal of power sources 146, 176-179 (2005).
- Zinigrad, E., Larush-Asraf, L., Gnanaraj, J. S., Sprecher, M. & Aurbach, D. On the thermal stability of LiPF 6. Thermochimica acta 438, 184-191 (2005).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Talyossef, Y., Salitra, G., Kim, H.-J. & Choi, S. Studies of cycling behavior, ageing, and interfacial reactions of LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 and carbon electrodes for lithium-ion 5-V cells. Journal of Power Sources 162, 780-789 (2006).
- Biton, M., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Mishkov, P. & Ilzycer, D. On the Electrochemical Behavior and Passivation of Copper and Brass (Cu70∕ Zn30) Electrodes in Concentrated Aqueous KOH Solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153, B555-B565 (2006).
- Eliad, L., Pollak, E., Levy, N., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Assessing optimal pore-to-ion size relations in the design of porous poly (vinylidene chloride) carbons for EDL capacitors. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 82, 607-613 (2006).
- Gofer, Y., Chusid, O., Gizbar, H., Viestfrid, Y., Gottlieb, H. E., Marks, V. & Aurbach, D. Improved Electrolyte Solutions for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 9, A257-A260 (2006).
- Koltypin, M., Licht, S., Nowik, I., Vered, R. T., Levi, E., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Study of Various (“Super Iron”) MFeO4 Compounds in Li Salt Solutions as Potential Cathode Materials for Li Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153, A32-A41 (2006).
- Lancry, E., Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Malovany, S. & Aurbach, D. Molten salt synthesis (MSS) of Cu 2 Mo 6 S 8—new way for large-scale production of Chevrel phases. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179, 1879-1882 (2006).
- Levi, E., Lancry, E., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. The crystal structure of the inorganic surface films formed on Mg and Li intercalation compounds and the electrode performance. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 10, 176-184 (2006).
- Levi, E., Lancry, E., Mitelman, A., Aurbach, D., Ceder, G., Morgan, D. & Isnard, O. Phase Diagram of Mg Insertion into Chevrel Phases, MgxMo6T8 (T = S, Se). 1. Crystal Structure of the Sulfides. Chemistry of Materials 18, 5492-5503 (2006).
- Levi, M., Demadrille, R., Markevich, E., Gofer, Y., Pron, A. & Aurbach, D. Unusually stable and highly electrochemically reversible n-doping of regioregular alternate copolymer of dialkylthiophene and fluorenone. Electrochemistry communications 8, 993-998 (2006).
- Levi, M. D., Fisyuk, A. S., Demadrille, R., Markevich, E., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D. & Pron, A. Unusually high stability of a poly (alkylquaterthiophene-alt-oxadiazole) conjugated copolymer in its n and p-doped states. Chemical Communications, 3299-3301 (2006).
- Markevich, E., Baranchugov, V. & Aurbach, D. On the possibility of using ionic liquids as electrolyte solutions for rechargeable 5V Li ion batteries. Electrochemistry communications 8, 1331-1334 (2006).
- Markovsky, B., Kovacheva, D., Talyosef, Y., Gorova, M., Grinblat, J. & Aurbach, D. Studies of nanosized LiNi0. 5Mn0. 5O2-layered compounds produced by self-combustion reaction as cathodes for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochemical and solid-state letters 9, A449-A453 (2006).
- Odani, A., Pol, V. G., Pol, S. V., Koltypin, M., Gedanken, A. & Aurbach, D. Testing Carbon‐Coated VOx Prepared via Reaction under Autogenic Pressure at Elevated Temperature as Li‐Insertion Materials. Advanced Materials 18, 1431-1436 (2006).
- Pollak, E., Genish, I., Salitra, G., Soffer, A., Klein, L. & Aurbach, D. The dependence of the electronic conductivity of carbon molecular sieve electrodes on their charging states. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 7443-7448 (2006).
- Pollak, E., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. On the reaction of oxygen with nitrogen-containing and nitrogen-free carbons. Carbon 44, 3302-3307 (2006).
- Amir, N., Vestfrid, Y., Chusid, O., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Progress in nonaqueous magnesium electrochemistry. Journal of Power Sources 174, 1234-1240 (2007).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y., Chusid, O. & Eshel, H. On nonaqueous electrochemical behavior of titanium and Ti 4+ compounds. Electrochimica acta 52, 2097-2101 (2007).
- Aurbach, D., Markovsky, B., Salitra, G., Markevich, E., Talyossef, Y., Koltypin, M., Nazar, L., Ellis, B. & Kovacheva, D. Review on electrode–electrolyte solution interactions, related to cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 165, 491-499 (2007).
- Aurbach, D., Suresh, G. S., Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Mizrahi, O., Chusid, O. & Brunelli, M. Progress in rechargeable magnesium battery technology. Advanced Materials 19, 4260-4267 (2007).
- Baranchugov, V., Markevich, E., Pollak, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Amorphous silicon thin films as a high capacity anodes for Li-ion batteries in ionic liquid electrolytes. Electrochemistry Communications 9, 796-800 (2007).
- Filanovsky, B., Markovsky, B., Bourenko, T., Perkas, N., Persky, R., Gedanken, A. & Aurbach, D. Carbon electrodes modified with TiO2/metal nanoparticles and their application for the detection of trinitrotoluene. Advanced Functional Materials 17, 1487-1492 (2007).
- Koltypin, M., Aurbach, D., Nazar, L. & Ellis, B. On the stability of LiFePO4 olivine cathodes under various conditions (electrolyte solutions, temperatures). Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 10, A40-A44 (2007).
- Koltypin, M., Aurbach, D., Nazar, L. & Ellis, B. More on the performance of LiFePO 4 electrodes—the effect of synthesis route, solution composition, aging, and temperature. Journal of Power Sources 174, 1241-1250 (2007).
- Koltypin, M., Pol, V., Gedanken, A. & Aurbach, D. The study of carbon-coated V2O5 nanoparticles as a potential cathodic material for Li rechargeable batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, A605-A613 (2007).
- Larush, L., Zinigrad, E., Goffer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Following the Growth of Surface Films on Lithium and Their Thermal Behavior in Standard LiPF6 Solutions Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Langmuir 23, 12910-12914 (2007).
- Larush-Asraf, L., Biton, M., Teller, H., Zinigrad, E. & Aurbach, D. On the electrochemical and thermal behavior of lithium bis (oxalato) borate (LiBOB) solutions. Journal of Power Sources 174, 400-407 (2007).
- Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Aurbach, D. & Brunelli, M. Structural mechanism of the phase transitions in the Mg− Cu− Mo6S8 system probed by ex situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Chemistry of Materials 19, 5131-5142 (2007).
- Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Aurbach, D. & Isnard, O. On the mechanism of triclinic distortion in chevrel phase as probed by in-situ neutron diffraction. Inorganic chemistry 46, 7528-7535 (2007).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. The application of electroanalytical methods to the analysis of phase transitions during intercalation of ions into electrodes. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 11, 1031-1042 (2007).
- Levi, M., Markevich, E., Wang, C. & Aurbach, D. Chronoamperometric measurements and modeling of nucleation and growth, and moving boundary stages during electrochemical lithiation of graphite electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 600, 13-22 (2007).
- Markevich, E., Pollak, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. On the performance of graphitized meso carbon microbeads (MCMB)–meso carbon fibers (MCF) and synthetic graphite electrodes at elevated temperatures. Journal of Power Sources 174, 1263-1269 (2007).
- Mitelman, A., Levi, E., Lancry, E. & Aurbach, D. On the Mg trapping mechanism in electrodes comprising Chevrel phases. ECS Transactions 3, 109-115 (2007).
- Mitelman, A., Levi, M., Lancry, E., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. New cathode materials for rechargeable Mg batteries: fast Mg ion transport and reversible copper extrusion in Cu y Mo 6 S 8 compounds. Chemical Communications, 4212-4214 (2007).
- Patra, C. R., Odani, A., Pol, V. G., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. Microwave-assisted synthesis of tin sulfide nanoflakes and their electrochemical performance as Li-inserting materials. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 11, 186-194 (2007).
- Pollak, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Can conductivity measurements serve as a tool for assessing pseudocapacitance processes occurring on carbon electrodes? Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 602, 195-202 (2007).
- Pollak, E., Salitra, G., Baranchugov, V. & Aurbach, D. In Situ Conductivity, Impedance Spectroscopy, and Ex Situ Raman Spectra of Amorphous Silicon during the Insertion/Extraction of Lithium. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 11437-11444, doi:10.1021/jp0729563 (2007).
- Talyosef, Y., Markovsky, B., Lavi, R., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Kovacheva, D., Gorova, M., Zhecheva, E. & Stoyanova, R. Comparing the Behavior of Nano- and Microsized Particles of LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 Spinel as Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154, A682-A691 (2007).
- Vestfried, Y., Chusid, O., Goffer, Y., Aped, P. & Aurbach, D. Structural Analysis of Electrolyte Solutions Comprising Magnesium− Aluminate Chloro− Organic Complexes by Raman Spectroscopy. Organometallics 26, 3130-3137 (2007).
- Zinigrad, E., Larush-Asraf, L., Salitra, G., Sprecher, M. & Aurbach, D. On the thermal behavior of Li bis (oxalato) borate LiBOB. Thermochimica acta 457, 64-69 (2007).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, M., Salitra, G., Levy, N., Pollak, E. & Muthu, J. Cation trapping in highly porous carbon electrodes for EDLC cells. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155, A745-A753 (2008).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, M. D. & Levi, E. A review on the solid-state ionics of electrochemical intercalation processes: How to interpret properly their electrochemical response. Solid State Ionics 179, 742-751 (2008).
- Avraham, E., Yaniv, B., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Developing ion electroadsorption stereoselectivity, by pore size adjustment with chemical vapor deposition onto active carbon fiber electrodes. Case of Ca2+/Na+ separation in water capacitive desalination. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 7385-7389 (2008).
- Baranchugov, V., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G. & Schmidt, M. A. In situ Raman spectroscopy study of different kinds of graphite electrodes in ionic liquid electrolytes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155, A217-A227 (2008).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Stein, T., Whyman, G., Erlich, M., Musin, A., Machavariani, V. & Aurbach, D. Characterization of rough surfaces with vibrated drops. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 4056-4061 (2008).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Whyman, G., Bormashenko, Y., Jager, R., Stein, T., Schechter, A. & Aurbach, D. The reversible giant change in the contact angle on the polysulfone and polyethersulfone films exposed to UV irradiation. Langmuir 24, 5977-5980 (2008).
- Bormashenko, E., Schechter, A., Stanevsky, O., Stein, T., Balter, S., Musin, A., Bormashenko, Y., Pogreb, R., Barkay, Z. & Aurbach, D. Free‐Standing, Thermostable, Micrometer‐Scale Honeycomb Polymer Films and their Properties. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 293, 872-877 (2008).
- Bormashenko, E., Stein, T., Whyman, G., Pogreb, R., Sutovsky, S., Danoch, Y., Shoham, Y., Bormashenko, Y., Sorokov, B. & Aurbach, D. Superhydrophobic metallic surfaces and their wetting properties. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 22, 379-385 (2008).
- Grigoriants, I., Markovsky, B., Persky, R., Perelshtein, I., Gedanken, A., Aurbach, D., Filanovsky, B., Bourenko, T. & Felner, I. Electrochemical reduction of trinitrotoluene on core–shell tin–carbon electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 54, 690-697 (2008).
- Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Isnard, O., Brunelli, M. & Aurbach, D. Phase Diagram of Mg Insertion into Chevrel Phases, Mg x Mo6T8 (T= S, Se). 3. The Crystal Structure of Triclinic Mg2Mo6Se8. Inorganic chemistry 47, 1975-1983 (2008).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Kinetics of electrochemically induced phase transitions in ion-insertion electrodes and the chemical diffusion coefficient. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 12, 409-420 (2008).
- Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. A short review on the strategy towards development of π-conjugated polymers with highly reversible p-and n-doping. Journal of Power Sources 180, 902-908 (2008).
- Levi, M., Aurbach, D. & Maier, J. Electrochemically driven first-order phase transitions caused by elastic responses of ion-insertion electrodes under external kinetic control. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 624, 251-261 (2008).
- Markevich, E., Baranchugov, V., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Schmidt, M. A. Behavior of graphite electrodes in solutions based on ionic liquids in in situ Raman studies. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155, A132-A137 (2008).
- Mizrahi, O., Amir, N., Pollak, E., Chusid, O., Marks, V., Gottlieb, H., Larush, L., Zinigrad, E. & Aurbach, D. Electrolyte solutions with a wide electrochemical window for rechargeable magnesium batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155, A103-A109 (2008).
- Pollak, E., Levy, N., Eliad, L., Salitra, G., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Review on engineering and characterization of activated carbon electrodes for electrochemical double layer capacitors and separation processes. Israel Journal of Chemistry 48, 287-303 (2008).
- Pomerantz, Z., Levi, M., Salitra, G., Demadrille, R., Fisyuk, A., Zaban, A., Aurbach, D. & Pron, A. UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical and in situ conductance studies of unusual stability of n-and p-doped poly (dimethyldioctylquaterthiophene-alt-oxadiazole) under high cathodic and anodic polarizations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 1032-1042 (2008).
- Suresh, G., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Effect of chalcogen substitution in mixed Mo 6 S 8− n Se n (n= 0, 1, 2) Chevrel phases on the thermodynamics and kinetics of reversible Mg ions insertion. Electrochimica Acta 53, 3889-3896 (2008).
- Apostolova, R., Talyosef, I., Grinblat, J., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Study of electrolytic cobalt sulfide Co9S8 as an electrode material in lithium accumulator prototypes. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 45, 311-319 (2009).
- Aurbach, D., Pollak, E., Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Kelley, C. S. & Affinito, J. On the Surface Chemical Aspects of Very High Energy Density, Rechargeable Li–Sulfur Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, A694-A702 (2009).
- Avraham, E., Bouhadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Limitation of charge efficiency in capacitive deionization I. On the behavior of single activated carbon. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156, P95-P99 (2009).
- Avraham, E., Noked, M., Bouhadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Limitations of charge efficiency in capacitive deionization II. On the behavior of CDI cells comprising two activated carbon electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156, P157-P162 (2009).
- Borgel, V., Markevich, E., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G. & Schmidt, M. On the application of ionic liquids for rechargeable Li batteries: High voltage systems. Journal of Power Sources 189, 331-336 (2009).
- Bormashenko, E., Goldshtein, V., Barayev, R., Stein, T., Whyman, G., Pogreb, R., Barkay, Z. & Aurbach, D. Robust method of manufacturing rubber waste‐based water repellent surfaces. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 20, 650-653 (2009).
- Bormashenko, E., Stein, T., Pogreb, R. & Aurbach, D. “Petal Effect” on Surfaces Based on Lycopodium: High-Stick Surfaces Demonstrating High Apparent Contact Angles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 5568-5572 (2009).
- Haik, O., Martha, S. K., Sclar, H., Samuk-Fromovich, Z., Zinigrad, E., Markovsky, B., Kovacheva, D., Saliyski, N. & Aurbach, D. Characterizations of self-combustion reactions (SCR) for the production of nanomaterials used as advanced cathodes in Li-ion batteries. Thermochimica Acta 493, 96-104 (2009).
- Larush, L., Borgel, V., Markevich, E., Haik, O., Zinigrad, E., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G. & Schmidt, M. On the thermal behavior of model Li–Li x CoO 2 systems containing ionic liquids in standard electrolyte solutions. Journal of Power Sources 189, 217-223 (2009).
- Levi, E., Gershinsky, G., Aurbach, D. & Isnard, O. Crystallography of chevrel phases, MMo6T8 (M= Cd, Na, Mn, and Zn, T= S, Se) and their cation mobility. Inorganic chemistry 48, 8751-8758 (2009).
- Levi, E., Gershinsky, G., Aurbach, D., Isnard, O. & Ceder, G. New insight on the unusually high ionic mobility in chevrel phases. Chemistry of Materials 21, 1390-1399 (2009).
- Levi, E., Levi, M. D., Chasid, O. & Aurbach, D. A review on the problems of the solid state ions diffusion in cathodes for rechargeable Mg batteries. Journal of Electroceramics 22, 13-19 (2009).
- Levi, M. D., Salitra, G., Levy, N., Aurbach, D. & Maier, J. Application of a quartz-crystal microbalance to measure ionic fluxes in microporous carbons for energy storage. Nat Mater 8, 872-875 (2009).
- Lugovskoy, A., Zinigrad, M., Aurbach, D. & Unger, Z. Electrodeposition of iron (II) on platinum in chloride melts at 700–750° C. Electrochimica Acta 54, 1904-1908 (2009).
- Martha, S. K., Grinblat, J., Haik, O., Zinigrad, E., Drezen, T., Miners, J. H., Exnar, I., Kay, A., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4: An Advanced Cathode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48, 8559-8563 (2009).
- Martha, S. K., Markevich, E., Burgel, V., Salitra, G., Zinigrad, E., Markovsky, B., Sclar, H., Pramovich, Z., Heik, O., Aurbach, D., Exnar, I., Buqa, H., Drezen, T., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M., Kovacheva, D. & Saliyski, N. A short review on surface chemical aspects of Li batteries: A key for a good performance. Journal of Power Sources 189, 288-296, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.09.084 (2009).
- Martha, S. K., Markovsky, B., Grinblat, J., Gofer, Y., Haik, O., Zinigrad, E., Aurbach, D., Drezen, T., Wang, D., Deghenghi, G. & Exnar, I. LiMnPO4 as an Advanced Cathode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, A541-A552 (2009).
- Martha, S. K., Sclar, H., Szmuk Framowitz, Z., Kovacheva, D., Saliyski, N., Gofer, Y., Sharon, P., Golik, E., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. A comparative study of electrodes comprising nanometric and submicron particles of LiNi0.50Mn0.50O2, LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2, and LiNi0.40Mn0.40Co0.20O2 layered compounds. Journal of Power Sources 189, 248-255 (2009).
- Noked, M., Avraham, E., Bohadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Development of anion stereoselective, activated carbon molecular sieve electrodes prepared by chemical vapor deposition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 7316-7321 (2009).
- Noked, M., Avraham, E., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. The rate-determining step of electroadsorption processes into nanoporous carbon electrodes related to water desalination. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 21319-21327 (2009).
- Pogreb, R., Whyman, G., Barayev, R., Bormashenko, E. & Aurbach, D. A reliable method of manufacturing metallic hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Physics Letters 94, 221902 (2009).
- Sclar, H., Kovacheva, D., Zhecheva, E., Stoyanova, R., Lavi, R., Kimmel, G., Grinblat, J., Girshevitz, O., Amalraj, F. & Haik, O. On the performance of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 nanoparticles as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, A938-A948 (2009).
- Amalraj, F., Kovacheva, D., Talianker, M., Zeiri, L., Grinblat, J., Leifer, N., Goobes, G., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Synthesis of Integrated Cathode Materials xLi2MnO3⋅ ( 1 − x ) LiMn1 / 3Ni1 / 3Co1 / 3O2 ( x = 0.3 , 0.5 , 0.7 ) and Studies of Their Electrochemical Behavior. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, A1121-A1130 (2010).
- Avraham, E., Noked, M., Bouhadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Limitations of charge efficiency in capacitive deionization processes III: The behavior of surface oxidized activated carbon electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 56, 441-447 (2010).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, R. & Aurbach, D. Micropump based on liquid marbles. Applied Physics Letters 97, 091908 (2010).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, S., Pogreb, R., Bormashenko, Y., Gendelman, O. & Aurbach, D. On the mechanism of patterning in rapidly evaporated polymer solutions: Is temperature-gradient-driven Marangoni instability responsible for the large-scale patterning? Journal of colloid and interface science 343, 602-607 (2010).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Musin, A., Balter, R., Whyman, G. & Aurbach, D. Interfacial and conductive properties of liquid marbles coated with carbon black. Powder Technology 203, 529-533 (2010).
- Bouhadana, Y., Avraham, E., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Several basic and practical aspects related to electrochemical deionization of water. AIChE journal 56, 779-789 (2010).
- Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Talyosef, Y., Grinblat, J., Scordilis-Kelley, C., Xiao, A., Affinito, J. & Aurbach, D. Morphological and Structural Studies of Composite Sulfur Electrodes upon Cycling by HRTEM, AFM and Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, A1131-A1138 (2010).
- Genish, I., Shperber, Y., Naftalis, N., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Klein, L. The effects of geometry on magnetic response of elliptical PHE sensors. Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09E716 (2010).
- Haik, O., Leifer, N., Samuk-Fromovich, Z., Zinigrad, E., Markovsky, B., Larush, L., Goffer, Y., Goobes, G. & Aurbach, D. On the surface chemistry of LiMO2 cathode materials (M=[MnNi] and [MnNiCo]): electrochemical, spectroscopic, and calorimetric studies. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, A1099-A1107 (2010).
- Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Chevrel Phases, M x Mo6T8 (M= Metals, T= S, Se, Te) as a Structural Chameleon: Changes in the Rhombohedral Framework and Triclinic Distortion. Chemistry of Materials 22, 3678-3692 (2010).
- Levi, E., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. On the Way to Rechargeable Mg Batteries: The Challenge of New Cathode Materials. Chemistry of Materials 22, 860-868, doi:10.1021/cm9016497 (2010).
- Levi, M. D., Levy, N., Sigalov, S., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Maier, J. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) studies of ions and solvents insertion into highly porous activated carbons. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 13220-13222 (2010).
- Levy, N., Levi, M. D., Aurbach, D., Demadrille, R. & Pron, A. Failure and stabilization mechanisms in multiply cycled conducting polymers for energy storage devices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 16823-16831 (2010).
- Markevich, E., Sharabi, R., Borgel, V., Gottlieb, H., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G. & Schmidt, M. A. In situ FTIR study of the decomposition of N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide ionic liquid during cathodic polarization of lithium and graphite electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 55, 2687-2696 (2010).
- Markovsky, B., Amalraj, F., Gottlieb, H. E., Gofer, Y., Martha, S. K. & Aurbach, D. On the electrochemical behavior of aluminum electrodes in nonaqueous electrolyte solutions of lithium salts. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, A423-A429 (2010).
- Marom, R., Haik, O., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Revisiting LiClO4 as an electrolyte for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157, A972-A983 (2010).
- Noked, M., Avraham, E., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Assessing the concentration effect on hydration radii in aqueous solutions by electroadsorption on a carbon molecular sieve electrode. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 13354-13361 (2010).
- Sharabi, R., Markevich, E., Borgel, V., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G. & Schmidt, M. A. In Situ FTIR Spectroscopy Study of Li/LiNi0. 8Co0. 15Al0. 05O2 Cells with Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolytes in Overcharge Condition. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 13, A32-A35 (2010).
- Sigalov, S., Levi, M. D., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Maier, J. EQCM as a unique tool for determination of ionic fluxes in microporous carbons as a function of surface charge distribution. Electrochemistry Communications 12, 1718-1721 (2010).
- Yaakov, D., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. On the study of electrolyte solutions for Li-ion batteries that can work over a wide temperature range. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, A1383-A1391 (2010).
- Amalraj, S. F. & Aurbach, D. The use of in situ techniques in R&D of Li and Mg rechargeable batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 15, 877-890 (2011).
- Avraham, E., Noked, M., Cohen, I., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. The dependence of the desalination performance in capacitive deionization processes on the electrodes PZC. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158, P168-P173 (2011).
- Avraham, E., Noked, M., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. The feasibility of boron removal from water by capacitive deionization. Electrochimica Acta 56, 6312-6317 (2011).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, R. & Aurbach, D. Use of liquid marbles as micro-reactors. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 9 (2011).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, S., Pogreb, R. & Aurbach, D. Single‐step technique allowing formation of microscaled thermally stable polymer honeycomb reliefs demonstrating reversible wettability. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 22, 94-98 (2011).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Stein, T., Whyman, G., Schiffer, M. & Aurbach, D. Electrically deformable liquid marbles. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 25, 1371-1377 (2011).
- Bouhadana, Y., Avraham, E., Noked, M., Ben-Tzion, M., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Capacitive deionization of NaCl solutions at non-steady-state conditions: inversion functionality of the carbon electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 16567-16573 (2011).
- Bouhadana, Y., Ben-Tzion, M., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. A control system for operating and investigating reactors: the demonstration of parasitic reactions in the water desalination by capacitive de-ionization. Desalination 268, 253-261 (2011).
- Cohen, I., Avraham, E., Noked, M., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Enhanced charge efficiency in capacitive deionization achieved by surface-treated electrodes and by means of a third electrode. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 19856-19863 (2011).
- Daikhin, L., Sigalov, S., Levi, M. D., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Quartz crystal impedance response of nonhomogenous composite electrodes in contact with liquids. Analytical chemistry 83, 9614-9621 (2011).
- Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Garsuch, A., Panchenko, A. & Aurbach, D. Sulfur-Impregnated Activated Carbon Fiber Cloth as a Binder-Free Cathode for Rechargeable Li-S Batteries. Advanced Materials 23, 5641-5644 (2011).
- Etacheri, V., Marom, R., Elazari, R., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Challenges in the development of advanced Li-ion batteries: a review. Energy & Environmental Science 4, 3243-3262 (2011).
- Haik, O., Ganin, S., Gershinsky, G., Zinigrad, E., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. On the thermal behavior of lithium intercalated graphites. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158, A913-A923 (2011).
- Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Lattice Strains in the Ligand Framework in the Octahedral Metal Cluster Compounds as the Origin of Their Instability. Chemistry of Materials 23, 1901-1914 (2011).
- Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Maier, J. The Effect of Specific Adsorption of Cations and Their Size on the Charge‐Compensation Mechanism in Carbon Micropores: The Role of Anion Desorption. ChemPhysChem 12, 854-862 (2011).
- Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Salitra, G., Elazari, R. & Aurbach, D. Assessing the solvation numbers of electrolytic ions confined in carbon nanopores under dynamic charging conditions. The journal of physical chemistry letters 2, 120-124 (2011).
- Markevich, E., Sharabi, R., Haik, O., Borgel, V., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M., Schall, N. & Stinner, C. Raman spectroscopy of carbon-coated LiCoPO 4 and LiFePO 4 olivines. Journal of Power Sources 196, 6433-6439 (2011).
- Marom, R., Amalraj, S. F., Leifer, N., Jacob, D. & Aurbach, D. A review of advanced and practical lithium battery materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 9938-9954(2011).
- Martha, S. K., Haik, O., Borgel, V., Zinigrad, E., Exnar, I., Drezen, T., Miners, J. H. & Aurbach, D. Li4Ti5O12/LiMnPO4 Lithium-ion battery systems for load leveling application. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158, A790-A797 (2011).
- Martha, S. K., Haik, O., Zinigrad, E., Exnar, I., Drezen, T., Miners, J. H. & Aurbach, D. On the thermal stability of olivine cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158, A1115-A1122 (2011).
- Noked, M., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. The electrochemistry of activated carbonaceous materials: past, present, and future. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 15, 1563 (2011).
- Pour, N., Gofer, Y., Major, D. T. & Aurbach, D. Structural Analysis of Electrolyte Solutions for Rechargeable Mg Batteries by Stereoscopic Means and DFT Calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 6270-6278 (2011).
- Sharabi, R., Markevich, E., Borgel, V., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M., Schall, N. & Stinner, C. Significantly improved cycling performance of LiCoPO 4 cathodes. Electrochemistry Communications 13, 800-802 (2011).
- Amalraj, S. F., Markovsky, B., Sharon, D., Talianker, M., Zinigrad, E., Persky, R., Haik, O., Grinblat, J., Lampert, J. & Schulz-Dobrick, M. Study of the electrochemical behavior of the “inactive” Li 2 MnO 3. Electrochimica Acta 78, 32-39 (2012).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, R. & Aurbach, D. Formation of liquid marbles and wetting transitions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 384, 157-161 (2012).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, S. & Aurbach, D. On the Nature of the Breath Figures Self‐Assembly in Evaporated Polymer Solutions: Revisiting Physical Factors Governing the Patterning. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 213, 1742-1747 (2012).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, S., Bormashenko, Y. & Aurbach, D. Honeycomb structures obtained with breath figures self-assembly allow water/oil separation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 415, 394-398 (2012).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Balter, R., Gendelman, O. & Aurbach, D. Composite non-stick droplets and their actuation with electric field. Applied Physics Letters 100, 151601 (2012).
- Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Gershinsky, G., Garsuch, A., Panchenko, A. & Aurbach, D. Rechargeable lithiated silicon–sulfur (SLS) battery prototypes. Electrochemistry Communications 14, 21-24 (2012).
- Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Gershinsky, G., Garsuch, A., Panchenko, A. & Aurbach, D. Li ion cells comprising lithiated columnar silicon film anodes, TiS2 cathodes and fluoroethyene carbonate (FEC) as a critically important component. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159, A1440-A1445 (2012).
- Elul, S., Cohen, Y. & Aurbach, D. The influence of geometry in 2D simulation on the charge/discharge processes in Li-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 682, 53-65 (2012).
- Etacheri, V., Geiger, U., Gofer, Y., Roberts, G. A., Stefan, I. C., Fasching, R. & Aurbach, D. Exceptional Electrochemical Performance of Si-Nanowires in 1,3-Dioxolane Solutions: A Surface Chemical Investigation. Langmuir 28, 6175-6184 (2012).
- Etacheri, V., Haik, O., Goffer, Y., Roberts, G. A., Stefan, I. C., Fasching, R. & Aurbach, D. Effect of Fluoroethylene Carbonate (FEC) on the Performance and Surface Chemistry of Si-Nanowire Li-Ion Battery Anodes. Langmuir 28, 965-976, doi:10.1021/la203712s (2012).
- Gershinsky, G., Haik, O., Salitra, G., Grinblat, J., Levi, E., Nessim, G. D., Zinigrad, E. & Aurbach, D. Ultra fast elemental synthesis of high yield copper Chevrel phase with high electrochemical performance. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 188, 50-58 (2012).
- Levi, M., Shilina, Y., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Guyot, E., Seghir, S., Lecuire, J. & Boulanger, C. Ultrafast anode for high voltage aqueous Li-ion batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 16, 3443-3448 (2012).
- Markevich, E., Sharabi, R., Gottlieb, H., Borgel, V., Fridman, K., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M. & Schall, N. Reasons for capacity fading of LiCoPO 4 cathodes in LiPF 6 containing electrolyte solutions. Electrochemistry Communications 15, 22-25 (2012).
- Muldoon, J., Bucur, C. B., Oliver, A. G., Sugimoto, T., Matsui, M., Kim, H. S., Allred, G. D., Zajicek, J. & Kotani, Y. Electrolyte roadblocks to a magnesium rechargeable battery. Energy & Environmental Science 5, 5941-5950 (2012).
- Nessim, G. D., Al-Obeidi, A., Grisaru, H., Polsen, E. S., Oliver, C. R., Zimrin, T., Hart, A. J., Aurbach, D. & Thompson, C. V. Synthesis of tall carpets of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by in situ generation of water vapor through preheating of added oxygen. Carbon 50, 4002-4009 (2012).
- Noked, M., Okashy, S., Zimrin, T. & Aurbach, D. Composite carbon nanotube/carbon electrodes for electrical double-layer super capacitors. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51, 1568-1571 (2012).
- Noked, M., Okashy, S., Zimrin, T. & Aurbach, D. Composite Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Electrodes for Electrical Double‐Layer Super Capacitors. Angewandte Chemie 124, 1600-1603 (2012).
- Sclar, H., Haik, O., Menachem, T., Grinblat, J., Leifer, N., Meitav, A., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. The effect of ZnO and MgO coatings by a sono-chemical method, on the stability of LiMn1. 5Ni0. 5O4 as a cathode material for 5 V Li-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159, A228-A237 (2012).
- Sharabi, R., Markevich, E., Borgel, V., Salitra, G., Gershinsky, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M., Schall, N. & Stinner, C. Raman study of structural stability of LiCoPO 4 cathodes in LiPF 6 containing electrolytes. Journal of Power Sources 203, 109-114 (2012).
- Sigalov, S., Levi, M. D., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Jänes, A., Lust, E. & Halalay, I. C. Selective adsorption of multivalent ions into TiC-derived nanoporous carbon. Carbon 50, 3957-3960 (2012).
- Adany, R., Aurbach, D. & Kraus, S. Switching algorithms for extending battery life in Electric Vehicles. Journal of Power Sources 231, 50-59 (2013).
- Amalraj, F., Talianker, M., Markovsky, B., Burlaka, L., Leifer, N., Goobes, G., Erickson, E. M., Haik, O., Grinblat, J., Zinigrad, E., Aurbach, D., Lampert, J. K., Shin, J.-Y., Schulz-Dobrick, M. & Garsuch, A. Studies of Li and Mn-Rich Lix[MnNiCo]O2 Electrodes: Electrochemical Performance, Structure, and the Effect of the Aluminum Fluoride Coating. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160, A2220-A2233 (2013).
- Amalraj, F., Talianker, M., Markovsky, B., Sharon, D., Burlaka, L., Shafir, G., Zinigrad, E., Haik, O., Aurbach, D., Lampert, J., Schulz-Dobrick, M. & Garsuch, A. Study of the Lithium-Rich Integrated Compound xLi2MnO3·(1-x)LiMO2 (x around 0.5; M = Mn, Ni, Co; 2:2:1) and Its Electrochemical Activity as Positive Electrode in Lithium Cells. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160, A324-A337 (2013).
- Amalraj, S. F., Sharon, D., Talianker, M., Julien, C. M., Burlaka, L., Lavi, R., Zhecheva, E., Markovsky, B., Zinigrad, E., Kovacheva, D., Stoyanova, R. & Aurbach, D. Study of the nanosized Li2MnO3: Electrochemical behavior, structure, magnetic properties, and vibrational modes. Electrochimica Acta 97, 259-270 (2013).
- Aurbach, E. M., Fridman, K., Sharabi, R., Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Gottlieb, H. E., Gershinsky, G., Garsuch, A., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M. A. & D. Amorphous Columnar Silicon Anodes for Advanced High Voltage Lithium Ion Full Cells: Dominant Factors Governing Cycling Performance. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, A1824-1833 (2013).
- Borenstien, A., Noked, M., Okashy, S. & Aurbach, D. Composite carbon nano-tubes (CNT)/activated carbon electrodes for non-aqueous super capacitors using organic electrolyte solutions. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, A1282-A1285 (2013).
- Borgel, V., Gershinsky, G., Hu, T., Theivanayagam, M. G. & Aurbach, D. LiMn0. 8Fe0. 2PO4/Li4Ti5O12, a possible Li-ion battery system for load-leveling application. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160, A650-A657 (2013).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Balter, S. & Aurbach, D. Electrically Controlled Membranes Exploiting Cassie-Wenzel Wetting Transitions. Scientific Reports 3, 3028 (2013).
- Cohen, I., Avraham, E., Bouhadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Long term stability of capacitive de-ionization processes for water desalination: The challenge of positive electrodes corrosion. Electrochimica Acta 106, 91-100 (2013).
- Cohen, I., Avraham, E., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. Water desalination by capacitive deionization-advantages limitations and modification. ECS Transactions 45, 43-59 (2013).
- Etacheri, V., Sharon, D., Garsuch, A., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. Hierarchical activated carbon microfiber (ACM) electrodes for rechargeable Li–O 2 batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 5021-5030 (2013).
- Fridman, K., Sharabi, R., Elazari, R., Gershinsky, G., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Garsuch, A. & Lampert, J. A new advanced lithium ion battery: Combination of high performance amorphous columnar silicon thin film anode, 5V LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel cathode and fluoroethylene carbonate-based electrolyte solution. Electrochemistry Communications 33, 31-34(2013).
- Fridman, K., Sharabi, R., Markevich, E., Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Gershinsky, G., Aurbach, D., Lampert, J. & Schulz-Dobrick, M. An Advanced Lithium Ion Battery Based on Amorphous Silicon Film Anode and Integrated xLi2MnO3.(1-x) LiNiyMnzCo1-y-zO2 Cathode. ECS Electrochemistry Letters 2, A84-A87 (2013).
- Gershinsky, G., Yoo, H. D., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Analysis of Mg2+ Intercalation into Thin Film Electrodes of Layered Oxides: V2O5 and MoO3. Langmuir 29, 10964-10972 (2013).
- Gofer, Y., Pour, N. & Aurbach, D. Electrolytic solutions for rechargeable magnesium batteries. Lithium Batteries: Advanced Technologies and Applications, 327-347 (2013).
- Levi, E., Aurbach, D., Isnard, O. & Iucr. Bond-valence model for metal cluster compounds. II. Matrix effect. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 69, 426-438 (2013).
- Levi, E., Aurbach, D., Isnard, O. & Iucr. Bond-valence model for metal cluster compounds. I. Common lattice strains. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 69, 419-425 (2013).
- Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Aurbach, D. & Daikhin, L. In situ electrochemical quartz crystal admittance methodology for tracking compositional and mechanical changes in porous carbon electrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 14876-14889 (2013).
- Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Salitra, G., Elazari, R., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L. & Presser, V. In situ tracking of ion insertion in iron phosphate olivine electrodes via electrochemical quartz crystal admittance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 1247-1256 (2013).
- Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Salitra, G., Nayak, P., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L., Perre, E. & Presser, V. Collective phase transition dynamics in microarray composite LixFePO4 electrodes tracked by in situ electrochemical quartz crystal admittance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 15505-15514 (2013).
- Muldoon, J., Bucur, C. B., Oliver, A. G., Zajicek, J., Allred, G. D. & Boggess, W. C. Corrosion of magnesium electrolytes: chlorides–the culprit. Energy & Environmental Science 6, 482-487 (2013).
- Noked, M., Okashy, S., Zimrin, T. & Aurbach, D. Thick vertically aligned carbon nanotube/carbon composite electrodes for electrical double-layer capacitors. Carbon 58, 134-138 (2013).
- Okashy, S., Noked, M., Zimrin, T. & Aurbach, D. The study of activated carbon/CNT/MoO3 electrodes for aqueous pseudo-capacitors. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160, A1489-A1496 (2013).
- Osnis, A., Kosa, M., Aurbach, D. & Major, D. T. Systematic First-Principles Investigation of Mixed Transition Metal Olivine Phosphates LiM1-yM′yPO4(M/M′= Mn, Fe, and Co) as Cathode Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 17919-17926 (2013).
- Pour, N., Gofer, Y., Major, D. T., Keinan-Adamsky, K., Gottlieb, H. E. & Aurbach, D. Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Density Function Theory Calculations for the Identification of the Equilibrium Species in THF Solutions of Organometallic Complexes Suitable As Electrolyte Solutions for Rechargeable Mg Batteries. Organometallics 32, 3165-3173 (2013).
- Shapira, R., Nessim, G. D., Zimrin, T. & Aurbach, D. Towards promising electrochemical technology for load leveling applications: extending cycle life of lead acid batteries by the use of carbon nano-tubes (CNTs). Energy & Environmental Science 6, 587-594 (2013).
- Sharabi, R., Markevich, E., Fridman, K., Gershinsky, G., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M. A., Schall, N. & Bruenig, C. Electrolyte solution for the improved cycling performance of LiCoPO4/C composite cathodes. Electrochemistry Communications 28, 20-23 (2013).
- Sharon, D., Afri, M., Noked, M., Garsuch, A., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solutions by Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4, 3115-3119 (2013).
- Sharon, D., Etacheri, V., Garsuch, A., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. On the Challenge of Electrolyte Solutions for Li-Air Batteries: Monitoring Oxygen Reduction and Related Reactions in Polyether Solutions by Spectroscopy and EQCM. J Phys Chem Lett 4, 127-131 (2013).
- Sharon, D., Etacheri, V., Garsuch, A., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. On the Challenge of Electrolyte Solutions for Li–Air Batteries: Monitoring Oxygen Reduction and Related Reactions in Polyether Solutions by Spectroscopy and EQCM. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4, 127-131 (2013).
- Shilina, Y., Levi, M. D., Dargel, V., Aurbach, D., Zavorine, S., Nucciarone, D., Humeniuk, M. & Halalay, I. C. Ion size to pore width ratio as a factor that determines the electrochemical stability window of activated carbon electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160, A629-A635 (2013).
- Wu, K., Yang, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Xu, J., Ning, F. & Wang, D. Investigation on gas generation of Li 4 Ti 5 O 12/LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 cells at elevated temperature. Journal of Power Sources 237, 285-290 (2013).
- Yoo, H. D., Shterenberg, I., Gofer, Y., Gershinsky, G., Pour, N. & Aurbach, D. Mg rechargeable batteries: an on-going challenge. Energy & Environmental Science 6, 2265-2279 (2013).
- Ziv, B., Haik, O., Zinigrad, E., Levi, M. D., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Investigation of graphite foil as current collector for positive electrodes of Li-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, A581-A587 (2013).
- Amalraj, S. F., Burlaka, L., Julien, C. M., Mauger, A., Kovacheva, D., Talianker, M., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Phase transitions in Li 2 MnO 3 electrodes at various states-of-charge. Electrochimica Acta 123, 395-404 (2014).
- Borenstein, A., Fleker, O., Luski, S., Benisvy, L. & Aurbach, D. Metal–organic complexes as redox candidates for carbon based pseudo-capacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 18132-18138 (2014).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, R., Aharoni, H. & Aurbach, D. Shaped composite liquid marbles. J Colloid Interface Sci 417, 206-209 (2014).
- Bormashenko, E., Balter, S., Malkin, A. & Aurbach, D. Polysulfone Membranes Demonstrating Asymmetric Diode‐like Water Permeability and Their Applications. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 299, 27-30 (2014).
- Erickson, E. M., Ghanty, C. & Aurbach, D. New Horizons for Conventional Lithium Ion Battery Technology. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 3313-3324 (2014).
- Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Lattice strains in the layered Mn, Ni and Co oxides as cathode materials in Li and Na batteries. Solid State Ionics 264, 54-68 (2014).
- Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Crystal chemistry and valence determinations for Mn, Ni and Co oxides as cathode materials in Li batteries. Solid State Ionics 257, 1-8 (2014).
- Levi, M. D., Dargel, V., Shilina, Y., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Impedance Spectra of Energy-Storage Electrodes Obtained with Commercial Three-Electrode Cells: Some Sources of Measurement Artefacts. Electrochimica Acta 149, 126-135 (2014).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Fridman, K., Sharabi, R., Gershinsky, G., Garsuch, A., Semrau, G., Schmidt, M. A. & Aurbach, D. Fluoroethylene Carbonate as an Important Component in Electrolyte Solutions for High-Voltage Lithium Batteries: Role of Surface Chemistry on the Cathode. Langmuir 30, 7414-7424 (2014).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Rosenman, A., Talyosef, Y., Aurbach, D. & Garsuch, A. High performance of thick amorphous columnar monolithic film silicon anodes in ionic liquid electrolytes at elevated temperature. RSC Advances 4, 48572-48575 (2014).
- Meini, S., Elazari, R., Rosenman, A., Garsuch, A. & Aurbach, D. The Use of Redox Mediators for Enhancing Utilization of Li2S Cathodes for Advanced Li-S Battery Systems. J Phys Chem Lett 5, 915-918 (2014).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical and structural characterization of carbon coated Li1.2Mn0.56Ni0.16Co0.08O2 and Li1.2Mn 0.6Ni0.2O2 as cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 137, 546-556 (2014).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Structural and electrochemical evidence of layered to spinel phase transformation of Li and Mn rich layered cathode materials of the formulae xLi[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2.(1-x) LiMn1/3Ni1/3Co1/3O2 (x= 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) upon cycling. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161, A1534-A1547 (2014).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Wu, Y., Powell, B. & Aurbach, D. TEM and Raman spectroscopy evidence of layered to spinel phase transformation in layered LiNi1/3 Mn1/3Co1/3O2 upon cycling to higher voltages. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 733, 6-19 (2014).
- Rosenman, A., Elazari, R., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Garsuch, A. Li-S cathodes with extended cycle life by sulfur encapsulation in disordered micro-porous carbon powders. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161, A657-A662 (2014).
- Rudola, A., Aurbach, D. & Balaya, P. A new phenomenon in sodium batteries: Voltage step due to solvent interaction. Electrochemistry Communications 46, 56-59 (2014).
- Salitra, G., Markevich, E., Rosenman, A., Talyosef, Y., Aurbach, D. & Garsuch, A. High‐Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries Based on Ionic‐Liquid Electrolytes with Bis (fluorolsufonyl) imide Anions and Sulfur‐Encapsulated Highly Disordered Activated Carbon. ChemElectroChem 1, 1492-1496 (2014).
- Sharon, D., Hirsberg, D., Afri, M., Garsuch, A., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. Reactivity of amide based solutions in lithium–oxygen cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 15207-15213 (2014).
- Shterenberg, I., Salama, M., Gofer, Y., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. The challenge of developing rechargeable magnesium batteries. MRS Bulletin 39, 453-460 (2014).
- Teblum, E., Noked, M., Grinblat, J., Kremen, A., Muallem, M., Fleger, Y., Tischler, Y. R., Aurbach, D. & Nessim, G. D. Millimeter-Tall Carpets of Vertically Aligned Crystalline Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized on Copper Substrates for Electrical Applications. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 19345-19355 (2014).
- Yariv, O., Hirshberg, D., Zinigrad, E., Meitav, A., Aurbach, D., Jiang, M. & Powell, B. R. Carbon negative electrodes for Li-ion batteries: the effect of solutions and temperatures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161, A1422-A1431 (2014).
- Yoo, H. D., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Sharon, D. & Aurbach, D. On the challenge of developing advanced technologies for electrochemical energy storage and conversion. Materials Today 17, 110-121 (2014).
- Yoo, H. D., Shterenberg, I., Gofer, Y., Doe, R. E., Fischer, C. C., Ceder, G. & Aurbach, D. A magnesium-activated carbon hybrid capacitor. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161, A410-A415 (2014).
- Ziv, B., Borgel, V., Aurbach, D., Kim, J.-H., Xiao, X. & Powell, B. R. Investigation of the reasons for capacity fading in Li-ion battery cells. Journal of the electrochemical society 161, A1672-A1680 (2014).
- Ziv, B., Levy, N., Borgel, V., Li, Z., Levi, M. D., Aurbach, D., Pauric, A. D., Goward, G. R., Fuller, T. J. & Balogh, M. P. Manganese Sequestration and Li-Ion Batteries Durability Enhancement by Polymeric 18-Crown-6 Ethers. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161, A1213-A1217 (2014).
- Aurbach, D., Srur-Lavi, O., Ghanty, C., Dixit, M., Haik, O., Talianker, M., Grinblat, Y., Leifer, N., Lavi, R. & Major, D. T. Studies of aluminum-doped LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2: electrochemical behavior, aging, structural transformations, and thermal characteristics. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162, A1014-A1027 (2015).
- Aurbach, I. S., Michael, S., Hyun Deog, Y., Yosef, G., Jin-Bum, P., Yang-Kook, S. & Doron. Evaluation of (CF3SO2)2N− (TFSI) Based Electrolyte Solutions for Mg Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162, A2253 - A2257 (2005).
- Borenstein, A., Hershkovitz, S., Oz, A., Luski, S., Tsur, Y. & Aurbach, D. Use of 1, 10-Phenanthroline as an Additive for High-Performance Supercapacitors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 12165-12173 (2015).
- Bormashenko, E., Pogreb, R., Balter, R., Aharoni, H., Bormashenko, Y., Grynyov, R., Mashkevych, L., Aurbach, D. & Gendelman, O. Elastic properties of liquid marbles. Colloid and Polymer Science 293, 2157-2164 (2015).
- Cohen, I., Avraham, E., Bouhadana, Y., Soffer, A. & Aurbach, D. The effect of the flow-regime, reversal of polarization, and oxygen on the long term stability in capacitive de-ionization processes. Electrochimica Acta 153, 106-114 (2015).
- de la Llave, E., Borgel, V., Zinigrad, E., Chesneau, F. F., Hartmann, P., Sun, Y. K. & Aurbach, D. Study of the Most Relevant Aspects Related to Hard Carbons as Anode Materials for Na‐ion Batteries, Compared with Li‐ion Systems. Israel Journal of Chemistry 55, 1260-1274 (2015).
- Dixit, M., Engel, H., Eitan, R., Aurbach, D., Levi, M. D., Kosa, M. & Major, D. T. Classical and quantum modeling of li and na diffusion in fepo4. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 15801-15809 (2015).
- Erickson, E. M., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Sharon, D., Hirshberg, D., de la Llave, E., Shterenberg, I., Rosenman, A., Frimer, A. & Aurbach, D. Development of advanced rechargeable batteries: a continuous challenge in the choice of suitable electrolyte solutions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162, A2424-A2438 (2015).
- Garsuch, A. R., Ran, E., Gregory, S., Elena, M., Doron, A. & Arnd. The Effect of Interactions and Reduction Products of LiNO3, the Anti-Shuttle Agent, in Li-S Battery Systems. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162 A470-A473 (2015).
- Ghanty, C., Markovsky, B., Erickson, E. M., Talianker, M., Haik, O., Tal‐Yossef, Y., Mor, A., Aurbach, D., Lampert, J. & Volkov, A. Li+‐Ion Extraction/Insertion of Ni‐Rich Li1+ x (NiyCozMnz) wO2 (0.005< x< 0.03; y: z= 8: 1, w≈ 1) Electrodes: In Situ XRD and Raman Spectroscopy Study. ChemElectroChem 2, 1479-1486 (2015).
- Kim, S., Nam, K. W., Lee, S., Cho, W., Kim, J. S., Kim, B. G., Oshima, Y., Kim, J. S., Doo, S. G. & Chang, H. Direct Observation of an Anomalous Spinel‐to‐Layered Phase Transition Mediated by Crystal Water Intercalation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 15094-15099 (2015).
- Kim, S., Nam, K. W., Lee, S., Cho, W., Kim, J. S., Kim, B. G., Oshima, Y., Kim, J. S., Doo, S. G., Chang, H., Aurbach, D. & Choi, J. W. Direct Observation of an Anomalous Spinel-to-Layered Phase Transition Mediated by Crystal Water Intercalation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 54, 15094-15099 (2015).
- Kwak, W.-J., Hirshberg, D., Sharon, D., Shin, H.-J., Afri, M., Park, J.-B., Garsuch, A., Chesneau, F. F., Frimer, A. A., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y.-K. Understanding the behavior of Li-oxygen cells containing LiI. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 8855-8864 (2015).
- Levi, M. D., Lukatskaya, M. R., Sigalov, S., Beidaghi, M., Shpigel, N., Daikhin, L., Aurbach, D., Barsoum, M. W. & Gogotsi, Y. Solving the Capacitive Paradox of 2D MXene using Electrochemical Quartz-Crystal Admittance and In Situ Electronic Conductance Measurements. Advanced Energy Materials 5, 66 (2015).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Rosenman, A., Talyosef, Y., Chesneau, F. & Aurbach, D. The effect of a solid electrolyte interphase on the mechanism of operation of lithium–sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 19873-19883 (2015).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Rosenman, A., Talyosef, Y., Chesneau, F. & Aurbach, D. Fluoroethylene carbonate as an important component in organic carbonate electrolyte solutions for lithium sulfur batteries. Electrochemistry Communications 60, 42-46 (2015).
- Marom, R., Ziv, B., Banerjee, A., Cahana, B., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. Enhanced performance of starter lighting ignition type lead-acid batteries with carbon nanotubes as an additive to the active mass. Journal of Power Sources 296, 78-85 (2015).
- Nam, K. W., Kim, S., Lee, S., Salama, M., Shterenberg, I., Gofer, Y., Kim, J. S., Yang, E., Park, C. S., Kim, J. S., Lee, S. S., Chang, W. S., Doo, S. G., Jo, Y. N., Jung, Y., Aurbach, D. & Choi, J. W. The High Performance of Crystal Water Containing Manganese Birnessite Cathodes for Magnesium Batteries. Nano Lett 15, 4071-4079 (2015).
- Nam, K. W., Kim, S., Yang, E., Jung, Y., Levi, E., Aurbach, D. & Choi, J. W. Critical role of crystal water for a layered cathode material in sodium ion batteries. Chemistry of Materials 27, 3721-3725 (2015).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M. & Aurbach, D. Understanding the effect of lithium bis (oxalato) borate (LiBOB) on the structural and electrochemical aging of Li and Mn rich high capacity Li1.2Ni0.16Mn0.56Co0.08O2 cathodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162, A596-A602 (2015).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Haik, O., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Effect of Fe in suppressing the discharge voltage decay of high capacity Li-rich cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 19, 2781-2792 (2015).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Haik, O., Levi, E., Sun, Y.-K., Munichandraiah, N. & Aurbach, D. Improved capacity and stability of integrated Li and Mn rich layered-spinel Li1.17Ni0.25Mn1.08O3 cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 14598-14608 (2015).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M. D., Haik, O., Levi, E., Talianker, M., Markovsky, B., Sun, Y.-K. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical performance of a layered-spinel integrated Li[Ni1/3Mn2/3]O2 as a high capacity cathode material for Li-ion batteries. Chemistry of Materials 27, 2600-2611 (2015).
- Pieczonka, N. P., Borgel, V., Ziv, B., Leifer, N., Dargel, V., Aurbach, D., Kim, J. H., Liu, Z., Huang, X. & Krachkovskiy, S. A. Lithium Polyacrylate (LiPAA) as an Advanced Binder and a Passivating Agent for High‐Voltage Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 5 (2015).
- Rosenman, A., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D., Garsuch, A. & Chesneau, F. F. Review on Li-Sulfur Battery Systems: an Integral Perspective. Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1500212 (2015).
- Sharon, D., Hirsberg, D., Afri, M., Chesneau, F., Lavi, R., Frimer, A. A., Sun, Y. K. & Aurbach, D. Catalytic Behavior of Lithium Nitrate in Li-O2 Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 7, 16590-16600 (2015).
- Sharon, D., Hirsberg, D., Afri, M., Chesneau, F., Lavi, R., Frimer, A. A., Sun, Y.-K. & Aurbach, D. Catalytic Behavior of Lithium Nitrate in Li-O2 Cells. ACS applied materials & interfaces 7, 16590-16600 (2015).
- Sharon, D., Hirshberg, D., Afri, M., Garsuch, A., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. Lithium Oxygen Electrochemistry in Non‐Aqueous Solutions. Israel Journal of Chemistry 55, 508-520 (2015).
- Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Girshevitz, O., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L., Jackel, N. & Presser, V. Non-invasive in situ dynamic monitoring of elastic properties of composite battery electrodes by EQCM-D. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 54, 12353-12356 (2015).
- Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Girshevitz, O., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L., Jäckel, N. & Presser, V. Non‐Invasive In Situ Dynamic Monitoring of Elastic Properties of Composite Battery Electrodes by EQCM‐D. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 12353-12356 (2015).
- Sivakumar, P., Nayak, P. K., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D. & Gedanken, A. Sonochemical synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and its electrochemical performance as a cathode material for 5 V Li-ion batteries. Ultrason Sonochem 26, 332-339 (2015).
- Yu, C.-Y., Park, J.-S., Jung, H.-G., Chung, K.-Y., Aurbach, D., Sun, Y.-K. & Myung, S.-T. NaCrO2 cathode for high-rate sodium-ion batteries. Energy & Environmental Science 8, 2019-2026 (2015).
- Aurbach, D., McCloskey, B. D., Nazar, L. F. & Bruce, P. G. Advances in understanding mechanisms underpinning lithium–air batteries. Nature Energy 1, 16128 (2016).
- Banerjee, A., Ziv, B., Shilina, Y., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Improving Stability of Li-Ion Batteries by Means of Transition Metal Ions Trapping Separators. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163, A1083-A1094 (2016).
- Choi, J. W. & Aurbach, D. Promise and reality of post-lithium-ion batteries with high energy densities. Nature Reviews Materials 1, 16013 (2016).
- de la Llave, E., Borgel, V., Park, K. J., Hwang, J. Y., Sun, Y. K., Hartmann, P., Chesneau, F. F. & Aurbach, D. Comparison between Na-Ion and Li-Ion Cells: Understanding the Critical Role of the Cathodes Stability and the Anodes Pretreatment on the Cells Behavior. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 8, 1867-1875 (2016).
- de la Llave, E., Talaie, E., Levi, E., Nayak, P. K., Dixit, M., Rao, P. T., Hartmann, P., Chesneau, F., Major, D. T. & Greenstein, M. Improving Energy Density and Structural Stability of Manganese Oxide Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries by Structural Lithium Substitution. Chemistry of Materials 28, 9064-9076 (2016).
- Dixit, M., Kosa, M., Lavi, O. S., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D. & Major, D. T. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 as a positive electrode material for Li-ion batteries using first principles. Phys Chem Chem Phys 18, 6799-6812 (2016).
- Fleker, O., Borenstein, A., Lavi, R., Benisvy, L., Ruthstein, S. & Aurbach, D. Preparation and Properties of Metal Organic Framework/Activated Carbon Composite Materials. Langmuir 32, 4935-4944 (2016).
- Hirshberg, D., Sharon, D., De La Llave, E., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Kwak, W.-J., Sun, Y.-K. & Aurbach, D. Feasibility of Full (Li-Ion)–O2 Cells Comprised of Hard Carbon Anodes. ACS applied materials & interfaces 9, 4352-4361 (2016).
- Hwang, J.-Y., Myung, S.-T., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y.-K. Effect of nickel and iron on structural and electrochemical properties of O3 type layer cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 324, 106-112 (2016).
- Kang, H.-S., Park, E., Hwang, J.-Y., Kim, H., Aurbach, D., Rosenman, A. & Sun, Y.-K. A Scaled-Up Lithium (Ion)-Sulfur Battery: Newly Faced Problems and Solutions. Advanced Materials Technologies 1, 1600052-n/a, doi:10.1002/admt.201600052 (2016).
- Kosa, M., Aurbach, D. & Major, D. T. First-principles evaluation of the inherent stabilities of pure LixMPO4 (M=Mn, Fe, Co,) and mixed binary LixFeyM′1-yPO4 (M'=Mn, Co) olivine phosphates. Materials Chemistry and Physics 174, 54-58 (2016).
- Kumar, V. B., Borenstein, A., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D., Gedanken, A., Talianker, M. & Porat, Z. Activated Carbon Modified with Carbon Nanodots as Novel Electrode Material for Supercapacitors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 13406-13413 (2016).
- Kwak, W.-J., Hirshberg, D., Sharon, D., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Jung, H.-G., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y.-K. Li–O2 cells with LiBr as an electrolyte and a redox mediator. Energy & Environmental Science 9, 2334-2345 (2016).
- Levi, M. D., Daikhin, L., Aurbach, D. & Presser, V. Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (EQCM-D) for in-situ studies of electrodes for supercapacitors and batteries: A mini-review. Electrochemistry Communications 67, 16-21 (2016).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Low Temperature Performance of Amorphous Monolithic Silicon Anodes: Comparative Study of Silicon and Graphite Electrodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163, A2407-A2412 (2016).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, E., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Effect of cycling conditions on the electrochemical performance of high capacity Li and Mn-rich cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 318, 9-17 (2016).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Levi, E., Kim, S., Choi, J. W. & Aurbach, D. Al Doping for Mitigating the Capacity Fading and Voltage Decay of Layered Li and Mn‐Rich Cathodes for Li‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 6, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201502398 (2016).
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Levi, E., Zitoun, D., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Studies of a layered-spinel Li[Ni1/3Mn2/3]O2 cathode material for Li-ion batteries synthesized by a hydrothermal precipitation. Materials Science and Engineering: B 213, 131-139 (2016).
- Nayak, P. K., Levi, E., Grinblat, J., Levi, M., Markovsky, B., Munichandraiah, N., Sun, Y. K. & Aurbach, D. High-Capacity Layered-Spinel Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries. ChemSusChem 9, 2404-2413 (2016).
- Periyasamy, S., Subramanian, P., Levi, E., Aurbach, D., Gedanken, A. & Schechter, A. Exceptionally Active and Stable Spinel Nickel Manganese Oxide Electrocatalysts for Urea Oxidation Reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 12176-12185 (2016).
- Rosenman, A., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Talyosef, Y., Chesneau, F. & Aurbach, D. Facile Synthesis and Very Stable Cycling of Polyvinylidene Dichloride Derived Carbon: Sulfur Composite Cathode. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163, A1829-A1835 (2016).
- Schipper, F. & Aurbach, D. A brief review: Past, present and future of lithium ion batteries. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 52, 1095-1121 (2016).
- Schipper, F., Dixit, M., Kovacheva, D., Talianker, M., Haik, O., Grinblat, J., Erickson, E. M., Ghanty, C., Major, D. T. & Markovsky, B. Stabilizing nickel-rich layered cathode materials by a high-charge cation doping strategy: zirconium-doped LiNi 0.6 Co 0.2 Mn 0.2 O 2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4, 16073-16084 (2016).
- Shapira, B., Avraham, E. & Aurbach, D. The Feasibility of Energy Extraction from Acidic Wastewater by Capacitive Mixing with a Molecular-Sieving Carbon Electrode. ChemSusChem 9, 3426-3433 (2016).
- Shapira, B., Avraham, E. & Aurbach, D. Proton-selective electrode for pH sensing. Electrochemistry Communications 73, 80-84 (2016).
- Shapira, B., Avraham, E. & Aurbach, D. Side reactions in capacitive deionization (CDI) processes: the role of oxygen reduction. Electrochimica Acta 220, 285-295 (2016).
- Shapira, B., Avraham, E. & Aurbach, D. The Feasibility of Energy Extraction from Acidic Wastewater by Capacitive Mixing with a Molecular‐Sieving Carbon Electrode. ChemSusChem 9, 3426-3433 (2016).
- Sharon, D., Hirsberg, D., Salama, M., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Noked, M., Kwak, W., Sun, Y. K. & Aurbach, D. Mechanistic Role of Li(+) Dissociation Level in Aprotic Li-O(2) Battery. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 8, 5300-5307 (2016).
- Sharon, D., Hirsberg, D., Salama, M., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Noked, M., Kwak, W., Sun, Y.-K. & Aurbach, D. Mechanistic role of Li+ dissociation level in aprotic Li–O2 battery. ACS applied materials & interfaces 8, 5300-5307 (2016).
- Shilina, Y., Ziv, B., Meir, A., Banerjee, A., Ruthstein, S., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Combined Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy/Inductively Coupled Plasma Analysis As Diagnostics for Soluble Manganese Species from Mn-Based Positive Electrode Materials in Li-ion Cells. Analytical Chemistry 88, 4440-4447 (2016).
- Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L. & Presser, V. Novel in situ multiharmonic EQCM-D approach to characterize complex carbon pore architectures for capacitive deionization of brackish water. J Phys Condens Matter 28, 114001 (2016).
- Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Girshevitz, O., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L., Pikma, P., Marandi, M., Jänes, A. & Lust, E. In situ hydrodynamic spectroscopy for structure characterization of porous energy storage electrodes. Nature materials 15, 570-575 (2016).
- Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Sigalov, S., Girshevitz, O., Aurbach, D., Daikhin, L., Pikma, P., Marandi, M., Janes, A., Lust, E., Jackel, N. & Presser, V. In situ hydrodynamic spectroscopy for structure characterization of porous energy storage electrodes. Nat Mater 15, 570-575 (2016).
- Sigalov, S., Shpigel, N., Levi, M. D., Feldberg, M., Daikhin, L. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Real-Time Hydrodynamic Spectroscopy of Porous Solids in Contact with Liquids. Anal Chem 88, 10151-10157 (2016).
- Singh, V., Dixit, M., Kosa, M., Major, D. T., Levi, E. & Aurbach, D. Is it True That the Normal Valence-Length Correlation Is Irrelevant for Metal-Metal Bonds? Chemistry 22, 5269-5276 (2016).
- Attias, R., Hana, O., Sharon, D., Malka, D., Hirshberg, D., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. Solid state synthesis of Li 0.33 MnO 2 as positive electrode material for highly stable 2V aqueous hybrid supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta (2017).
- Attias, R., Sharon, D., Borenstein, A., Malka, D., Hana, O., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. Asymmetric Supercapacitors Using Chemically Prepared MnO2 as Positive Electrode Materials. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, A2231-A2237 (2017).
- Aurbach, D. Introduction to the Focus Issue Related to the 2016 International Meeting on Lithium Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, Y1-Y1 (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Shilina, Y., Ziv, B., Ziegelbauer, J. M., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Multifunctional Materials for Enhanced Li-Ion Batteries Durability: A Brief Review of Practical Options. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, A6315-A6323 (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Shilina, Y., Ziv, B., Ziegelbauer, J. M., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. On the Oxidation State of Manganese Ions in Li-Ion Battery Electrolyte Solutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 1738-1741 (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Ziv, B., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Increasing the durability of Li-ion batteries by means of manganese ion trapping materials with nitrogen functionalities. Journal of Power Sources 341, 457-465 (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Ziv, B., Shilina, Y., Levi, E., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Doping in Lead-Acid Batteries: A New Horizon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 3634-3643 (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Ziv, B., Shilina, Y., Luski, S., Aurbach, D. & Halalay, I. C. Acid-Scavenging Separators: A Novel Route for Improving the Li-Ion Batteries’ Durability. ACS Energy Letters (2017).
- Banerjee, A., Ziv, B., Shilina, Y., Luski, S., Halalay, I. C. & Aurbach, D. Multifunctional Manganese Ions Trapping and Hydrofluoric Acid Scavenging Separator for Lithium Ion Batteries Based on Poly (ethylene‐alternate‐maleic acid) Dilithium Salt. Advanced Energy Materials 7 ,10.1002/aenm.201601556 (2017).
- Borenstein, A., Hanna, O., Attias, R., Luski, S., Brousse, T. & Aurbach, D. Carbon-based composite materials for supercapacitor electrodes: a review. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2017).
- Dargel, V., Jackel, N., Shpigel, N., Sigalov, S., Levi, M. D., Daikhin, L., Presser, V. & Aurbach, D. In Situ Multilength-Scale Tracking of Dimensional and Viscoelastic Changes in Composite Battery Electrodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9, 27664-27675 (2017).
- Dargel, V., Jäckel, N., Shpigel, N., Sigalov, S., Levi, M. D., Daikhin, L., Presser, V. & Aurbach, D. In Situ Multilength-Scale Tracking of Dimensional and Viscoelastic Changes in Composite Battery Electrodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 27664-27675 (2017).
- Dargel, V., Levi, M. D., Daikhin, L. & Aurbach, D. In situ tracking of hydrodynamic and viscoelastic changes in electrophoretically deposited LiFePO4 electrodes during their charging/discharging. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 53, 980-993 (2017).
- de la Llave, E., Nayak, P. K., Levi, E., Penki, T. R., Bublil, S., Hartmann, P., Chesneau, F.-F., Greenstein, M., Nazar, L. F. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical performance of Na 0.6[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 cathodes with high-working average voltage for Na-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, 5858-5864 (2017).
- Dixit, M., Markovsky, B., Aurbach, D. & Major, D. T. Unraveling the Effects of Al Doping on the Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0. 5Co0. 2Mn0. 3O2 Using First Principles. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, A6359-A6365 (2017).
- Dixit, M., Markovsky, B., Schipper, F., Aurbach, D. & Major, D. T. The Origin of Structural Degradation during Cycling and Low Thermal Stability of Ni-Rich Layered Transition Metal-Based Electrode Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2017).
- Duraisamy, S., Penki, T. R., Kishore, B., Barpanda, P., Nayak, P. K., Aurbach, D. & Munichandraiah, N. Porous, hollow Li1.2Mn0.53Ni0.13Co0.13O2 microspheres as a positive electrode material for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 21, 437-445 (2017).
- Erickson, E. M., Schipper, F., Penki, T. R., Shin, J.-Y., Erk, C., Chesneau, F.-F., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges for Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes II. Lithium-Rich, xLi2MnO3⋅(1-x)LiNiaCobMncO2. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164, A6341-A6348 (2017).
- Erickson, E. M., Schipper, F., Tian, R., Shin, J.-Y., Erk, C., Chesneau, F. F., Lampert, J. K., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Enhanced capacity and lower mean charge voltage of Li-rich cathodes for lithium ion batteries resulting from low-temperature electrochemical activation. RSC Advances 7, 7116-7121 (2017).
- Erickson, E. M., Sclar, H., Schipper, F., Liu, J., Tian, R., Ghanty, C., Burstein, L., Leifer, N., Grinblat, J. & Talianker, M. High‐Temperature Treatment of Li‐Rich Cathode Materials with Ammonia: Improved Capacity and Mean Voltage Stability during Cycling. Advanced Energy Materials 7, 1700708, (2017).
- Hanna, O., Luski, S. & Aurbach, D. High-Voltage Supercapacitors with Solutions Based on Adiponitrile Solvent. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164, A231-A236 (2017).
- Hanna, O., Luski, S., Brousse, T. & Aurbach, D. Aqueous energy-storage cells based on activated carbon and LiMn2O4 electrodes. Journal of Power Sources 354, 148-156 (2017).
- Hirshberg, D., Sharon, D., De La Llave, E., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Kwak, W. J., Sun, Y. K. & Aurbach, D. Feasibility of Full (Li-Ion)-O2 Cells Comprised of Hard Carbon Anodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9, 4352-4361 (2017).
- Kang, J.-H., Kwak, W.-J., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y.-K. Sodium oxygen batteries: one step further with catalysis by ruthenium nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2017).
- Kumar Nayak, P., Grinblat, J., Levi, E., Penki, T. R., Levi, M., Sun, Y. K., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Remarkably Improved Electrochemical Performance of Li- and Mn-Rich Cathodes upon Substitution of Mn with Ni. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9, 4309-4319 (2017).
- Kwak, W. J., Jung, H. G., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y. K. Optimized Bicompartment Two Solution Cells for Effective and Stable Operation of Li–O2 Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 7, 10.1002/aenm.201701232 (2017).
- Leifer, N., Schipper, F., Erickson, E. M., Ghanty, C., Talianker, M., Grinblat, J., Julien, C. M., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Studies of Spinel-to-Layered Structural Transformations in LiMn2O4 Electrodes Charged to High Voltages. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 9120-9130 (2017).
- Levi, M. D., Shpigel, N., Sigalov, S., Dargel, V., Daikhin, L. & Aurbach, D. In Situ Porous Structure Characterization of Electrodes for Energy Storage and Conversion by EQCM-D: a Review. Electrochimica Acta 232, 271-284 (2017).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G. & Aurbach, D. Fluoroethylene Carbonate as an Important Component for the Formation of an Effective Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Anodes and Cathodes for Advanced Li-Ion Batteries. ACS Energy Letters 2, 1337-1345 (2017).
- Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Chesneau, F., Schmidt, M. & Aurbach, D. Very Stable Lithium-Metal Stripping/Plating at a High Rate and High Areal Capacity in Fluoroethylene Carbonate-Based Organic Electrolyte Solution. ACS Energy Letters 2, 1321–1326 (2017)
- Nayak, P. K., Grinblat, J., Levi, E., Levi, M., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Understanding the influence of Mg doping for the stabilization of capacity and higher discharge voltage of Li- and Mn-rich cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 6142-6152 (2017).
- Nayak, P. K., Penki, T. R., Markovsky, B. & Aurbach, D. Electrochemical Performance of Li-and Mn-Rich Cathodes in Full Cells with Prelithiated Graphite Negative Electrodes. ACS Energy Letters 2, 544-548 (2017).
- Schipper, F., Bouzaglo, H., Dixit, M., Erickson, E. M., Weigel, T., Talianker, M., Grinblat, J., Burstein, L., Schmidt, M. & Lampert, J. From Surface ZrO2 Coating to Bulk Zr Doping by High Temperature Annealing of Nickel‐Rich Lithiated Oxides and Their Enhanced Electrochemical Performance in Lithium Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 1701682 (2017).
- Schipper, F., Erickson, E. M., Erk, C., Shin, J.-Y., Chesneau, F. F. & Aurbach, D. Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges for Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes I. Nickel-Rich, LiNixCoyMnzO2. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, A6220-A6228 (2017).
- Schipper, F., Nayak, P. K., Erickson, E. M., Amalraj, S. F., Srur-Lavi, O., Penki, T. R., Talianker, M., Grinblat, J., Sclar, H. & Breuer, O. Study of Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Recent Progress and New Challenges. Inorganics 5, 32 (2017).
- Shapira, B., Cohen, I., Avraham, E. & Aurbach, D. Anion-Exclusion Carbon Electrodes for Energy Storage and Conversion by Capacitive Mixing. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164, A1933-A1938 (2017).
- Sharon, D., Hirshberg, D., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. The importance of solvent selection in Li–O 2 cells. Chemical Communications 53, 3269-3272 (2017).
- Sharon, D., Hirshberg, D., Afri, M., Frimer, A. A., Noked, M. & Aurbach, D. Aprotic metal-oxygen batteries: recent findings and insights. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 1-18 (2017).
- Sharon, D., Sharon, P., Hirshberg, D., Salama, M., Afri, M., Shimon, L. J., Kwak, W.-J., Sun, Y.-K., Frimer, A. A. & Aurbach, D. 2, 4-Dimethoxy-2, 4-dimethylpentan-3-one: An Aprotic Solvent Designed for Stability in Li–O2 Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 11690-11693 (2017).
- Shin, H. J., Kwak, W. J., Aurbach, D. & Sun, Y. K. Large‐Scale Li-O2 Pouch Type Cells for Practical Evaluation and Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2017).
- Shpigel, N., Lukatskaya, M., Sigalov, S., Ren, C. E., Nayak, P. K., Levi, M. D., Daikhin, L., Aurbach, D. & Gogotsi, Y. In situ Monitoring of Gravimetric and Viscoelastic Changes in 2D Intercalation Electrodes. ACS Energy Letters 2, 1407-1415 (2017).
- Shterenberg, I., Salama, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. X-ray Photodecomposition of Bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide, Bis (fluorosulfonyl) imide, and Hexafluorophosphate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 3744-3751 (2017).
- Shterenberg, I., Salama, M., Gofer, Y. & Aurbach, D. Hexafluorophosphate-Based Solutions for Mg Batteries and the Importance of Chlorides. Langmuir 33, 9472-9478 (2017).
- Venkatesh, G., Kishore, B., Viswanatha, R., Aurbach, D. & Munichandraiah, N. P2-Type Na0. 67Mn0. 65Fe0. 20Ni0. 15O2 Microspheres as a Positive Electrode Material with a Promising Electrochemical Performance for Na-Ion Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164, A2176-A2182 (2017).
There are more than 10 accepted papers that are in the production process and have not been published yet.
Chapters in books
- 608 page book entitled: “Nonaqueous Electrochemistry”, edited by D. Aurbach. Marcel Dekker, Inc., N.Y. (1999). Four chapters are authored by the editor:
- Chapter 1: Non-aqueous Electrochemistry: An Overview. Doron Aurbach and Idit Weissman.
- Chapter 3: Experimental Considerations Regarding the Use and Study of Nonaqueous Electrochemical Systems.
- Chapter 4: The Electrochemical Window of Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions. Doron Aurbach and Yosef Gofer.
- Chapter 6: The Electrochemical Behavior of Active Metal Electrodes in Nonaqueous Solutions. Doron Aurbach
- Chapter 1 “The Role of Surface Films on Electrodes in Li ion Batteries” in “Advances in Lithium Ion Batteries”, W. V. Schalkwijk and B. Scrosati Eds., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Inc. (2002), pp 7- 77.
- Chapter 2: "Identification of Surface Films on Electrodes in Nonaqueous Solutions: Spectroscopic, Electronic and Morphological Studies". Doron Aurbach and Yaron Cohen, in “Lithium-ion Batteries: Solid-Electrolyte Interfacial Film,” P. Balbuena Ed., Imperial College Press, Oxford, England (2004). pp. 70-139.
- Chapter 18: Advanced Liquid Electrolytes, by Doron Aurbach and Alex Schechter, in: “Science and Technology of Advanced Lithium Batteries”, G. Pistoia and G. Nazri, Eds., Kluwer Academic Press, Plenum Publishers, N.Y., London, Boston (2004) pp.530-568.
- Chapter 3: Characterization of Batteries in: "Industrial Applications of Batteries", G. Pistoia and M. Broussely Eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, London & NY, (2007) pp. 119-201
- Intelligent Design vs. Evolution theory, a chapter in the book “Divine Action and Natural Selection: Science, Faith and Evolution”, Seckbach J. & Gordon, R. (eds), Singapore: World Scientific (2008).
- Contribution of 40 terms in the “Handbook of Electrochemistry” by Springer , edited by A.J. Bard, G. Inzelt, and F. Scholz (2008).
- . " Electrolytes: additives", D. Aurbach & O. chusid , The Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Jurgen Garche Ed. Elsevier (2009), pp. 92-111.
- "Magnesium Batteries, secondary & primary", D. Aurbach, O. Chusid & Y. Gofer, The Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Jurgen Garche Ed. Elsevier (2009) pp. 285-301.
- “Electrochemistry of Electronically Conducting Polymers” D. Aurbach & MiKhail Levi in: "Solid State Electrochemistry, Fundamentas, Materials and their Applications", V.V. Kharton Ed. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2009). Ch. 11, pp 365-394.
- "Inorganic nano-particles and rechargeable batteries" D. Aurbach & O. Haik in: " Inorganic Nanoparticles” , Altavilla C. and Ciliberto E. Editors. CRC press 213-255 (2011) ,
- "Non-aqueous Electrochemistry of Magnesium " D. Aurbach and N. Pour, in "Corrosion of magnesium alloys" , Guang Ling Song Ed., Elsevier , 484-515(2011).
- “Potentiostatic and galvanostatic intermittent titration techniques”, M. D. Levi and D. aurbach in “ Characterization of Materials”, Elton J. Kaufmann editor, Wiley & sons (2012) , pp 1-21.
- “Electrolitic solutions for magnesium batteries”, Y. Gofer, N. Pour and D. Aurbach in “ Li batteries: advanced technologies & applications, B. Scrosati, K. M. Abraham, W. V. Schalkwijk, J. Hassoun editors, John Wiley & Sons (2013), Chapter 15, pp 327-347.
- “On the surface chemistry of cathode materials” D. Aurbach, H. Sclar, F. Amalraj, in the series “Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Volume entitled “Elctrolytes for Li and Li ion batteries”, R. Jow Editor, Springer ,Berlin, Germany (2014) Chapter 6.
- Dan, P., Geronov, J., Luski, S., Megenitsky, E. & Aurbach, D. Non-aqueous Safe Secondary Cell. US patent US 5506068 A (1996).
- Aurbach, D., Gofer, Y., Schechter, A., Zhonghua, L. U. & Gizbar, C. High-energy, Rechargeable, Electrochemical Cells With Non-aqueous Electrolytes. US patent US 6316141 B1 (2001).
- Gofer, Y., Belostotskii Anatoly, M. & Aurbach, D. Redox Material For Cathodes In Non-aqueous Batteries. AU patent AU 2001/030416 A (2001).
- Gofer, Y., Belostotskii Anatoly, M. & Aurbach, D. Polyvinyl Mercaptan Redox Material For Cathodes In Non-aqueous Batteries. US patent US 6403255 B1 (2002).
- Aurbach, D., Chasid, O., Gofer, Y. & Gizbar, C. High-energy, Rechargeable Electrochemical Cells. US patent US 6713212 B2 (2004).
- Gofer, Y., Lancry, E. L. I., Gizbar, H., Chasid, O., Malovanyy, S., Aurbach, D. & Levi, E. Method For Preparing Chevrel Phase Materials. US patent US 2005/0220699 A1 (2005).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Lancry, E., Mizrahi, O., Gofer, Y., Chasid, O. & Suresh, G. S., Rechargeable Magnesium Battery. US patent US 2008/0182176 A1 (2008).
- Genosar, A., Aurbach, D., Markevich, E., Salitra, G., Goldstein, J., Levi, M., Fleischer, N., Bachar, Y. & Aldar, Y., Drug Delivery Device. US patent US 2010/0022992 A1 (2010).
- Luski, S., Meitav, A., Aurbach, D. & Lancry, E. L. I. Secondary Electrochemical Cell Including Inter-electrode Scavenger. WO patent WO 2011/024149 A1 (2011).
- Zimrin, T., Shapira, R., Aurbach, D. & Cahana, B. Funcionalized Carbon Nanotube Composite For Use In Lead Acid Battery. WO patent WO 2013/011516 A1 (2013).
- Doe Robert, E., Han, R., Gofer, Y., Aurbach, D., Pour, N. I. R. & Sterenberg, E. Non-aqueous Electrolyte For Rechargeable Magnesium Ion Cell. US patent US 2014/0302403 A1 (2014).
- Garsuch, A., Panchenko, A., Aurbach, D., Elazari, R. A. N. & Salitra, G. Electrode Material For Rechargeable Electrical Cells Comprising Activated Carbon Fibers. US patent US 2014/0212771 A1 (2014).
- Markevich, E., SHARABI, R., FRIDMAN, K., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Elazari, R. Lithium-ion Secondary Battery Comprising Lithium Cobalt Phosphate As Cathode Active Material. WO patent WO 2014/067891 A1 (2014).
- Aurbach, D., Levi, E., Mitelman, A., Lancry, E., Mizrahi, O., Gofer, Y., Chasid, O. & Suresh, G. S. Rechargeable Magnesium Battery. US patent US 9012072 B2 (2015).
- Cahana, B., Aurbach, D. & Jacob, D. Process For Obtaining Mixtures Of Carbon Nanotubes In Solid Or Viscous Matrices. CN patent CN 105051930 A (2015).
- Garsuch, A., Aurbach, D., Elazari, R. A. N., Salitra, G. & Meini, S. Use Of Redox Mediators As Additives In Electrolytes Of Lithium Sulfur Batteries. WO patent WO 2015/044829 A1 (2015).
- Markevich, E., Sharabi, R., Fridman, K., Salitra, G., Aurbach, D. & Elazari, R. A. N. Lithium Ion Secondary Battery Comprising A Silicon Anode. US patent US 2015/0263386 A1 (2015).
- Cahana, B. & Aurbach, D. Lead Acid Battery With Prolonged Service Life. WO patent WO 2016/178219 A1 (2016).
- Zimrin, T., Shapira, R., Aurbach, D. & Cahana, B. Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Composite. US patent US 9413001 B2 (2016).
- Aurbach, D., Abraham, E. & Cohen, I. Asymmetric Electrochemical Cell Apparatus, And Operating Methods Thereof. WO patent WO 2017/064577 A1 (2017).
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ד"ר יוליה שילינה
ד"ר זיו ברוך
ד"ר ניקול לייפר
Dr. Evan Erikson
Dr. Ezequiel de la Llave
Dr. Florian Schipper
Dr. Tain Ruiyyan
Dr. Anjan Banerjee
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תאריך עדכון אחרון : 21/06/2023