פרופ' מלאכי נוקד
In our laboratory we utilize state of the art synthesis techniques for interfacial modification of electrochemically active surfaces by functional thin films.
Students in our lab experience synthesis through surface directed chemical reaction in vacuum (atomic/molecular layer deposition ALD/MLD) and in carefully chosen electrolyte solutions (surface directed electrodeposition).
The characterization of the synthesized thin films and the fundamental studies of their efficacy as surface modification materials, are conducted using state of the art microscopic and spectroscopic surface analysis facilities available in Bar-Ilan University and currently being constructed in our lab.
The complex physicochemical conditions on electrochemically active surfaces lead to degradation mechanisms through parasitic chemical and electrochemical reactions. This interfacial instability frustrates technology applications, and significantly hinders the progress to electrochemical devices with high sensitivity (electrochemical sensors), high energy performances (batteries), efficient faradaic surface reaction (water splitting, oxygen reduction reaction e.g) and long term stability (purification systems, batteries etc.).
Elucidating the fundamental degradation mechanisms of electrochemically active interfaces, and developing mitigation strategies in accordance with the explored pathways, are the main interest of our research team.
We utilize state of the art thin film synthesis techniques (ALD/MLD), and self limiting electrochemical deposition, in order to develop new chemistries for functional thin films, which impede the parasitic reaction, but yet- mediate the desired electrochemical reaction in optimized kinetics.
Research Themes:
Though the technological impact of our work is broad (Electrodes in batteries, fuel cells, sensors, electro-catalytic surfaces, photo-voltaic cells, water splitting etc.), we mainly aim to understand the mechanism of the material degradation, and to use the fundamental findings as guidelines for synthesis of functional thin films.
As model systems, the scientifically informed designed thin films are synthesized and studied in accordance with three research themes:
- Stabilization of batteries electrodes in implanted medical devices, using multi-components atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD) on the electrode interface
- Designing arrays of nano-materials with controlled morphology and structure for electrochemical devices.
- Modified metallic anode surfaces for next generation rechargeable batteries.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 25/03/2024