פרופ' אריה פרימר
קורות חיים
פרופ. אריה פרימר הינו בעל קתדרה לתגובות חמצן משופעל על שם אטל ודוד רזניק ז''ל וראש המחלקה לשעבר במחלקה לכימיה באוניברסיטת בר-אילן. בשנת 1969, סיים לימודיו לתואר ראשון בכימיה בברוקלין קולג' בהצטיינות יתרה. בשנת 1974 סיים תואר שלישי באוניברסיטת הרווארד תחת הנחיית פול ברטלט, ובא ארצה כ-"עמית וייצמן בכיר" במכון ויצמן למדע בהנחיית דוב אלעד. בשנת 1975 הצטרף כחבר סגל באונ' בר-אילן. בשנות 1982-3 עבד כחוקר בכיר במחלקה רפואית של Brookhaven National Laboratory. בשנת 1985, ערך עם יונל רוזנטל שני כרכים של ה-Israel Journal of Chemistry בנושא הכימיה של חמצן משופעל. באותה שנה, Chemical Rubber Company פרסם ספרו "חמצן סינגלטי" בארבעה כרכים. בשנות 1990-2004 עבד גם כחוקר בכיר בחקר החלל בשביל NASA Glenn Research Center בקליבלנד אוהיו – כעמית מחקר בכיר מטעם ה- National Reseach Council וה- Ohio Aerospace Institute. פרסם כ-130 מאמרים, סקרים וספרים בשטח של הכימיה של כימיה של חמצן משופעל ותהליכי חמצון, ונתן הרצאות ביותר ממאה כנסים מדעיים.
כימיה של חמצן משופעל.
1. סינתיזה של אולפינים מתוחים ופוטוחמצונם על ידי חמצן טריפלטי וסינגלטי.
2. הכימיה האורגנית של צורוני חמצן משופעל בתווך אורגני, ובתוך הדו-שכבה ליפיזומאלית וביו-ממברנאלית.
3. הכנת פוליאמידים יציבים תרמית-חמצונית לשימוש באוירונים וחלליות.
4. הכנה, אפיון וניטרול של חומרים עתירי אנרגיה ירוקים בעלי רגישות נמוכה
Publications (129)
(102 Original papers; 14 Reviews; 6 Books and Journals; 4 Patents; 3 Misc.)
Original Papers (96 Published; 2 In Press; 2 In Review; 2 In Preparation)
1. “The Reaction Between Tetracyclone and Superoxide Radical Anion,” I. Rosenthal and A. Frimer, Tetrahedron Lett., 3731-3732 (1975).
2. “The Quenching Effect of Iodide on Singlet Oxygen,” I. Rosenthal and A. Frimer, Photochem. Photobiol., 23, 209-211 (1976).
3. “Ultraviolet and -Ray-Induced Free Radical Reactions of Nucleic Acid Constituents. The Selectivity of Some Reactions for Purines. Suppression of the Reactivity of Pyrimidines,” A.A. Frimer, A. Havron, D. Leonov, J. Sperling and D. Elad, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 6026-6033 (1976).
4. “Superoxide Anion Radical Cleavage of Chalcones,” A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Tetrahedron Lett., 2805-2808 (1976).
5. “Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution with Superoxide Anion Radical,” A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Tetrahedron Lett., 2809-2812 (1976).
6. “Dye-Sensitized Photooxidation of Chlorpromazine,” I. Rosenthal, T. Bercovici and A. Frimer, J. Heterocyc. Chem., 14, 355-357 (1977).
7. “Are Vinyl Cyclopropanes Particularly Electron Rich? The Photooxygenation of Cyclopropylethylenes,” A.A. Frimer, D. Rot and M. Sprecher, Tetrahedron Lett., 1927-1930 (1977).
8. “A Convenient Synthesis of Allylic Hydroperoxides,” A.A. Frimer, J. Org. Chem., 42, 3194-3196 (1977); reviewed in Synthesis, 405-412 (1978) – abstract 5190 on p. 408.
9. “Synthesis of a-Hydroxy Acetals,” A.A. Frimer, Synthesis, 578-579 (1977).
10. “The Oxidation of Dihydropyran with MoO5.HMPA,” A.A. Frimer, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 205-206 (1977); corrigendum, ibid., p. 828.
11. “The Reaction of Superoxide Anion Radical with Electron Poor Olefins,” A.A. Frimer, I. Rosenthal and S. Hoz, Tetrahedron Lett., 4631-4634 (1977).
12. “Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with 4-Methyl-2,3-dihydro--pyrans,” A.A. Frimer, P.D. Bartlett, A.F. Boschung and J.E. Jewett, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 7977-7986 (1977).
13. “Recent Developments in the Organic Chemistry of Superoxide Anion Radical,” A.A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Radicaux Libres Organiques, Collection of Colloques Internationaux CNRS, 278, 309-312 (1978).
14. “The Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with 1-Methoxycyclohexene,” P.D. Bartlett and A.A. Frimer, Heterocycles, 11, 419-435 (1978).
15. “Endogenous Lipoxygenase Control and Lipid-Associated Free Radical Scavenging as Modes of Cytokinin Action in Plant Senescence Retardation,” Y. Leshem, S. Grossman, A. Frimer and J. Ziv, in “Advances in Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Lipids,” L.A. Appelqvist and C. Liljenberg ed., Elsevier North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1979, p. 193-198.
16. “The Effect of Strain on Singlet Oxygen (1O2) Reactions. II. The Photooxidation of Methylenecyclopropanes,” A.A. Frimer, T. Farkash and M. Sprecher, J. Org. Chem., 44, 989-995 (1979).
17. “The Reaction of 1O2 with Strained Olefins. III. The Photooxidation of Vinylcyclopropanes,” A.A. Frimer and D. Roth, J. Org. Chem., 44, 3882-3887 (1979).
18. “The Reaction of Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.) with Cyclohex-2-en-1-ones,” A.A. Frimer and P. Gilinsky, Tetrahedron Lett., 4331-4334 (1979).
19. “The Photooxidation of Strained Olefins. IV. Cyclopropenes,” A.A. Frimer and A. Antebi, J. Org. Chem., 45, 2334-2340 (1980); Additions and corrections, ibid., p. 5434.
20. “Free Radicals and Pea Foliage Senescence: Increase of ESR Signals with Progress of Ageing and Cytokinin-Induced Changes,” Y.Y. Leshem, Y. Liftman, S. Grossman and A.A. Frimer, in “Oxygen and Oxy-Radicals in Chemistry and Biology,” E.L. Powers and M.A.J. Rodgers, eds., Academic Press, N.Y., 1981, p. 676-678.
21. “Oxasteroid Synthesis with Superoxide Anion Radical-Base Catalyzed Autoxidation of Enones,” A.A. Frimer and P. Gilinsky, in “Oxygen and Oxy-Radicals in Chemistry and Biology,” E.L. Powers and M.A.J. Rodgers, eds., Academic Press, N.Y., 1981, p. 639-640.
22. “The Photooxidation of Cyclopropenes,” A.A. Frimer and A. Antebi, in “Oxygen and Oxy-Radicals in Chemistry and Biology,” E.L. Powers and M.A.J. Rodgers, eds., Academic Press, N.Y., 1981, p. 636-638.
23. “Cytokinin Interaction with Free Radical Metabolism and Senescence: Effects on Endogenous Lipoxygenase and Purine Oxidation,” Y.Y. Leshem, J. Wurzburger, S. Grossman and A.A. Frimer, Physiologia Plantarum, 53, 9-12 (1981).
24. “The Photosensitized Oxidation of Strained Olefins,” A.A. Frimer, Israel J. Chem., 21, 194-202 (1981).
25. “The Reaction of Enols with Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.). Synthesis of 2,3-Unsaturated-d-valerolactones,” A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon and G. Aljadeff, Tetrahedron Lett., 23, 1301-1304 (1982).
26. “The Superoxide, t-Butoxide and Hydroxide Mediated Autoxidation of 3-Oxo-D4-Steroids in Aprotic Media,” A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, J. Hameiri and G. Aljadeff, J. Org. Chem., 47, 2812-2819 (1982).
27. “Calcium and Calmodulin Metabolism in Senescence: Interaction of Lipoxygenase and Superoxide Dismutase with Ethylene and Cytokinin,” Y.Y. Leshem, J. Wurzburger, A.A. Frimer, G. Barness and I.B. Ferguson, in “Proc. Int. 11th International Conf. Plant Growth Substances,” Aberystwyth, U.K., P.F. Wareing, Editor, Academic Press, New York, 1982, pp. 569-578.
28. “The Reaction of Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.) with Cytokinin and Cytokinin Model Compounds in Aprotic Media,” A.A. Frimer, G. Aljadeff and J. Ziv, in “Oxy Radicals and their Scavenger Systems,” Volume I: “Molecular Aspects,” G. Cohen and R. Greenwald, Editors, Elsevier, New York, 1983, p. 270-273.
29. “The Reaction of (Arylmethyl)amines with Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.) in Aprotic Media - Insights into Cytokinin Senescence Inhibition,” A.A. Frimer, G. Aljadeff and J. Ziv, J. Org. Chem., 48, 1700-1705 (1983).
30. “Hydrogen Peroxide Diffusion through Liposomes,” A.A. Frimer, A. Forman and D.C. Borg, Israel J. Chem., 23, 442-445 (1983).
31. “Inhibition of Oxidative Catabolism and Oxy Free Radical Production as a Possible Mode of Cytokinin Control of Foliar Senescence,” J. Wurzburger, A.A. Frimer and Y.Y. Leshem, Plant Growth Regulation, 2, 143-146 (1984).
32. “The Semipermeability of Biological Membranes: An Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment,” A.A. Frimer, J. Chem. Ed., 62, 89-90 (1985); reviewed in Biochemical Education, 13 ( Issue 3, July) 152 (1985).
33. “Reaction of Coumarins with Superoxide Anion Radical [O2-.]: Facile Entry to o-Coumarinic Acid Systems,” A.A. Frimer, G. Aljadeff and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Israel J. Chem., 26, 39-44 (1986).
34. “The Superoxide Mediated Oxidation of Weakly Acidic Hydrocarbons in Aprotic Media,” A.A. Frimer and T. Farkash-Solomon, in “Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine,” G. Rotilio, Editor, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986, p. 41-43.
35. “The Mechanisms of the Superoxide Anion Radical [O2-.] Mediated Oxidation of Diarylmethanes,” A.A. Frimer, T. Farkash-Solomon and G. Aljadeff, J. Org. Chem., 51, 2093-2098 (1986).
36. “A Facile Two-Step High Yield Approach to 2-Oxasteroids,” A.A. Frimer, J. Hameiri-Buch, S. Ripshtos and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Tetrahedron, 42, 5693-5706 (1986).
37. “Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.) Mediated Base Catalyzed Autoxidation of Enones,” A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, G. Aljadeff, H.E. Gottlieb, J. Hameiri-Buch, V. Marks, R. Philosof and Z. Rosental, J. Org. Chem., 54, 4853-4866 (1989).
38. “Superoxide Anion Radical (O2-.) Mediated Base Catalyzed Autoxidation of a-Keto Enols,” A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, G. Aljadeff, V. Marks and Z. Rosental, J. Org. Chem., 54, 4866-4872 (1989).
39. “On the Reactions of Superoxide with Keto Enols, Aci-Reductones and Ascorbic Acid Derivatives,” A.A. Frimer, V. Marks and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Free Rad. Res. Commun., 12-13, 93-98 (1991); in 2009 moved to Free Rad. Res., 12, 93-98 (1991).
40. “The Photosensitized Oxidation of a-Keto Enols: A Singlet Oxygen Approach To 2-Oxasteroids,” A.A. Frimer, S. Ripstos, V. Marks, G. Aljadeff, J. Hameiri-Buch and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Tetrahedron, 47, 8361-8372 (1991).
41. “A New Approach to Thermal-Oxidative Stability in Polyimides,” A.A. Frimer and P.J. Cavano in “HITEMP Review 1991: Advanced High Temperature Engine Materials Technology Program,” H.R. Gray and C.A. Ginty Editors, NASA Conference Publication 10082, 1991, p. 12-1 to 12-13.
42. “New Addition Curing Polyimides,” A.A. Frimer and P.J. Cavano, NASA Technical Memorandum 105335, pp. 1-6 (1991).
43. “Dibenzanthracene Dianhydride-Based Polyimides,” A.A. Frimer, P.J. Cavano, W.B. Alston and A. Serrano in “HITEMP Review 1992: Advanced High Temperature Engine Materials Technology Program; Volume I: Overviews, Fan/Compressor Materials (Polymer Matrix Composites), and Fibers,” H.R. Gray and C.A. Ginty Editors, NASA Conference Publication 10104, 1992, p. 14-1 to 14-15.
44. “The Photosensitized Oxidation of 1,1'-Bi(benzocyclobutenylidene),” A.A. Frimer and J. Weiss, J. Org. Chem., 58, 3660-3667 (1993).
45. “Phenylated Polymaleimides as Addition Curing Resins,” A.A. Frimer and P.J. Cavano in “Advances in Polyimide Science and Technology,” C. Feger, Editor; Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1993, pp. 41-54.
46. “Buckminsterfullerene (C60 Buckyball) Inhibition of Ethylene Release from Senescing Legume Foliage and Cut Carnations,” Y.Y. Leshem, D. Rapoport, A.A. Frimer, G. Strul, U. Asaf and I. Felner, in “Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Biosynthesis and Action of the Plant Hormone Ethylene,” J.C. Pech, A. Latche and C. Balague, Editors; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1993, pp. 174-181.
47. “Spin-trapping Study of Free Radical Penetration into Liposomal Membrane,” G. Strul, A.A. Frimer and L. Weiner, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin 2, 2057-2059 (1993).
48. “Buckminsterfullerene (C-60 Carbon Allotrope) Inhibits Ethylene Evolution from ACC-treated Shoots of Pea (Pisum sativum), Broadbean (Vicia faba) and Flowers of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus),” Y.Y. Leshem, D. Rapoport, A.A. Frimer, G. Strul, U. Asaf and I. Felner, Ann. Botany, 72, 457-461 (1993).
49. “Preparation and Photosensitized Oxidation of Isopropylidenecyclobutanes and -Cyclobutenes,” A.A. Frimer, J. Weiss, H.E. Gottlieb and J.L. Wolk, J. Org. Chem., 59, 780-792 (1994).
50. “Electronic and Steric Effects in the Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement of 2-Hydroxy and 2-Alkoxycyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ones,” A.A. Frimer, V. Marks, M. Sprecher and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, J. Org. Chem., 59, 1831-1834 (1994).
51. “Photochemical Decomposition of Benzocyclobutenone p-Toluenesulfonylhydrazone,” A.A. Frimer, J. Weiss and Z. Rosental, J. Org. Chem., 59, 2516-2522 (1994).
52. “Determining the Location of Hydrophobic Spin-Traps within Liposomes,” G. Strul, H.E. Gottlieb, A.A. Frimer and L. Weiner, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin 2, 1229-1232 (1994).
53. “New High Temperature Polyimides Based on [5]Helicene Dianhydride” A.A. Frimer, P.J. Cavano and W.B. Alston, High Performance Polymers, 7, 93-104 (1995); cited in Polymer Highlights, 3, 7A (1995).
54. “Reinvestigation of the Photocyclization of 1,4-Phenylene Bis(phenylmaleic Anhydride): Preparation and Structure of [5]Helicene-5,6:9,10-dianhydride” A.A. Frimer, J.D. Kinder, W.J. Youngs and M.A.B. Meador, J. Org. Chem., 60, 1658-1664 (1995); cited in Polymer Highlights, 3, 7B (1995).
55. “Reaction of Superoxide with Ascorbic Acid Derivatives: Insight into the Superoxide Mediated Oxidation of Dehydroascorbic Acid” A.A. Frimer and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, J. Org. Chem., 60, 2796-2801 (1995).
56. “The Reaction of Superoxide with Cinnamyl Bromide: The Surprising Formation of an Ether and an Epoxy Acetal” by A.A. Frimer, G. Strul and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Tetrahedron, 51, 6337-6342 (1995).
57. “Reaction of Superoxide with Aci-Reductones,” A.A. Frimer, V. Marks, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, G. Aljadeff and H.E. Gottlieb, J. Org. Chem., 60, 4510-4520 (1995).
58. “TGA/FTIR Determination of Polyimide Thermal-Oxidative Degradation Kinetics,” A.S. Ansari, M.J. Turk, W.B. Alston, A.A. Frimer and D.A. Scheiman in “HITEMP Review 1995: Advanced High Temperature Engine Materials Technology Program; Volume I: Overviews, Fan/Compressor Materials-PMC's,” H.R. Gray and C.A. Ginty Editors, NASA Conference Publication 10178, 1995, Paper 10, pp. 1-11.
59. “The Superoxide Mediated Base Catalyzed Autoxidation of Tetraphenylcyclopentadiene,” A.A. Frimer, G. Strul and H. E. Gottlieb, J. Org. Chem., 60, 4521-4524 (1995).
60. “Can Superoxide Organic Chemistry be Observed within the Liposomal Bilayer?” A.A. Frimer, G. Strul, J. Hameiri-Buch and H.E. Gottlieb, Free Radic. Biol. Med., 20, 843-852 (1996).
61. “Cine Substitution in 2-Oxabicyclo[4.2.0]octanones and Subsequent Unusual Rearrangements.,” A. Hassner, S. Naidorf-Meir and A.A. Frimer, J. Org. Chem., 61, 4051-4058 (1996).
62. “Use of C-13 to Probe Reactions Occurring on Curing and Degradation of High Temperature Polymers.” M.A.B. Meador, J.C. Johnston, A.A. Frimer and P.J. Cavano, American Chemical Society-Division of Polymer Chemistry, Polym. Prepr., 38 (1), 827-828 (1997).
63. “The Oxidative Degradation of Nadic Endcapped Polyimides: New Mechanistic Evidence.” M.A.B. Meador, J.C. Johnston, P.J. Cavano and A.A. Frimer in “HITEMP Review 1997: Advanced High Temperature Engine Materials Technology Program; Volume I: Overviews, Fan/Compressor Materials-PMC's,” H.R. Gray and C.A. Ginty Editors, NASA Conference Publication 10192, 1997, Paper 5, pp. 1-11.
64. “TGA Techniques for the Evaluation of the Thermal Oxidative Stability of Polyimides.” A.S. Ansari, M.J. Turk, W.B. Alston, A.A. Frimer and D.A. Scheiman, High Temple (High Temperature Polymeric Laminates) Workshop XVII, 1997, University of Dayton Research Laboratories, Paper P, pp. 1-22.
65. “Synthesis of 2-Oxacortexone and its Effect on Ca2+ Uptake in Bovine Spermatozoa.” A.A. Frimer, G. Aljadeff, S. Rubinstein and H. Breitbart, Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem., 330, 117-121 (1997).
66. “Oxidative Degradation of Nadic-End-Capped Polyimides. 2. Evidence for Reactions Occurring at High Temperatures.” M.A.B. Meador, J.C. Johnston, P.J. Cavano and A.A. Frimer, Macromolecules, 30, 3215-3223 (1997).
67. “Approaches to New Endcaps for Improved Oxidation Resistance” M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer in “HITEMP Review 1999: Advanced High Temperature Engine Materials Technology Program; Volume I: Overviews, Fan/Compressor Materials-PMCs and Instrumentation Technology,” H.R. Gray and C.A. Ginty Editors, NASA Conference Publication 1999-208915, May 1999, Paper 1, pp. 1-12.
68. “On the Oxidative Degradation of Nadic Endcapped Polyimides. 3. Synthesis and Characterization of Model Compounds for Endcap Degradation Products.” M.A.B. Meador, J.C. Johnston, A.A. Frimer and P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Macromolecules, 32, 5532-5538 (1999). This paper was selected by NASA Glenn Research Center’s Materials Division for special recognition for technical excellence.
69. “The Intermediacy of Oxycyclobutenes in the Synthesis and Reactions of Cyclobutenones and Cyclobutenols” by A.A. Frimer and H. Pizem, Tetrahedron, 55, 12175-12186 (1999).
70. “Evaluation of the Thermal Oxidative Stability of Polyimides via TGA Techniques.” M.J. Turk, A.S. Ansari, W.B. Alston, G.S. Gahn, A.A. Frimer and D.A. Scheiman, J. Polym. Sci, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 37, 3943-3956 (1999).
71. “Approaches to New Endcaps for Improved Oxidation Resistance” M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, American Chemical Society-Division of Polymer Chemistry, Polym. Prepr., 41, 283-284 (2000).
72. “Thermolysis and Photosensitized Oxygenation of Tetrasubstituted Cyclopropenes.” A.A. Frimer, M. Afri, S.D. Baumel, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, Z. Rosenthal and H.E. Gottlieb, J. Org. Chem., 65, 1807-1817 (2000).
73. “Solvatochromic Effects in the Electronic Absorption and NMR Spectra of Hypericin in Organic Solvents and in Lipid Bilayers,” M. Roslaniec, H. Weitman, A.A. Frimer, M. Afri, D. Freeman, Y. Mazur and B. Ehrenberg, Photochem. Photobiol., 73, 110-118 (2001).
74. “7-Hydroxynadic Acid: A New Endcap for Improved Oxidation Resistance in PMR Polyimides,” M.A.B. Meador, J.C. Johnston, D. Hardy-Green, A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, and H.E. Gottlieb, Chemistry of Materials, 13, 2649-2655 (2001).
75. “End Caps Increase Thermo-Oxidative Stability of Polyimides” (LEW-16987), M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, NASA Tech Briefs, 25, no. 10, p. 32 (October 2001). This paper was awarded a NASA Certificate of Recognition for Technical Innovation.
76. “Superoxide Organic Chemistry within the Liposomal Bilayer, Part II: A Correlation between Location and Chemistry,” by M. Afri, H.E. Gottlieb and A.A. Frimer, Free Radic. Biol. Med., 32, 605-618 (2002).
77. “Surprising Exocyclic Regioselectivity in Electrophilic Additions to Alkylidenecyclobutenes,” H. Pizem, O. Sharon and A.A. Frimer, Tetrahedron, 58, 3199-3205 (2002).
78. “Nmr Guided Architecture of Endcaps with Improved Oxidation Resistance,” M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, American Chemical Society-Division of Polymer Chemistry, Polym. Prepr., 44 (1), 240-241 (2003).
79. “A Study of NMR Parameters of Cyclobutenones and Benzocyclobutenones,” A.A. Frimer, O. Sharon and H.E. Gottlieb, Magn. Reson. Chem., 41, 714-717 (2003)
80. “Synthesis and Photosensitized Oxygenation of Cyclopropylidenecyclobutenes,” O. Sharon and A.A. Frimer, Tetrahedron, 59, 8153-8162 (2003).
81. “Reevaluation of Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride as an Endcap for Improved Oxidation Resistance in Addition Polyimides,” M.A.B. Meador, A.A. Frimer and J.C. Johnston, Macromolecules, 37, 1289-1296 (2004).
82. “Active Oxygen Chemistry within the Liposomal Bilayer, Part III: Locating Vitamin E, Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone and their Derivatives in the Lipid Bilayer” by M. Afri, B. Ehrenberg, Y. Talmon, Y. Cohen and A.A. Frimer, Chem. Phys. Lipids, 131, 107-121 (2004).
83. “Active Oxygen Chemistry within the Liposomal Bilayer, Part IV: Locating 2’,7’-Dichlorofluorescein (DCF), 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) and 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH-DA) in the Lipid Bilayer,” M. Afri, A.A. Frimer and Y. Cohen Chem. Phys. Lipids, 131, 123-133 (2004).
84. “Porphyrin Depth in Lipid Bilayers as Determined by Iodide and Parallax Methods and Its Effect on Photosensitizing Efficiency,” by I. Bronshtein, M. Afri, H. Weitman, A.A. Frimer, K.M. Smith and B. Ehrenberg, Biophys. J. 87, 1155-1164 (2004).
85. “Better End-Cap Processing for Oxidation-Resistant Polyimides” (LEW-17429), M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, NASA Tech Briefs, 28, no. 12, p. 36 (December 2004).
86. “Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydrides as Addition Curing Polyimide End Caps: Thermal Isomerization of Methylenedianiline 3,6-Diphenyltetrahydrophthalic Bisimides” by A.A. Frimer, P. Gilinsky-Sharon, H.E. Gottlieb, M.A.B. Meador and J. Christopher Johnston, Macromolecules, 38, 1504-1507 (2005).
87. “Titania Deposition on PMR-15,” H. Pizem, O. Gershevitz, Y. Goffer, A.A. Frimer, C.N. Sukenik, U. Sampathkumaran, X. Milhet, A. McIlwain, M.R. De Guire, M.A.B. Meador and J.K. Sutter, Chemistry of Materials 17, 3205-3213 (2005).
88. “Determining Radical Penetration of Lipid Bilayers with New Lipophilic Spin Traps,” Gamliel, A.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A.A., Free Radic. Biol. Med. 44, 1394-1405 (2008).
89. “NMR-Based Molecular Ruler for Determining the Depth of Intercalants within the Lipid Bilayer. Part I: Discovering the Guidelines”, Cohen, Y.; Bodner, E.; Richman, M.; Frimer, A.A., Chem. Phys. Lipids, 155, 98-113 (2008).
90. “NMR-Based Molecular Ruler for Determining the Depth of Intercalants within the Lipid Bilayer. Part II: Quantitative Values”, Cohen, Y.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A.A., Chem. Phys. Lipids 155, 114-119 (2008).
91. “Aggregate Formation in the Intercalation of Long Chain Fatty Acid Esters into Liposomes,” Cohen, Y.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A.A., Chem. Phys. Lipids 155, 120-125 (2008).
92. “Determining Radical Penetration into Membranes using ESR Splitting Constants,” Bodner, E.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A.A., Free Radic. Biol. Med. 49, 427-436 (2010).
93. “Methylated Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydrides as End Caps in Addition Polyimides,” Rajsfus, D.E.; Meador, M.A.B.; Frimer, A.A. Macromolecules 43, 5971–5980 (2010).
94. “A Simple, Safe and Efficient Synthesis of Tyrian Purple (6,6′-Dibromoindigo),” Wolk, J.L.; Frimer, A.A., Molecules 15, 5561-5580 (2010).
95. “A Reinvestigation of the Reaction of Coumarins with Superoxide in the Liposomal Bilayer: Correlation between Depth and Reactivity,” Shachan-Tov, S.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A.A. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 49, 1516-1521 (2010).
96. “Stereospecific Mono- and Difluorination of the C7-Bridge of Norbornenes,” Rajsfus, D.E; Alter, S.; Gilinsky-Sharon, P.; Meador, M.A.B; Frimer, A.A. J. Fluorine Chem. 132, 339-347 (2011).
97 “Using Fluorescence to Locate Intercalants within the Lipid Bilayer of Liposomes, Bioliposomes and Erythrocyte Ghosts,” Afri, M.; Naqqash, M.E.; Frimer, A.A. Chem. Phys. Lipids 164, 759-765 (2011).
98. “Novel and Convenient Synthesis of Benzofurans from Dihydrocoumarins” Shachan-Tov, S.; Frimer, A.A. J. Heterocycl. Chem. (In Press).
99. “1,1-Diamino-2,2-Dinitroethylenes Are Always Ylides,” Gilinsky-Sharon, P.; Gottlieb, H.E.; Rajsfus, D.E.; Keinan-Adamsky, K.; Marks, V.; Frimer, A.A. (Submitted for Review).
100. “The Effect of Intercalants on the Host Liposome”, Cohen, Y.; Weitman, H.; Afri, M.; Yanus, R.; Rudnick, S.; Talmon, Y.; Schmidt, J.; Aped, P.; Shatz, S.; Ehrenberg, B.; Frimer, A.A. (Submitted for Review).
101. “Monohydrolysis and Desymmetrization of 7-Substituted Nadic Diesters,” by Rajsfus, D.E.; Alter-Zilberfarb, S.; Frimer, A.A. (In Preparation).
102. “Using NMR to Locate Intercalants within Erythrocyte Ghosts,” Bodner, E.; Afri, M.; Perelman, A.; Frimer A.A. (In Preparation)
Reviews (14)
103. “Chemical Reactions of Superoxide Anion Radical in Aprotic Solvents,” A.A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Photochem. Photobiol., 28, 711-719 (1978).
104. “The Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Olefins - The Question of Mechanism,” A.A. Frimer, Chem. Rev., 79, 359-387 (1979).
105. “Oxidative Processes in Biological Systems and its Role in Plant Senescence,” with A.A. Frimer in “Processes and Control of Plant Senescence” by Y.Y. Leshem, A.H. Halevy and C. Frenkel, Yachdav Press, Tel Aviv, 1982, Chapter 4, pp. 53-65. (In Hebrew).
106. “The Organic Chemistry of Superoxide Anion Radical,” A.A. Frimer, in “Superoxide Dismutase,” Volume II, L.W. Oberley, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1982, Chapter 5, pp. 83-125.
107. “Singlet Oxygen in Peroxide Chemistry,” A.A. Frimer in “The Chemistry of Peroxides,” S. Patai, Editor, Wiley, London, 1983, Chapter 7, pp. 201-234.
108. “Reactions Involving the Superoxide Ion.” A.A. Frimer in “The Chemistry of Peroxides,” S. Patai, Editor, Wiley, London, 1983, Chapter 14, pp. 429-461.
109. “The Effect of Strain on the Rearrangement of Allylic Hydroperoxides: A Research Account,” A.A. Frimer, J. Photochem., 25, 211-226 (1984).
110. “The Singlet Oxygen Ene Reaction,” A.A. Frimer and L.M. Stephenson in “Singlet O2” - Volume II: “Reaction Modes and Products - Part I,” A.A. Frimer, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1985, Chapter 3, pp. 67-91.
111. “Oxidative Processes in Biological Systems and its Role in Plant Senescence” with A.A. Frimer in “Processes and Control of Plant Senescence” by Y.Y. Leshem, A.H. Halevy and C. Frenkel, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986, Chapter 5, pp. 84-99.
112. “Superoxide Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Media,” A.A. Frimer in “Oxygen Radicals in Biology and Medicine,” Basic Life Sciences Volume 49, M.G. Simic, K.A. Taylor, J.F. Ward and C. von Sonntag Eds., Plenum New York, 1988, pp. 29-38.
113. “The Oxygenation of Enones,” A.A. Frimer in “The Chemistry of Enones - Part 2,” S. Patai and Z. Rappoport, Editors, Wiley, London, 1989, Chapter 17, pp. 781-921.
114. “New Horizons in Singlet Oxygen Chemistry: Medicinal Consequences of the Photooxygenation of Enols,” A.A. Frimer, The Israeli Chemist - Bulletin of The Israeli Chemical Society, 10, 19-23 (1991). (In Hebrew; English abstract p.47).
115. “Photosensitized Oxygenation of Small Ring Olefins,” A.A. Frimer, The Spectrum, 13 (2), 9-16 (Summer 2000).
116. “Synthesis of Tyrian Purple (6,6′-Dibromoindigo): Past and Present,” Wolk, J.L.; Frimer, A.A., Molecules 15, 5473-5508 (2010).
Books and Journals (6)
117. “Active Oxygen - Part A,” A.A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Guest Editors, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 23, No. 4, 399-460 (1983).
118. “Active Oxygen - Part B,” A.A. Frimer and I. Rosenthal, Guest Editors, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 24, No. 1, 1-61 (1984).
119. “Singlet O2” - Volume I: “Physical-Chemical Aspects,” A.A. Frimer, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1985; 248 pages.
120. “Singlet O2” - Volume II: “Reaction Modes and Products - Part I,” A.A. Frimer, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1985; 296 pages.
121. “Singlet O2” - Volume III: “Reaction Modes and Products - Part II,” A.A. Frimer, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1985; 288 pages.
122. “Singlet O2” - Volume IV: “Polymers and Biomolecules,” A.A. Frimer, Editor, Chemical Rubber Company, Boca Raton, Florida, 1985; 224 pages.
Patents (4)
123. “Preparation of Oxacycloalkenones,” A.A. Frimer, U.S. Patent Number 4376733, March 15, 1983; available online at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4376733.html.
124. “Process for the Preparation of 2-Oxa-3-oxo-D4-steroids,” A.A. Frimer, Israel Patent Number 60122, February 20, 1985.
125. “Polyimides and Process for Preparing Polyimides Having Improved Thermal-Oxidative Stability,” M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, U.S. Patent Number 6,303,744, October 16, 2001. This application was granted a NASA Space Act Board Award (LEW 16,987-1); available online at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6303744.pdf.
126. “Substituted Cyclohexene Endcaps for Polymers with Thermal-Oxidative Stability.” M.A.B. Meador and A.A. Frimer, U.S. Patent No. 6,979,721, December 27, 2005 (LEW 17,429-1); available online at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6979721.pdf.
Book Review
127. “And Wine Gladdens the Heart of Man - A Book Review of Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Tradition by Roald Hoffman and Shira Leibowitz Schmidt,” A.A. Frimer, BDD - Journal of Torah and Scholarship, 7, English section pp. 87-96 (Summer 1998).
Letter to the Editor
128. “Chemistry and Poetry,” A.A. Frimer, Chemical & Engineering News, 75 (47), 10; Nov. 24, 1997.
Doctoral Dissertation
129. “The Reaction of Singlet Oxygen with Enol Ethers,” A.A. Frimer, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass., August 1974, 240 pages; cited in Dissertation Abstracts, 35, 4389-B (1975) [No. 75-6571].
קבוצת מחקר
Active Oxygen Group (Tel. 972-3-5318323)
The Active oxygen group presently includes the following members:
Dr. Michal Afri (Senior Research Associate); Group Coordinator, Michal.Afri@biu.ac.il
Dr. Pessia Gilinsky-Sharon (Senior Research Associate); Pessia.Sharon@biu.ac.il
Dr. David Rajsfus (Senior Research Associate); DavidRajsfus@Yahoo.com
Miriam Efrat Naqqash (Ph.D. Fellow); MiriamNaqqash@gmail.com
Natalie Parienté-Cohen (Ph.D. Fellow, with Prof. Abraham Nudelman); NataliePC1@gmail.com
Carmit Alexenberg (Ph.D. Fellow); C_Eliasi@walla.com
Shlomi Eliyahu (M.Sc. Student); ShlomiEliyohu@gmail.com
The pictures below are from a recent group excursion to Jerusalem
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 01/03/2023