פרופ' אברהם נודלמן
קורות חיים
Address Miller 15, Rehovot, ISRAEL
Date of Birth December 22, 1939
Nationality Mexican, Israeli
email Nudelman@biu.ac.il
Phone/Fax 972-3-531-8314
June 1961 B. Sc. in Chemistry from Bar-Ilan University. Ramat Gan, Israel.
February 1964 M. Sc. in Chemistry from Brooklyn College. New York, under the supervision of Prof. Paul Haberfield.
February 1969 Ph. D. from The University of California at Los Angeles. UCLA, under the supervision of Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Donald J. Cram.
1969-1975 Research chemist at the Medicinal Chemistry Division of Wyeth Laboratories Inc., Radnor, Pennsylvania.
1975-1981 Emigrated to Israel in March 1975 and joined the Organic Chemistry Department of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.
1981-to date Chemistry Department of Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. Coordinator of the Medicinal Chemistry Division.
1981-to date Invited lecturer of Medicinal Chemistry at The Weizmann Institute of Science. Israel.
April 1986 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Summer 1986 Visiting Professor at the Chemistry Department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Summer 1987 Visiting Professor at the Chemistry Department, California State University, Los Angeles, CA.
1989-1990 Sabbatical year at E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Central Research Division, Wilmington, DE.
Summers 1991/93 Visiting scientist at E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Central Research Division, Wilmington, DE.
1993-1996 Chairman, Chemistry Department Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
April 1994 Professor of Chemistry, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
October 1998-2009 Head of the “Marcus Center for Medicinal Chemistry” at Bar Ilan University
October 2008 Professor Emeritus
Medicinal Chemistry Division
Chemistry Department
Bar Ilan University
Summary of active projects
Anti-schizophrenic agents
In collaboration of scientists from Tel Aviv University a new compound, labeled BL-1020, has been licensed to the pharmaceutical company BiolineRX, Jerusalem, for the treatment of schizophrenia, a disease which affects about 1% of the population. The compound has successfully completely Phase I and Phase II clinical trails for the treatment of schizophrenia and was found to be a potent and effective anti-schizophrenic drug which elicits significantly diminished side effects in comparison with drugs currently in clinical use. Moreover, in the course of the Phase II study it was found that BL-1020 induces highly desirable cognitive improving qualities to the patients. Based on the data generated, a second human Phase II clinical study has been initiated with the goal of specifically evaluating the cognitive improving properties of the drug. The final results are expected in early 2013 and lead to the expectation that similar cognitive enhancement may be achieved in other central nervous diseased patients including those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It should be noted that no drug is in the marked, which deals with cognition improvement.
Drugs against neuropathic pain
A second drug developed in collaboration with scientists from Tel Aviv University that has also been licensed to BiolineRX, Jerusalem, and labeled BL-1021, has been found to be highly promising for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The various types of neuropathic pain affect between 2-3% of the world population. In model studies the compound was found to be safe and very efficacious. BL-1021 has successfully completed safety Phase I clinical studies I and is scheduled to begin Phase II studies for efficacy.
Neroprotectant and anti-inflammatory agents.
In collaboration with Prof. Marta Rosin from the Hebrew University Prof. Nudelman has developed a family of compounds that show potential activity against both Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases and are considered to be neuroprotectants. Moreover the investigators have shown that some of the compounds possess potent anti-inflammatory activity, which is expected to be useful in the clinic for a variety of diseases where inflammation is a major factor in the disease.
Photodynamic skin treatment
In collaboration with Prof. Zvi Malik of the Life Sciences Faculty of Bar Ilan, Prof. Nudelman has developed novel derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid for photodynamic treatment of skin cancer. The results were significan and highly promising. Moreover, these substances appear to be potent catalysts for the enhancement of hemoglobin levels and are expected to be useful in the treatment of anemias and severe bleeding. The compounds have been patented and extensive studies are being conducted for further development.
Professor Nudelman who established the Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Chemistry Department at Bar Ilan University, has published more than 120 papers in scientific journals and is the holder of more than 70 patents in various fields of medicinal chemistry and drug development.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/03/2023