פרופ' שלמה מרגל
קורות חיים
פרופ' מרגל סיים את עבודת הדוקטורט שלו במחלקה לחומרים של מכון ויצמן למדע בשנת 1976, וסיים את לימודי הפוסט-דוקטורט לאחר מכן בקלטק )מכון המחקר הטכנולוגי של אוניברסיטת קליפורניה) המחלקה לכימיה אי-אורגנית בשנת 1977. לאחר מכן, שימש כשנתיים כמדען בכיר במעבדות נאס"א שבקליפורניה. מ1980 ועד 1986 עבר כחוקר בכיר במכון ויצמן למדע במחלקה לחקר החומרים וב1985 כפרופ' חבר. פרופ' מרגל היה מדען אורח במעבדות המחקר והפיתוח של חברת דופונט מ1986-1987 , ב1992 בסקצית הפולימרים של אוניברסיטת אולם בגרמניה, ב1997 במחלקה לפיסיקה אלקטרונית של מכון המחקר הטכנולוגי שבטוקיו יפן, וב2005 במכון לננוטכנולוגיה של חיילים בMIT בקמברידג' . פרופ’ מרגל הצטרף למחלקה לכימיה באוניברסיטת בר אילן כפרופ’ חבר באוקטובר 1987 והתמנה כפרופ’ מלא במרץ 1994 . פרופ’ מרגל היה ראש המחלקה לכימיה של אוניברסיטת בר אילן בין1991-2001 ולאחר מכן דיקן הפקולטה למדעים מדויקים לשנתיים אקדמיות נוספות. פרופ ‘מרגל היה ראש הועדה הארצית הישראלית להוראת הכימיה בבתי ספר תיכון ונשיא החברה הישראלית לכימיה בין השנים 2006-2009 . כיום פרופ’ מרגל הוא גם דיקן הסטודנטים של אוניברסיטת בר אילן ,ונציג האקדמיה הישראלית למדעים ב.IUPAC
פרופ מרגל הוא כימאי של פולימרים שהעניין העיקרי שלו הוא בשטחים כמו פולימרים, ביופולימרים, כימיה קולואידאלית, כימיה של פני שטח, ביוטכנולוגיה וכו'. פרופ מרגל פרסם עד כה כ170 מאמרים ופרסומים, כ 29 פטנטים והוא מחבר של פרקים אחדים בספרים.
פולימרים וביופולימרים
1. ננו\מקרו-חלקיקים פונקציונלים לשימושים רפואיים.
2. פולימרים וביופולימרים.
3. חומרים מגנטים.
1. S. Margel and M. Levy. "Polarographic Study of the Effect of Solvents on the Reaction of Na Amalgam with some Vinyl Monomers". J. Poly. Sci. 11, 81 (1973).
2. S. Margel and M. Levy. "Reactivities of Organic Halides, Proton Donors and Olefins in DMSO Towards Electrochemically Generated Radical Ions". J. Electroanalytical Chem. Interfacial Electrochem. 56, 259 (1974).
3. S. Margel and M. Levy. "Solvent Effects on the Reactivity of Olefins, Organic Halides and Proton Donors with Olefins and Aromatic Ion Radicals". J. Electroanalytical Chem. Interfacial Electrochem. 81, 357 (1977).
4. S. Margel, W. Smith and F. Anson. "Electrochemistry of 2,2'-bipyridine Complexes of Cobalt in the Presence of Acrylonitrile". J. Electrochem. Soc. 125, 241 (1978).
5. S. Margel and F. Anson. "Catalysis of the Electroreduction of Allyl Chloride by Cobalt 2,2'-bipyridine Complexes". J. Electrochem. Soc. 125, 1232 (1978).
6. J.B. Flannagan, S. Margel, A.J. Bard and F. Anson. "Electron Transfer to and from Molecules Containing Multiple Non-interacting Redox Centers. The Electrochemical Oxidation of Poly(vinylferrocene)". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 100, 13 (1978).
7. A. Rembaum, S. Margel and J. Levy. "Polyglutaraldehyde: A New Reagent for Coupling Protons to Microspheres and for Labeling Cell Surface Receptors". J. Immunol. Methods 24, 233 (1978).
8. A. Rembaum, J. Levy, A. Gupta and S. Margel. "Reactions of Polyglutaraldehyde with Proteins". Polymer Prep. 19, 648 (1978).
9. A. Rembaum and S. Margel. "Design of Polymeric Immunomicrospheres for Cell Labeling and Cell Separation". Brit. Poly. J. 10, 275 (1978).
10. S. Margel, S. Zisblatt and A. Rembaum. "Polyglutaraldehyde: A New Reagent for Coupling Proteins to Microspheres and for Labeling Cell Surface Receptors. Part II. Simplified Labeling Method by Means of Non-magnetic and Magnetic Polyglutaraldehyde Microspheres". J. Immunological Methods 28, 341 (1979).
11. S. Margel and A. Rembaum. "Polyglutaraldehyde Microspheres: New Reagent for Cell Labeling and Cell Separation". Polymer Prep. 20(2), 589 (1979).
12. A. Smolka, S. Margel, B.H. Werren and A. Rembaum. "Electrophoretic Cell Separation by Means of Microspheres". Biochem. Biophys. Acta 588, 246 (1979).
13. S. Margel and A. Rembaum. "Synthesis and Characterization of Polyglutaraldehyde, Potential Reagent for Protein Immobilization and Cell Separation". Macromolecules 13, 19 (1980).
14. S. Margel. "A Novel Approach for Metal Poisoning Treatment. A Model: Mercury Poisoning by Means of Chelating Microspheres - Hemoperfusion and Oral Administration". J. Med. Chem. 24, 1263 (1981).
15. S. Margel and J. Hirsh. "Hemoperfusion for Detoxification of Mercury. A Model: Treatment of Severe Mercury Poisoning by Encapsulated Chelating Spheres. Part I.". Biomat. Dev. Art. Org. 9(2), 107 (1981).
16. S. Margel, U. Beitler and M. Offarim. "A Novel Synthesis of Polyacrolein Microspheres and their Applications for Cell Labeling and Cell Separation". Immunological Comm. 10(7), 567 (1981).
17. S. Margel and J. Hirsh. "Chelation of Mercury by Means of Polymercaptal Microspheres - A New Drug for Mercury Poisoning". J. Pharm. Sci. 71, 1030 (1982).
18. S. Margel, U. Beitler and M. Offarim. "Polyacrolein Microspheres - A New Tool in Cell Biology". J. Cell. Sci. 56, 157 (1982).
19. S. Margel. "Polyaldehyde Microspheres as Probes for Cell Membranes". Ind. Eng. Chem. Product Res. Dev. 21(3), 343 (1982).
20. S. Margel. "Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads, New Effective Immunoabsorbents". FEBS 145, 341 (1982).
21. S. Margel and M. Offarim. "Novel Effective Immunoadsorbents Based on Agarose-Polyaldehyde Microsphere Beads: Synthesis and Affinity Chromatography". Anal. Biochem. 128, 342 (1982).
22. L. Marcus, M. Offarim and S. Margel. "A New Immunoadsorbent for Hemoperfusion: Agarose-Polyacrolein Microspheres Beads. In vitro studies". Biomed. Med. Dec. Art. Org. 10(3), 157 (1982).
23. I. Pecht, N. Mazurck, A. Petrank and S. Margel. "Drug Conjugates of Polymeric Microspheres as Tools in Cell Biology, in 'Targeting of Drugs', ed. Gregoriadis, Senior and Trouet, Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 109-123, 1982.
24. S. Margel, J. Hirsch and I. Harari. "Hemoperfusion with Chelating Microspheres as a New Treatment for Severe Mercury Poisoning". Arch. Toxicol. 6, 300 (1983).
25. S. Margel, M. Offarim and Z. Eshhar. "Cell Fractionation with Affinity Ligands Conjugated to Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads". J. Cell. Sci. 62, 149 (1983).
26. S. Margel. "Agarose-Polyaldehyde Microsphere Beads, Synthesis and Biomedical Applications: Cell Labeling, Cell Separation, Affinity Chromatography and Hemoperfusion". App. Biochem. Biotech. 8, 523 (1983).
27. S. Margel. "Agarose-Polymeric Microsphere Beads: Specific New Adsorbents for Hemoperfusion". Reactive Polymers 1, 241 (1983).
28. S. Margel and E. Wiesel. "Acrolein Polymerization: Monodispersed Homo and Hybrido Microspheres, Synthesis, Mechanism and Reactions". J. Polym. Sci., Chem. Ed. 22(1), 145 (1984).
29. A. Masiah, L. Marcus, H. Savin and S. Margel. "The Rabbit as an Animal Model for Hemoperfusion: Surgical Preparation and Use". Laboratory Animals 18, 26 (1984).
30. S. Margel and J. Hirsch. "Reduction of Organic Mercury in Water, Urine and Blood by Sodium Borohydride for Direct Determination of Total Mercury Content". Clin. Chem. 30, 243 (1984).
31. S. Margel, L. Marcus, A. Mashiah, H. Savin and M. Dalit. "Extracorporeal Removal of Mercury by Hemoperfusion through Agarose-Polymercaptal Microsphere Beads". J. Biomed. Materials Res. 18, 617 (1984).
32. L. Marcus, A. Mashiah, M. Offarim and S. Margel. "Extracorporeal Removal of Specific Antibodies by Hemoperfusion through the Immunoadsorbent Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads: A Model for the Removal of Anti-BSA". J. Biomed. Materials Res. 18, 1153 (1984).
33. S. Margel, L. Marcus, H. Savin, M. Offarim and A. Mashiah. "Specific Removal of Digoxin by Hemoperfusion through Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads - Antidigoxin Antibodies (APAMP-AD), Biomat. Med. Dev. Art. Org. 12, 25 (1984).
34. S. Margel. "Characterization and Chemistry of Polyaldehyde Microspheres". J. Poly. Sci.”, Chem. Ed. 22, 3521 (1984).
35. D. Horowitz, T. Shimoni and S. Margel. "Iron Detoxification by Hemoperfusion through Deferoxamine-conjugated Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads". Biomaterials 6, 9 (1985).
36. A. Lazar, L. Silverstein, S. Margel and A. Mizrachi. "Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads: A New Microcarrier Culturing System". Develop. Biolog. Standardization 60, 456 (1985).
37. S. Margel. "Polyacrolein Microspheres". Meth. Enzymol. 112, 164 (1985).
38. L. Marcus, S. Margel, H. Savin, M. Offarim and M. Ravid. "Therapy of Digoxin Intoxication in Dogs by Specific Hemoperfusion through Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads-Antidigoxin (APAMB-AD)". Am. Heart J. 110, 30 (1985).
39. A. Mashiah, L. Marcus, H. Savin, S. Margel, E. Eshel and S. Giler. "Hemoperfusive Removal of Specific Intoxicants: The Role of Rabbit in Preclinical Trials". Scand. Laboratory Animals 12, 27 (1985).
40. Y. Gazitt, S. Margel, A. Lerner, J.R. Wand and D. Shouval. "Development of a Novel Clq Immunoadsorbent for Removal of Circulating Immunecomplexes: Quantitative Isolation of Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen and Immunecomplexes". Immun. Let. 11, 1 (1985).
41. M. Shahar, H. Meshulam and S. Margel. "Synthesis and Characterization of Microspheres of Polystyrene Derivatives". J. Polym. Sci., Chem. Ed. 24, 203 (1986).
42. S. Margel and L. Marcus. "Specific Hemoperfusion through Agarose Acrobeads". Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 12, 37 (1986).
43. M. Pines and S. Margel. "Polyacrolein Microspheres as a New Solid Phase for Radioimmunoassay". J. Immunoassay 7(1,2), 97 (1986).
44. L. Weis, S. Slavin and S. Margel. "Depletion of Human Cells from Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow by Affinity Ligands Conjugated to Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads". Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 13, 87 (1986).
45. R. Azhari, A. Labes and Y. Haviv and S. Margel. "Extra-corporeal Specific Removal of Paraquat by Hemoperfusion through Antiparaquat Conjugated Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads." J. Biomed. Materials Res. 21, 25 (1987).
46. H. Savin, L. Marcus, M. Ofarim, S. Margel and M. Ravid. "Treatment of Digitalis Intoxication in Humans by Hemoperfusion with Agarose-Polyacrolein Microsphere Beads - Antidigoxin Antibodies." Am. Heart J. 113(5), 1078 (1987).
47. S. Morecki, F. Pavlotzky, S. Margel and S. Slavin. "Purging Breast Cells Towards Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation." Bone Marrow Transplantation 1, 357 (1987).
48. H. Savin, I. Michaeli, S. Margel and M. Ravid. "Digitalis Hemoperfusion: Increase of Column Binding Capacity by Pretreatment with Ouabain." Biomaterials, Artificial Cells and Artificial Organs 15(3), 539 (1987).
49. S. Morecki, S. Margel and S. Slavin. "Removal of Breast Cancer Cells by Soybean Agglutinin in an Experimental Model for Purging Human Marrow." Cancer Research 48(16),4573 (1988).
50. S. Margel. "Affinity Separation with Polyaldehyde Microsphere Beads." J. of Chromatography 462, 177 (1989).
51. S. Margel and L. Marcus. "Specific Hemoperfusion Therapy." Chemtech 19, 238 (1989).
52. Y. Leshem. M. Cojocaru, S. Margel and E.M. Landau. "A Biophysical Study of Abscisic Acid Interaction with Membrane Phospholipid Components". New Phytologist 116, 487 (1990).
53. S. Margel, E. Nov and I. Fisher. "Polychloromethylstyrene Microspheres: Synthesis and Characterization". J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Ed. 29, 437 (1991).
54. S. Margel, G. Fenakel and M. Fainaru. "Specific Removal of LDL Cholesterol by Hemoperfusion, in `Preventive Cardiology: Diagnostic and Metabolic Aspects of Cardiovascular Research', Ed. Urban & Schwarzenberg, pp. 11-24, 1991. Chapter in a book.
55. S. Margel, O. Sivan and Y. Dolitzky. "Functionalized Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Use". Langmuir 7, 2317 (1991).
56. S. Margel, E. Cohen, Y. Dolitzky and O. Sivan. "Surface Modification I: Polyacrolein Microspheres Covalently Bonded onto Polyethylene". J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Ed. 30(6), 1103 (1992).
57. S. Margel, Y. Dolitzky and O. Sivan. "Immobilized Polymeric Microspheres I: Polyacrolein Microspheres Covalently Bonded in a Monolayer Structure onto Glass Surfaces". Colloids and Surfaces 62(3), 215 (1992).
58. S. Margel, H.E. Gottlieb and M. Tennenbaum. "Novel Polymeric Microspheres Based on Methyl-(Hydroxymethyl)acrylate: Synthesis and Characterization". J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Ed. (30), 1499 (1992).
59. S. Margel, M. Tennenbaum and I. Fisher. "Methyl-(Hydroxylmethyl)acrylate Microspheres: Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Use". J. Colloid Interface Sci. 150 (1), 22 (1992).
60. S. Margel, E.A. Vogler, L. Firment, T. Watt, S. Haynie and D.Y. Sogah. "Peptide, Protein and Cellular Interactions with Self-Assembled Monolayer Model Surfaces". J. Biomed. Materials Res. 27, 1463 (1993).
61. Y. Leshem, S. Margel, D. Aurbach and Y. Sofer. "Biophysical Parameters of Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxides as Assessed by Surface Behavior and Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometry: Possible Pertinence to Senescence". Plant Growth Regulation 12, 263 (1993).
62. S. Brandris and S. Margel. "Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled Hydrophobic Monolayer Coatings onto Silicon Colloids". Langmuir 9, 1232 (1993).
63. S. Margel and L. Marcus. "Model Systems Employing Affinity Chromatography for Extraction of Toxic Substances Directly from Whole Blood" in `Molecular Interactions in Bioseparations', Ed. Plenum Pub. Co. 433-450 (1994). Chapter in a book.
64. G. Borcahrd, S. Brandris, J. Kreuter and S. Margel. "Body Distribution of 75Se-Radiolabeled Silica Nanoparticles Coated with -Functionalized Surfactants after Intravenous Injection in Rats". J. of Drug Targeting 2, 61 (1994).
65. R. Binnes, A. Gedanken and S. Margel. "Self-assembled Monolayer Coatings as a New Tool for the Resolution of Racemates". Tetrahedron Letters 35(8), 1285 (1994).
66. Y. Dolitzky, S. Sturchak, B. Nizan, B.A. Sela and S. Margel. "Immobilized Polyacrolein Microspheres: Synthesis, Characterization and their Use as a New Tool in Diagnostics: A Model, Determination of Antitrypsin in Human Serum". Analytical Biochemistry, 220, 257 (1994).
67. O. Rozenfeld, Y. Koltypin, H. Bamnolker, S. Margel and A. Gedanken. "Self-assembled Monolayer Coatings on Amorphous Iron". Langmuir, 10(11), 3919-3921 (1994).
68. S. Brandris and S. Margel. "Synthesis and Characterization of 75Se-Radiolabeled Silica Nanoparticles Coated with -Functionalized Surfactants". Reactive Polymers, 25, 111 (1995).
69. H. Bamnolker and S. Margel. "Dispersion Polymerization of Styrene in Polar Solvents: Effect of Reaction Parameters on Microsphere Surface and Surface Properties, Size and Size Distribution and Molecular Weight", J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Ed. 34, 1857 (1996).
70. H. Bamnolker, B. Nitzan, S. Gura and and S. Margel, New Solid and Hollow, Magnetic and Non-Magnetic, Organic-Inorganic Monodispersed Hybrid Microspheres: Synthesis and Characterizatio. J. of Materials Sci. Letters 16, 1412 (1997).
71. B. Nitzan and S. Margel. “Surface modification II. Functionalization of Solid Surfaces with Vinylic Monomers”. J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Ed., 35, 171 (1997).
72. S. Margel et al. “New Solid and Hollow, Magnetic and Non-Magnetic, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Microspheres: Synthesis, Characterization and Use, in “Scientific and clinical applications of magnetic carriers”, Eds. U. Hafeli and W. Schutt, Plenum Press, 37-52 (1997). Chapter in a book.
73. S. Margel, I. Burdygin , V. Reznikov, B. Nitzan, O. Melamed, M. Sadeh, S. Gura, G. Mandel, M. Zuberi, and L. Boguslavsky. “Functional Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Biological Applications”. in “Recent Research Developments in Polymer Science”, Ed. S.G. Patidalai, Transworld Research Network, Volume 1, 51-78 (1997). Chapter in a book.
74. S. Weizel, R. Prozorov, Y. Cohen, S. Margel and A. Gedanken. “The preparation of metal-polymer composite materials using ultrasound radiation”. J. of Mater. Research. 13 (1), 211-216 (1998)
75. S. Margel, I. Burdygin, S. Gura, H. Bamnolker, B. Nitzan, M. Kedem, O. Melamed, M. Zuberi, E. Mandel, L. Boguslavsky, L. Sheihet, T. Tennenbaum, and B. Bar-Toov. “Ferrite-coated nanospheres for biomedical use”. J. of the Magnetics Society of Japan 22 (S1), 429 (1998).
76. H. Seliger, M. Hinz, P. Jaisankar, F. Eisenbieb, S. Manolache, F. Denes, S. Gura, B. Nitzan, and S. Margel. “Polymer-supported nucleic acids for applications in biomedicine”. Communications of the 2nd International Symposium on Natural Polymers and Composites, “ISNaPoL 98”, Atibaia, Sao-Paulo, Brazil 71-77 (1998).
77. H. Seliger, M. Hinz, S. Gura, B. Nitzan, and S. Margel. “Solid-supported oligonucleotide systems for special biomedical applications”. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18 (6&7), 1305 (1999).
78. R. Arshady, S. Margel and C. Pichot, “Functionalization of Preformed Microspheres” in `Microspheres, Microcapsules & Liposomes', Ed. R. Arshady, Citus Ltd, London. 1, 165-195 (1999).
79. S. Margel, and S. Sturchak et al. “Functional microspheres: synthesis and biological applications” in `Microspheres, Microcapsules & Liposomes', Ed. R. Arshady, Citus Ltd, London. 2, 11-42 (1999). Chapter in a book.
80. S. Wizel, T.C. Rojas, R. Prozorov, I. Felner, S. Margel and A. Gedanken. “Differences in physical properties of cobalt-polymer and iron-polymer composites prepared by a sonochemical method”, J. Mater. Res. 14, 3913 -3920 (1999).
81. L.R. Moore, L.Sun, M. Zborowski, M. Nakamura, J.J. Chalmers, K. McCloskey, S. Gura, M. Zubery and S. Margel. “The use of magnetite-doped polymeric microspheres as calibrating Cell Tracking Velocimetry”. J. of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 44, 115-130 (2000).
82. H. Seliger, R. Bader, M. Hinz, B. Rotte, H. Brugger, C. Rembe, E.P. Hofer, S. Gura, B. Nitzan and S. Margel. “Polymer supported nucleic acid fragments – tools for biotechnology and biomedical research”. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 43, 325 (2000).
83. S. Wizel, S. Margel and A. Gedanken. “The preparation of polystyrene-iron composite by using ultrasound radiation”. Polymer International, 49, 445-448 (2000).
84. M. Hoyos, L. Moore, K. McClovskey, S. Margel, J.J. Chalmers, and M. Zborowski. “Study of magnetic particles pulse-injected into an annular SPLITT-like chanel inside a quadrupole magnetic field”. J. of Chromatography A 903, 99-116 (2000).
85. M. Nakamura, J.J. Chalmers, L. Lasky, S. Margel, M. Zborowski. “Theoretical and experimental analysis of the accuracy and reproducibility of Cell Tracking Velocimetry”. Experiments in Fluids 30, 371-380 (2001).
86. K.E. McCloskey, J.J. Chambers, K. Comella, S. Margel and M. Zborowski. “Mobility measurements of immunomagnetically labeled cells allow quantification of secondary antibody binding amplication”. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 20, 642-655 (2001).
87. O. Melamed and S. Margel. “Poly(N-vinyl a-Phenyl Alanine) microspheres: synthesis, characterization and use for microencapsulation and immobilization”. J. of Colloid & Interface Science, 241 (2), 357-365 (2001)
88. P. Kumar, A.K. Sharma, K.C. Gupta, S. Margel, S. Gura and H. Seliger. “Composite magnetic and non-magnetic beads as efficient solid supports for machine-aided oligonucleotide synthesis”. Helvetica Chimica Acta 84, 345-350 (2001).
89. M. Hinz, S. Gura, B. Nitzan, S. Margel and H. Seliger. “Polymer support for exonucleolytic sequencing”. J. of Biotechnology 86, 281-288 (2001).
90. O. Melamed and S. Margel. “Poly(N-vinyl α-amino acid) microspheres (Part I): A model – poly(N-vinyl a-phenyl alanine) microspheres: synthesis and characterization”. Colloids and Surfaces, 208, 147-157 (2002).
91. M. Kedem and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of micron-sized particles of narrow size distribution with chloromethyl functionality based on single-step swelling of uniform polystyrene template microspheres”. J. of Polymer Sci., Polymer Chem. Ed. 40(9), 1342-1352 (2002).
92. M. Sinyakov, M. Dror, S. Margel and R.R. Avtalion. “Immunogenicity of aeromonas salmonicida A-protein in goldfish (Carassius Auratus L.)”, Israel J. of Aquaculture, 53(3-4),110-114 (2002).
93. A. Avital, E Shapiro, V. Doviner, S. Margel, M. Tsuberi, and C. Springer. “Polystyrene microspheres as a specific marker for the diagnosis of aspiration in hamsters”. American Journal of Respiratory CELL and Molecular Biology, 27, 511-514 (2002).
94. M. Sinyakov, M. Dror, H. Zhevelev, S. Margel and R.R. Avtalion. “Natural antibodies in fish and their significance in active immunization and protection against defined pathogen”. Vaccine 20, 3368-3674 (2002).
95. M. Bockstaller, Y. Lapetnikov, S. Margel and E.L. Thomas. “Size-selective organization of enthalpic compatibilized nanocrystals in ternary-block copolymer/particle mixtures”. J.A.C.S. 125, 5276-5277 (2003).
96. E. Halbfinger, K. Gorochesky, S. A. Levesque, A.R. Beaudoin, L. Sheihet, S. Margel and B. Fisher. “Photoaffinity labeling on magnetic microspheres (PALMm). Methodology for topographic mapping: preparation of PALMm reagents and demonstration of biochemical relevance”. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 1, 2821-2832 (2003).
97. Assia, E.I., Rubowitz, A., Rosner, M., Meyerstein, D., Meyerstein, N., Gedanken, Aharon, Margel, Shlomo, Topaz, M. "Ascorbic Acid Protects Corneal Endothelium from Damage Induced By Free Radicals During Phacoemulsification" Invest. Opthamol. Visual Sci., 44, (2003).
98. R. Hergt, R. Hiergeist, I. Hilger, W.A. Kaiser, S. Margel, and U. Richter. “Maghemite nanoparticles with very high ac-losses for application in RF-magnetic hyperthermia. J. of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials 270, 345-357 (2004).
99. L. Boguslavsky and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of micrometer-sized homo and composite polyacrylonitril particles of narrow size distribution on the basis of single-step swelling of uniform polystyrene template microspheres”. J. of Polymer Sci., Chemistry Edition. 42, 4847-4861 (2004).
100. L.R. Moore, S. Milliron, P.S. Williams, J.J. Chalmers, S. Margel, and M. Zborowski. “Feasibility of susceptibility-modified solutions in controlling magnetophoretic mobility as validated by Cell Tracking Velocimetry and Continuous Magnetic Sorting”. Analytical Chemistry 76 (14), 3899-3907 (2004).
101. L. Boguslavsky and S. Margel. “PAN microspheres with a narrow size distribution: synthesis by single-step swelling and properties”. Glass Physics & Chemistry, 31(1), 102-114 (2005).
102. U. Akiva and S. Margel. “Surface-modified hemispherical polystyrene/polybutyl methacrylate composite particles”, J. of Colloids and Interface Sci. 288, 61-70 (2005)
103. U. Akiva and S. Margel. “New micrometer-sized hemispherical magnetic/non- magnetic monodispersed polystyrene/poly(methyl methacrylate) composite particles: synthesis and characterization”. Journal of Materials Science Letters. 40 (18), 4933-4955 (2005).
104. U. Akiva and S. Margel. “New micrometer-sized monodispersed self-assembled amphiphilic polystyrene/poly(n-butyl methacrylate) composite particles of hemispherical morphology: synthesis and characterization”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects 253 (1-3), 9-13 (2005).
105. T. Green-Sadan, T. Lublin-Tennenbaum, Y. Boguslavsky, N. Kinor, S. Margel, and G. Yadid. “Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-conjugated nanoparticles suppress acquisition of cocaine self-administration in rats”. Experimental Neurology 194, 97-105 (2005).
106. L. Boguslavsky, S. Baruch and S. Margel "Synthesis and characterization of polyacrylonitrile nanoparticles by dispersion/emulsion polymerization mechanism". J. of Colloid & Interface Sci. 289(1), 71-85 (2005).
107. H, Zhang, L. R. Moore, M. Zborowski, P. S. Williams, S. Margel, and J. J. Chalmers. "Establishment and implications of a characterization method for magnetic nanoparticles using Cell Tracking Velocimetry and Magnetic Susceptibility-Modified solutions". Analyst 130 (4), 514-527 (2005).
108. E. Partouch, D. Waysbort and S. Margel. “Surface modification of crosslinked poly(styrene-divinyl benzene) micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by ozonolysis”. J. of Colloid & Interface Sci. 294 (1), 69-78 (2006).
109. Nava Shpaisman and Shlomo Margel, "Synthesis and characterization of air-stable iron nanocrystalline particles based on a single-step swelling process of uniform polystyrene template microspheres". Chem. of Mat. 18(2), 396 (2006).
110. Anna Galperin, David Margel and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of radiopaque polystyrene microspheres of narrow size distribution based on a single-step swelling process of uniform polystyrene template particles for X-ray imaging applications". J. of Biomed. Mat. Research, 79A(3), 544-551 (2006).
111. Anna Galperin and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of radiopaque polystyrene microspheres by dispersion polymerization for X-ray imaging applications". J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Edition, 44 (12), 3859-3868 (2006).
112. Tomer Zimrin, Yaara F. Haruvy and Shlomo Margel. "High Resolution measurements of water permeability and solubility in microelectronic casing made of hydrophobic polymeric composite. J. of Applied Polymer Science, 102, 4523-4527 (2006).
113. Michael S. Sinyakov, Moti Dror, Tamar Lublin-Tennenbaum, Shmuel Salzberg, Shlomo Margel, and Ramy R. Avtalion. "Nano and micro-particles as adjuvants in vaccine design: Success and failure is related to host natural antibodies". Vaccine, 24, 6534-6541 (2006).
114. Anna Galperin and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of new micromete-sized polymeric composite particles of narrow size distribution by a single-step swelling of uniform polystyrene template microspheres for X-ray imaging applications". Biomacromolecules 7(9), 2650–2660 (2006).
115. Dana D. Medina, Jenny Goldshtein, Shlomo Margel, and Yitzhak Mastai. "Enantioselective crystallization on chiral polymeric microspheres". Advanced Func. Mat., 17(6), 944-950 (2007).
116. Anna Galperin and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of radiopaque core-shell magnetic nanoparticles for X-ray imaging applications". J. of Biomed. Mat. Research, Part B, 83B(2), 490-498 (2007).
117. H. Seliger, M. Hinz, R. Ditz, M. Koch, P. Lapido and S. Margel. " The support-on support concept for in situ oligonucleotide synthesis on nanoparticles". Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, 26(8-9), 1167-1172 (2007).
118. N. Shpaisman and S. Margel. "Air-stable Fe and Co nanocomposite particles prepared by a single-step swelling of polystyrene microspheres of narrow size distribution". New J. of Chemistry, 31(8), 1507-1513 (2007).
119. M. Omer-Mizrahi and S. Margel, "Synthesis and characterization of polyepoxide spherical and hemispherical micron-sized particles of narrow size distribution by a single-step swelling of uniform polystyrene template microspheres with glycidyl methacrylate". J. of Polymer Sci., Chem. Edition, 45, 4612-4622 (2007).
120. A. Galperin, D. Margel, J. Baniel, G. Dank, H. Biton, and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of novel radiopaque iodinated polymeric nanoparticles for X-ray imaging applications". Biomaterials, 28(30), 4461-4466 (2007).
121. T. Zimrin, Shlomo Margel and Yaara Freada Haruvy. "Enhanced water permeability through hydrophobic polymers comprising metal oxide ceramic fillers". Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 97, 918 -919 (2007).
122. Offra Ziv, Rami Avtalion and Shlomo Margel. "Acquired and natural immuginicity of gelatin, dextran and human serum albumin conjugated to magnetite nanoparticles". J. of Biomed. Mat. Research, Part A. 85A(4), 1011-1021 (2008).
123. Shlomo Margel, Tammy Lublin-Tennenbaum, Sigalit Gura, Merav Tsubery, Udi Akiva, Nava Shpaisman, Anna Galperin, Benny Perlstein, Polina Lapido, Yonit Boguslavsky, Jenny Goldshtein, and Ofra Ziv. "Synthesis and characterization of nano- and micron-sized iron oxide and iron particles for biomedical applications" in "Magnetic cell separation", belonging to book series "Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", Ed. Maciej Zborowski & J.J. Chalmers, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands 32, 119-162 (2008). Chapter in a book.
124. Nava Shpaisman, Israel Felner and Shlomo Margel. “One-step synthesis of air-stable nanocrystalline iron particles by thermal decomposition of triiron dodecacarbonyl”. J. of Alloys and Compounds, 454, 89-96 (2008).
125. E. Partouche and S. Margel. "Redox graft polymerization of vinylic monomers on ozone-activated poly(styrene-divinyl benzene) microspheres of narrow size distribution". New J. of Chemistry, 32, 306-316 (2008).
126. B. Perlstein, Z. Ram, D. Daniels, A. Ocherashvilli, Y. Roth, S. Margel, and Y. Mardor. "Convection-enhanced delivery of maghemite nanoparticles: increased efficacy and MRI monitoring. Neuro-Oncology 10 (2), 153-161 (2008).
127. Y. Boguslavsky and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of poly(divinyl benzene)-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as precursor for the formation of air-stable carbon-coated iron crystalline nanoparticles". J. of Colloid & Int. Sci., 317, 101-114 (2008).
128. N. Shpaisman and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of air-stable Fe compositie microspheres of narrow size distribution". J. of Applied Polymer Science. 107 (3), 1710-1717 (2008).
129. Sigal Baruch-Sharon and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis by a single-step swelling process and characterization of micrometer-sized poly(chloromethylstyrene)/poly(butyl methacrylate) hemispherical composite particles of narrow size distribution". J. of Applied Polymer Science 108 (6), 3727 -3737 (2008).
130. E. Partouche and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by carbonization of PAN grafted uniform crosslinked polystyrene microspheres. Carbon, 46, 796-805 (2008).
131. N. Shpaisman and S. Margel. "Anomalous polymer particles prepared by insertion and evaporation of Fe(CO)5 from polystyrene template particles". Chem. of Mat. 20, 1719-1724 (2008).
132. B. Perlstein, Z. Ram, D. Daniels, A. Ocherashvilli, Y. Roth, S. Margel and Y. Mardor. "Increased efficacy of convection-enhanced drug delivery in an animal model". Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 4, 290-291 (2008).
133. H. Skaat and S. Margel. "Effect of maghemite nanoparticles on the insulin fibrillation process: specific marking, kinetics of formation and fibrils removal via a magnetic field". J. of Biomed. Mat. Research, Part A. 91 (2) 342-351 (2008).
134. G. Shafir, A. Galperin and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of recombinant factor VIIa conjugated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for hemophilia treatment". J. of Biomed. Mat. Research, Part A. 91 (4), 1056-1064 (2009).
135. O. Ziv and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of thrombin conjugated γ-Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles for hemostasis". Advanced Biomaterials, 11 (12), B251 – B260 (2009).
136. Melany Omer-Mizrahi and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of magnetic and non-magnetic core-shell polyepoxide micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by emulsion polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate in the presence of uniform core polystyrene microspheres". J. of Colloid and Interface Sci. 329, 228-234 (2009).
137. Daniel Amara, Israel Felner, Israel Nowik and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of Fe and Fe3O4 nanoparticles by thermal decomposition of triiron dodecacarbonyl". Colloids & Surfaces, 339, 106-110 (2009).
138. Sigal Baruch-Sharon and Shlomo Margel . "Synthesis and characterization of solid and hollow polychloromethylstyrene derivatives micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by emulsion polymerization of chloromethylstyrene in the presence of uniform core polystyrene microspheres". Colloid Polm Sci, 287, 859-869 (2009).
139. Jenny Goldstein and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of new UVabsorbing microspheres of narrow size distribution by dispersion polymerization of 2-(2’-Hydroxy-5’methacryloxyethylphenyl)-2H-Benzotriazole". Polymer, 50, 3422-3430 (2009).
140. Hadas Skaat, Georgi Belfort and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of fluorinated magnetic core-shell nanoparticles for inhibition of insulin amyloid fibril formation". Nanotechnology, 20(22) 225106 (2009).
141. Hagit Aviv, Soenke Bartling, Fabian Kiessling and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and Characterization of radiopaque iodinated copolymeric nanoparticles for X-ray imaging applications". Biomaterials, 30, 5610-5616 (2009).
142. Hadas Skaat and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis of fluorescent maghemite nanoparticles as multimodal imaging agents for amyloid-β fibrils detection and removal by a magnetic field". BBRC, 386, 645-649 (2009).
143. Jenny Goldstein and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of new flame-retardant microspheres by dispersion polymerization of pentabromobenzyl acrylate". Europian Polymer Journal 45, 2987-2995 (2009).
144. Benny Perelstein and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of functional magnetic maghemite nanoparticles with fluorescent probe capabilities for biological applications". J. of Biomedical Mat. Res., Part B, 92, 353-360 (2010).
145. Daniel Amara, Judith Grinblat and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of iron and iron oxide micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by annealing of FeCl2 entrapped within porous uniform poly(divinyl benzene) microspheres". J. Mater. Chemistry 20, 1899–1906 (2010).
146. Melany Omer-Mizrahi and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of uniform polyepoxide micrometer-sized particles by redox graft polymerization of glycidyl methacylate on ozone-activated polystyrene and polydivinylbenzene microspheres for enzyme immobilization. Polymer 51, 1222 - 1230 (2010).
147. Ofra Ziv, Moris Topaz, Tamar Brosh and Shlomo Margel. "Enhancement of incisional wound healing by thrombin conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles Biomaterials, 31, 741-747 (2010).
148. Sigal Baruch-Sharon and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of polychloromethylstyrene nanoparticles of narrow size distribution by emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization processes. Colloid Polym Sci 288, 869-877 (2010).
149. Gerardo Byk, Shirly Partouche, Aryeh Weiss, Shlomo Margel, and Raz Khandadash. "Fully synthetic “phage-like” system for screening mixtures of small molecules in live cells". Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 12, 332-345 (2010).
150. Hagit Aviv, Soenke Bartling, Johannes Budjan and Shlomo Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of novel dual modality (ct/mri) core-shell macroparticles for embolization purposes". Biomacromolecules, 11 (6), 1600–1607 (2010).
151. D.M. Mizrahi, M. Omer-Mizrahi, J. Goldstein, N. Askinadze, and S. Margel. "Novel PEG monomers bearing diverse functional groups". J. of Polymer Sci., Part A, Chemistry Edition 48(23), 5468-5478 (2010).
152. Shlomo Margel, Anna Galperin, Hagit Aviv, Fabian Kiessling, and Soenke Bartling. "Synthesis and characterization of nano, micro and macro-meter sized iodinated particles for X-ray medical imaging applications". In "Nanomaterials for Life Sciences", Volume 10. 343 - 364 Editor: Challa Kumar, WILEY-VCH (2011). Chapter in a Book.
153. T. Gordon, O. Houbara, I. Felner, E. Banin and S. Margel. "Synthesis & characterization of zinc/iron oxide composite nanoparticles and their antibacterial properties". Colloids and Surfaces A 374, 1-8 (2011).
154. J. Goldstein, T. Tenenbaum and S. Margel. "Emulsion polymerization of pentabromobenzyl acrylate: effect of reaction parameters on the produced flame-retardant nanoparticles". Polymer Int. 60, 1587 – 1593 (2011),
155. S. H. Bartling, J. Budjan, H. Aviv, S. Haneder, H. Michaely, S. Margel, S. Diehl, W. Semmler. "First multimodal embolization particles being visible in X-ray/CT and MRI". Inves. Radiology 46(3), 178-186 (2011).
156. Hadas Skaat and Shlomo Margel. "Peptide-conjugated fluorescent maghemite nanoparticles as a tool for inhibition and acceleration of a β40 fibrillation process". J. Nanomaterial Research 13(8), 3521 – 3534 (2011).
157. D.M. Mizrahi, O. Ziv-Polat, B. Perlstein, E.Gluz and S. Margel. "Synthesis, fluorescence and biodistribution of a novel near-infrared ICG bone-specific conjugate". European J. of Medicine 46, 5175 – 5183 (2011).
158. D. Amara and S. Margel. “Solventless thermal decomposition of ferrocene as a new approach for the synthesis of porous superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic composite microspheres of narrow size distribution”. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 15764 – 15772 (2011).
159. R. Snovski, J. Grinblat and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of magnetic poly(divinyl benzene)/Fe3O4, C/Fe3O4/Fe and C/Fe onion-like fullerenes micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution". Langmuir 27, 11071 – 11080 (2011).
161. E. Corem-Salkmon, Z. Ram, D. Daniels, B. Perlstein, D. Last, S. Salomon, G. Tamar, R. Shneor, D. Guez, S. Margel and Y. Mardor. "Convection-enhanced delivery of methotrexate-loaded maghemite nanoparticles". Int. J. of Nanomedicine 6, 1595-1602 (2011).
162. Y. Achmon, J. Goldshtein, S. Margel and A. Fishman. “In situ removal of 2-phenylethanol from yeast fermentation by a single-step swelling into polystyrene or polymethacrylate microspheres ". J. of Microencapsulation 28, 628 – 638 (2011).
163. J. Goldstein and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of polystyrene/2-(5-chloro-2H-benzotriazole-2-yl)-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-phenol composite microspheres of narrow size distribution for UV irradiation protection. Colloid Polym Sci 289 (17-18), 1863 – 1874 (2011).
164. H. Skaat, O. Ziv-Polat, A. Shahar, and S. Margel. “Enhancement of the migration, growth and differentiation of nasal olfactory mucosa cells by conjugation of growth factors to functional fluorescent-maghemite nanoparticles”. Bioconjugate Chemistry 22 (12), 2600-2610 (2011).
165. M. Pellach and S. Margel. "The encapsulation of an amphiphile into polystyrene microspheres of narrow size distribution”. Chemistry Central Journal. 5(1), 78 (2011).
166. R. Snovski, J. Grinblat and S. Margel. "Onion-like fullerene-encapsulated Fe micrometer-sized particles". J. of Mag. & Mag. Mat. 324, 90 -94 (2012).
167. D. Amara, J. Grinblatt and S. Margel. “One-step synthesis of magnetite nanocubes and nanospheres by the solventless thermal decomposition of ferrocene”. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 2188 – 2195 (2012).
168. O. Ziv-Polat, H. Skaat, A. Shahar and S. Margel. “Novel magnetic fibrin hydrogel scaffolds containing thrombin and growth factors conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for tissue engineering". Int. J. of Nanomedicine 7, 1259 - 1274 (2012).
169. M. Pellach, J. Goldstein, O. Ziv-Polat and S. Margel. "Functionalized, photostable, fluorescent polystyrene nanoparticles of narrow size distribution". J. of Photochemistry and photobiology A: Chemistry 228, 60-67 (2012).
170. T. Gordon, M. Kopel, J. Grinblat, E. Banin and S. Margel. “New synthesis, characterization and antibacterial properties of porous ZnO and C-ZnO micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution”. J. of Materials Chemistry 22 (8), 3614-3623 (2012).
171. H. Skaat, O. Ziv-Polat, A. Shahar, and S. Margel. “Magnetic scaffolds enriched with bioactive nanoparticles for tissue engineering”. Advanced Healthcare Materials 1 (2), 168-171 (2012).
172. D. Amara and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic core-shell poly(divinyl benzene)/Fe3O4, poly(divinyl benzene-styrene)/Fe3O4 and C/Fe micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution by a single step swelling process. J. of Materials Chemistry 22, 9268 – 9276 (2012).
173. E. Corem, I.Grinberg, and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of near IR fluorescent albumin nanoparticles for optical detection of colon cancer”. Int. J. of Nanomedicine. 7, 5517 - 5527 (2012).
174. H. Skaat, R. Chen, I. Grinberg and S.Margel. “Engineered Polymer Nanoparticles Containing Hydrophobic Dipeptide for Inhibition of Amyloid-β Fibrillation. Biomacromolecules”, 13(9), 2662 - 2670 (2012).
175. M. Pellach, I. Grinberg and S. Margel. “NIR Fluorescent Albumin-Polystyrene Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Specific Targeting of Colonic Neoplasms”. Macromolecular Bioscience. 12(11), 1472-1479 (2012).
176. S. Cohen, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg, and S. Margel. “Engineering of Near IR Fluorescent Albumin Nanoparticles for In Vivo Detection of Colon Cancer”. J. of Nanobiotechnology10:36 (2012), DOI: 10.1186/1477-3155-10-36, URL:http;//www.jnanobiotechnology.com/content/10/1/36
177. H.Skaat, O. Ziv-Polat, A. Shahar and S. Margel. “Enhanced cell growth by new magnetic scaffolds containing bioactive-conjugated nanoparticles for tissue engineering” In "Nanotechnologies” , Vol. 7: Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Editor: J.N. Govil, Studium Press LLC, Houston, TX 77072, USA. 7, 291-307 (2012). Chapter in a Book.
178. S. Cohen, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg, M.l Pellach, T. Lublin-Tennenbaum, R. Goldstein and S. Margel. Engineering of New Near IR Fluorescent Core and Core-Shell Albumin Nanoparticles for In Vivo Detection of Colonic Neoplasms. In "Nanotechnologies”, Vol. 10: Nanosensing, Editor: J.N. Govil, Studium Press LLC, Houston, TX 77072, USA. 10, 355-381 (2012). Chapter in a Book.
179. S. Saphier, A. Haft, Avital and S. Margel, "Bacterial reduction as means for colonic drug delivery: can other chemical groups provide an alternative to the azo bond". J. of Medicinal Chemistry 55(23), 10781-10785 (2012).
180. C. Aviv, S. Bartling, I, Grinberg and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of Bi2O3/HSA core-shell nanoparticles for x-ray imaging applications”. J.of Biomed. Mat. Res., Part B 101 (1), 131–138 (2013).
181. B. perlstein, S.A. Finniss, C. Miller, H. Okhrimenko, G. Kazimirsky, S. cazacu, K. Lee, N, Lemke, S. brodie, F. Umansky, S.A. rempel, M, Rosenblum, T. Mikklesen, S. Margel and C. Brodie. “TRAIL-conjugated to nanoparticles exhibits increased anti-tumor activities in glioma cells and glioma stem cells in vitro and in vivo”. Neuro-Oncology 15 (1), 29 - 40 (2013).
182. E. Gluz, D. M. Mizrahi and S. Margel. “Synthesis and Characterization of New Poly(ethylene glycol) Bisphosphonate Vinylic Monomer and Non-Fluorescent and NIR-Fluorescent Micrometer-Size Bisphosphonate Particles”. Polymer 54 (2), 565 – 571 (2013).
183. S. Cohen, I. Grinberg, E. Corem-Salkmon, Y. Kam, A. Rubinstein and S. Margel. Synthesis and Characterization of Near IR Fluorescent Albumin Nanoparticles for Optical Detection of Colon Cancer. Materials Science and Engineering: C 33, 923-931 (2013).
184. D. Amara and S. Margel. “Synthesis and Characterization of Ferromagnetic C/Fe3C Composite Nanoparticles as Catalyst for Carbon Nanotubes Growth”. Colloid and Polymer Science 291(9), 2121 – 2129 (2013).
185. O. Mero, J. Grinblat and S. Margel. “New Air-Stable Nanogranular Fe Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition of Fe3(CO)12 Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology (JSEMAT) 3, 217-223 (2013).
186. M. Glat, H. Skaat, S. Margel and E. A. Stern. “Age-dependent effects of
microglial inhibition in vivo on Alzheimer's disease neuropathology using bioactive-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles”. J. of Nanobiotechnology DOI: 10.1186/1477-3155-11-32 (2013).
187. D.M. Mizrahi, M. Omer-Mizrahi, D. Medina and S. Margel. "Facile plasma-initiated surface modification by functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) monomers ". J. of Polymer Research 20:75 (2013).
188. R. Chen, J. Goldshtein and S. Margel. “Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxy-Bisphosphonates Micrometer-Sized Particles, by Dispersion Polymerization of a New Styrylbisphosphonate Monomer”. J. of Polymer Science, Chemistry Edition, Part A. 51 (10), 2199–2207 (2013).
189. D. Amara and S. Margel. “Synthesis and Characterization of Elemental Iron and Iron Oxide Nano/Micro Composite Particles by Thermal Decomposition of Ferrocene”. In press. Nanotechnology Review (2013).
190. J. Choi, C.M. Hui, J. Pietrasik, S. Margel, K. Matyjaszewski and M. Bockstaller, “Effect of Polymer-Graft Characteristics on Structure Formation in Particle Brush Assemblies", Langmuir 29 (21), 6452-6459 (2013).
191. E. Gluz, I. Grinberg, E. Corem-Salkmon and S. Margel.
Engineering of New Crosslinked Near IR Fluorescent PEG Bisphosphonate Nanoparticles for Bone Targeting, J. of Polymer Sci., Chemistry Edition, Part A 51, 4282–4291 (2013).
192. N. Askinadze, E. Gluz, O. Ziv, D.M. Mizrahi and S. Margel. “Synthesis, Characterization and use for Enzyme Immobilization of New Crosslinked Functional PEG Micrometer-Sized Particles of Narrow Size Distribution”. Polymer 54 (12), 2926-2934 (2013)
193. H. Skaat and S. Margel. "Nanotechnology-Based Approach for Potential Diagnostics and Therapy of Alzheimer's Disease". J. Biotech. Biomater. 3(2), 8 pages (2013).
194. H. Skaat, E. Corem-Slakmon, I. Grinberg, D. Last, D. Goez,
Y. Mardor and S. Margel. “New antibody-conjugated dual modal nanoparticles for anti-amyloidgenic activity and specific detection of amyloid-β fibrils”. Int. J. of Nanomedicine 8, 4063-4076 (2013).
195. T. Gordon, J. Grinblat and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of “cauliflower like” ZnO micron-sized particles”. Materials. 6(11), 5234-5246 (2013).
196. I. Laitman, M. Natan, E. Banin and S. Margel. “Synthesis and Characterization
of fluoro-modified polypropylene films for inhibition of biofilm formation”.
Colloid & Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 115, 8-14 (2014).
197. U. Bretler, M. Pellach and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of polypentabromostyrene micrometer-sized particles of narrow size distribution for flame retardant applications”. Colloid and Polymer Science 292 ( 5), 1181-1189 (2014).
198. E. Gluz, S. Rudnick-Glick and S. Margel. “New bisphosphonate biodegradable monomers and NIR fluorescent bisphosphonate nanoparticles for biomedical applications”. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 25, 499-506 (2014).
199. O. Ziv-Polat, A. Shahar, I. Levi, H. Skaat, S. Neuman, F. Fregnan, S. Geuna, C.
Grothe and S. Margel. “The role of neurotrophic factors conjugated to iron
oxide nanoparticles in peripheral nerve regeneration - in vitro studies”
BioMed Research International 2014, Article ID 267808, 10 pages (2014)
200. M. pellach and S. Margel. “Preparation and characterization of uniform NIR
polystyrene nanoparticles. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 90(4), 952-956
201. O. Gutman, M. Natan, E. Banin and S. Margel. “Characterization and antibacterial properties of N-halamine-derivatized cross-linked polymethacrylamide nanoparticles”. Biomaterials. 35(19), 5079-5087 (2014).
202. R. Snovski, J. Grinblat, M. Tahar Sougrati and S. Margel. “Synthesis of iron oxide and iron carbide nanoparticles of different shapes: cubes, spheres, rods and plates and elemental iron nanospheres embedded within carbon thin coating”. J. of Mag. And Mag. Mat. 349, 35-44 (2014).
203. O. Mero and S. Margel. “Engineered of magnetic core- shell SiO2/Fe microspheres and SiO2/Fe/CNF "medusa like” microspheres”.
(2014). Langmuir 30, 9850–9858 (2014).
204. O. Mero, E. Shawat, G.D. Nessim, J. Grinblat and S. Margel. “Synthesis of new air-stable nanogranular Fe thin films by CVD of Fe3(CO)12 and its use as catalyst for carbon nanotubes growth”. Thin Solid Films 550, 76-84 (2014).
205. A. Shahar, O. Ziv-Polat, S. Margel and T. Freirer . “Developing a customized
tissue-engineered implant for peripheral nerve reconstruction: role of
nanoparticles”. In Vol.5: Medical Nanobiotechnology of the Series
Nanobiomedicine (6 Vol.) Editor: J.N. Govil, Studium Press LLC, Houston, TX
77072, USA. 14, 365-384 (2014). Chapter in a Book.
206. J. Goldshtein, U. Bretler, T. Lublin Tennenbau,E.Gluz and S. Margel.
“Solidification of non-halogen fire retardant liquids by encapsulation within
porous uniform PDVB microspheres for preparation of fire retardant polymeric
blends”. Colloid and Polymer Science 292(2), 2241-2248 (2014).
207. S. Rudnick-Glick, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg, E. Gluz and S. Margel. “Doxorubicin-Conjugated Bisphosphonate Nanoparticles for the Therapy of Osteosarcoma”,JSM Nanotechnol Nanomed 2(2), 1022-1031 (2014).
208. M. Kolitz-Domb and S. Margel. “Engineered Narrow Size Distribution High Molecular Weight Proteinoids, Proteinoid-Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Copolymers and Nano/Micro-Hollow Particles for Biomedical Applications”. J. Nanomed. Nanotechnol 5(4), 1-10 (2014).
209. M. Kolitz-Domb, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg and S. Margel. "Synthesis
and characterization of bioactive-conjugated near IR fluorescent proteinoid-
PLLA hollow nanoparticles for optical detection of colon cancer". International
Journal of Nanomedicine, 9, 5041-5053 (2014).
210. M. Kolitz-Domb, I. Grinberg, E. Corem-Salkmon and S. Margel. "Engineering
of near infrared fluorescent proteinoid-poly(L-lactic acid) particles for in vivo colon cancer detection". Journal of Nanobiotechnology, Journal of Nanobiotechnology 12(1), 1-13 (2014).
211. R. Chen, R. Persky, J. Goldshtein and S. Margel, "Thermal Behavior Study of Tri-sodium Styrylbisphosphonate Using TGA/TGA-MS and 31P NMR" Accepted to Phosphorus and Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 190 (5-6), 905-910 (2015).
212. M. Natan, O. Gutman, S. Margel and E. Banin. “Killing mechanism of stable N-halamine cross-linked polymethacrylamide nanoparticles that selectively target bacteria”. ACS Nano 9(2), 1175-1188 (2015).
213. S. Bretler and S. Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of new spiropyran micrometer- sized fluorescent photochromic polymeric particles of narrow size distribution by a single-step swelling process”. Polymer 61, 68-74 (2015).
214. Hai Haham, Judith Grinblat, Moulay-Tahar Sougrati, Jean-Claude Jumas and Shlomo Margel. “Synthesis and characterization of air-stable Fe/C/Pd composite nanoparticles for for environmental remediation applications”. J. of Mag. and Mag. Mat. 389, 82-89 (2015).
215. Itay Levy, Ifat Sher, Enav Corem-Salkmon, Ofra Ziv, Amilia Meir, Avraham J Treves, Arnon Nagler, Shlomo Margel & Ygal Rotenstreich “Bioactive Magnetic NIR fluorescent Core-Shell HSA/Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Growth Factors for Augmentation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell growth and differentiation”. J. of Nanobiotechnology 13(1), 1-14 (2015).
216. Hai Haham, Judith Grinblat, Moulay-Tahar Sougrati, Jean-Claude Jumas and
Shlomo Margel. “Engineering of Iron-Based Magnetic Activated Carbon
Fabrics for Environmental Remediation”. Materials 8(7), 4593-4607 (2015).
217. R. Chen, J. Goldshtein and S. Margel “Synthesis and Characterization of NIR fluorescent Polystyrene/Polystyrylbisphosphonate Core- Shell Microspheres”. Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 190 ( 5-6), 870-878 (2015).
218. M. Kolitz-Domb and S. Margel. “Engineering of Novel Proteinoids and PLLA-Proteinoid Polymers of Narrow Size Distribution and Uniform Nano/Micro-Hollow Particles for Biomedical Applications. Book Chapter in "Biomedical Engineering", Intech Press, chapter 3, 49-77 (2015). Chapter in a Book.
219. M. Marcus, H.Skaat, N. Alon, S.Margel and O. Shefi. “NGF-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles promote differentiation and outgrowth of PC12 cells”,
Nanoscale 7(3),1058-1066 (2015).
220. N.Alon, T. Havdata, H. Skaat, K. Baranes, M, Marcus, I. Levy, S. Margel, A. Sharoni and O. Shefi. “Magnetic micro-device for manipulating PC12 cell migration and organization”, N. Alon, T. Havdala, H. Skaat, K. Baranes, M. Marcus, Lab on a Chip 15 (9), 2030–2036 (2015).
221. O. Ziv-Polat, A. Shahar and S. Margel. “Application of iron oxide nanoparticles in neuronal engineering”, Neural Regeneration Research 10 (2), 189 – 191 (2015).
222. S. Rudnick-Glick, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg, R. Yehuda and S. Margel. "Near IR fluorescent conjugated poly(ethylene glycol)bisphosphonate nanoparticles for in vivo bone targeting in a young mouse model".
J. of Nanobiotechnology 13(1), 80-90 (2015).
223. H. steinmatz, M. Natan, E. Banin and S. Margel. “Graft polymerization of styryl bisphosphonate monomer onto polypropylene films for inhibition of biofilm formation. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces. 147, 300-306 (2016).
224. M. Schmitt, J. Choi, C.M. Hui, B. Chen, E. Korkmaz, J. Yan, S.Margel, K. Matyjaszewski and M. Bockstaller “Processing fragile matter: effect of polymer graft modification on the mechanical properties and processibility of nano-particulate solids”, Soft matter 12(15), 3527-3537 (2016).
225. M. Marcus, M. Karni, I. Levy, K. Baranes, N. Alon, S. Margel and O. Shefi,
“Iron oxide nanoparticles for neuronal cell applications - uptake study and
magnetic manipulations”, Journal of Nanobiotechnology 14(1), 37-48 (2016).
226. C. Gelber, S. hen, M. Natan, E. Banin, M. Kolitz-Domb and S. Margel Engineering of new methylstyrene farmin vinylic monomer and crosslinked poly(methylstyrene farmin) nanoparticles of narrow size distribution for
antibacterial and antibiofilm applications. Polymer 100, 95-101 (2016).
227. S. Cohen, C. Gelber, M. Natan, E. Banin, E. Corem-Salkmon and S. Margel.
Synthesis and characterization of crosslinked polyisothiouronium
methylstyrene nanoparticles of narrow size distribution for antibacterial and
antibiofilm applications. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 14 (1), 56-65 (2016).
228. H. Haham, M. Natan, O. Gutman, M. Kolitz-Domb, E. Banin and S. Margel
Engineering of Superparamagnetic Core–Shell Iron Oxide/N-Chloramine, 2016 Nanoparticles for Water Purification. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (28), 18488-18495 (2016).
229. M. Kolitz-Domb, S. Cohen, EC. Salkmon and S Margel. Design of Near Infra-Red Fluorescent Functional Nanoparticles for Diagnosis of Colon Cancer. Recent Advances in Colon Cancer, Chapter 5 (43 pages), Avid Science Publications, 2016. Chapter in a Book.
230. S Rudnick-Glick, E Corem-Salkmon, I Grinberg, S Margel. Targeted drug delivery of near IR fluorescent doxorubicin-conjugated poly (ethylene glycol) bisphosphonate nanoparticles for diagnosis and therapy of primary and
Metastatic bone cancer in a mouse model. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 14(1),
80-90 (2016).
231. Y. Rotenstreich, A. Tzameret, S.E. Kalish, E. Bubis, M. Belkin, I. Moroz, M. Rosner, I. Levy, S. Margel and I. Sher “A minimally invasive adjustable blunt injector for delivery of pharmaceuticals across the extravascular spaces of the choroid in rabbit and pig eyes”. Acta Ophthalmology 95(3), 137-205 (2017).
232. S Cohen, H Haham, M Pellach, S Margel. Design of UV-Absorbing Polypropylene Films with Polymeric Benzotriaziole Based Nano- and Microparticle Coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(1), 868-875 (2017).
233. S. Cohen, I. Laitman, T. Lublin Tennenbaum, M. Natan, E. Banin and S. Margel.
Engineering of crosslinked poly(isothiouronium methylstyrene) microparticles of narrow size distribution for antibacterial applications. Polymers for
Advanced Technologies 28(2), 188-192 (2017).
234. S. Bretler, U. Bretler and S. Margel. Engineering of new spiropyran photochromic fluorescent polymeric nanoparticles of narrow size distribution by emulsion
polymerization process. European Polymer Journal 89, 13-22 (2017).
235. S. Cohen, M. Kolitz‐Domb, H. Haham, C. Gelber, S. Margel. Engineering of UV absorbing polypropylene films containing poly(2-(2′-hydroxy-5′- methacryloxyethylphenyl)-2H-benzotriazole) nanoparticles.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 28(7), 897-904 (2017).
236. A. Tzameret, S.E. Kalish, I.t Sher, L. Twito, A. Meir, . Levy, S. Margel, I. Moroz, M.i Rosner, A. J Treves, A. Nagler, M. Belkin and Y. Rotenstreich. "Long-term safety of transplanting human bone marrow stromal cells into the extravascular spaces of the choroid of rabbits". Stem Cells International doi:10.1155/2017/4061975 (2017).
237. S. Kiel, M. Kolitz-Domb1, E. Corem-Salkmon, I. Grinberg and S. Margel.
"Engineered Doxorubicin Delivery System Using Proteinoid-Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Polymeric Nanoparticles of Narrow Size Distribution and High Molecular Weight for Cancer Treatment". International Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine 2(1),1-11 (2017).
238. N. Tal, S. Rudnick-Glick and S. Margel. "Novel bisphosphonates near infrared fluorescent and non-fluorescent nanoparticles of narrow size distribution for bone targeting". Polymer 132 (6) 188-192 (2017).
239. I. Levy, S. Rudnick-Glick, B. Perlstein and S. Margel; “Engineering of Core and Core/shell Near Infra-Red Fluorescent Iron Oxide and Iron Oxide/Human Serum Albumin Nanoparticles of Narrow Size Distribution for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy” Advances in Anti-Cancer Drugs, Avid Science(2017). Chapter 2 in a Book.
240. C. Gelber, S. Cohen, S. Rudnick-Glick and S. Margel. "Synthesis and characterization of functional nano/micro-particles for antibacterial & antibiofouling applications". Current updates in Biomaterials, Avid Sciences (2017) Chapter in a Book.
241. A. Belostozky, M. Kolitz Domb, I. Grinberg, H. Haham and S. Margel; “Engineering of new UV-blocking hollow poteinoid nanoparticles of narrow size distribution containing all-trans retinoic acid for biomedical applications”, Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, 8(5):1-9 (2017).
242. S. Rudnick-Glick, N. Tal, E. Corem-Slakman, I. Grinberg, E. Gluz and S. Margel “Synthesis and Characterization of Bisphosphonate Nano/Micro-Particles for Bone Cancer Targeting and Therapy”. Advances in Anti-Cancer Drugs, Avid Science (2017). Chapter 1 in a Book.
243. A. Belostozky, M. Kolitz-Domb, I. Grinberg, H. Haham and S. Margel.
“Engineering of new UV-blocking hollow proteinoid nanoparticles of narrow size distribution containing all-trans retinoic acid for biomedical applications”. Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, 8(5), 2017 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7439.1000462
244. Engineering of New Proteinoids and Proteinoid Nanoparticles of Narrow Size Distribution for Anti-fog Applications Sason E#, Kolitz-Domb M#, Cohen, S., Grinberg, I. and Margel, S.
245. N. Tal, S. Rudnick-Glick, I. Grinberg, M. Natan, E. Banin and S. Margel. “Engineering of a new bisphosphonate monomer and nanoparticles of narrow size distribution for antibacterial applications”. ACS Omega, 3 (2), 1458–1469 (2018).
245. Michal Kolitz-Domb and Shlomo Margel. "Recent Advances of Novel Proteinoids and Proteinoid Nanoparticles and Their Applications in Biomedicine and Industrial Uses". In press, Israel Journal of Chemistry (2018).
246. Anna Belostozky, Sharon Bretler. Michal Kolitz-Domb, Igor Grinberg I and Shlomo Margel. "Solidification of Oil Liquids by Encapsulation within Porous Hollow Silica Microspheres of Narrow Size Distribution for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications". Submitted to Colloids and Polymers (2018).
247. Anna Belostozky, Sharon Bretler. Michal Kolitz-Domb and Shlomo Margel.
"Solidification of Non-halogen Fire-retardant Liquid by Encapsulation within Porous Hollow Silica Microspheres of Narrow Size Distribution for Flame-retardant Applications". Submitted to Chemical Engineering Science (2018).
248. Giji Sadhasivam, Chen Gelber, Varda Zakin, Shlomo Margel and Orr H. Shapiro. " Selective activity of N-halamine derivatized nanoparticles against bloom-forming cyanobacteria". Submitted to Water Research (2018).
1. Microencapsulation.
The Center for Professional Advancement, May 1986, Amsterdam.
Course Director: Prof. Robert E. Sparks.
2. How to Make Microcapsules (lab. course).
Washington University, St. Louis, USA. April 1987.
Course Director: Prof. Curt Thies
3. Thin Solid Films.
Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, August 1990.
Course Directors: Dr. C.J. Brinker et. al.
4. Adehesion Science and Technology.
Technion-Israel Inst., Ramat-Gan, June 1995.
Course Director: Dr. K.L. Mittal.
1. Introduction to Macromolecules
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
2. Monomolecular Coatings and Surface Chemistry.
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
3. Biochemistry.
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
4. General Chemistry to Geography Students.
5. Polymer Chemistry, Bromine Industry Ltd., Beer Sheva, Jan-Feb. 2005
1. A. Rembaum and S. Margel. Polyglutaraldehyde microspheres. U.S. Patent No. 4,267,235 (12.5.81).
2. S. Margel and U, Beitler. Process for the production of polyacrolein microspheres and grafted microspheres. Israel Patent No. 63220, U.S. Patent No. 4,552,812, German Appl. No. P3224484.3 (30.6.82).
3. S. Margel and U. Beitler. Polyacrolein type microspheres. U.S. Patent No. 4,783,336 (1998).
4. S. Margel. Process for the production of polyacrolein microspheres by redox polymerization. Israel Patent of Addition No. 70003 (30.4.87).
5. S. Margel. Preparation of polyacrolein microspheres in high yield. Israel Patent of Addition No. 70004 (30.4.87),U.S. Patent No.4,677,138.
6. S. Margel. Polyaldehyde microspheres grafted on polymeric substrates. Israel Patent of Addition No. 67619 (1987).
7. S. Margel. Reactions and use of hybrido polyacrolein microspheres. Israel Appl. No. 67865 (8.2.83).
8. S. Margel. Agarose-polyaldehyde beads and their biological applications: affinity chromatography, hemoperfusion, cell separation, etc. Israel Patent No. 65131 (1.1.89), U.S. Patent No. 4,732,811 (1988), Japanese Appl. No. 30656/83 (25.2.83), E.P.O. Patent No. 0087786 (24.6.87).
9. S. Margel. A method for removing components of biological fluids. Applications: affinity chromatography. U.S. Appl. No. 922,021 (22.10.86).
10. S. Margel and J. Hirsch. A novel analysis of total inorganic and organic mercury. Israel Appl. No. 68223 (24.3.83).
11. S. Margel. Metal coated polyaldehyde microspheres. Israel Patent No. 618494 (1989), U.S. Patent No. 4,624,923 (1986), E.P.O. Appl. No. 85106996.3 (5.6.85).
12. S. Margel. Cell culturing with agarose-polyacrolein microsphere beads. U.S. Appl. No. 612308 (20.5.84).
13. S. Margel. Improved agarose-polyaldehyde microspheres beads. Israel Patent Appl. No.
14. S. Margel. Supported microspheres. Israel Patent Appl. No. 100105 (Jan. 1990), U.S. Patent Appl. No. 15,383 (Dec. 1992), Canada Patent Appl. No. 15,839 (Dec. 1992), Japan Patent Appl. No. 15840 (Dec. 1992), Europe Patent Appl. No. 15841 (Dec. 1992).
15. S. Margel and S. Sturchak. Bioactive-cellulose conjugates and their use for wound treatment. U.S. Patent 5,855,987 (1999), Israel Patet Appl. No. 104734 (1993), Canada Patent Appl. No. 94300991.0 (Feb. 1994), Europe Patent Appl. No. 18379 (Feb. 1994), Japan Appl. No. 18380 (Feb. 1994), Mexico Patent Appl. No. 18381 (Feb. 1994).
16. S. Margel and H. Bamnolker. Synthesis and use of new magnetic and non-magnetic solid and hollow microspheres. U.S. patent 6,103,379 (2,000), Israel Patent Appl. No. 111186 (1994), WO 96/11054.
17. S. Margel and S. Sturchak. Bioactive conjugates of cellulose with amino compounds I. U.S. Patent 5,516,673 (1996).
18. S. Margel and S. Sturchak. Bioactive conjugates of cellulose with amino compounds II. U.S. Patent 5,855,987 (1999).
19. S. Margel and I. Burdigin. Bioactive cellulose conjugates formed by activation with 1,1-carbonyldiimidazole and their use for wound healing. Israel Patent Application (1996).
20. S. Margel and S. Gura. Nucleation and growth of magnetic metal oxide nanoparticles of controlled size distribution and its use. WO/99/62079, EC 1088315 (2003); Israel 139638 (2006).
21. S. Margel, L. Sheichat and T. Tennenbaum. Biological glues based on thrombin conjugated nanoparticles. WO/2004/045494, US Patent 7550282 (June 2009).
22. S. Margel and A. Galperin. New core and core-shell nanoparticles containing iodine for X-ray imaging applications (Israel Patent Application 167861/2005); WO 2006/106513 A2
23. H. Seliger and M. Hinz, S. Margel, P. Lapido, "Verfahren zur Erzeugung von mit Nanopartikeln verbundenen Substanzen mit Hilfe von reversiblen Bindungen an Trägermaterialien" German Application Number DE10 2006 022 752.2.
24. S. Margel, C Brody and B. Perlstein, " New stabilized TRAIL conjugates for imaging, targeting and therapy of gliomas. PCT/IL2008/001286, WO 2009/040811
25. S. Margel, D. Mizrahi and E. Gluz. . “Bisphosphonates Vinylic Monomers and Polymers and Uses Thereof. PCT/1B2013/054135, WO2013/176385A1
26. S. Margel and D. Amara. Superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic nano and micrometer-sized polymericand carbon particles of narrow size distribution based on the decomposition of ferrocene. Provisional patent application No. 61/457954, Ref. 43-006 US (July 2012).
27. S. Margel, S. Cohen, E. Corem, and M. Pellach. Near IR albumin nanoparticles for biomedical applications. US provisional patent 13/550937 (2012).
28. S. Margel, O. Ziv-Polat, H. Skaat, and A. Shahar. Novel nanocomposite gels and fibrin scaffolds for cell implantation and tissue engineering. US provisional patent application no. 61678109 ( August 2012).
29. S. Bartling, S. Margel and H. Haviv. Multimodal visible polymer embolization material. German patent application 20120184642 (2012).
30. S. Margel and O. Mero. Novel Conducting and Non-Conducting Magnetic Thin Coatings by CVD or Decomposition of Metal Carbonyl Precursors. Provisional US patent application 61/603973 (28/2/12).
31. S. Margel and C. Biton. Synthesis and characterization of Bi2O3 core-shell nanoparticles for x-ray imaging applications. US provisional application 61/711753 (10/10/12).
32. S. Margel, E. Banin, O. Gutman and M. Natan. “Polyamide nanoparticles and uses thereof”. WO/2015/111055
33. S. Margel, B. Perlstein, C. Brodie and T. Mikkelsen. “Polymer nanoparticles coated by magnetic metal oxide and uses thereof”. US Patent 9,295,736 (2016).
34. S. Margel, S. Cohen; “UV-absorbing polymeric particles”. U.S. patent application 62/313,842 (2016).
35. S. Margel, S. Cohen; “Antimicrobial polymeric particles”. U.S. patent application 62/313,838 (2016).
36. S. Margel, M. Kolitz Domb and E. Sason. "Anti-fogging proteinoids and
composition comprising same". US patent application 2017/0042627 A1
37. S. Margel, M, Kolitz Domb, etc. “Proteinoid compounds, process of preparing
same and uses thereof”. US patent application 0042827 (2017).
38. S. Margel, Sharon Bretler, Sarit Cohen and Naftali Kanovsky. "In-situ thin coating of silica particles onto plastic films and their applications" US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/645,839 (2018).
קבוצת מחקר
1. R. Azhari. M.Sc. Thesis: Extracorporeal specific removal of paraquat (1984).
2. D. Horowitz, M.Sc. Thesis: Iron detoxification by hemoperfusion (1984).
3. M. Shahar, M.Sc. Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of reactive derivatives of polystyrene microspheres (1984).
4. M. Tenenbaum, M.Sc. Thesis: Design, synthesis, characterization and applications of polymeric microspheres based on methyl(hydroxymethyl) acrylate (1991).
5. O. Sivan, M.Sc. Thesis: Functionalized, organized, coated monolayers: design, synthesis and applications (1991).
6. R. Binnes, M.Sc. Thesis (in collaboration with Professor A. Gedanken): Monomolecular coatings capable of molecular and chiral selectivity (1994).
7. Y. Dolitzky, Ph.D. Thesis: Monodispersed reactive polymeric microspheres covalently bound in a monolayer structure onto solid supports: synthesis, characterization and applications (1994).
8. E. Ben-Bassat, M.Sc. Thesis: Characterization and uses of colloids containing phenyl-chloromethyl functionality (1994).
9. B. Nizan, M.Sc. Thesis: Functionalized colloids: design, synthesis, characterization, and biomedical functionality (1994).
10. S. Brandris, Ph.D. Thesis: Polymeric microspheres coated with organized, close-packed w-functionalized monolayers as novel model surfaces for studying surface interactions (1996).
11. H. Bamnolker, Ph.D. Thesis: Solid and hollow, magnetic and non-magnetic, organic-inorganic hybrid microspheres: synthesis, characterization and use (1996).
12. R. Krasnikov, M.Sc. Thesis (in collaboration with Professor A. Gedanken): Monolayer and multilayer self-assembled functional coatings with molecular recognition capability (1996).
13. V. Reznikov, Ph.D. Thesis: Bioactive polymeric surfaces: preparation, characterization and use for treatment of wounds (1997).
14. G. Mandel, M.Sc. Thesis: Bioactive polymers and their use for wound healing (1997).
15. O. Melamed, Ph.D. Thesis: Poly α-amino acids microspheres (2002).
16. M. Kedem, Ph.D. Thesis: Synthesis, characterization, surface modification and use of nanoparticles containing chloromethyl groups (2001).
17. S. Gura, Ph.D. Thesis: Synthesis, characterization and use of new functional magnetic nanoparticles (2000).
18. M. Zuberi, M.Sc. Thesis (in collaboration with Prof. S. Grossman from the Life Sciences. Dept.): Immobilized enzymes on nanoparticles (1999).
19. S. Wizel, Ph.D. Thesis (in collaboration with Prof. A. Gedanken): Ultrasonic polymerization (2001).
20. B. Nitzan, Ph.D. Thesis: Functional colloids: design, synthesis, characterization and biomedical applications (1999).
21. L. Bogoslavsky, Ph.D. Thesis: Polyacrylonitrile nanoparticles (2003).
22. L. Sheihet, Ph.D. Thesis: Bioactive polymers: synthesis, characterization and use for hemostasis (2002).
23. Y. Boguslavski, M.Sc Surface modification of silica and magnetite nanoparticles (2003).
24. N. Fraiman, M.Sc. Titania nanoparticles – synthesis, surface modification and applications (2003).
25. T. Zimrin, M.Sc. Studying water permeability and solubility in polymeric microelectronic packaging, component failure and its delay (2004).
26. R. Ben-Shabat, M.Sc. (together with Uri Nir) Magnetic nanoparticles in gene therapy (2004).
27. S. Haber, M.Sc. Conductive polypyrole nano & micro-particles (2004).
28. R. Ben-Shabat, M.Sc. (together with Uri Nir): Magnetic nanoparticles in gene therapy (2004).
29. M. Zuberi, Ph.D. Thesis: Design, preparation, characterization and special applications of new functional materials of controlled properties based on micron-sized template polystyrene microspheres of narrow size distribution (2005).
30. U. Akiva, Ph.D. Multiphase functional non-spherical microparticles of narrow size distribution: synthesis, characterization and uses (2005).
31. V. Shuster, M.Sc. Micro & nano-scaled particles for wound healing (2005).
32. S. Baruch, M.Sc. Nano-scaled multiphase functional particles (2005).
33. A. Galperin, Ph.D. Synthesis, characterization and use of X-ray contrast agents, nano-and micro-particles (2006).
33. E. Partouche, Ph.D. Grafted nano- and micro-scaled particles (2007).
34. N. Shpaizmann, Ph.D. Synthesis, characterization and application of iron nano- and micro-particles (2007).
35. N. Fraiman, Ph.D. Solid & hollow titania nano and micro-particles synthesis, surface modification and applications (2007).
36. Y. Boguslavski, Ph.D. Surface modification of silica and magnetite magnetite nanoparticles (2008).
37. M. Rotem, M.Sc. Two & three dimensional molecular imprinting nano- & micron-scaled particles (2008).
38. P. Lapido, Ph.D. Micro & nano-particles for industrial applications (2008).
39. H. Skaat, M.Sc. Acceleration and inhibition of amyloid fibril formation by functional nanoparticles (2008).
40 Chagit Biton, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of nano and micro-scaled particles as contrast agents for X-ray applications (2008).
41. Eran Gluz, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles for diagnostics and therapy of bone cancer (2008).
42. Ron Snovski, M.Sc. Magnetic and non-magnetic micrometer-sized carbon particles of narrow size distribution and controlled properties (2008).
43. J. Goldstein, M.Sc. Multiphase functional nano- & micro-scaled particles of narrow size distribution: preparation, characterization and industrial uses (2009).
44. R. Ben-Shabat, Ph.D. (together with Uri Nir): Magnetic nanoparticles in gene therapy (2009).
45. T. Zimrin, Ph.D. Studying water permeability and solubility in polymeric microelectronic packaging, component failure and its delay (2009).
46. B. Perelstein, Ph.D. MRI targeting with magnetic nanoparticles (2009).
47. O. Ziv, Ph.D. Thrombin conjugated magnetic and albumin nanoparticles and biomedical applications: hemostasis, wound healing and bone regeneration (2009).
48. D. Amara, M.Sc. Synthesis, characterization and uses of elemental iron nano and micron- scaled particles (2009).
49. M. Omer, Ph.D. Gels and nano- & micro-particles of metal oxides (2009)
50. Sigal Baruch, Ph.D. Nano- & micron-scaled multiphase functional particles and applications (2009).
51. Michal Pelach, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of dyed micrometer-sized polystyrene particles for imaging applications (2009).
52. Inna Laitman, M.Sc. Anti-biofouling graft polymers and nanoparticles (2009).
53. Gilhad Shafir, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of Factor IIV-conjugated nanoparticles for hemostasis applications (2009).
54. Ori Gutman, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and coating containing dimethylhydantoin for inhibition of biofouling processes (2009).
55. On Mero, M.Sc. Synthesis of thin magnetic conductive thin film coatings based on CVD of Fe and Co precursors (2010).
56. Avital Haft (with Sigal Sharabani, The Biological Institute, Nes Ziona), M.Sc.Reduction of chemical bonds by bacteria of the colon (2010).
57. Sharon Bretler, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of photochromic nano & micrometer-scaled particles of narrow size distribution (2011).
58. Hadas Skaat, Ph.D. Effect of surface modified maghemite nanoparticles on amyloid fibril formation: implications on neurodegenerative diseases (2012).
59. Daniel Amara, Ph.D. Synthesis, characterization and uses of elemental iron nano and micron-scaled particles (2012).
60. Tami Gordon, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nano- and micrometer sized particles for environmental applications (2012).
61. Hila Revach. M.Sc. Encapsulation of explosives for security (2012).
62. Nataly Hasmamedov. M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of soluble and soluble functional polyethylene glycol polymer for bio-medical applications (2012).
63. Jenny Goldstein, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of nano & micrometer-scaled particles of narrow size distribution for industrial applications (2012).
64. Jenny Tolululu, M.Sc., Synthesis and characterization of near IR fluorescent bioactive polystyrenemicrospheres of narrow size distribution for biomedical applications (2012).
65. Itay Levy, M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of uniform iron oxide nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and therapy (2013).
66. Sarit Cohen. Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of near IR fluorescent albumin nanoparticles for early colon cancer diagnosis (2013).
66. Chagit Biton, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of nano- and micrometer- scaled particles as contrast agents for X-ray applications (2013).
62. Michal Kulitz. Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of proteinoids and proteinoid-polt(lactic acid) polymers and nano/micro-particles for biomedical applications (2014).
67. Michal Pellach, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of dyed micrometer-sized polystyrene particles for imaging applications (2014).
68. Eran Gluz, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles for diagnostics and therapy of bone cancer (2014).
68. Eina Leitman, Ph.D. Anti-biofouling graft polymers and nanoparticles (2014).
70. Ron Snovski, Ph.D. Magnetic and non-magnetic micrometer-sized carbon particles of narrow size distribution and controlled properties (2014).
71. Ori Gutman, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of anti-bacterial nanoparticles and coatings (2014).
72. On Mero, Ph.D. Synthesis of magnetic conductive thin film coatings and nanoparticles based on CVD of Fe precursors (2014).
74. Uriel Bretler, Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of flame retardant nano/micro-particles (2014).
77. David Lala, M.Sc., Engineered new carbon dioxide nano/micro adsorbents (2014).
78. Hannah Steinmetz, M.Sc. Graft polymerization of the vinylic monomer styryl bisphosphonate onto polypropylene films for biomedical applications.
79. Chen Gelber. M.Sc. Synthesis and characterization of the monomer methylstyrene farmin and nano/micro-spheres from poly(methylstyrene farmin) and their anti-bacterial properties.
73. Sharon Bretler, Ph.D. Synthesis, characterization and applications of photochromic films and nano & micrometer-scaled particles of narrow size distribution.
80. Safra Rudnick Glick. Ph.D. Engineering of bisphosphonate nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
81. Stella Kiel, Ph.D., Engineering of basic proteinoids and proteinoids nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
82. Hai Haham. Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of Fe\C and Fe\Pd\C nanoparticles for environmental remediation applications.
83. Itay Levy, Ph.D.. Engineered iron oxide nanoparticles of narrow size distributionfor cancer diagnosis and therapy.
84. Nimrod Tal. Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of water soluble polybisphosponates for medical applications”.
85. Elishava Sasson. M.Sc. Synthesis of acidic proteinoids and nano/micro-partyicles for biomedical applications.
86. Michal Nathan. Ph.D. Bacterial targeting and killing mechanism by stable N-halamine crosslinked polymethacrylamide nanoparticles.
87. Sofia Levy. Ph.D. Synthesis and characterization of nano- and micrometer- scaled particles as contrast agents for X-ray applications
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 19/05/2022