New in science

“The Scent of Success: Solving a Long-Standing Chemical Mystery”  Read more on Professor Dan Major’s and his research group new discovery. The study, authored by Renana Schwartz, Shani Zeev, and Professor Dan Major, was recently published in the prestigious journal Angewandte Chemie

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Date: 30/04/2024



New approach, developed by Prof. Shai Rahimipour, of Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Chemistry, together with Italian scientists Profs. Angelo Monguzzi and Marcello Campione from the University of Milano-Bicocca, offers potential avenue for early intervention in Alzheimer’s disease.

Prof. Shai Rahimipour picture

This research, funded in part by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, was recently published in the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials.


Date: 30/04/2024


Computational modeling in fight against corona virus

A 6-membered team from the Major group conducted a large benchmark study of ligand-protein docking methods to establish which work best for the main protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2. This work, which is published in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (American Chemical Society), will help researchers in academia and industry choose methods for new anti-viral design targeting coronaviruses. In this study, the researchers showed that the BIU-developed, ligand-protein docking software (EnzyDock) does very well for these systems, and better than most established methods in the field. 

This article was on the top most read list in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling with well over 12,000 article views during the last 7 months of 2021!

Prof. Major group picture


Israelische Startups: In Zukunft Augentropfen statt Brille

Audiatur Online (Switzerland) published a translation of a Israel 21c article on Nano-Drops, invented by Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, of the Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Moshe Lellouche, of the Department of Chemistry and Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), and Dr. David Smadja, a research associate at BINA.

Date: 2018-09-17




O fim dos óculos? Experimento usa colírio com nanopartículas para corrigir miopia

Gizmodo Brazil published an article about Nano-Drops invented by Prof. Jean-Paul Lellouche, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Vice Dean of the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. David Smadja, Research Associate at the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials.

Date: 2018-09-04 



These nano eye drops could make glasses and contacts obsolete

The Week Magazine published an article about Nano-Drops invented by Prof. Jean-Paul Moshe Lellouche, of the Department of Chemistry, Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. David Smadja, of the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials and Shaare Zedek Hospital.

Date: 2018-09-04




Scientists learn to repair human bones by studying coral reefs

Nexus Media and Popular Science published articles about new research on corals conducted by Prof. Gil Goobes, of the Department of Chemistry, and team. The research was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

Date: 2018-09-04 



Nanodrug tames leishmaniasis and other parasitic diseases

Israel 21c published an article about a nanodrug developed by Vice President for Research Prof.  Shulamit Michaeli and Prof. Jean-Paul (Moshe) Lellouche, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), to treat Leishmaniasis, a disease of which there has recently been an outbreak in Israel. The Jewish Voice republished Israel 21c's article.

Date: 2018-09-04 



Nano-Drops May Offer New Alternative to Current Methods of Vision Correction

Ramat Gan, Israel — A revolutionary, cutting-edge technology, developed by researchers at Bar-Ilan University’s, has the potential to provide a new alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses, and laser correction for refractive errors.

The technology, known as Nano-Drops, was developed by Dr. David Smadja (Ophthalmologist from Shaare Zedek Medical Center), Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, from Bar-Ilan’s Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, and Prof. Jean-Paul Moshe Lellouche, Head of the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan.

Date: 2018-03-08 
