Electron Spin Resonance - ESR (EPR) Unit

Contact:    Dr. Ronit Lavi       03-7384598       Ronit.Lavi@mail.biu.ac.il

                   Prof. Sharon Ruthstein  


 The BIU EPR centre is equipped with the state of the art instrumentation.

The equipments that we have can provide the resources necessary for contemporary research of paramagnetic metals (i.e.: Cu(II), Mn(II/III/IV), Fe(II/III) etc'),  organic radicals, Oxygen and Nitroxide radicals in biology research, oxidative stress, antioxidants, bioinorganic complexes, changes in structure of paramagnetic electrode, identification and structure of paramagnetic nano particles, comparing size of nano particles, protein having paramagnetic atoms and structural biology. 


The EPR research centre allows a number of groups from Chemistry, Physics and Biology from BIU in which several research projects are being performed.



We have been using currently the Bruker EMX EPR 100d X-band Spectrometer. This spectrometer is a continuous wave (CW) spectrometer, operating at 9.5 GHz, 30 mm with the centre of magnetic field at around 3300 G. It can operate between 150 K to 400 K and is been used for spin trap EPR, metal complexes and radicals, metal alloys and for guiding graduated students.


Elexsys 500:

Recently we inaugurated the state-of-the-art EPR spectrometer, the Bruker Elexsys 500 system. The Elexsys EPR is a continuous wave (CW) spectrometer which has the capability of various experiments, from 4 K to 400 K, from instant to overnight measurements in the continuous wave (CW) X band ( 9.5 GHz,  30 mm with center of magnetic field at around 3300 G ) and Q band (32 GHz,  8.5 mm with center of magnetic field at around 12000 G ).


Pulse EPR:

Pulsed X-band and Q-band EPR spectrometer, Bruker Elexsys E580 system has been recently purchased. The spectrometer is operating at temperatures 4-300K, and has also ELDOR channel for nano-meter distance measurements. Typically pulsed EPR experiments that can be conducted are: ESEEM, HYSCORE, DEER, DQC, and relaxation measurements.


Read More about ESR here.

Read About our REASERCH GROUPS here.


The ESR Unit can be found at room 12 building 211.