Full Professor

Prof. Adi Salomon

Full Professor
Bldg. 206, Room 235. Laboratory telephone: 03-7384236

    Adi Salomon obtained her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Tel Aviv University and received her PhD from the department of Materials and Interfaces at Weizmann Institute of Science with David Cahen. There she got a scientific background on surface chemistry, semiconductors and electron transport through organic molecules. Then she went to  Strasbourg,   working with Thomas Ebbesen on Interaction between molecules and surface plasmons.  Her research was the first to demonstrate the dynamics of interaction between surface plasmons and molecules throughout the development of a new surface photochemistry. Later on, at the WIS, together with Yehiam Prior, Tamar Seideman, Robert Gordon and Maxim Shukaharev, they have developed a new model to explain interactions between molecules which are immersed in the ‘plasmonic field’.

    Current research in Salomon's lab is on interaction between molecules at light at the nano scale, and real time imaging  of electrodes surfaces as part of INREP group.



    2002-2007       Ph.D. Weizmann Inst. of Science.  Advisor: Prof. David Cahen


    1999-2001      M.Sc. Weizmann Inst. of Science.  Advisor: Prof. David Cahen


    1996-1999      B.Sc.  Chemistry. Tel–Aviv University.


    Research positions:

    2010 - 2013     A joint Post-doc at the chemical physics department, Weizmann Institute, and Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) de Cachan, Paris, France. Host: Prof. Yehiam Prior and Prof. Joseph Zyss.

    2007-2009       Post-doc., Laboratorie des Nanostructures, ISIS, University Louis Pasteur (ULP). Host :Prof. Thomas W. Ebbesen




    krill Prize (wolf foundation)               2018

    • 2010                Clore fellowship for postdoctoral studies.
    • 2008                Sara Lee Schupf  Awards
    • 2008                Chateaubriand fellowship
    • 2007                Rothschild   fellowship                                       
    • 2007                Recognition from the Israeli parliament
    • 2007                John F. Kennedy prize.
    • 2007                Schmitt prize for best PhD thesis.
    • 2006                Feinberg Grad. School Dean's list of excellence.
    • 2005                Israeli Vacuum Society, best student lecture award
    • 2004                Feinberg Grad. School Dean's list of excellence.
    • 2003                Clore Fellowship.
    • 1998                De-Shalit excellence scholarship.



    Salomon lab combined unique expertise both in surface chemistry and in nanophotonics. We design and  synthesis hybrid materials which are based on adsorption of molecules on  metallic nano structures, aiming to new molecular systems with specific optical  properties. Using state of the art fabrication technique available at BINA nano center and wet chemistry, we fabricate metallic nano-structures (particles or holes). Such metallic nano structures act as antenna for the light energy and thus enhance and focus the light field at specific frequencies, much depending on the metallic geometrical parameters.  Molecules located in proximity to such surfaces are experienced a very strong field and thus their physical/photo-physical properties are altered.  We studied those unique properties by optical set-up’s available at Salomon’s lab where the idea is to achieve control on the photo-chemical processes of the studied molecular system. Long rang energy transfer processes between molecules, photochemistry on surfaces, energy conversion systems and non linear optical properties are examples for on-going researches at Salomon Lab.  Salomon Lab is also part of the INREP group, collaboration between several leading groups in the field of batteries for electrical cars.



    Research topics: plasmonics,  molecules-surface plasmons interaction, molecular dynamics, strong coupling systems. Near field spectroscopy, Second  Harmonic Generation (SHG)


    1. Fabrication of Metallic nanostructures

    Development of unique technique for fabrication of metallic nanostructures

    We fabricate and/or synthesis our own metallic nanostructures!

    The sample quality is highly important and imperfections may degrade the performance.

    We use state-of the art fabrication techniques such as Focus Ion Beam (FIB).


    Figure 1:  examples of nano-structures milled in Ag, Au and Al using FIB.

     see also:


         2. Properties of metallic nanostructures

    What happens when the metallic particles are smaller than the wavelength of light?

    Much before scientists set down to study the unique properties metallic nano particles, they have been used by artists in color glass windows.

    The colors we see are due to excitation of surface plasmons, which are coherent oscillations of the metal free electrons.  These frequencies, at which the electrons oscillate, depend on the metal type, the environment, its size and its shape.

    Holes milled in thin metallic films, are complementary structures to nano particles.  They lead to the same phenomena of localized and enhanced of electromagnetic field and colorful metallic surfaces.


    We study the unique linear and nonlinear properties of these metallic systems when they interact with light.

    Applications: nano antennas, nanolasers, biosensors


    3.  Long range dipole-dipole interaction between molecules

    In the free space interaction between molecules occurs when they are in close proximity to each other (touching).

    We will try to reach long range interaction between molecules by using surface plasmon modes as a mediator for the energy.


    see also:


    4.  Organization of molecular systems and/or nanoparticles on surfaces.

    1. The project deals with organization of molecules, polymers, nano particles or clusters  on surfaces.
    2. The project deals with organization of metallic nano particles on surfaces using ligands to connect between the nanoparticles

    Applications: medicine and biosensor



    5. Batteries for electrical cars

    As part of the INREP group, we are working on improving Batteries for electrical cars;

    Our goal is to determine the changes in interfacial potential and surface charge densities of the Si anode in order to improve the no of cycles. We are currently built a unique optical set-up for characterization.



    1. From Individual to coupled metallic nanocavities. Salomon, A., Prior, Y., Kolkowski, R., Zyss, J., submitted.
    2. Role of mode degeneracy in molecule-surface plasmon strong coupling. Salomon A., Wang, S., Hutchison, J.A., Genet, C., Ebbesen, T.W. accepted ChemPhysChem 2013
    3. Size Resonances in Second Harmonic Generation from Plasmonic triangular Nano-Cavities. Salomon, A., Zielinski, M., Kolkowski, R., Zyss, J. and Prior,Y., 2012 http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.6191 
    4. Collective Plasmonic-Molecular Modes in the Strong Coupling Regime. Salomon, A., Gordon R. J., Prior, Y., Seideman, T., Sukharev, M., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109, 073002, 2012 http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.073002
    5. Epitaxial 2-D Aluminum Films on Silicon (111) by Ultra-Fast Thermal deposition Levine, I., Yoffe, A., Salomon, A., Li, W., Feldman, Y. and Vilan, A. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, accepted, 2012 http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v111/i12/p124320_s1
    6. Molecules on Si: Electronics with Chemistry
      Vilan, A., Yaffe, O., Biller, A, Salomon, A., Kahn, A., and Cahen, D.  ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 22, Issue: 2, Pages: 140-159, 2010 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.200901834/pdf
    7. Molecule – light complex: dynamics of hybrid molecule – surface plasmon states. Salomon, A., Genet, C. and Ebbesen, TW. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 48,  Pages: 8749-8751, 2009 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.200903191/abstract
    8. Temperature-dependent electronic transport through alkyl chain monolayers: Evidence for a molecular signature
      Salomon, A., Shpaisman, H., Seitz, O., Boecking, T. and  Cahen, D.
      JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, Volume: 112, Issue: 10, Pages: 3969-3974,  2008 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp710985b
    9. Thiol-terminated monolayers on oxide-free Si: Assembly of semiconductor-alkyl-S-metal junctions
      Bocking, T., Salomon, A., Cahen, D. and Gooding J.J. LANGMUIR, Volume: 23,   Pages: 3236-3241, 2007     
    10. What is the barrier for tunneling through alkyl monolayers? Results from n- and p-Si-Alkyl/Hg junctions
      A. Salomon, T. Boecking , O. Seitz ,T. Markus,  F. Amy, C. Chan , W. Hao , D. Cahen, A. Kahn. ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 19, Issue: 3, Pages: 445, 2007 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.200601729/abstract
    11. How important is the interfacial chemical bond for electron transport through alkyl chain monolayers?
      Salomon, A., Bocking, T., Gooding, J. and Cahen D., NANO LETTERS, Volume: 6, Pages: 2873-2876, 2006 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl062089y
    12. Radiation damage to alkyl chain monolayers on semiconductor substrates investigated by electron spectroscopy ,Fabrice Amy, Calvin K. Chan, Wei Zhao, Jaehyung Hyung, Masaki Ono, Tomoki Sueyoshi, Satoshi Kera, Guy Nesher, Adi Salomon, Lior Segev, Oliver Seitz, Hagay Shpaisman, Achim Schöll, Marc Haeming, Till Böcking, David Cahen, Leeor Kronik, Nobuo Ueno, Eberhard Umbach, and Antoine Kahn. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Volume: 110, Issue: 43, Pages: 21826-21832,  2006 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp063614k
    13. Electronic structure of Si(111)-bound alkyl monolayers: Theory and experiment
      Segev, A. Salomon, A. Natan, D. Cahen, L. Kronic, F. Amy, C. Chan and A. Kahn PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 74, 165323, 2006 http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v74/i16/e165323
    14. Importance of monolayer quality for interpreting current transport through organic   molecules: Alkyls on oxide-free Si
      Seitz, O., Bocking, T., Salomon, A., Gooding, J.J. and Cahen, D.
       LANGMUIR, Volume: 22, Issue: 16, Pages: 6915-6922, 2006
    15. How do electronic carriers cross Si-bound alkyl monolayers?
      Salomon, A., Boecking, T., Chan, C.K., Amy F., Girshevitz O., Cahen, D. and Kahn, A., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 95, Issue: 26, page: 266807, 2005 http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.266807
    16. Stable room-temperature molecular negative differential resistance based on molecule-electrode interface chemistry,  Salomon, A.,  Arad-Yellin, R., Shanzer, A., Karton, A. and  Cahen, D., JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,   Volume: 126, Pages: 11648-11657, 2004 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja049584l
    17. Comparison of electronic transport measurements on organic molecules
      Salomon, A., Cahen, D., Lindsay, S., Tomfohr, J., Engelkes, V.B. and Frisbie, C.D.
      ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 15, Issue: 22, Pages: 1881-1890, 2003
    18. Molecular modification of an ionic semiconductor-metal interface: ZnO/molecule/Au diodes, Salomon, A.  Berkovich, D. and Cahen, D.
      APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume: 82, Issue: 7, Pages: 1051-1053, 2003 http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v82/i7/p1051_s1
    19. Voltage-driven changes in molecular dipoles yield negative differential resistance at room temperature, Selzer, Y.  Salomon, A., Ghabboun, J., and Cahen, D. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, Volume: 41, Issue: 5, Page: 827, 2002
    20. The importance of chemical bonding to the contact for tunneling through alkyl chains Selzer, Y., Salomon, A., Cahen, D., JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Volume: 106, Issue: 40, Pages: 10432-10439, 2002 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp026324m
    21. Tuning electronic properties of semiconductors by adsorption of [60] fullerene carboxylic acid derivatives,  Bonifazi, D., Salomon, A., Enger, O., Diederich, F. and  Cahen, D., ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 14, Issue: 11, Pages: 802-805, 2002 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/1521-4095%2820020605%2914:11%3C802::AID-ADMA802%3E3.0.CO;2-%23/abstract
    22. Effect of molecule-metal electronic coupling on through-bond hole tunneling across metal-organic monolayer-semiconductor junctions.  Selzer, Y., Salomon, A. and  Cahen, D., JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.   Volume: 124, Issue: 12, Pages: 2886-2887, 2002  http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja0177511 




    מוליכים למחצה


    סמסטר ב', תשע"ד, ראשון 10:00-12:00









    Fermi level, Brillouin zone




    Electrons and holes




    Conduction and Valance bands




    Doping, impurities and density of states




    High/low band gap S.C. and quantum effects




    Metal/S.C. interfaces




     The Schottky  equation




    Controlling interfaces with chemistry




    P/N junction




    Towards applications: diodes, solar cells, LED




    Towards applications: diodes, solar cells, LED




    Towards applications:  semiconductors lasers




    New directions – plasmonics and semiconductors




    Student presentations



    • Micron-size plasmonic color sorter. A. Salomon, A. Weissman, E, Segal. PCT/IL2017/050756, (US 2018008029A1), (2016).                                                                      

    • Nanoporous metal-based film supported on aerogel substrate and methods for the preparation thereof. A. Salomon, R. Ron. Patent No. 62/208,846, (US20160331874A1), (2014).

    Research Group

    Lab Manager:

    Racheli Ron


    PhD Students:


    Hanna Aharon

    Mail: hannah.aharon@biu.ac.il
    Fields of research:
    Fields of research:
    Elad Segal

    Mail: elad.segal87@gmail.com
    Fields of research:
    Adam Weisman

    Mail: Weissmanster@gmail.com
    Fields of research:

    M.Sc Students:

    Racheli Ron

    Mail: rachel.ron@biu.ac.il
    Fields of research:
    Eliana Lichtenstein
    Fields of research:

    Last Updated Date : 29/05/2024