Research Smarter webinar: 2021 Journal Citation Reports

27/10/2021 - 11:00 - 10:00Add To Calendar 2021-10-27 10:00:00 2021-10-27 11:00:00 Research Smarter webinar: 2021 Journal Citation Reports The new 2021 JCR edition features refinements and additions to the journal intelligence platform’s existing store of resources. Join our webinar to find out more about how these enhancements expand the JCR’s coverage of journal literature to reflect the full breadth of research covered in all the journals in the Web of Science Core Collection. Along with its wider coverage, the new JCR also includes a new metric, the Journal Citation Indicator, adding more depth, insight and context to the JCR’s range of measures. Register online Department of Chemistry Asia/Jerusalem public

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The new 2021 JCR edition features refinements and additions to the journal intelligence platform’s existing store of resources. Join our webinar to find out more about how these enhancements expand the JCR’s coverage of journal literature to reflect the full breadth of research covered in all the journals in the Web of Science Core Collection. Along with its wider coverage, the new JCR also includes a new metric, the Journal Citation Indicator, adding more depth, insight and context to the JCR’s range of measures.

Last Updated Date : 14/10/2021