Dr. Amikam Levy
Dr. Amikam Levy obtained his BSc and MSc from the physics department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2017 he received his PhD from the chemistry department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, working with Professor Ronnie Kosloff. During his PhD he worked on thermodynamics in the quantum regime, studying the interplay between thermodynamic principles and quantum phenomena.
Amikam completed a one-year postdoc at the Hebrew University, where his research focused on developing new quantum control theories for open quantum systems. At the end of 2017, he moved to California and joined Professor Eran Rabani’s group at the University of California, Berkeley and held a joint postdoctoral fellowship at Tel Aviv University. During this time, he worked on topics related to nonequilibrium quantum dynamics, including quasi-classical maps of interacting fermions, fluctuation theorems in the quantum regime, and quantum transport.
2012-2016: PhD in physical chemistry, Fritz Haber Research Center, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem (awarded April 5th 2017).
2009-2011: MSc in physics, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2005-2008: BSc in physics, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2020-present: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2020: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, and Tel Aviv University.
2017-2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, Fritz Haber Research Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Keywords: nonequilibrium quantum dynamics, theory of open quantum systems, quantum response theory, quantum fluctuation theorems, quantum thermodynamics, quantum control theory, quantum technologies.
Progress in quantum technologies relies on understanding how quantum phenomena govern the dynamics of quantum systems far from equilibrium and on identifying the available quantum resources. This knowledge then allows us to manipulate the systems in order to obtain a desired outcome. Our group seeks to:
- Develop dynamical descriptions that capture effects of quantum phenomena on the single-atom/molecule level and for systems far-from-equilibrium.
- Identify quantum resources and utilize them in controlling quantum transport processes and quantum state preparation.
- Thoroughly define the relationship between quantum effects and concepts from nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
Quantum thermodynamics:
For over a century, thermodynamics has been considered one of the pillars of physics. The theory deals with energetic and entropic processes in the macroscopic scale under a set of constraints. It was initially formed as a phenomenological theory in which the fundamental laws were developed without a microscopic theory in hand. Quantum theory, on the other hand, is concerned with dynamics and properties of microscopic systems at the atomic length scale. The field of quantum thermodynamics aims to bridge the two fields. The fundamental questions in the field are: To what extent do the paradigms and the laws of thermodynamics apply in the quantum domain? What role do quantum effects, such as quantum correlations and coherences, play in energy and entropy flows in the quantum realm? In other words, can we use quantum phenomena as resources to drive thermodynamic processes? Our group develops various mathematical and physical frameworks to answer these questions and provide new theoretical predictions that can be tasted in the lab. The study of thermodynamics in the quantum regime branches into many other fields, including quantum foundations, solid state physics, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
Quantum fluctuation theorems:
Fluctuation theorems (FTs) have the important role of generalizing basic concepts from thermodynamics to microscopic finite-size systems and are also relevant to systems driven strongly far from equilibrium. Broadly speaking, FTs relate the probability distributions of the forward and reversed nonequilibrium processes of some fluctuating quantity. They are most evident in the microscopic realm where fluctuations carry more weight. Classically, these theorems are relevant to biomolecules, molecular motors, colloidal particles, etc. In the quantum regime, they are applicable to, and experimentally observed in, a wide variety of quantum devices such as trapped ions, superconducting qubits, quantum dots, and NMR setups.
However, the standard approach to deriving fluctuation theorems fails to capture important quantum effects such as quantum correlations and coherence in the initial state of the system. We seek to develop new approaches to account for these genuinely quantum phenomena, and reveal quantum-thermodynamic signatures – that is, thermodynamic measurable quantities which witness non-classicality.
Quantum control theory:
Control theories are at the heart of the effort to turn scientific knowledge into technology. The scope of control theory is to find a control law for accomplishing a certain task, e.g. driving a system from some initial state to a final target state under a set of constraints, or optimizing the performance of some quantum device. Typically, external electromagnetic fields are applied in order to execute the control law. The two main goals of quantum control theory are: (i) to determine whether, and under what conditions, a quantum system is controllable, i.e. if a target state or a process outcome can be reached; and (ii) to develop systematic and robust methods for manipulating quantum systems and processes at the atomic and molecular level.
While quantum control theories are elementary to quantum state preparation and to achieving desired quantum protocols, the methods are still limited to closed systems that follow a unitary evolution. Because all quantum systems are subject to noise that may arise from parasitic couplings to the environment or from sensitivities in the control fields, we are interested in developing systematic methods that minimize these effects or even utilize them to obtain a control law.
- A. Levy, M. Gob, B. Deng, K. Singer, E. Torrontegui, D. Wang, Single-atom heat engine as a sensitive thermal probe arXiv: 2005.06858 (2020)
- W. Dou, J. Btge, A. Levy, M. Thoss, Universal approach to quantum thermodynamics of strongly coupled systems under nonequilibrium conditions and external driving Physical Review B 101 (18), 184304 (2020)
- A. Levy, Matteo Lostaglio, A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime ArXiv: 1909.11116 (2019)
- A. Levy, W. Dou, E. Rabani, D.T. Limmer, A complete quasiclassical map for the dynamics of interacting fermions, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (23), 234112 (2019)
- A. Levy, L. Kidon, J. Batge, J. Okamoto, M. Thoss, D.T. Limmer, E. Rabani, Absence of Coulomb Blockade in the Anderson Impurity Model at the Symmetric Point, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, (22), 13538-13544 (2019)
- R. Dann, A. Levy, R. Kosloff, Time-dependent Markovian quantum master equation, Physical Review A 98 (5), 052129 (2019)
- A. Levy, A. Kiely, J.G. Muga, R. Kosloff E. Torrontegui, Noise resistant quantum control using dynamical invariants, New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 025006 (2018)
- A. Levy, E. Torrontegui, R. Kosloff, Action-noise-assisted quantum control, Physical Review A 96 (3), 033417 (2017)
- A. Levy, L. Diosi, R. Kosloff, Quantum flywheel, Physical Review A 93 (5), 052119 (2016)
- R. Uzdin, A. Levy, R. Kosloff, Quantum heat machines equivalence, work extraction beyond markovianity, and strong coupling via heat exchangers, Entropy 18 (4), 124 (2016)
- R. Uzdin, A. Levy, R. Kosloff, Equivalence of quantum heat machines, and quantum-thermodynamic signatures, Physical Review X 5 (3), 031044 (2015)
- A. Levy, R. Kosloff, The local approach to quantum transport may violate the second law of thermodynamics, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107 (2), 20004 (2014)
- R. Kosloff, A. Levy, Quantum Heat Engines and Refrigerators: Continuous Devices, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 65, 365 (2014)
- A. Levy, R. Alicki, R. Kosloff, Comment on Cooling by Heating: Refrigeration Powered by Photons, Physical Review Letters 108 (7), 70604 (2012)
- A. Levy, R. Alicki, R. Kosloff, Quantum refrigerators and the third law of thermodynamics, Physical Review E 85 (6), 061126 (2012)
- A. Levy, R. Kosloff, Quantum Absorption Refrigerator, Physical Review Letters 108 (7), 70604 (2012)
Book Chapters:
- A. Levy, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Quantum Features and Signatures of Quantum Thermal Machines, Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 87-126 (2018)
Research Group
Currently looking for MSc/PhD students and postdocs to join the group.
Last Updated Date : 15/03/2023