Prof. David Cahen
Ceratti, D.R., Rakita, Y., Cremonesi, L., Tenne, R., Kalchenko, V., Elbaum, M., Oron, D., Potenza, M.A.C., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2018). Self‐Healing Inside APbBr3 Halide Perovskite Crystals. Advanced Materials, 30(10), p.1706273.
Gupta, S., Cahen, D. And Hodes, G. (2018). How SnF2 Impacts the Material Properties of Lead-Free Tin Perovskites. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (25), pp 13926–13936.
Wang, Y., Jin, J., Chu, W., Cahen, D. And He, T. (2018). Synergistic Effect of Charge Generation and Separation in Epitaxially Grown BiOCl/Bi2S3 Nano-Heterostructure. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10(17), pp.15304-15313.
Fereiro, J.A., Yu, X., Pecht, I., Sheves, M., Cuevas, J.C. And Cahen, D. (2018). Tunneling explains efficient electron transport via protein junctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p.201719867.
Egger, D.A., Bera, A., Cahen, D., Hodes, G., Kirchartz, T., Kronik, L., Lovrincic, R., Rappe, A.M., Reichman, D.R. And Yaffe, O. (2018). What Remains Unexplained about the Properties of Halide Perovskites?. Advanced Materials, 30(20), p.1800691.
Shah, A.H., Wang, Y., Woldu, A.R., Lin, L., Iqbal, M., Cahen, D. And He, T. (2018). Revisiting Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on Cu Electrode: Where Do We Stand about the Intermediates?. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(32), pp.18528-18536.
Park, B.W., Kedem, N., Kulbak, M., Yang, W.S., Jeon, N.J., Seo, J., Kim, G., Kim, K.J., Shin, T.J., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2018). Understanding how excess lead iodide precursor improves halide perovskite solar cell performance. Nature communications, 9(1), p.3301.
Keller, D.A., Barad, H.N., Rosh-Hodesh, E., Zaban, A. And Cahen, D. (2018). Can fluorine-doped tin Oxide, FTO, be more like indium-doped tin oxide, ITO? Reducing FTO surface roughness by introducing additional SnO 2 coating. MRS Communications, 8(3), pp.1358-1362.
Kulbak, M., Levine, I., Barak‐Kulbak, E., Gupta, S., Zohar, A., Balberg, I., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2018). Control over Self‐Doping in High Band Gap Perovskite Films. Advanced Energy Materials, p.1800398.
Fereiro, J.A., Porat, G., Bendikov, T., Pecht, I., Sheves, M. And Cahen, D. (2018). Protein Electronics: Chemical Modulation of Contacts Control Energy Level Alignment in Gold-Azurin-Gold Junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(41), pp.13317-13326.
Guo, C., Sarkar, S., Refaely-Abramson, S., Egger, D.A., Bendikov, T., Yonezawa, K., Suda, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Pecht, I., Kera, S. And Ueno, N. (2018). Electronic structure of dipeptides in the gas-phase and as an adsorbed monolayer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(10), pp.6860-6867.
Li, C., Cahen, D., Wang, P., Li, H., Zhang, J. And Jin, Y. (2018). Plasmonics Yields Efficient Electron Transport via Assembly of Shell-Insulated Au Nanoparticles. iScience, 8, pp.213-221.
Harisingh, S., Krishnan, S., Kulbak, M., Levine, I., Cahen, D., El Cohen, B., Etgar, L. And Asscher, M. (2018). CsPbBr3 and CH3NH3PbBr3 Promote Visible-light Photo-Reactivity. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Garg, K., Raichlin, S., Bendikov, T., Pecht, I., Sheves, M. And Cahen, D. (2018). Interface Electrostatics dictates the Electron Transport via Bio-electronic Junctions. ACS applied materials & interfaces.
Garg, K., Ghosh, M., Eliash, T., Van Wonderen, J.H., Butt, J.N., Shi, L., Jiang, X., Zdenek, F., Blumberger, J., Pecht, I., Sheves, M., And Cahen, D. (2018). Direct evidence for heme-assisted solid-state electronic conduction in multi-heme c-type cytochromes. Chemical science, 9(37), pp.7304-7310.
Zohar, A., Kulbak, M., Levine, I., Hodes, G., Kahn, A. And Cahen, D. (2018). What Limits the Open-circuit Voltage of Bromide Perovskite-based Solar Cells?. ACS Energy Letters.
Azulay, D., Levine, I., Gupta, S., Barak-Kulbak, E., Bera, A., San, G., Simha, S., Cahen, D., Millo, O., Hodes, G. And Balberg, I. (2018). On the influence of multiple cations on the in-gap states and phototransport properties of iodide-based halide perovskites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(37), pp.24444-24452.
Kayser, B., Sheves, M., Pecht, I., Cohen, S., Fereiro, J., Guo, C. And Cahen, D (2018).Transistor configuration yields energy level control in protein-based junctions. Nanoscale, 2018,10, 21712-21720 .
Bostick, C.D., Mukhopadhyay, S., Pecht, I., Sheves, M., Cahen, D. And Lederman, D. (2018).Protein bioelectronics: a review of what we do and do not know. Reports on Progress in Physics, 81(2), p.026601.
Alon, H., Garrick, R., Pujari, S.P., Toledano, T., Sinai, O., Kedem, N., Bendikov, T., Baio, J.E., Weidner, T., Zuilhof, H. And Cahen, D. (2018). Effect of Internal Heteroatoms on Level Alignment at Metal/Molecular Monolayer/Si Interfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(6), pp.3312-3325.
Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2017). Self-Repairing Energy Materials: Sine Qua Non for a Sustainable Future. Accounts of Chemical Research. 50:(3)573-576. Abstract
Francisco Fabregat-Santiago; Michael Kulbak; Arava Zohar; Marta Valles-Pelarda; Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Ivan Mora-Sero (2017). Deleterious Effect of Negative Capacitance on the Performance of Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Acs Energy Letters. 2:(9)2007-2013. Abstract
Yevgeny Rakita; Satyajit Gupta; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2017). Metal to Halide Perovskite (HaP): An Alternative Route to HaP Coating, Directly from Pb-(0) or Sn-(0) Films: An Alternative Route to HaP Coating, Directly from Pb-(0) or Sn-(0) Films. Chemistry of Materials.29:(20)8620-8629. Abstract
James Endres; Michael Kulbak; Lianfeng Zhao; Barry P. Rand; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Antoine Kahn (2017). Electronic structure of the CsPbBr3/polytriarylamine (PTAA) system. Journal of Applied Physics. 121:(3) Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; Dinesh Aswal; David Cahen (2017). Large-Area, Ensemble Molecular Electronics: Motivation and Challenges. Chemical Reviews. 117:(5)4248-4286. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2017). Chemical Modification of Semiconductor Surfaces for Molecular Electronics. Chemical Reviews. 117:(5)4624-4666. Abstract
Nir Kedem; Michael Kulbak; Thomas M. Brenner; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2017). Type-inversion as a working mechanism of high voltage MAPbBr(3)(Cl)-based halide perovskite solar cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19:(8)5753-5762. Abstract
John W. Rosenberg; Matshisa J. Legodi; Yevgeny Rakita; David Cahen; Mmantsae Diale (2017). Laplace current deep level transient spectroscopy measurements of defect states in methylammonium lead bromide single crystals. Journal of Applied Physics. 122:(14) Abstract
Vilan, Ayelet, And David Cahen (2017). Chemical Modification of Semiconductor Surfaces for Molecular Electronics. Chemical Reviews. 117.5:4624-4666.
Zohar, A., Levine, I., Gupta, S., Davidson, O., Azulay, D., Millo, O., Balberg, I., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2017). What Is the mechanism of MAPbI3 p-doping by I2? Insights from optoelectronic properties. ACS Energy Letters, 2(10), pp.2408-2414.
S. W. H. Eijt; W. Shi; A. Mannheim et al. (2017). New insights into the nanostructure of innovative thin film solar cells gained by positron annihilation spectroscopy. . Abstract [All authors]
Yevgeny Rakita; Omri Bar-Elli; Elena Meirzadeh et al. (2017). Tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3 is ferroelectric. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114:(28)E5504-E5512. Abstract [All authors]
Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2017). Electromechanical properties of electrostrictive CeO2: d membranes: Effects of frequency and temperature. Applied Physics Letters. 110:(14) Abstract
Thomas M. Brenner; Yevgeny Rakita; Yonatan Orr; Eugenia Klein; Michael Elbaum; David Cahen; Ayelet Vilan; Mordechai Sheves (2016). Conversion of Single Crystalline PbI2 to CH3NH3PbI3: Structural Relations and Transformation Dynamics. Chemistry of Materials. 28:(18)6501-6510. Abstract
Brenner T. M., Egger D. A., Kronik L., Hodes G., Cahen D. (2016). Hybrid organic—inorganic perovskites: low-cost semiconductors with intriguing charge-transport properties. Nature Reviews Materials. 1:(1)1-16.
Igal Levine; Satyajit Gupta; Tm Brenner; D Azulay; O Millo; Gary Hodes; David Cahen; I Balberg (2016). Mobility-Lifetime Products in MAPbI(3) Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7:(24)5219-5226. Abstract
Satyajit Gupta; Tatyana Bendikov; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2016). CsSnBr3, A Lead-Free Halide Perovskite for Long-Term Solar Cell Application: Insights on SnF2 Addition. Acs Energy Letters. 1:(5)1028-1033. Abstract
Zuo, C., Bolink, H. J., Han, H., Huang, J., Cahen, D. And Ding, L. (2016). Advances in Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Science.
Raja Bhaskar Kanth Siram; Jaykrushna Das; Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay et al. (2016).Interface Modification by Simple Organic Salts Improves Performance of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 3:(23) Abstract [All authors]
David Cahen; Chuantian Zuo; Henk J Bolink; Hongwei Han; Jinsong Huang; Liming Ding (2016). Advances in Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Science. Abstract
Philip Schulz; Jan O. Tiepelt; Jeffrey A. Christians; Igal Levine; Eran Edri; Erin M. Sanehira; Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Antoine Kahn (2016). High-Work-Function Molybdenum Oxide Hole Extraction Contacts in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 8:(46)31491-31499. Abstract
Michael Kulbak; Satyajit Gupta; Nir Kedem; Igal Levine; Tatyana Bendikov; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2016). Cesium Enhances Long-Term Stability of Lead Bromide Perovskite-Based Solar Cells. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 7:(1)167-72. Abstract
Arava Zohar; Nir Kedem; Igal Levine; Dorin Zohar; Ayelet Vilan; David Ehre; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2016). Impedance Spectroscopic Indication for Solid State Electrochemical Reaction in (CH3NH3)PbI3 Films. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 7:(1)191-7. Abstract
Kedem, Nir Klein Kedem; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2016). Effects of Light and Electron Beam Irradiation on Halide Perovskites and Their Solar Cells. Accounts of Chemical Research. 49:(2)347-354. Abstract
Muhammed I. Schukfeh; Lior Sepunaru; Pascal Behr; Wenjie Li; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen; Marc Tornow (2016). Towards nanometer-spaced silicon contacts to proteins. Nanotechnology. 27:(11) Abstract
Yevgeny Rakita; Elena Meirzadeh; Tatyana Bendikov; Vyacheslav (Slava) Kalchenko; Igor Lubomirsky; Gary Hodes; David Ehre; David Cahen (2016). CH 3NH 3PbBr 3 is not pyroelectric, excluding ferroelectric-enhanced photovoltaic performance. APL Materials. 4:(5)051101 (8 pp.)-051101 (8 pp.). Abstract
Thomas M. Brenner; David A. Egger; Leeor Kronik; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2016). Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: low-cost semiconductors with intriguing charge-transport properties. Nature Reviews Materials. 1:(1) Abstract
James Endres; David A. Egger; Michael Kulbak et al. (2016). Valence and Conduction Band Densities of States of Metal Halide Perovskites: A Combined Experimental-Theoretical Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7:(14)2722-2729. Abstract [All authors]
Levine, I., Nayak, P.K., Wang, J.T.W., Sakai, N., Van Reenen, S., Brenner, T.M., Mukhopadhyay, S., Snaith, H.J., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2016). Interface-dependent ion migration/accumulation controls hysteresis in MAPbI3 solar cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(30), pp.16399-16411.
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2016). Making the science of interfaces work for semiconductor electronics. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics. 49:(39)
Rakita, Y., Kedem, N., Gupta, S., Sadhanala, A., Kalchenko, V., BöHm, M.L., Kulbak, M., Friend, R.H., Cahen, D. And Hodes, G. (2016). Low-temperature solution-grown CsPbBr3 single crystals and their characterization. Crystal Growth & Design, 16(10), pp.5717-5725.
Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay; Wolfgang Gartner; David Cahen; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves (2016). Electron transport via a soluble photochromic photoreceptor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18:(36)25671-25675. Abstract
Guo, C., Yu, X., Refaely-Abramson, S., Sepunaru, L., Bendikov, T., Pecht, I., Kronik, L., Vilan, A., Sheves, M. And Cahen, D. (2016). Tuning electronic transport via hepta-alanine peptides junction by tryptophan doping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(39), pp.10785-10790.
Joseph Berry; Tonio Buonassisi; David A. Egger et al. (2015). Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites (HOIPs): Opportunities and Challenges. Advanced Materials. 27:(35)5102-5112. Abstract [All authors]
Rakita, Y., Cohen, S.R., Kedem, N.K., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2015). Mechanical properties of APbX 3 (A= Cs or CH 3 NH 3; X= I or Br) perovskite single crystals. MRS Communications, 5(4), pp.623-629.
Artem A. Bakulin; Robert Lovrincic; Xi Yu et al. (2015). Mode-selective vibrational modulation of charge transport in organic electronic devices. Nature Communications. 6:7880. Abstract[All authors]
Kulbak, M., Gupta, S., Kedem, N., Levine, I., Bendikov, T., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2015).Cesium enhances long-term stability of lead bromide perovskite-based solar cells. The journal of physical chemistry letters, 7(1), pp.167-172.
Sara Raichlin, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, David Cahen (2015). Protein Electronic Conductors: Hemin–Substrate Bonding Dictates Transport Mechanism and Efficiency across Myoglobin. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay; Sansa Dutta; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2015). Conjugated Cofactor Enables Efficient Temperature-Independent Electronic Transport Across approximately 6 nm Long Halorhodopsin. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Abstract
Zohar, A., Kedem, N., Levine, I., Zohar, D., Vilan, A., Ehre, D., Hodes, G. And Cahen, D. (2015).Impedance spectroscopic indication for solid state electrochemical reaction in (CH3NH3) PbI3 films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(1), pp.191-197.
Sara Raichlin; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2015). Protein Electronic Conductors: Hemin-Substrate Bonding Dictates Transport Mechanism and Efficiency across Myoglobin. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 54:(42)12379-83. Abstract
Xi Yu, Robert Lovrincic, Lior Sepunaru, Wenjie Li, Ayelet Vilan, Israel Pech, Mordechai Sheves, And David Cahen (2015). Insights into Solid-State Electron Transport through Proteins from Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy: The Case of Azurin. ACS Nano.
Tal Toledano; Rachel Garrick; Ofer Sinai et al. (2015). Effect of binding group on hybridization across the silicon/aromatic-monolayer interface. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 204:149-158. Abstract [All authors]
Lior Sepunaru, Sivan Refaely-Abramson, Robert LovrinčIć, Yulian Gavrilov, Piyush Agrawal, Yaakov Levy, Leeor Kronik, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, And David Cahen (2015).Electronic Transport via Homopeptides: The Role of Side Chains and Secondary Structure. Jacs.
Jaykrushna Das; Raja Bhaskar Kanth Siram; David Cahen; Boris Rybtchinski; Gary Hodes (2015). Thiophene-modified perylenediimide as hole transporting material in hybrid lead bromide perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 3:(40)20305-20312. Abstract
Thomas M Brenner; David A Egger; Andrew M Rappe; Leeor Kronik; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2015). Are Mobilities in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites Actually "High"?. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 6:(23)4754-7.
Xi Yu; Robert Lovrincic; Lior Sepunaru; Wenjie Li; Ayelet Vilan; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2015). Insights into Solid-State Electron Transport through Proteins from Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy: The Case of Azurin. ACS Nano. 9:(10)9955-9963. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky, Lior Sepunaru, Sara Raichlin, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, David Cahen(2015). Electron Transfer Proteins as Electronic Conductors: Significance of the Metal and Its Binding Site in the Blue Cu Protein, Azurin. Adv. Sci.
Nadav Amdursky; Lior Sepunaru; Sara Raichlin; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2015). Electron Transfer Proteins as Electronic Conductors: Significance of the Metal and Its Binding Site in the Blue Cu Protein, Azurin. Advanced Science. 2:(4) Abstract
David A. Egger; Eran Edri; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2015). Perovskite Solar Cells: Do We Know What We Do Not Know?. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6:(2)279-282.
Bekele Hailegnaw; Saar Kirmayer; Eran Edri; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2015). Rain on Methylammonium Lead Iodide Based Perovskites: Possible Environmental Effects of Perovskite Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6:(9)1543-1547. Abstract
Aa Bakulin; Robert Lovrincic; A Rao et al. (2015). Ultrafast Optical Control of Charge Dynamics in Organic and Hybrid Electronic Nanodevices. . 675-678. Abstract [All authors]
Michael Kulbak; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2015). How Important Is the Organic Part of Lead Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells? Efficient CsPbBr3 Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6:(13)2452-2456. Abstract
N Kedem; Tm Brenner; Michael Kulbak; N Schaefer; S Levcenko; Igal Levine; D Abou-Ras; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2015). Light-Induced Increase of Electron Diffusion Length in a p-n Junction Type CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Solar Cell. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.6:(13)2469-2476. Abstract
Aditya Sadhanala; Felix Deschler; Tudor H. Thomas et al. (2014). Preparation of Single-Phase Films of CH3NH3Pb(I1-x,Br-x)(3) with Sharp Optical Band Edges. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5:(15)2501-2505. Abstract [All authors]
Yaron Tidhar; Eran Edri; Haim Weissman; Dorin Zohar; Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Boris Rybtchinski; Saar Kirmayer (2014). Crystallization of Methyl Ammonium Lead Halide Perovskites: Implications for Photovoltaic Applications. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136:(38)13249-13256. Abstract
Ann S. Erickson; Arava Zohar; David Cahen (2014). n-Si-Organic Inversion Layer Interfaces: A Low Temperature Deposition Method for Forming a p-n Homojunction in n-Si. Advanced Energy Materials. 4:(9)
Lee Barnea-Nehoshtan; Pabitra K. Nayak; Andrew Shu; Tatyana Bendikov; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2014). Enhancing the Tunability of the Open-Circuit Voltage of Hybrid Photovoltaics with Mixed Molecular Monolayers. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 6:(4)2317-2324. Abstract
Amdursky, N., Ferber, D., Bortolotti, C.A., Dolgikh, D.A., Chertkova, R.V., Pecht, I., Sheves, M. And Cahen, D. (2014). Solid-state electron transport via cytochrome c depends on electronic coupling to electrodes and across the protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p.201319351.
Eran Edri; Saar Kirmayer; Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay; Konstantin Gartsman; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014). Elucidating the charge carrier separation and working mechanism of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications. 5. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; David Cahen (2014). Updated Assessment of Possibilities and Limits for Solar Cells. Advanced Materials. 26:(10)1622-1628. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky,Debora Marchak, Lior Sepunaru, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, David Cahen (2014). Electronic Transport via Proteins. Adv. Mat.
Philip Schulz; Eran Edri; Saar Kirmayer; Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Antoine Kahn (2014).Interface energetics in organo-metal halide perovskite-based photovoltaic cells. Energy & Environmental Science. 7:(4)1377-1381. Abstract
Xi Yu; Robert Lovrincic; Olga Kraynis; Gabriel Man; Tal Ely; Arava Zohar; Tal Toledano; David Cahen; Ayelet Vilan (2014). Fabrication of Reproducible, Integration-Compatible Hybrid Molecular/Si Electronics. Small. 10:(24)5151-5160. Abstract
Wenjie Li; Sidney Cohen; David Cahen (2014). Effect of chemical treatments on nm-scale electrical characteristics of polycrystalline thin film Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 surfaces. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 120:500-505. Abstract
Tal Toledano; Haim Sazan; Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay et al. (2014). Odd-Even Effect in Molecular Electronic Transport via an Aromatic Ring. Langmuir. 30:(45)13596-13605. Abstract [All authors]
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2014). Incorporating molecular monolayers in standard Si device fabrication. .
Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014). Perovskite cells roll forward. Nature Photonics. 8:(2)87-88.
Eran Edri; Saar Kirmayer; Alex Henning; Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay; Konstantin Gartsman; Yossi Rosenwaks; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014). Why Lead Methylammonium Tri-Iodide Perovskite-Based Solar Cells Require a Mesoporous Electron Transporting Scaffold (but Not Necessarily a Hole Conductor). Nano Letters. 14:(2)1000-1004. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; David Cahen (2014). Real World Efficiency Limits: the Shockley-Queisser Model as a Starting Point. . 547-566.
Eran Edri; Saar Kirmayer; Michael Kulbak; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014). Chloride Inclusion and Hole Transport Material Doping to Improve Methyl Ammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite-Based High Open-Circuit Voltage Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5:(3)429-433. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2014). Incorporating molecular monolayers in standard Si device fabrication. .
N Kedem; S Blumstengel; F Henneberger; Hagai Cohen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014).Morphology-, synthesis- and doping-independent tuning of ZnO work function using phenylphosphonates. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:(18)8310-8319. Abstract
Lee Barnea-Nehoshtan; Saar Kirmayer; Eran Edri; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2014). Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy Study of Organo-Lead Perovskite Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5:(14)2408-2413. Abstract
Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay; Sidney Cohen; Debora Marchak; Noga Friedman; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2014). Nanoscale Electron Transport and Photodynamics Enhancement in Lipid-Depleted Bacteriorhodopsin Monomers. ACS Nano. 8:(8)7714-7722. Abstract
Yahia, Abd Elrazek Haj Yahia; Omer Yaffe; Tatyana Bendikov; Hagai Cohen; Yishay (Isai) Feldman; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2013). Substituent Variation Drives Metal/Monolayer/Semiconductor Junctions from Strongly Rectifying to Ohmic Behavior. Advanced Materials. 25:(5)702-706.
Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; David Cahen (2013). 40 Years of Inversion Layer Solar Cells: From MOS to Conducting Polymer/Inorganic Hybrids. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 3:(4)1443-1459. Abstract
Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Roy Schreiber; Omer Yaffe; David Cahen (2013). Molecular field effect passivation: Quinhydrone/methanol treatment of n-Si(100). Journal of Applied Physics.113:(8) Abstract
Eran Edri; Saar Kirmayer; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2013). High Open-Circuit Voltage Solar Cells Based on Organic-Inorganic Lead Bromide Perovskite. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4:(6)897-902. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky; Doron Ferber; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2013). Redox activity distinguishes solid-state electron transport from solution-based electron transfer in a natural and artificial protein: cytochrome C and hemin-doped human serum albumin. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:(40)17142-17149. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; Lee Barnea-Nehoshtan; R. Soyoung Kim; Andrew Shu; Gabriel Man; Antoine Kahn; David Lederman; Yishay (Isai) Feldman; David Cahen (2013). The effect of structural order on solar cell parameters, as illustrated in a SiC-organic junction model. Energy & Environmental Science. 6:(11)3272-3279. Abstract
Sidharam P. Pujari; Andel, Esther Van Andel; Omer Yaffe; David Cahen; Tobias Weidner; Rijn, Cees J. M. Van Rijn; Han Zuilhof (2013). Mono-Fluorinated Alkyne-Derived SAMs on Oxide-Free Si(111) Surfaces: Preparation, Characterization and Tuning of the Si Workfunction. Langmuir. 29:(2)570-580. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2013). Electron Transport via Cytochrome C on Si-H Surfaces: Roles of Fe and Heme. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135:(16)6300-6306. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2013). Marked changes in electron transport through the blue copper protein azurin in the solid state upon deuteration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110:(2)507-512. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; K. L. Narasimhan; David Cahen (2013). Separating Charges at Organic Interfaces: Effects of Disorder, Hot States, and Electric Field. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4:(10)1707-1717. Abstract
Robert Lovrincic; Olga Kraynis; Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Abd-Elrazek Haj-Yahya; Wenjie Li; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2013). A New Route to Nondestructive Top-Contacts for Molecular Electronics on Si: Pb Evaporated on Organic Monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 4:(3)426-430. Abstract
Omer Yaffe; Tal Ely; Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; David A. Egger; Steve Johnston; Hagai Cohen; Leeor Kronik; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2013). Effect of Molecule-Surface Reaction Mechanism on the Electronic Characteristics and Photovoltaic Performance of Molecularly Modified Si. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117:(43)22351-22361. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; Ron Rosenberg; Lee Barnea-Nehoshtan; David Cahen (2013). O-2 and organic semiconductors: Electronic effects. Organic Electronics. 14:(3)966-972. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen; Eli Kraisler (2013). Rethinking Transition Voltage Spectroscopy within a Generic Taylor Expansion View. ACS Nano. 7:(1)695-706. Abstract
Omer Yaffe; Sidharam Pujari; Ofer Sinai; Ayelet Vilan; Han Zuilhof; Antoine Kahn; Leeor Kronik; Hagai Cohen; David Cahen (2013). Effect of Doping Density on the Charge Rearrangement and Interface Dipole at the Molecule-Silicon Interface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117:(43)22422-22427. Abstract
Tal Ely; Sanjib Das; Wenjie Li; Pintu K. Kundu; Einat Tirosh; David Cahen; Ayelet Vilan; Rafal Klajn (2013). Photocontrol of Electrical Conductance with a Nonsymmetrical Azobenzene Dithiol. Synlett. 24:(18)2370-2374. Abstract
A. S. Erickson; N. K. Kedem; A. E. Haj-Yahia; David Cahen (2012). Aluminum oxide-n-Si field effect inversion layer solar cells with organic top contact. Applied Physics Letters. 101:(23) Abstract
Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2012). Energy limitations on materials availability. MRS Bulletin. 37:(4)412-416. Abstract
Lior Sepunaru; Noga Friedman; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2012).Temperature-Dependent Solid-State Electron Transport through Bacteriorhodopsin: Experimental Evidence for Multiple Transport Paths through Proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134:(9)4169-4176. Abstract
Tal Toledano; Ariel Biller; Tatyana Bendikov; Hagai Cohen; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2012).Controlling Space Charge of Oxide-Free Si by in Situ Modification of Dipolar Alkyl Monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116:(21)11434-11443. Abstract
Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2012). All-Solid-State, Semiconductor-Sensitized Nanoporous Solar Cells. Accounts of Chemical Research. 45:(5)705-713. Abstract
Igal Levine; Stephanie M. Weber; Yishay (Isai) Feldman; Tatyana Bendikov; Hagai Cohen; David Cahen; Ayelet Vilan (2012). Molecular Length, Monolayer Density, and Charge Transport: Lessons from Al-AlOx/Alkyl-Phosphonate/Hg Junctions. Langmuir. 28:(1)404-415. Abstract
Wenjie Li; Sidney Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; Raquel Caballero; Huth, Palle Van Huth; Ronit Popovitz-Biro; David Cahen (2012). Chemical compositional non-uniformity and its effects on CIGS solar cell performance at the nm-scale. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 98:78-82. Abstract
Hagay Shpaisman; Hagai Cohen; Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Daniel Azulai; Nir Stein; David Cahen (2012). A novel method for investigating electrical breakdown enhancement by nm-sized features. Nanoscale. 4:(10)3128-3134. Abstract
Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Omer Yaffe; Pranav Joshi; Roy Kazaz; Hagai Cohen; David Cahen (2012). Ambient organic molecular passivation of Si yields near-ideal, Schottky-Mott limited, junctions. AIP Advances. 2:(1) Abstract
David Cahen; Rommel Noufi (2012). Adventures in Cu-chalcogenide solar cells. A special issue for the occasion of the 65th birthday of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Werner Schock. Progress In Photovoltaics. 20:(5)505-506.
Wenjie Li; Sidney Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen (2012). Ga Composition Dictates Macroscopic Photovoltaic and Nanoscopic Electrical Characteristics of Cu(In1-XGaX)Se-2 Thin Films via Grain-Boundary-Type Inversion. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2:(2)191-195. Abstract
Wenjie Li; Lior Sepunaru; Nadav Amdursky; Sidney Cohen; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2012). Temperature and Force Dependence of Nanoscale Electron Transport via the Cu Protein Azurin. ACS Nano. 6:(12)10816-10824. Abstract
Nadav Amdursky; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2012). Doping Human Serum Albumin with Retinoate Markedly Enhances Electron Transport across the Protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134:(44)18221-18224. Abstract
Yan Li; Steven Calder; Omer Yaffe; David Cahen; Hossam Haick; Leeor Kronik; Han Zuilhof (2012). Hybrids of Organic Molecules and Flat, Oxide-Free Silicon: High-Density Monolayers, Electronic Properties, and Functionalization. Langmuir. 28:(26)9920-9929. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; Germa Garcia-Belmonte; Antoine Kahn; Juan Bisquert; David Cahen (2012).Photovoltaic efficiency limits and material disorder. Energy & Environmental Science. 5:(3)6022-6039. Abstract
Hagay Shpaisman; Oliver Seitz; Omer Yaffe et al. (2012). Structure Matters: Correlating temperature dependent electrical transport through alkyl monolayers with vibrational and photoelectron spectroscopies. Chemical Science. 3:(3)851-862. Abstract [All authors]
Omer Yaffe; Yabing Qi; Luc Scheres et al. (2012). Charge transport across metal/molecular (alkyl) monolayer-Si junctions is dominated by the LUMO level. Physical Review B. 85:(4) Abstract [All authors]
Avi Lavi; Hagai Cohen; Tatyana Bendikov; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2011). Si-C-bound alkyl chains on oxide-free Si: towards versatile solution preparation of electronic transport quality monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13:(4)1293-1296. Abstract
Lior Sepunaru; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2011). Solid-State Electron Transport across Azurin: From a Temperature-Independent to a Temperature-Activated Mechanism. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133:(8)2421-2423. Abstract
Tal Z. Markus; Stella Itzhakov; Yafit Itzhaik Akotzer; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Dan Oron; Ron Naaman (2011). Energetics of CdSe Quantum Dots Adsorbed on TiO2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115:(27)13236-13241. Abstract
Pabitra K. Nayak; Juan Bisquert; David Cahen (2011). Assessing Possibilities and Limits for Solar Cells. Advanced Materials. 23:(25)2870-2876. Abstract
S. Sadewasser; D. Abou-Ras; D. Azulay et al. (2011). Nanometer-scale electronic and microstructural properties of grain boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se-2. Thin Solid Films. 519:(21)7341-7346. Abstract [All authors]
Yabing Qi; Omer Yaffe; Einat Tirosh; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen; Antoine Kahn (2011). Filled and empty states of alkanethiol monolayer on Au (111): Fermi level asymmetry and implications for electron transport. Chemical Physics Letters. 511:(6-Apr)344-347. Abstract
Nir Stein; Roman Korobko; Omer Yaffe; Rotem Har Lavan; Hagay Shpaisman; Einat Tirosh; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2010). Nondestructive Contact Deposition for Molecular Electronics: Si-Alkyl//Au Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114:(29)12769-12776. Abstract
Omer Yaffe; Luc Scheres; Lior Segev et al. (2010). Hg/Molecular Monolayer-Si Junctions: Electrical Interplay between Monolayer Properties and Semiconductor Doping Density. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114:(22)10270-10279. Abstract [All authors]
Ayelet Vilan; Omer Yaffe; Ariel Biller; Adi Salomon; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2010).Molecules on Si: Electronics with Chemistry. Advanced Materials. 22:(2)140-159. Abstract
Izhar Ron; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2010). Enhanced Electronic Conductance across Bacteriorhodopsin, Induced by Coupling to Pt Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1:(20)3072-3077. Abstract
Izhar Ron; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2010). Proteins as Solid-State Electronic Conductors. Accounts of Chemical Research. 43:(7)945-953. Abstract
Izhar Ron; Lior Sepunaru; Stella Itzhakov; Tatyana Belenkova; Noga Friedman; Israel Pecht; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2010). Proteins as Electronic Materials: Electron Transport through Solid-State Protein Monolayer Junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society.132:(12)4131-4140. Abstract
Hagay Shpaisman; Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Nir Stein; Omer Yaffe; Roman Korobko; Oliver Seitz; Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2010). Electronic Contact Deposition onto Organic Molecular Monolayers: Can We Detect Metal Penetration?. Advanced Functional Materials.20:(13)2181-2188. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2010). Molecular Electronics - Current Challenges. . 30-33. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2010). Molecular Electronics - Current Challenges. . 30-33. Abstract
Omer Yaffe; Luc Scheres; Sreenivasa Reddy Puniredd et al. (2009). Molecular Electronics at Metal/Semiconductor Junctions. Si Inversion by Sub-Nanometer Molecular Films. Nano Letters. 9:(6)2390-2394. Abstract [All authors]
Miles Page; Olivia Niitsoo; Yafit Itzhaik; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2009). Copper sulfide as a light absorber in wet-chemical synthesized extremely thin absorber (ETA) solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science. 2:(2)220-223. Abstract
M. Haeming; J. Ziroff; E. Salomon; O. Seitz; David Cahen; Amaranta Kahn; A. Schoell; F. Reinert; E. Umbach (2009). Electronic band structure and ensemble effect in monolayers of linear molecules investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 79:(15) Abstract
Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Izhar Ron; Florent Thieblemont; David Cahen (2009). Toward metal-organic insulator-semiconductor solar cells, based on molecular monolayer self-assembly on n-Si. Applied Physics Letters. 94:(4) Abstract
Yaron S. Cohen; Ayelet Vilan; Izhar Ron; David Cahen (2009). Hydrolysis Improves Packing Density of Bromine-Terminated Alkyl-Chain, Silicon-Carbon Monolayers Linked to Silicon. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113:(15)6174-6181. Abstract
Sven Ruehle; Akiba Segal; Ayelet Vilan; Sarah R. Kurtz; Larissa Grinis; Arie Zaban; Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2009). A two junction, four terminal photovoltaic device for enhanced light to electric power conversion using a low-cost dichroic mirror. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 1:(1) Abstract
Hagay Shpaisman; Eric Salomon; Guy Nesher; Ayelet Vilan; Hagai Cohen; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2009). Electrical Transport and Photoemission Experiments of Alkylphosphonate Monolayers on GaAs. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113:(8)3313-3321. Abstract
Yongdong Jin; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2008). Effect of metal-molecule contact roughness on electronic transport: Bacteriorhodopsin-based, metal-insulator-metal planar junctions. Langmuir. 24:(10)5622-5626. Abstract
Adi Salomon; Hagay Shpaisman; Oliver Seitz; Till Boecking; David Cahen (2008).Temperature-dependent electronic transport through alkyl chain monolayers: Evidence for a molecular signature. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112:(10)3969-3974. Abstract
Izhar Ron; Noga Friedman; David Cahen; Mordechai Sheves (2008). Selective Electroless Deposition of Metal Clusters on Soild-Supported Bacteriorhodopsin: Applications to Orientation Labeling and Electrical Contacts. Small. 4:(12)2271-2278. Abstract
Florent Thieblemont; Oliver Seitz; Ayelet Vilan; Hagai Cohen; Eric Salomon; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2008). Electronic Current Transport through Molecular Monolayers: Comparison between Hg/Alkoxy and Alkyl Monolayer/Si(100) Junctions. Advanced Materials.20:(20)3931-+. Abstract
Yongdong Jin; Olga Girshevitz; Noga Friedman; Izhar Ron; David Cahen; Mordechai Sheves (2008). Covalent attachment of bacteriorhodopsin monolayer to bromo-terminated solid supports: Preparation, characterization, and protein stability. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 3:(7)1146-1155. Abstract
Yongdong Jin; Tal Honig; Izhar Ron; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2008). Bacteriorhodopsin as an electronic conduction medium for biomolecular electronics. Chemical Society Reviews. 37:(11)2422-2432. Abstract
David Cahen (2008). COLL 405-Toward molecular modulation of electronic devices. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society. 235.
David Cahen (2008). Materials research and the 'energy crisis'. Materials Today. 11:(3)64-64.
David Cahen; Igor Lubomirsky (2008). Energy, the global challenge, and materials. Materials Today. 11:(12)16-20. Abstract
Lavan, Rotem Har Lavan; Izhar Ron; Florent Thieblemont; David Cahen (2008). Hybrid photovoltaic junctions - Metal molecular organic insulator semiconductor, MOIS solar cells. . Abstract
Hagay Shpaisman; Olivia Niitsoo; Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2008). Can up- and down-conversion and multi-exciton generation improve photovoltaics?. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 92:(12)1541-1546. Abstract
Hossam Haick; David Cahen (2008). Contacting organic molecules by soft methods: Towards molecule-based electronic devices. Accounts of Chemical Research. 41:(3)359-366. Abstract
David Cahen (2008). COLL 405-Toward molecular modulation of electronic devices. .
David Cahen; Gitti L. Frey; Arie Zaban (2008). Human resources for future alternative-energy research. Nature Materials. 7:(2)93-93.
Hossam Haick; David Cahen (2008). Making contact: Connecting molecules electrically to the macroscopic world. Progress in Surface Science. 83:(4)217-261. Abstract
Oliver Seitz; Ayelet Vilan; Hagai Cohen; Jaehyung Hwang; Marc Haeming; Achim Schoell; Eberhard Umbach; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2008). Doping molecular monolayers: Effects on electrical transport through alkyl chains on silicon. Advanced Functional Materials.18:(14)2102-2113. Abstract
Adi Salomon; Till Boecking; Oliver Seitz; Tal Markus; Fabrice Amy; Calvin Chan; Wei Zhao; David Cahen; Antoine Kahn (2007). What is the barrier for tunneling through alkyl monolayers? Results from n- and p-Si-Alkyl/Hg junctions. Advanced Materials. 19:(3)445-+. Abstract
Hossam Haick; Olivia Niitsoo; Jamal Ghabboun; David Cahen (2007). Electrical contacts to organic molecular films by metal evaporation: Effect of contacting details. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111:(5)2318-2329. Abstract
Yongdong Jin; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves; David Cahen (2007). Bacteriorhodopsin-monolayer-based planar metal-insulator-metal junctions via biomimetic vesicle fusion: Preparation, characterization, and bio-optoelectronic characteristics. Advanced Functional Materials. 17:(8)1417-1428. Abstract
Doron Azulay; Oded Millo; Isaac Balberg; Hans-Werner Schock; Iris Visoly-Fisher; David Cahen (2007). Current routes in polycrystalline CuInSe2 and Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 films. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 91:(1)85-90. Abstract
Till Boecking; Adi Salomon; David Cahen; J. Justin Gooding (2007). Thiol-terminated monolayers on oxide-free Si: Assembly of semiconductor-alkyl-S-metal junctions. Langmuir.23:(6)3236-3241. Abstract
David Cahen (2007). COLL 413-Electron transport across molecules: Lessons from well-defined monolayers. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society. 234.
David Cahen (2007). COLL 413-Electron transport across molecules: Lessons from well-defined monolayers. .
Oliver Seitz; Ayelet Vilan; Hagai Cohen; Calvin Chan; Jaehyung Hwang; Antoine Kahn; David Cahen (2007). Effect of doping on electronic transport through molecular monolayer junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129:(24)7494-+. Abstract
Guy Nesher; Hagay Shpaisman; David Cahen (2007). Effect of chemical bond type on electron transport in GaAs-chemical bond-alkyl/Hg junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129:(4)734-735. Abstract
Olivia Niitsoo; Shaibal K. Sarkar; Christophe Pejoux; Sven Ruhle; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2006). Chemical bath deposited CdS/CdSe-sensitized porous TiO2 solar cells. Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A-Chemistry. 181:(3-Feb)306-313. Abstract
Guy Nesher; Ayelet Vilan; Hagai Cohen; David Cahen; Fabrice Amy; Calvin Chan; Jaehyung Hwang; Antoine Kahn (2006). Energy level and band alignment for GaAs-alkylthiol monolayer-Hg junctions from electrical transport and photoemission experiments. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 110:(29)14363-14371. Abstract
Hossam Haick; Jonathan P. Pelz; Teresa Ligonzo; Marianna Ambrico; David Cahen; Wei Cai; Camelia Marginean; Cristian Tivarus; Raymond T. Tung (2006). Controlling Au/n-GaAs junctions by partial molecular monolayers. Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science. 203:(14)3438-3451. Abstract
Yd Jin; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves; T He; David Cahen (2006). Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as an electronic conduction medium: Current transport through bR-containing monolayers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103:(23)8601-8606. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; Sr Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; A Ruzin; David Cahen (2006). Understanding the beneficial role of grain boundaries in polycrystalline solar cells from single-grain-boundary scanning probe microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials. 16:(5)649-660. Abstract
Hossam Haick; Marianna Ambrico; Teresa Ligonzo; Raymond T. Tung; David Cahen (2006).Controlling semiconductor/metal junction barriers by incomplete, nonideal molecular monolayers. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128:(21)6854-6869. Abstract
Lior Segev; Adi Salomon; Amir Natan; David Cahen; Leeor Kronik; Fabrice Amy; Calvin K. Chan; Antoine Kahn (2006). Electronic structure of Si(111)-bound alkyl monolayers: Theory and experiment. Physical Review B. 74:(16) Abstract
Oliver Seitz; Till Bocking; Adi Salomon; J. Justin Gooding; David Cahen (2006). Importance of monolayer quality for interpreting current transport through organic molecules: Alkyls on oxide-free Si. Langmuir. 22:(16)6915-6922. Abstract
Fabrice Amy; Calvin K. Chan; Wei Zhao et al. (2006). Radiation damage to alkyl chain monolayers on semiconductor substrates investigated by electron spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 110:(43)21826-21832. Abstract [All authors]
Adi Salomon; Till Bocking; Justin Gooding; David Cahen (2006). How important is the interfacial chemical bond for electron transport through alkyl chain monolayers?. Nano Letters. 6:(12)2873-2876. Abstract
Yongdong Jin; David Cahen; Noga Friedman; Mordechai Sheves (2006). Gold-nanoparticle-enhanced current transport through nanometer-scale insulating layers. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 45:(38)6325-6328.
Yd Jin; Noga Friedman; David Cahen; Mordechai Sheves (2006). Chemically induced enhancement of the opto-electronic response of Halobacterium purple membrane monolayer. Chemical Communications. (12)1310-1312. Abstract
David Cahen; Ron Naaman; Zeev Vager (2005). The cooperative molecular field effect. Advanced Functional Materials. 15:(10)1571-1578. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; A Sitt; M Wahab; David Cahen (2005). Molecular adsorption-mediated control over the electrical characteristics of polycrystalline CdTe/CdS solar cells. ChemPhysChem.6:(2)277-285. Abstract
S Ruhle; M Greenshtein; Sg Chen; A Merson; H Pizem; Cs Sukenik; David Cahen; A Zaban (2005). Molecular adjustment of the electronic properties of nanoporous electrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109:(40)18907-18913. Abstract
T He; Noga Friedman; David Cahen; Mordechai Sheves (2005). Bacteriorhodopsin monolayers for optoelectronics: Orientation and photoelectric response on solid supports. Advanced Materials. 17:(8)1023-+. Abstract
H Haick; J Ghabboun; David Cahen (2005). Pd versus Au as evaporated metal contacts to molecules. Applied Physics Letters. 86:(4) Abstract
David Cahen; Antoine Kahn; Eberhard Umbach (2005). Energetics of molecular interfaces. Materials Today. 8:(7)32-41. Abstract
Adi Salomon; T Boecking; Ck Chan; F Amy; O Girshevitz; David Cahen; Amaranta Kahn (2005). How do electronic carriers cross Si-bound alkyl monolayers?. Physical Review Letters. 95:(26) Abstract
H Haick; J Ghabboun; O Niitsoo et al. (2005). Effect of molecular binding to a semiconductor on metal/molecule/semiconductor junction behavior. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109:(19)9622-9630. Abstract [All authors]
O Gershewitz; M Grinstein; Cn Sukenik; K Regev; J Ghabboun; David Cahen (2004). Effect of molecule-molecule interaction on the electronic properties of molecularly modified Si/SiOx surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108:(2)664-672. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; Sr Cohen; A Ruzin; David Cahen (2004). How polycrystalline devices can outperform single-crystal ones: Thin film CdTe/CdS solar cells. Advanced Materials. 16:(11)879-883.
S Ruhle; David Cahen (2004). Contact-free photovoltage measurements of photoabsorbers using a Kelvin probe. Journal of Applied Physics. 96:(3)1556-1562. Abstract
S Ruhle; David Cahen (2004). Electron tunneling at the TiO2/substrate interface can determine dye-sensitized solar cell performance. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108:(46)17946-17951. Abstract
H Haick; M Ambrico; J Ghabboun; T Ligonzo; David Cahen (2004). Contacting organic molecules by metal evaporation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6:(19)4538-4541. Abstract
H Haick; M Ambrico; T Ligonzo; David Cahen (2004). Discontinuous molecular films can control metal/semiconductor junctions. Advanced Materials. 16:(23-24)2145-+. Abstract
Adi Salomon; Rina Arad-Yellin; Abraham Shanzer; Amir Karton; David Cahen (2004). Stable room-temperature molecular negative differential resistance based on molecule-electrode interface chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126:(37)11648-11657. Abstract
J Bisquert; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; S Ruhle; A Zaban (2004). Physical chemical principles of photovoltaic conversion with nanoparticulate, mesoporous dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108:(24)8106-8118. Abstract
Adi Salomon; David Cahen; S Lindsay; J Tomfohr; Vb Engelkes; Cd Frisbie (2003).Comparison of electronic transport measurements on organic molecules. Advanced Materials. 15:(22)1881-1890. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; Sr Cohen; David Cahen; Cs Ferekides (2003). Electronically active layers and interfaces in polycrystalline devices: Cross-section mapping of CdS/CdTe solar cells. Applied Physics Letters. 83:(24)4924-4926. Abstract
David Cahen; Amaranta Kahn (2003). Electron energetics at surfaces and interfaces: Concepts and experiments. Advanced Materials. 15:(4)271-277. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; Kd Dobson; J Nair; E Bezalel; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2003). Factors affecting the stability of CdTe/CdS solar cells deduced from stress tests at elevated temperature. Advanced Functional Materials. 13:(4)289-299. Abstract
I Visoly-Fisher; Sr Cohen; David Cahen (2003). Direct evidence for grain-boundary depletion in polycrystalline CdTe from nanoscale-resolved measurements. Applied Physics Letters. 82:(4)556-558. Abstract
Adi Salomon; D Berkovich; David Cahen (2003). Molecular modification of an ionic semiconductor-metal interface: ZnO/molecule/Au diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 82:(7)1051-1053. Abstract
Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; R Scheer; Ig Perez (2003). Extended stable junction regions in CuInSe2 thin films by electric field application. . 284-288. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; J Ghabboun; David Cahen (2003). Molecule-metal polarization at rectifying GaAs interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107:(26)6360-6376. Abstract
David Cahen; Gary Hodes (2002). Molecules and electronic materials. Advanced Materials.14:(11)789-798. Abstract
Y Selzer; Adi Salomon; David Cahen (2002). Effect of molecule-metal electronic coupling on through-bond hole tunneling across metal-organic monolayer-semiconductor junctions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124:(12)2886-2887.
Y Selzer; Adi Salomon; David Cahen (2002). The importance of chemical bonding to the contact for tunneling through alkyl chains. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 106:(40)10432-10439. Abstract
Y Selzer; Adi Salomon; J Ghabboun; David Cahen (2002). Voltage-driven changes in molecular dipoles yield negative differential resistance at room temperature. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 41:(5)827-+.
G Ashkenasy; David Cahen; Rachel Cohen; Abraham Shanzer; Ayelet Vilan (2002).Molecular engineering of semiconductor surfaces and devices. Accounts of Chemical Research. 35:(2)121-128. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; Yishay (Isai) Feldman; Konstantin Gartsman; Hagai Cohen; C Cytermann; David Cahen (2002). Na effects on CuInSe2: Distinguishing bulk from surface phenomena. Journal of Applied Physics. 91:(7)4205-4212. Abstract
D Bonifazi; Adi Salomon; O Enger; F Diederich; David Cahen (2002). Tuning electronic properties of semiconductors by adsorption of [60]fullerene carboxylic acid derivatives. Advanced Materials. 14:(11)802-805.
L Chai; David Cahen (2002). Electric signal transfer through nm-thick molecular bilayers. .339-343. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2002). How organic molecules can control electronic devices. Trends in Biotechnology. 20:(1)22-29. Abstract
D Shvarts; A Haran; R Benshafrut; David Cahen; Ron Naaman (2002). Monitoring electron redistribution in molecules during adsorption. Chemical Physics Letters. 354:(4-Mar)349-353. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; David Cahen (2002). Soft contact deposition onto molecularly modified GaAs. Thin metal film flotation: Principles and electrical effects. Advanced Functional Materials. 12:(12-Nov)795-807. Abstract
G Ashkenasy; Abraham Shanzer; Ab Ellis; Ron Naaman; David Cahen (2001). Hinged metalloporphyrins: Active components in novel sensor devices. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society. 221:U105-U106.
Y Selzer; David Cahen (2001). Fine tuning of Au/SiO2/Si diodes by varying interfacial dipoles using molecular monolayers. Advanced Materials. 13:(7)508-+. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen (2001). Controlled ion migration tuning of semiconductor electrical properties. Soft Chemistry Leading To Novel Materials. 191:61-97. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; J Ghabboun; V Lyahovitskaya; David Cahen (2001). Electric field-induced fabrication of microscopic Si-based optoelectronic devices for 1.55 and 1.16 mu m IR electroluminescence. Materials Science And Engineering B-Solid State Materials For Advanced Technology. 81:113-115. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen (2001). Controlled ion migration tuning of semiconductor electrical properties. Soft Chemistry Leading To Novel Materials. 191:61-97. Abstract
F Lenzmann; J Krueger; S Burnside; K Brooks; M Gratzel; D Gal; S Ruhle; David Cahen (2001). Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of dye-sensitized solar cells with TiO2, Nb2O5, and SrTiO3 nanocrystalline photoanodes: Indication for electron injection from higher excited dye states. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105:(27)6347-6352. Abstract
Kd Dobson; I Visoly-Fisher; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2001). Stabilizing CdTe/CdS solar cells with Cu-containing contacts to p-CdTe. Advanced Materials. 13:(19)1495-+. Abstract
Dg Wu; David Cahen; P Graf; Ron Naaman; A Nitzan; D Shvarts (2001). Direct detection of low-concentration NO in physiological solutions by a new GaAs-based sensor. Chemistry-A European Journal. 7:(8)1743-1749. Abstract
Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; R Scheer (2001). Electric field-induced junctions in epitaxial layers of CuInSe2. Applied Physics Letters. 79:(18)2919-2921. Abstract
Dg Wu; J Ghabboun; Jml Martin; David Cahen (2001). Tuning of Au/n-GaAs diodes with highly conjugated molecules. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105:(48)12011-12018. Abstract
G Ashkenasy; Abraham Shanzer; Ab Ellis; Ron Naaman; David Cahen (2001). Hinged metalloporphyrins: Active components in novel sensor devices. . U105-U106.
Ayelet Vilan; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (2000). Molecular control over Au/GaAs diodes. Nature. 404:(6774)166-168. Abstract
David Cahen; Gary Hodes; M Gratzel; Jf Guillemoles; I Riess (2000). Nature of photovoltaic action in dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104:(9)2053-2059. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; Leonid Chernyak; J Greenberg; L Kaplan; David Cahen (2000). n- and p-type post-growth self-doping of CdTe single crystals. . 1155-1157. Abstract
R Benshafrut; David Cahen; A Haran; Ron Naaman; B Schneider; Abraham Shanzer; D Shvarts (2000). Novel molecular controlled semiconductor device: A new sensor for metal ions. . U82-U82.
R Benshafrut; David Cahen; A Haran; Ron Naaman; B Schneider; Abraham Shanzer; D Shvarts (2000). Novel molecular controlled semiconductor device: A new sensor for metal ions. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society. 220:U82-U82.
G Ashkenasy; A Ivanisevic; Rachel Cohen; Ce Felder; David Cahen; Ab Ellis; Abraham Shanzer (2000). Assemblies of "hinged" iron-porphyrins as potential oxygen sensors. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122:(6)1116-1122. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (2000). Molecular control over Au/GaAs diodes. Nature. 404:(6774)166-168. Abstract
Jf Guillemoles; Leeor Kronik; David Cahen; U Rau; A Jasenek; Hw Schock (2000). Stability issues of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2-based solar cells. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104:(20)4849-4862. Abstract
Kd Dobson; I Visoly-Fisher; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (2000). Stability of CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 62:(3)295-325. Abstract
L Kaplan; Gregory Leitus; V Lyakhovitskaya; F Frolow; H Hallak; A Kvick; David Cahen (2000).Synchrotron X-ray diffraction evidence for native defects in the photovoltaic semiconductor CuInSe2. Advanced Materials. 12:(5)366-+. Abstract
Dg Wu; G Ashkenasy; D Shvarts; Rv Ussyshkin; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (2000). Novel NO biosensor based on the surface derivatization of GaAs by "hinged" iron porphyrins. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 39:(24)4496-+.
Dm Shvarts; R Benshafrut; David Cahen; A Haran; Ron Naaman; B Schneider; Abraham Shanzer (2000). Molecular controlled semiconductor resistor as sensor for metal ions. Sensors And Microsystems. 129-133. Abstract
Rachel Cohen; Leeor Kronik; Ayelet Vilan; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (2000). Frontier orbital model of semiconductor surface passivation: Dicarboxylic acids on n- and p-GaAs. Advanced Materials. 12:(1)33-+. Abstract
J Klais; Hj Moller; David Cahen (2000). Calculation and experimental characterization of the defect physics in CuInSe2. . 446-449. Abstract
Dg Wu; G Ashkenasy; D Shvarts; Rv Ussyshkin; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (2000). Novel NO biosensor based on the surface derivatization of GaAs by "hinged" iron porphyrins. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 39:(24)4496-+.
Leeor Kronik; U Rau; Jf Guillemoles; D Braunger; Hw Schock; David Cahen (2000). Interface redox engineering of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 - based solar cells: oxygen, sodium, and chemical bath effects. . 353-359. Abstract
Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (2000). Do dopant diffusion and drift decide semiconductor device degradation and dimension Limits?. . 559-565. Abstract
S Richter; Y Manassen; David Cahen (1999). Bulk changes in semiconductors using scanning probe microscopy: nm-size fabricated structures. Physical Review B. 59:(16)10877-10884. Abstract
Igor Lubomirsky; E Gurovich; Samuel Safran; David Cahen (1999). Ultra-low concentration phase separation in solids: Ag in (Cd, Hg)Te. Europhysics Letters. 45:(2)201-207. Abstract
S Bastide; D Gal; David Cahen; Leeor Kronik (1999). Surface photovoltage measurements in liquids. Review of Scientific Instruments. 70:(10)4032-4036. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; L Kaplan; J Goswami; David Cahen (1999). Post-growth, In doping of CdTe single crystals via vapor phase. Journal of Crystal Growth. 197:(2-Jan)106-112. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; S Richter; F Frolow; L Kaplan; Y Manassen; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen (1999). Growth of single CuInSe2 crystals by the traveling heater method and their characterization. Journal of Crystal Growth. 197:(2-Jan)177-185. Abstract
David Cahen; O Melamed; Igor Lubomirsky (1999). Can percolation control doping, diffusion and phase segregation in (Hg,Cd)Te?. Growth, Characterisation And Applications Of Bulk Ii-Vis. 78:537-541. Abstract
Jf Guillemoles; U Rau; Leeor Kronik; Hw Schock; David Cahen (1999). Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells: Device stability based on chemical flexibility. Advanced Materials. 11:(11)957-+. Abstract
Rachel Cohen; Leeor Kronik; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen; A Liu; Y Rosenwaks; Jk Lorenz; Ab Ellis (1999). Molecular control over semiconductor surface electronic properties: Dicarboxylic acids on CdTe, CdSe, GaAs, and InP. Journal of the American Chemical Society.121:(45)10545-10553. Abstract
David Cahen; O Melamed; I Lubomirski (1999). Can percolation control doping, diffusion and phase segregation in (Hg,Cd)Te?. . 537-541. Abstract
R Herberholz; U Rau; Hw Schock; T Haalboom; T Godecke; F Ernst; C Beilharz; Kw Benz; David Cahen (1999). Phase segregation, Cu migration and junction formation in Cu(In, Ga)Se-2. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics. 6:(2)131-139. Abstract
S Burnside; Je Moser; K Brooks; M Gratzel; David Cahen (1999). Nanocrystalline mesoporous strontium titanate as photoelectrode material for photosensitized solar devices: Increasing photovoltage through flatband potential engineering. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 103:(43)9328-9332. Abstract
U Rau; D Braunger; R Herberholz; Hw Schock; Jf Guillemoles; Leeor Kronik; David Cahen (1999). Oxygenation and air-annealing effects on the electronic properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 films and devices. Journal of Applied Physics. 86:(1)497-505. Abstract
Igor Lubomirsky; David Cahen (1999). Chemical limit to semiconductor device miniaturization. Electrochemical And Solid State Letters. 2:(3)154-156. Abstract
David Cahen; O Melamed; I Lubomirski (1999). Can percolation control doping, diffusion and phase segregation in (Hg,Cd)Te?. Journal Of Crystal Growth. 197:537-541. Abstract
F Frolow; Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen (1998). Single crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction of CuInSe2. . 67-70. Abstract
Igor Lubomirsky; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen (1998). Space charge effects on dopant diffusion coefficient measurements in semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics. 83:(9)4678-4682. Abstract
Ayelet Vilan; R Ussyshkin; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer (1998). Real-time electronic monitoring of adsorption kinetics: Evidence for two-site adsorption mechanism of dicarboxylic acids on GaAs(100). Journal Of Physical Chemistry B.102:(18)3307-3309. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; S Richter; Y Manassen; David Cahen (1998). Growth and characterization of twin-free CuInSe2 crystals by the traveling heater method. . 103-106. Abstract
David Cahen (1998). Dopant electromigration and device stability in ternary and multinary semiconductors. . 727-732. Abstract
David Cahen (1998). Dopant electromigration and device stability in ternary and multinary semiconductors. . 727-732. Abstract
F Frolow; Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen (1998). Single crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction of CuInSe2. . 67-70. Abstract
J Klais; Hj Moller; R Krause-Rehberg; David Cahen; V Lyakhovitskaya (1998). Investigation of the defect chemistry of CuInSe2 by positron lifetime and electrical measurements. . 741-744. Abstract
David Cahen; Igor Lubomirsky (1998). Percolation-controlled semiconductor doping. Chemistry of Materials. 10:(10)2596-2598.
Rachel Cohen; S Bastide; David Cahen; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; Y Rosenwaks (1998).Controlling surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors using organic molecules. Optical Materials. 9:394-400. Abstract
S Richter; V Lyakhovitskaya; Sr Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; Y Manassen (1998). Sub- mu m semiconductor device structures in CuInSe2. . 943-946. Abstract
B Buchner; N Cella; David Cahen (1998). Lateral thermal diffusion effects on photothermal signals from photovoltaic cells. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 38:(3)223-229. Abstract
J Klais; Hj Moller; R Krause-Rehberg; David Cahen; V Lyakhovitskaya (1998). Investigation of the defect chemistry of CuInSe2 by positron lifetime and electrical measurements. . 741-744. Abstract
F Varsano; David Cahen; F Decker; Jf Guillemoles; E Masetti (1998). Ion potential diagrams for electrochromic devices. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 145:(12)4212-4218. Abstract
V Lyahovitskaya; S Richter; Y Manassen; David Cahen (1998). Growth and characterization of twin-free CuInSe(2) crystals by the traveling heater method. . 103-106. Abstract
Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; A Kadyshevitch; J Libman; T Moav; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer; Vladimir Y. Umansky; Ayelet Vilan (1998). Molecular control of a GaAs transistor. Chemical Physics Letters. 283:(6-May)301-306. Abstract
S Richter; V Lyakhovitskaya; Sr Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; Y Manassen (1998). Sub- mu m semiconductor device structures in CuInSe2. . 943-946. Abstract
B Buchner; N Cella; David Cahen (1998). Lateral thermal diffusion effects on photothermal signals from photovoltaic cells. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 38:(3)223-229. Abstract
Leeor Kronik; David Cahen; Hw Schock (1998). Effects of sodium on polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 and its solar cell performance. Advanced Materials. 10:(1)31-36. Abstract
N Zenou; A Zelichenok; S Yitzchaik; Rachel Cohen; David Cahen (1998). Tuning the electronic properties of silicon via molecular self-assembly. . 57-66. Abstract
N Zenou; A Zelichenok; S Yitzchaik; Rafael Cohen; David Cahen (1998). Tuning the electronic properties of silicon via molecular self-assembly. . 57-66. Abstract
S Richter; David Cahen; Sr Cohen; Konstantin Gartsman; V Lyakhovitskaya; Y Manassen (1998). Fabrication of sub-mu m bipolar transistor structures by scanning probe microscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 73:(13)1868-1870. Abstract
I Riess; David Cahen (1997). Analysis of light emitting polymer electrochemical cells. Journal of Applied Physics. 82:(6)3147-3151. Abstract
S Bastide; R Butruille; David Cahen; A Dutta; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; Lm Sun; Ayelet Vilan (1997). Controlling the work function of GaAs by chemisorption of benzoic acid derivatives. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 101:(14)2678-2684. Abstract
A Kadyshevitch; Ron Naaman; Rachel Cohen; David Cahen; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer (1997). Characterization of molecular modified surface states by wavelength- and time-dependent two-photon photoemission spectroscopy. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 101:(20)4085-4089. Abstract
M Bruening; Rachel Cohen; Jf Guillemoles; T Moav; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (1997). Simultaneous control of surface potential and wetting of solids with chemisorbed multifunctional ligands. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119:(24)5720-5728. Abstract
Rachel Cohen; S Bastide; David Cahen; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; Y Rosenwaks (1997).Controlling electronic properties of CdTe by adsorption of dicarboxylic acid derivatives: Relating molecular parameters to band bending and electron affinity changes. Advanced Materials. 9:(9)746-749.
Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; A Kadyshevitch; J Libman; T Moav; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer; Vladimir Y. Umansky; Ayelet Vilan (1997). Effect of organic molecules on a GaAs transistor. Proceedings Of The Symposium On Chemical And Biological Sensors And Analytical Electrochemical Methods. 97:704-710. Abstract
D Gal; E Sone; Rachel Cohen; Gary Hodes; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; Hw Schock; David Cahen (1997). Engineering the interface energetics of solar cells by grafting molecular properties onto semiconductors. . 487-496. Abstract
I Lyubomirsky; V Lyakhovitskaya; R Triboulet; David Cahen (1997). Substitutional-interstitial silver diffusion and drift in bulk (cadmium, mercury) telluride: Results and mechanistic implications. Journal of Electronic Materials. 26:(2)97-105. Abstract
D Gal; E Sone; Rafael Cohen; Gary Hodes; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; Hw Schock; David Cahen (1997). Engineering the interface energetics of solar cells by grafting molecular properties onto semiconductors. . 487-496. Abstract
Rachel Cohen; N Zenou; David Cahen; S Yitzchaik (1997). Molecular electronic tuning of Si surfaces. Chemical Physics Letters. 279:(6-May)270-274. Abstract
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak (1997). Dopant electromigration in semiconductors. Advanced Materials. 9:(11)861-+. Abstract
I Lyubomirsky; Mk Rabinal; David Cahen (1997). Room-temperature detection of mobile impurities in compound semiconductors by transient ion drift. Journal of Applied Physics. 81:(10)6684-6691. Abstract
F. Varsano; E. Masetti; J. F. Guillemoles; F. Decker; David Cahen (1997). Ion Potential Diagrams as Guidelines for Stability and Performance of Electrochromic Devices. Ionics. 3:(6-May)420-426. Abstract
I Lyubomirsky; V Lyahovitskaya; David Cahen (1997). Dopant accumulation during substitutional-interstitial diffusion in semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters. 70:(5)613-615. Abstract
Mk Rabinal; I Lyubomirsky; E Pekarskaya; V Lyakhovitskaya; David Cahen (1997). Low resistance contacts to p-CuInSe2 and p-CdTe crystals. Journal of Electronic Materials. 26:(8)893-897. Abstract
Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; A Kadyshevitch; J Libman; T Moav; Ron Naaman; Abraham Shanzer; Vladimir Y. Umansky; Ayelet Vilan (1997). Effect of organic molecules on a GaAs transistor. . 704-710. Abstract
Konstantin Gartsman; Leonid Chernyak; V Lyahovitskaya; David Cahen; V Didik; V Kozlovsky; R Malkovich; E Skoryatina; V Usacheva (1997). Direct evidence for diffusion and electromigration of Cu in CuInSe2. Journal of Applied Physics. 82:(9)4282-4285. Abstract
Ns Mcalpine; P Mcconville; D Haneman; Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen (1996). Junction sharpness in field-induced transistor structures in CuxAg1-xInSe2. Journal of Applied Physics. 79:(9)7370-7372. Abstract
J. F. Guillemoles; David Cahen (1996). Qualitative Modelling of Mixed Ionic/Electronic Devices with Ion Potential Level Diagrams. Ionics. 2:(2)143-154. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; V Lyakhovitskaya; S Richter; A Jakubowicz; Y Manassen; Sr Cohen; David Cahen (1996). Electronic effects of ion mobility in semiconductors: Mixed electronic-ionic behavior and device creation in Si:Li. Journal of Applied Physics. 80:(5)2749-2762. Abstract
E Moons; M Bruening; Abraham Shanzer; J Beier; David Cahen (1996). Electron transfer in hybrid molecular solid-state devices. Synthetic Metals. 76:245-248. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; J Vedel; David Cahen (1996). Voltage-driven doping of mixed ionic electronic semiconductors. Solid State Ionics. 83:(2-Jan)29-33. Abstract
I Lyubomirsky; V Lyakhovitskaya; Jf Guillemoles; I Riess; R Triboulet; David Cahen (1996).Evidence for thermodynamically stable p/n junction, formed by Ag doping of (Hg,Cd)Te. . 90-93. Abstract
D Gal; J Beier; E Moons et al. (1996). Band diagram and band line-up of the polycrystalline CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 heterojunction and its response to air annealing. . 453-462. [All authors]
I Lyubomirsky; V Lyakhovitskaya; R Triboulet; David Cahen (1996). Diffusion of Ag in Cd-rich mercury, cadmium telluride CdxHg1-xTe (x=0.55-0.8). . 1148-1151. Abstract
E Moons; D Gal; J Beier et al. (1996). Effect of air annealing on the electronic properties of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 43:(1)73-78. Abstract[All authors]
D Gal; J Beier; E Moons et al. (1996). Band diagram and band line-up of the polycrystalline CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 heterojunction and its response to air annealing. . 453-462. [All authors]
Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; David Cahen; Om Stafsudd (1995). Electronic Effects of Ion Mobility in Semiconductors - Semionic Behavior of Cuinse2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 56:(9)1165-1191. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; A Jakubowicz; David Cahen (1995). Junction Electroluminescence from Microscopic Diode Structures in Cuinse2, Prepared by Electric Field-Assisted Doping. Advanced Materials. 7:(1)45-48. Abstract
Leonid Chernyak; V Lyakhovitskaya; David Cahen (1995). Low-Temperature Device Creation in si Via Fast li Electromigration. Applied Physics Letters. 66:(6)709-711.
M Bruening; E Moons; David Cahen; Abraham Shanzer (1995). Controlling the Work Function of Cdse by Chemisorption of Benzoic-Acid Derivatives and Chemical Etching. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 99:(20)8368-8373. Abstract
Jf Guillemoles; Igor Lubomirsky; I Riess; David Cahen (1995). Thermodynamic Stability of p/n Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 99:(39)14486-14493. Abstract
I Lyubomirsky; V Lyakhovitskaya; R Triboulet; David Cahen (1995). Self-Restoration of p-n-Junctions in (hg,cd)te. Applied Physics Letters. 67:(21)3132-3134. Abstract
Leeor Kronik; L Burstein; M Leibovitch et al. (1995). Band Diagram of the Polycrystalline Cds/cu(in,ga)se-2 Heterojunction. Applied Physics Letters. 67:(10)1405-1407. Abstract [All authors]
Leonid Chernyak; David Cahen; S Zhao; D Haneman (1994). Local Temperature Increases During Electric-Field-Induced Transistor Formation in Cuinse2. Applied Physics Letters. 65:(4)427-429. Abstract
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; I Lyubomirsky; Y Scolnik; O Stafsudd; R Triboulet (1994). Room-Temperature Tailoring of Electrical-Properties of Semiconductors and Superconductors Via Controlled Ion Migration. . 187-192.
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; I Lyubomirsky; Y Scolnik; O Stafsudd; R Triboulet (1994). Room-Temperature Tailoring of Electrical-Properties of Semiconductors and Superconductors Via Controlled Ion Migration. . 187-192.
A Haran; Dh Waldeck; Ron Naaman; E Moons; David Cahen (1994). The Dependence of Electron-Transfer Efficiency on the Conformational Order in Organic Monolayers. Science.263:(5149)948-950. Abstract
M Bruening; E Moons; D Yaronmarcovich; David Cahen; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer (1994).Polar Ligand Adsorption Controls Semiconductor Surface-Potentials. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116:(7)2972-2977. Abstract
L Burstein; Yotam Shapira; E Moons; David Cahen (1994). Determination of Undoped Cdte(111) Surface Polarity by Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy. Applied Surface Science.74:(2)201-206. Abstract
E Moons; M Bruening; L Burstein; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (1993).Molecular Approach to Surface Control of Chalcogenide Semiconductors. . 730-734. Abstract
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Guy Dagan; A Jakubowicz (1993). Ion Mobility in Chalcogenide Semiconductors - Room-Temperature Creation of Bipolar Junction Transistor. .121-141.
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Guy Dagan; A Jakubowicz (1993). Ion Mobility in Chalcogenide Semiconductors - Room-Temperature Creation of Bipolar Junction Transistor. .121-141.
H Graafsma; P Coppens; J Majewski; David Cahen (1993). Ionic Displacements and Piezoelectric Constants of Aggas2 from x-Ray-Diffraction of a Crystal in an External Electric-Field. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 105:(2)520-527.
E Moons; M Bruening; L Burstein; J Libman; Abraham Shanzer; David Cahen (1993).Molecular Approach to Surface Control of Chalcogenide Semiconductors. Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers. 32:730-734. Abstract
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; I Lyubomirsky; R Triboulet (1993).Room-Temperature Tailoring of Electrical-Properties of Ternary and Multinary Chalcogenide Semiconductors. . 660-661. Abstract
E Moons; T Engelhard; David Cahen (1993). Ohmic Contacts to p-Cuinse2 Crystals. Journal of Electronic Materials. 22:(3)275-280. Abstract
Y Scolnik; Michael Rappaport; David Cahen (1993). Electrochemical, Room-Temperature Reduction, Oxidation and Microscopic Patterning of Multinary Cuprate Superconductors. .683-685. Abstract
Y Scolnik; Michael Rappaport; David Cahen (1993). Electrochemical, Room-Temperature Reduction, Oxidation and Microscopic Patterning of Multinary Cuprate Superconductors. .683-685. Abstract
Y Scolnik; Michael Rappaport; N Hass; U Dai; David Cahen (1993). Electrochemical Room-Temperature Reduction and Reoxidation of Thin-Films and Pellets of Yba2cu3o7-x. . 305-306. Abstract
R Klenk; T Walter; Hw Schock; David Cahen (1993). A Model For the Successful Growth of Polycrystalline Films of Cuinse2 by Multisource Physical Vacuum Evaporation. Advanced Materials. 5:(2)114-119. Abstract
David Cahen; Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; I Lyubomirsky; R Triboulet (1993).Room-Temperature Tailoring of Electrical-Properties of Ternary and Multinary Chalcogenide Semiconductors. Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers. 32:660-661. Abstract
W Siripala; J Vedel; D Lincot; David Cahen (1993). Band Edge Shifts of p-Type Copper Indium Diselenide Electrodes in Aqueous-Electrolytes. Applied Physics Letters. 62:(5)519-521. Abstract
David Cahen; Jm Gilet; C Schmitz; Leonid Chernyak; Konstantin Gartsman; A Jakubowicz (1992). Room-Temperature, Electric-Field Induced Creation of Stable Devices in Culnse2 Crystals. Science. 258:(5080)271-274. Abstract
David Cahen; R Noufi (1992). Free-Energies and Enthalpies of Possible Gas-Phase and Surface-Reactions For Preparation of Cuinse2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.53:(8)991-1005. Abstract
Guy Dagan; Tf Ciszek; David Cahen (1992). Ion Migration in Chalcopyrite Semiconductors. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96:(26)11009-11017. Abstract
A Jakubowicz; Guy Dagan; C Schmitz; David Cahen (1992). Electric-Field-Induced Room-Temperature Doping in Cuinse2. Advanced Materials. 4:(11)741-745.
Konstantin Gartsman; Leonid Chernyak; Jm Gilet; David Cahen; R Triboulet (1992). Room-Temperature, Local Tailoring of Electronic-Properties of Hg0.3cd0.7te by Applying an External Electric-Field. Applied Physics Letters. 61:(20)2428-2430. Abstract
David Cahen; R Noufi (1991). Free-Energies and Enthalpies of Possible Gas-Phase and Surface-Reactions For Preparation of Cuinse2. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.52:(8)947-961. Abstract
David Cahen; R Noufi (1991). Surface Passivation of Polycrystalline, Chalcogenide Based Photovoltaic Cells. Solar Cells. 30:53-59. Abstract
Michal Schwartz; Y Scolnik; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1991). Room-Temperature Electrochemical Reduction of Yba2cu3o7-x - Solid-State and Solution Chemical Results. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 1:(3)339-346. Abstract
Y Scolnik; E Sabatani; David Cahen (1991). Chemical Diffusion-Coefficient of Oxygen in Polycrystalline Yba2cu3o7-x at Room-Temperature. Physica C. 174:(6-Apr)273-279. Abstract
Shmuel Malkin; U Schreiber; M Jansen; O Canaani; Elisha Shalgi; David Cahen (1991). The Use of Photothermal Radiometry in Assessing Leaf Photosynthesis .1. General-Properties and Correlation of Energy-Storage to p-700 Redox State. Photosynthesis Research. 29:(2)87-96. Abstract
B Buchner; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1990). Calorimetric Characterization of Semiconductor-Lasers. Photoacoustic And Photothermal Phenomena Ii. 62:397-399.
David Cahen; A Jakubowicz; C Schmitz (1990). Creation of Device Structures in Ternary Compound Semiconductors by Room-Temperature Electromigration of Native Dopants. . 23-23.
David Cahen; B Buchner; H Flaisher; Michal Wolf (1990). Photothermal Energy-Balance Analysis of Photovoltaic Cells. Photoacoustic And Photothermal Phenomena Ii. 62:389-396.
B Buchner; H Flaisher; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1990). Electrothermal Measurements - a Calorimetric Method to Examine Power Dissipation in Photovoltaic Devices. Journal of Applied Physics. 67:(9)4338-4344.
David Cahen; A Jakubowicz; C Schmitz (1990). Creation of Device Structures in Ternary Compound Semiconductors by Room-Temperature Electromigration of Native Dopants. Journal Of Electronic Materials. 19:23-23.
B Buchner; H Flaisher; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1990). Electrothermal Measurements - a Calorimetric Method to Examine Power Dissipation in Photovoltaic Devices. Journal of Applied Physics. 67:(9)4338-4344.
L Margulis; A Jakubowicz; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1990). New Type of Microstructure in Polycrystalline Cuinse2, Cugase2 Films and Its Possible Implication For Photovoltaics. . 188-189.
David Cahen; B Buchner; F Decker; Michal Wolf (1990). Energy-Balance Analysis of Photovoltaic Cells by Voltage-Dependent Modulation Photocalorimetry. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 37:(2)498-508.
L Margulis; A Jakubowicz; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1990). New Type of Microstructure in Polycrystalline Cuinse2, Cugase2 Films and Its Possible Implication For Photovoltaics. . 188-189.
David Cahen; B Buchner; H Flaisher; Michal Wolf (1990). Photothermal Energy-Balance Analysis of Photovoltaic Cells. . 389-396.
Guy Dagan; F Abouelfotouh; Dj Dunlavy; Rj Matson; David Cahen (1990). Defect Level Identification in Cuinse2 from Photoluminescence Studies. Chemistry of Materials. 2:(3)286-293.
A Kisilev; Victoria Marcu; David Cahen; Hw Schock; R Noufi (1990). Photoelectrochemical Characterization of Cugase2 and cu(ga, in)Se2 Films. Solar Cells. 28:(1)57-67.
B Buchner; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1990). Calorimetric Characterization of Semiconductor-Lasers. . 397-399.
Michal Schwartz; David Cahen; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes (1989). Quantitatively Controlled, Room-Temperature Reduction of Yba2cu3o7-x by Electrochemical Methods. Solid State Ionics. 32-3:1137-1142.
L Margulis; Gary Hodes; A Jakubowicz; David Cahen (1989). Aggregate Structure in Cuinse2/mo Cugase2/mo Films - Its Relation to Their Electrical-Activity. Journal of Applied Physics. 66:(8)3554-3559.
B Buchner; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1989). Quantitative-Analyses of Power Loss Mechanisms in Semiconductor-Devices by Thermal Wave Calorimetry. Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing. 122:127-131.
David Cahen; R Noufi (1989). Defect Chemical Explanation For the Effect of Air Anneal on Cds/Culnse2 Solar-Cell Performance. Applied Physics Letters. 54:(6)558-560.
Michal Schwartz; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1989). Electrochemical Reduction of Yba2cu3o7-x at Room-Temperature in Propylene Carbonate. . 161-INOR.
Michal Schwartz; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes; Shimon Reich; David Cahen (1989).Controlled Room-Temperature Reduction of Yba2cu3o7-x - a Synthetic Route to Metastable Superconducting Phases. Materials Letters. 7:(12)411-414.
Rj Matson; Ll Kazmerski; R Noufi; David Cahen (1989). Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Oxygen From, and Subsequent Type Conversion of, Thin-Film p-Culnse2. Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces And Films. 7:(2)230-233.
A Kisilev; A Jakubowicz; Victoria Marcu; L Margulis; David Cahen (1989). Effects of Chemical and Electrochemical Etching on Polycrystalline Thin-Films of Cugase2. Journal of Electronic Materials. 18:(4)531-536.
H Flaisher; Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1989). Quantitative Separation of Mechanisms For Power Dissipation in Solar-Cells by Photoacoustic and Photovoltaic Measurements. Journal of Applied Physics. 66:(4)1832-1841.
Michal Wolf; David Cahen (1989). Heat-Flow Measurements For Solar-Cell Analysis. . 247-258.
Michal Schwartz; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1989). Electrochemical Reduction of Yba2cu3o7-x at Room-Temperature in Propylene Carbonate. . 161-INOR.
Ha Arbib; David Cahen; Ma Wolff (1989). Research and Demonstration Activities in Photovoltaics in Israel. Solar Cells. 26:(2-Jan)61-72.
Michal Schwartz; David Cahen (1988). Electrochemical Preparation and Properties of Oxygen Deficient Yba2cu3o7. . 173-173.
David Cahen; Pe Nordal; So Kanstad (1988). Sample Modulation Photoacoustic Measurements. Solar Cells. 25:(2)155-162.
Michal Schwartz; Michael Rappaport; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1988). Electrochemical Preparation and Properties of Oxygen Deficient Yba2cu3o7-x. Physica C. 153:1457-1458.
Guy Dagan; David Cahen; Aj Nelson (1988). N-Aginse2-Polyiodide and n-Aginse2-Polysulfide Photoelectrochemical Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 135:(1)104-108.
David Cahen (1988). Atomic Radii in Ternary Adamantines. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 49:(1)103-111.
D Soltz; Guy Dagan; David Cahen (1988). Ionic Mobility and Electronic Junction Movement in Cuinse2. Solid State Ionics. 28:1105-1110.
David Cahen; Z Moisi; Michal Schwartz (1987). Effects of ag/cu Substitution in Yba2cu3o7 Superconductors. Materials Research Bulletin. 22:(11)1581-1588.
David Cahen (1987). Preparation and Characterization of Chemically Deposited Cuins2 Thin-Films - Comment. Solar Energy Materials. 15:(3)225-226.
H Flaisher; David Cahen; Michal Wolf (1987). Correlation of Acoustically Detected Thermal Waves With Injected and Photogenerated Currents in a Photovoltaic Cell. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 34:(2)457-458.
Rj Matson; R Noufi; Kj Bachmann; David Cahen (1987). Cds Induced Homojunction Formation in Crystalline p-Culnse2. Applied Physics Letters. 50:(3)158-160.
David Cahen; Michal Schwartz; Shimon Reich; I Felner (1987). Characterization of Yba2(cu,ag)3o7 Superconductors. Inorganic Chemistry. 26:(22)3653-3655.
Guy Dagan; David Cahen (1987). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells .8. Solution Composition Effects in Normal-Culnx2(x=s,se) Aqueous Polysulfide and Aqueous Polyiodide Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 134:(3)592-600.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1986). Electrodeposition of Cuinse2 and Cuins2 Films. Solar Cells. 16:(4-Jan)245-254.
David Cahen; Pe Nordal; So Kanstad (1986). Injected Current-Related Distortion of Photothermal Signals from a Photovoltaic Cell. Applied Physics Letters. 49:(20)1351-1353.
Wm Shen; W Siripala; M Tomkiewicz; David Cahen (1986). Electrolyte Electroreflectance Study of Surface Optimization of n-Culnse2 in Photoelectrochemical Solar-Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 133:(1)107-112.
Wm Shen; M Tomkiewicz; David Cahen (1986). Impedance Study of Surface Optimization of n-Culnse2 in Photoelectrochemical Solar-Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 133:(1)112-116.
H Flaisher; David Cahen (1986). Computer-Simulation of the Photoacoustic Signal of Photovoltaic Cells. Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control.33:(5)622-630.
Rj Matson; R Noufi; Rk Ahrenkiel; Rc Powell; David Cahen (1986). Ebic Investigations of Junction Activity and the Role of Oxygen in Cds/Cuinse2 Devices. Solar Cells. 16:(4-Jan)495-519.
David Cahen; Yw Chen; R Noufi; R Ahrenkiel; R Matson; M Tomkiewicz; Wm Shen (1986). N-Cuinse2 Photoelectrochemical Cells. Solar Cells. 16:(4-Jan)529-548.
Guy Dagan; David Cahen (1986). Photoelectrochemical Activity of n-Aglnse2 Polyiodide Junctions. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 133:(7)1533-1534.
Gary Hodes; Cd Lokhande; David Cahen (1986). The Flexibility of Electrodeposition For Preparation of Cuins(se)2 Films. . C113-C113.
Gary Hodes; Cd Lokhande; David Cahen (1986). The Flexibility of Electrodeposition For Preparation of Cuins(se)2 Films. . C113-C113.
David Cahen (1986). Cats Cradle and Ice-9. Physics Today. 39:(11)11-11.
David Cahen; Guy Dagan; Y Mirovsky; Gary Hodes; W Giriat; M Lubke (1985). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells .4. Further Characterization of the Normal-Culns2 and Normal-Culnse2 Aqueous Polysulfide Systems. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 132:(5)1062-1070.
David Cahen; Y Mirovsky (1985). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells .6. is There a Thermodynamic Explanation For the Output Stability of Cuins2 and Cuinse2 Photoanodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 89:(13)2818-2827.
David Cahen; Sd Halle (1985). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of Photovoltaic Cells - Use of Phase-Shifts to Indicate Thermal Loss Mechanisms. Applied Physics Letters. 46:(4)446-448.
Jp Roger; D Fournier; Ac Boccara; R Noufi; David Cahen (1985). Optical Characterization of Polycrystalline Cuinse2 Films on Scattering Substrates by Fourier-Transform Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy. Thin Solid Films. 128:(2-Jan)11-20.
Y Mirovsky; Reshef Tenne; David Cahen; G Sawatzky; M Polak (1985). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells .5. Surface-Analyses of the Cuins2,Cuinse2 Aqueous Polysulfide Interface Cuins2,Cuinse2 by x-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy - Absence of se/s Exchange in the Cuinse2/sn = System. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 132:(5)1070-1076.
Gary Hodes; T Engelhard; David Cahen; Ll Kazmerski; Cr Herrington (1985). Electroplated Cuins2 and Cuinse2 Layers - Preparation and Physical and Photovoltaic Characterization. Thin Solid Films. 128:(2-Jan)93-106.
Gary Hodes; T Engelhard; Ja Turner; David Cahen (1985). Slurry Painted Cuins2 and Cuin5s8 Layers - Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Characterization. Solar Energy Materials. 12:(3)211-219.
S Licht; Ron Tenne; Guy Dagan; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen; R Triboulet; J Rioux; C Levyclement (1985). High-Efficiency n-cd(se,te)/s= Photoelectrochemical Cell Resulting from Solution Chemistry Control. Applied Physics Letters. 46:(6)608-610.
Yw Chen; R Noufi; David Cahen (1984). Electrodeposition of Metal-Oxides on Chalcogenides and Chalcopyrites For Photoelectrochemical Solar-Cells. Journal Of The Electrochemical Society. 131:C314-C314.
M Tomkiewicz; Wm Shen; David Cahen (1984). The Potential Distribution at Cuinse2 Aqueous-Electrolyte Interfaces. . C468-C468.
J Legrange; Sr Caplan; David Cahen (1984). Simulations of Frequency-Dependent Photoacoustic Magnitude Signals and Their Implications For Bacteriorhodopsin Photocycle Energetics. Biophysical Chemistry. 20:(3)249-259.
M Tomkiewicz; Wm Shen; David Cahen (1984). The Potential Distribution at Cuinse2 Aqueous-Electrolyte Interfaces. . C468-C468.
Guy Dagan; S Endo; Gary Hodes; G Sawatzky; David Cahen (1984). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells .3. n-Cuin5s8 Aqueous Polysulfide. Solar Energy Materials. 11:(2-Jan)57-74.
A Albuyaron; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (1984). The Structure and Composition of the Cdse-(Oxidized Titanium) Interface - an Investigation by Transmission Electron-Microscopy and Electron-Diffraction. Thin Solid Films. 112:(4)349-358.
Rn Bhattacharya; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (1984). Electrodeposition of cu-in-s Layers and Their Photoelectrochemical Characterization. Solar Energy Materials. 10:(1)41-45.
O Canaani; R Ronen; J Garty; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; Meirav Galun (1984).Photoacoustic Study of the Green-Alga Trebouxia in the Lichen Ramalina Duriaei Invivo. Photosynthesis Research. 5:(4)297-306.
Yw Chen; R Noufi; David Cahen (1984). Electrodeposition of Metal-Oxides on Chalcogenides and Chalcopyrites For Photoelectrochemical Solar-Cells. . C314-C314.
Ron Tenne; D Lando; Y Mirovsky; N Muller; Joost Manassen; David Cahen; Gary Hodes (1983). The Relation Between Performance and Stability of cd-Chalcogenide Polysulfide Photo-Electrochemical Cells - the Effect of Potential. Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry.143:(2-Jan)103-112.
Y Mirovsky; G Djemal; David Cahen (1983). Chalcopyrite-Type Ternaries as Photoelectrodes in Wet Solar-Cells. Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular And Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics. 2:(6)2039-2043.
David Cahen; O. Canaani; Meirav Galun; Z. Motsan; P. Poulet; R. Ronen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Phtoacoustic Detection of Gross Photosynthesis in Intact Leaves and Lichens. . 51-51.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1983). Cadmium Mixed Chalcogenides and Layers of Cadmium (Mixed) Chalcogenides on Metallic Substrates. Inorganic Syntheses.22:80-85.
So Kanstad; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Simultaneous Detection of Photosynthetic Energy-Storage and Oxygen Evolution in Leaves by Photothermal Radiometry and Photoacoustics. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 722:(1)182-189.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Hj Leamy (1983). Effect of Photo-Electrochemical Etching on Charge Collection Efficiency in Cds-an Electron-Beam Induced Current Study. Journal of Applied Physics. 54:(8)4676-4678.
O Canaani; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Photo-Acoustic Measurements of the Interaction Between the 2 Photosystems of Photosynthesis in Intact Leaves and New Phenomena Involving Chromatic Transients. . 48-48.
David Cahen; O. Canaani; Meirav Galun; Z. Motsan; P. Poulet; R. Ronen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Phtoacoustic Detection of Gross Photosynthesis in Intact Leaves and Lichens. Plant Physiology. 72:51-51.
N Muller; David Cahen (1983). Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells - Temperature Control by Cell Design and Its Effects on the Performance of Cadmium Chalcogenide Polysulfide Systems. Solar Cells. 9:(3)229-245.
P Poulet; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Photo-Acoustic Detection of Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution from Leaves - Quantitative-Analysis by Phase and Amplitude Measurements. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 724:(3)433-446.
O Canaani; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1983). Photo-Acoustic Measurements of the Interaction Between the 2 Photosystems of Photosynthesis in Intact Leaves and New Phenomena Involving Chromatic Transients. Israel Journal Of Botany. 32:48-48.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1983). Cadmium Mixed Chalcogenides and Layers of Cadmium (Mixed) Chalcogenides on Metallic Substrates. Inorganic Syntheses.22:80-85.
Y Mirovsky; David Cahen (1982). Normal-Culnse2 Polysulfide Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells. Applied Physics Letters. 40:(8)727-728.
Reshef Tenne; Y Mirovsky; Yaakov Greenstein; David Cahen (1982). Ternary Chalcogenide-Based Photo-Electrochemical Cells .2. the n-Cdln2se4/Aqueous Polysulfide System. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 129:(7)1506-1512.
Haim Garty; Sr Caplan; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Acoustic Photocalorimetry and Spectroscopy of Halobacterium-Halobium Purple Membranes. Biophysical Journal. 37:(2)405-415.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1982). Regenerative Photo-Electrochemical Cells - Evaluation of Their Use For Practical Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity. . 82-INDE.
J Legrange; David Cahen; Sr Caplan (1982). Photo-Acoustic Calorimetry of Purple Membrane. Biophysical Journal. 37:(1)4-6.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; S Neagu; David Cahen; Y Mirovsky (1982). Electroplated Cadmium Chalcogenide Layers - Characterization and Use in Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells. Thin Solid Films. 90:(4)433-438.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1982). Regenerative Photo-Electrochemical Cells - Evaluation of Their Use For Practical Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity. . 82-INDE.
G Bults; Ba Horwitz; Shmuel Malkin; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Acoustic Measurements of Photosynthetic Activities in Whole Leaves - Photochemistry and Gas-Exchange. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 679:(3)452-465.
J Legrange; David Cahen; Sr Caplan (1982). Photo-Acoustic Calorimetry of Purple Membrane. Biophysical Journal. 37:(1)4-6.
Haim Garty; Sr Caplan; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Acoustic Photocalorimetry and Spectroscopy of Halobacterium-Halobium Purple Membranes. Biophysical Journal. 37:(2)405-415.
Y Mirovsky; Ron Tenne; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells - Interpretation of Cell Performance Using Electrochemical Determination of Photo-Electrode Properties. Thin Solid Films. 91:(4)349-355.
O Canaani; David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1982). Photosynthetic Chromatic Transitions and Emerson Enhancement Effects in Intact Leaves Studied by Photoacoustics. FEBS Letters.150:(1)142-146.
Y Mirovsky; Ron Tenne; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells - Interpretation of Cell Performance, Using Electrochemical Determination of Photo-Electrode Properties. Thin Solid Films. 90:394-394.
Y Mirovsky; Reshef Tenne; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1982). Photo-Electrochemical Solar-Cells - Interpretation of Cell Performance, Using Electrochemical Determination of Photo-Electrode Properties. . 394-394.
David Cahen (1981). Photoacoustic Cell For Reflection and Transition Measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments. 52:(9)1306-1310.
Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1981). Photoelectrochemical Cells. Chemtech.11:(2)112-117.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1981). Factors Influencing Output Stability of cd-Chalcogenide-Polysulfide Photoelectrochemical Cells. Solar Energy Materials. 4:(4)373-381.
Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1981). Photoelectrochemical Cells. Chemtech.11:(2)112-117.
David Cahen (1981). Photo-Acoustic Figure of Merit For Photothermal Energy-Conversion Efficiency. Optics Communications. 39:(4)243-246.
N Mueller; Reshef Tenne; David Cahen (1981). Photo-Electrochemical Performance of the Normal-Cdse Aqueous Polysulfide System at Room-Zero and Subzero Ambient-Temperatures. Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 130:(1-3)373-379.
J Legrange; Sr Caplan; David Cahen (1981). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of Purple Membrane. . 41-41.
B Vainas; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1981). Activation-Analysis of Forward-Biased Cds-Electrolyte Diode. Applied Physics Letters. 38:(6)458-460.
N Mueller; Reshef Tenne; David Cahen (1981). Photo-Electrochemical Performance of the Normal-Cdse Aqueous Polysulfide System at Room-Zero and Subzero Ambient-Temperatures. Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 130:(3-Jan)373-379.
G Bults; Ba Horwitz; Shmuel Malkin; David Cahen (1981). Frequency-Dependent Photoacoustic Signals from Leaves and Their Relation to Photosynthesis. FEBS Letters. 129:(1)44-46.
David Cahen; B Vainas; Jm Vandenberg (1981). Changes in Surface Crystallinity and Morphology of Cds and Cdse Photoelectrodes Upon Use in Polysulfide Electrolyte. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 128:(7)1484-1488.
Y Mirovsky; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Ron Tenne; W Giriat (1981). Photoelectrochemistry of the Cuins2-Sn2-System. Solar Energy Materials. 4:(2)169-177.
Shmuel Malkin; David Cahen (1981). Dependence of Photoacoustic Signal on Optical-Absorption Coefficient in Optically Dense Liquids. Analytical Chemistry. 53:(9)1426-1432.
G Djemal; N Muller; U Lachish; David Cahen (1981). Photo-Electrochemical Cells Using Polycrystalline and Thin-Film Mos2 Electrodes. Solar Energy Materials. 5:(4)403-416.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1981). Effect of Surface Etching and Morphology on the Stability of Cdse-sx= Photo-Electrochemical Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 128:(11)2325-2330.
Haim Garty; David Cahen; Sr Caplan (1980). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of Halobacterium-Halobium Photocycle. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 97:(1)200-206.
N Lasserross; Shmuel Malkin; David Cahen (1980). Photoacoustic Detection of Photosynthetic Activities in Isolated Broken Chloroplasts. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta.593:(2)330-341.
David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; Ron Tenne (1980). Thin-Film, cd-Chalcogenide-Based, Photoelectrochemical Cells. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society.179:123-COLL.
David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; Reshef Tenne (1980). Thin-Film, cd-Chalcogenide-Based, Photoelectrochemical Cells. . 123-COLL.
Sr Caplan; Haim Garty; David Cahen (1980). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of the Purple Membrane Photocycle. . 1849-1849.
David Cahen; G Bults; Haim Garty; Shmuel Malkin (1980). Photoacoustics in Life Sciences. Journal of Proteomics. 3:(5)293-310.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Joost Manassen; Maya David (1980). Painted, Polycrystalline Thin-Film Photoelectrodes For Photoelectrochemical Solar-Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 127:(10)2252-2254.
Y Avigal; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; B Vainas (1980).Photoelectrochemistry of Hydrogenated Amorphous-Silicon (a-si-h). Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 127:(5)1209-1211.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1980). Effect of Photoelectrode Crystal-Structure on Output Stability of cd(se,te)-Polysulfide Photoelectrochemical Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 102:(18)5962-5964.
David Cahen; Haim Garty; Rs Becker (1980). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of Concentrated Fluorescent Solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 84:(25)3384-3389.
Sr Caplan; Haim Garty; David Cahen (1980). Photoacoustic Calorimetry of the Purple Membrane Photocycle. Federation Proceedings. 39:1849-1849.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1980). Electrocatalytic Electrodes For the Polysulfide Redox System. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 127:(3)544-549.
Haim Garty; David Cahen; Michael Eisenbach; Sr Caplan (1979). Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Purple Membrane of Halobacterium-Halobium. . 110-110.
David Cahen (1979). Photo-Acoustics in Photobiology. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 4:(10)N240-&.
David Cahen; Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes (1979). Materials Aspects of Photo-Electrochemical Systems. Solar Energy Materials. 1:(6-May)343-355.
J Hodes; D Lando; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1979). Surface-Chemistry and Stability of Cadmium Chalcogenide Photoelectrodes in Polysulfide Electrolytes. . C457-C457.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1979). Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Chloroplast Membranes. . 110-110.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin (1979). Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Chloroplast Membranes. Israel Journal Of Medical Sciences. 15:110-110.
Haim Garty; David Cahen; Michael Eisenbach; Sr Caplan (1979). Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Purple Membrane of Halobacterium-Halobium. . 110-110.
J Hodes; D Lando; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1979). Surface-Chemistry and Stability of Cadmium Chalcogenide Photoelectrodes in Polysulfide Electrolytes. . C457-C457.
David Cahen; Haim Garty (1979). Sample Cells For Photoacoustic Measurements. Analytical Chemistry. 51:(11)1865-1867.
Shmuel Malkin; David Cahen (1979). Photoacoustic-Spectroscopy and Radiant Energy-Conversion - Theory of the Effect With Special Emphasis on Photosynthesis. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 29:(4)803-813.
D Lando; Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1979). Transient Photocurrents and Conversion Losses in Polysulfide-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101:(14)3969-3971.
David Cahen; Haim Garty; Sr Caplan (1978). Spectroscopy and Energetics of Purple Membrane of Halobacterium-Halobium - Photoacoustic Study. FEBS Letters. 91:(1)131-134.
David Cahen (1978). Photoacoustic Determination of Photo-Voltaic Energy-Conversion Efficiency. Applied Physics Letters. 33:(9)810-811.
David Cahen; Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen (1978). S-se Substitution in Polycrystalline Cdse Photoelectrodes - Photoelectrochemical Energy-Conversion. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 125:(10)1623-1628.
David Cahen; Ei Lerner; Asher Auerbach (1978). Simple Setup For Single and Differential Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments. 49:(8)1206-1209.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; M Gurevitz; I Ohad (1978). Development and Repair of Photosystem-II Activity in Normal and Chloramphenicol-Treated Euglena-Gracilis Cells. Plant Physiology. 62:(1)1-5.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; Ei Lerner (1978). Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Chloroplast Membranes - Listening to Photosynthesis. FEBS Letters. 91:(2)339-342.
Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1977). Photoelectrochemical Energy-Conversion and Storage - Polycrystalline Cdse Cell With Different Storage Modes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 124:(4)532-534.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1977). Photo-Electrochemical Energy-Conversion - Electrocatalytic Sulfur Electrodes. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. 7:(2)181-182.
Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1977). Polycrystalline Cdse-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells. . C130-C130.
Joost Manassen; Gary Hodes; David Cahen (1977). Polycrystalline Cdse-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells. . C130-C130.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; I Ohad (1977). Development of Photosystem-2 Activity in Chlamydomonas-Reinhardi Mutants - Insertion of Photosystem-2 Units Into Inactive Preexisting Membranes Versus Continuous Formation of New Photosynthetic Membranes. Plant Physiology. 60:(6)845-849.
Joost Manassen; David Cahen; Gary Hodes; A Sofer (1976). Electrochemical, Solid-State, Photochemical and Technological Aspects of Photoelectrochemical Energy Converters. Nature. 263:(5573)97-100.
Gary Hodes; Joost Manassen; David Cahen (1976). Photoelectrochemical Energy-Conversion and Storage Using Polycrystalline Chalcogenide Electrodes. Nature. 261:(5559)403-404.
Gary Hodes; David Cahen; Joost Manassen (1976). Tungsten Trioxide as a Photoanode For a Photoelectrochemical Cell (Pec). Nature. 260:(5549)312-313.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; S Shochat; I Ohad (1976). Development of Photosystem-2 Complex During Greening of Chlamydomonas-Reinhardi-y-1. Plant Physiology. 58:(3)257-267.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; S Shohat; I Ohad (1975). Development of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Chlamydomonas-Reinhardi y-1-Mutant. . 1190-1191.
David Cahen; Shmuel Malkin; S Shohat; I Ohad (1975). Development of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Chlamydomonas-Reinhardi y-1-Mutant. Israel Journal Of Medical Sciences.11:1190-1191.
David Cahen; Ja Ibers; Jb Wagner (1974). Platinum Bronzes .4. Preparation, Crystal-Chemistry, and Physical-Properties. Inorganic Chemistry. 13:(6)1377-1388.
Last Updated Date : 19/05/2022