Prof. Arlene Wilson-Gordon
I studied for a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry at Glasgow University (1964-68) and a DPhil in Theoretical Chemistry at Oxford University (1968-71). I was then a Royal Society- Israel Academy postdoctoral fellow in Theoretical Chemistry at the Hebrew University (1971-73). I joined the Chemistry Department at Bar-Ilan University in 1973 as a Lecturer and eventually became a Full Professor in 2000 and Professor Emerita in 2015. I spent sabbaticals at the Weizmann Institute and Imperial College London. My research interests are in the field of the interaction of light with matter, in particular nonlinear and quantum optics. Both analytical and computational techniques are used in my research with a strong emphasis on the relation to experiment. Recent topics of study include electromagnetically induced absorption and transparency, slow and stored light, biphoton production in solid-state systems such as ruby or NV-diamond, transients in absorption in atomic rubidium, nonlinear magneto-optical rotation, optical clocks and magnetometry, spin squeezing, and propagation of light beams in absorbing systems.
1.Nonlinear optics
2.Quantum optics
3.Coherent effects in interaction between light and matter
List of Publications in Refereed Journals
- P. W. Atkins and A. D. Wilson, “Ellipsometry and the theory of photon scattering from surfaces”, Surface Sci., 22, 433-458 (1970).
- P. W. Atkins and A. D. Wilson, ‘Photon statistics and optical birefringence”, Phys. Lett. 38A, 475-476 (1972).
- P. W. Atkins and A. D. Wilson, ‘Photon statistics of scattered light and generalized birefringence experiments”, Mol. Phys. 24, 33-56 (1972).
- P. W. Atkins and A. D. Wilson, ‘Photon scattering from surfaces” in “Solid State Surface Science”, vol. 2, ed. M. Green (Marcel Dekker, NY, 1973), pp. 153-229.
- A. D. Wilson and R. D. Levine, “Simple models of vibrational excitation in energy transfer molecular collisions”, Mol. Phys. 27, 1197-1216 (1974).
- A. D. Wilson and Y. Shimoni, “Quantal close-coupling calculations on fine-structure transitions in rubidium-neon collisions”, J. Phys. B 7, 1543-1557 (1974).
- A. D. Wilson and Y. Shimoni, “Quantal close-coupling studies of excited alkali metal – rare gas collisions II. Na + He, J. Phys. B 8, 2393-2414 (1975).
- A. D. Wilson and Y. Shimoni, “Quantal studies of alkali metal – rare gas collisions III. Broadening of Na D lines by He”, J. Phys. B 8, 2415-2426 (1975).
- Y. Shimoni and A. D. Wilson, “Quantal studies of alkali metal – rare gas collisions IV. Depolarization, broadening, and shift of Rb D lines by Ne”, Chem. Phys. 11, 289-295 (1975).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson, “Isotope separation by radiation pressure of coherent p pulses”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 28, 270-272 (1976).
- A. D. Wilson, H. Friedmann and V. Ahiman, “Saturation effects in time-resolved and frequency-resolved resonance raman and resonance fluorescence induced by realistic coherent pulses”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 43, 539-543 (1976).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson, “The effect of hyperfine splitting on time-resolved resonance raman and resonance fluorescence”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 46, 307-310 (1977).
- A. D. Wilson and H. Friedmann, “Theory of time-resolved and frequency-resolved resonance raman and resonance fluorescence induced by realisic coherent pulses of arbitrary strength”, Chem. Phys. 23, 105-115 (1977).
- T. Ben-Zeev, A. D. Wilson, and H. Friedmann, “Theory of resonance hyper--Raman induced by realistic coherent pulses”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 48, 74-79 (1977).
- E. L. Lewis, C. S. Wheeler, and A. D. Wilson, “Relaxation of the orientation of the potassium resonance levels due to collisions with rare gas atoms”, J. Phys. B 10, 2619-2629 (1977).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Coherent transient excitation and superposition of adiabatic states”, Israel J. Chem. 16, 241-249 (1977).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Effective two-level Hamiltonian for coherent multiphoton processes”, Opt. Commun. 24, 5-10 (1978).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Effect of two-photon saturation on ordinary Raman scattering”, Opt. Commun. 26, 193-198 (1978).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Application of time-resolved resonance Raman to the study of rapid intramolecular radiationless transitions”,Chem. Phys. Lett. 64, 337-343 (1979).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Coherence effects in ordinary Raman scattering in the presence of two-photon resonance”, J. Phys. B 12, 1195-1209 (1979).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Effect of two-photon saturation on ordinary Raman scattering”, in “Laser-induced processes in molecules”, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, eds. K. L. Kompa and S. D. Smith, 6, 78-80 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, R. Klimovsky-Barid, and H. Friedmann, Saturation effects in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering”, Phys. Rev. A 25, 1580-1595 (1982).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Comment on saturation effects in high-resolution coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy of a pulsed molecular beam”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 89, 273-278 (1982).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Extra resonances in four-wave mixing spectroscopy triggered by radiative relaxation”, Phys. Rev. A 26, 2768-2777 (1982).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Intense extraresonant signals in four-wave mixing triggered by resonance-enhanced three-photon scattering”, Phys Rev. A 28, 302-307 (1983).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Extra resonances in degenerate four-wave mixing triggered by pressure-induced decay of the lower state”, Opt. Lett. 8, 617-619 (1983).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Intense extraresonant signals in four-wave mixing triggered by resonance-enhanced three-photon scattering” in “Coherence in Quantum Optics V”, ed. L. Mandel and E. Wolf (Plenum, NY, 1984), pp 1193-1200.
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Enhancement of near-resonant degenerate four-wave-mixing signals by excitation of a coupled transition”, Phys. Rev. A 30, 1377-1385 (1984).
- H. Friedmann, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and M. Rosenbluh, “Extraresonances in degenerate four-wave mixing induced by sequential decay”, Phys. Rev. A 33, 1783-1787 (1986).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, H. Friedmann, and M. Rosenbluh, “Extraresonances in degenerate four-wave mixing induced by sequential decay”, in “Methods of Laser Spectroscopy”, ed. Y. Prior (Plenum, NY, 1986), pp. 301-6.
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, The extraresonant origin of gain due to stimulated Rayleigh scattering”, ”, in “Methods of Laser Spectroscopy”, ed. Y. Prior (Plenum, NY, 1986), pp. 307-12.
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Dispersion profiles of the absorptive response of a two-level system interacting with two intense fields”, Phys. Rev. A 36, 1333-1341 (1987).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Extraresonant stimulated rayleigh scattering from two-level system interacting with two strong fields”, Proc. ILS III Conf,. Proc. Am. Inst. Physics 172, 121-123 (1988).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Saturation-induced distortion of four-wave mixing spectra in a two-level system interacting with two strong fields”, Phys. Rev. A 38, 4087-4097 (1988).
- Y. Shevy, M. Rosenbluh, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, S. Hochman, and H. Friedmann, “Polarization dependence of resonance enhanced three-photon scattering”, Opt. Lett. 13, 1005-1007 (1988).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Ultranarrow extraresonant antiholes in pump-probe spectroscopy induced by inelastic collisions”, Opt. Lett. 14, 390-392 (1989).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Doppleron-induced stimulated emission”, Opt. Lett. 14, 737-739 (1989).
- D. Kagan, H. Friedmann, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Interaction of a bichromatic field with a two-level system in a cavity”, Opt. Commun. 77, 53-58 (1990).
- S. Hochman, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Ultranarrow extraresonant holes and antiholes in pump-probe spectroscopy of a two-level system interacting with two fields of arbitrary intensity”, Opt. Lett. 15, 631-633 (1990).
- S. Boubliel, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Two-photon coherence and steady-state saturated and inverted populations in three-level systems”, J. Mod. Opt. 38, 1739-1761 (1991).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, V. Buzek, and P. L. Knight, “Statistical and phase properties of displaced Kerr states”, Phys. Rev. A 44, 7647-7656 (1991).
- V. Buzek, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, P. L. Knight, and W. K. Lai, “Phase properties of coherent states of light”, Phys. Rev. A 45, 8079-8094 (1992).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, V. Buzek, and P. L. Knight, “The interaction of an atom with a sub-Poissonian single field mode”, Czech J. Phys. 42, 975-984 (1992).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Enhanced index of refraction: a comparison between two- and three-level systems”, Optics Commun. 94, 238-244 (1992).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Inversionless lasing and enhanced refractive index and four-wave mixing in a transparent two-level system”, Nonlinear Optics 5, 517-522 (1993).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Enhanced index of refraction in a population-trapped three-level system”, Optics Commun. 98, 303-308 (1993).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Gain in a three-level L system driven by a single pump”, Phys. Rev. A, 48, 4639-4647 (1993).
- A. Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Correlation between gain without inversion, enhanced refractive index and noise in a Lambda three-level system”, Optics Commun. 113, 226-236 (1995).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Cross-phase modulation and conical emission”, Nonlinear Optics, 11, 145-151 (1995).
- A. Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Quantum noise characteristics of gain experienced by a weak probe propagating through a medium of two- and three-level atoms”, Nonlinear Optics 11, 377-391 (1995).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Induced self- and cross-focusing (defocusing) in self-defocusing (focusing) media interacting with a bichromatic field”, Optics Commun. 116, 163-169 (1995).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Nonlinear refractive index near points of zero absorption and in the dead zone”, Phys. Rev. A 52, 4070-4077 (1995).
- A. Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Noise in dead zones”, Phys. Rev. A 52, 4839-4844 (1995).
- A. Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “On the pump intensity dependence of probe noise, absorption and dispersion in a driven two-level system at points of zero absorption and in the dead zone”, J. Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 5, 899-909 (1996).
- M. Rosenbluh, A. Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. D. Levenson, and R. Walser, “Ground-state spectroscopy with diode-laser noise", Optics Commun. 146, 158-162 (1998).
- H. Friedmann and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Asymmetry in pulsed four-wave mixing”, Phys. Rev. A 57, 4854-4859 (1998).
- D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Induced spatial solitons”, Phys. Rev. A 58, R3403-3406 (1998).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Four-wave mixing with temporally non-overlapping pulses”, J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 9651-9654 (1998).
- N. Schupper, H. Friedmann, M. Matusovsky, M. Rosenbluh, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, “Propagation of high intensity short resonant pulses in inhomogeneously broadened media”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16, 1127-1134 (1999).
- D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Effect of four-wave mixing on induced waveguiding”, Phys. Rev. A 61, 033806, 1-6 (2000).
- P. Weisman, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Effect of propagation on pulsed four-wave mixing”, Phys. Rev. A 61, 053816, 1-6 (2000).
- N. Schupper, Y. Fefer, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, H. Friedmann, and M. Rosenbluh, “Propagation of high intensity short pulses in potassium vapor”, Nonlinear Optics 24, 239-244 (2000).
- D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Strong parametric amplification by spatial-soliton cloning of transverse beam profiles in an all-optical antiwaveguide”, Phys. Rev. A 63, 031801(R) (2001).
- D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Phase control of group velocity: from subluminal to superluminal light propagation”, Phys. Rev. A 63, 043818 (2001).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon and H. Friedmann, “Positive and negative dispersion in a three-level L system driven by a single strong pump”, J. Mod. Opt. 49, 125-139 (2002).
- D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, “Parametric amplification by spatial soliton-induced transverse profile cloning”, Opt. Commun. 204, 371-378 (2002).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, “Electromagnetically induced absorption due to transfer of coherence and to transfer of population”, Phys. Rev. A 67, 033807 (2003).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, “Switching from positive to negative dispersion in transparent degenerate and near-degenerate systems”, Phys. Rev. A 68, 043818 (2003).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, “Sub-Doppler and subnatural narrowing of an absorption line induced by interacting dark resonances in a tripod system,” Phys. Rev. A. 69, 063802 (2004).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, " Study of atomic four-level N systems," Phys. Rev. A 69, 053818 (2004).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, "Electromagnetically induced absorption due to transfer of population in degenerate two-level systems", Phys. Rev. A 70, 043814 (2004).
- H. Shpaisman, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Efficient parametric amplification in double L systems without maximal two-photon coherence", Phys. Rev. A 70, 063814 (2004).
- H. Shpaisman, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Electromagnetically induced waveguiding in double Lambda systems", Phys. Rev. A 71, 043812 (2005).
- C. Goren, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, "Control of group velocity by phase-changing collisions", Phys. Rev. A 72, 023826 (2005).
- A. Eilam, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Enhanced frequency conversion of nonadiabatic resonant pulses in coherently-prepared L systems", Phys. Rev. A 73, 053805 (2006).
- A. Eilam, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Enhanced frequency conversion of nonadiabatic pulses in a doubly pumped double Lambda system", Opt. Comm. 277, 186-195 (2007).
- T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, C. Goren, M. Rosenbluh, and H. Friedmann, "Pump-probe spectroscopy in degenerate two-level atoms with arbitrarily strong fields", SPIE Conference Proceedings 6604, 660401 (2007).
- R. Meshulam, T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Transfer of coherence enhanced stimulated emission and electromagnetically induced absorption in Zeeman split atomic transitions", Opt. Lett. 32, 2318-2320 (2007).
- N. Gavra, M. Rosenbluh, T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Sub-Doppler and sub-natural narrowing of an absorption line", Opt. Comm. 280, 374-378 (2007).
- T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, " Pump-probe spectroscopy in degenerate two-level atoms with arbitrarily strong fields", Phys. Rev. A 77, 033836 (2008).
- A. Eilam, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Slow and stored light in an amplifying double Lsystem", Opt. Lett. 33, 1605 (2008). http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.33.001605
- A. Eilam, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Efficient light storage in a L system due to coupling between lower levels", Opt. Lett. 34, 1834 (2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.34.001834
- A. V. Sharypov and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, "Sub-Doppler Features due to Double Dark Resonances", Opt. Commun. 282, 3591-3595 (2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2009.05.041
- T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, " Absorption spectra for strong pump and probe in atomic beam of cesium atoms", Phys. Rev. A 80, 033825 (2009). http://pra.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v80/i3/e033825
- A. V. Sharypov, A. Eilam, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, " Phase-dependent propagation in a two-level system with intermediate states", Phys. Rev. A 81, 013829 (2010). http://pra.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v81/i1/e013829
- A. Eilam, I. Azuri, A. V. Sharypov, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Spatial optical memory based on coherent population oscillations", Opt. Lett. 35, 772-774 (2010).
- D. Ianetz, Yu. Kaganovskii, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and M. Rosenbluh, "Propagation of an asymmetric Gaussian beam in a nonlinear absorbing medium", Phys. Rev. A 81, 053851 (2010).
- I. Azuri, A. Eilam, A. V. Sharypov, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann, "Phase and amplitude control of the group velocity in a two-level system with shelving state", Opt. Commun. 283, 4318-4323 (2010).
- D. Ianetz, Yu. Kaganovskii, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and M. Rosenbluh,"Breathing dynamics of an asymmetric Gaussian beam propagating in a saturable absorbing medium," Phys Rev. A 82, 065803 (2010).
- T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, S. Guttikonda, E. J. Bahr, O. Neitzke, S. M. Rochester, and D. Budker, " Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation in the presence of radio-frequency field", Optics Express 18, 25494–25508 (2010).
- E. Tilchin, O. Firstenberg, and A. D Wilson-Gordon, "Effects of thermal motion on electromagnetically induced absorption", Phys. Rev. A 83, 053812 (2011).
- D. Ianetz, Yu. Kaganovskii, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and M. Rosenbluh, "Propagation of Gaussian beam in an absorbing waveguide", Opt. Commun. 284, 5212-5217 (2011).
- A. V. Sharypov and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, "Narrowband biphoton generation due to long-lived coherent population oscillations" Phys. Rev. A 84, 033845 (2011).
- S. M. Rochester, M. P. Ledbetter, T. Zigdon, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and D. Budker, "Orientation-to-alignment conversion and spin squeezing", Phys. Rev. A 85, 022125 (2012).
- D. Ianetz, Yu. Kaganovskii, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, " Breathing and beating dynamics of Gaussian beam in planar graded-index absorbing nonlinear waveguides", Opt. Commun. 285, 3636-3641 (2012).
- L. Margalit, M. Rosenbluh, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, "Coherence-population-trapping transients induced by an ac magnetic field", Phys. Rev. A 85, 063809 (2012).
- D. Ianetz, Yu. Kaganovskii, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and M. Rosenbluh, "Dependence of beating dynamics on ellipticity of Gaussian beam in graded-index absorbing nonlinear fibers," Phys Rev. A 87, 043839 (2013).
- L. Margalit, M. Rosenbluh, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, "Degenerate two-level system in the presence of a transverse magnetic field," Phys. Rev. A 87, 033808 (2013).
- L. Margalit, M. Rosenbluh, and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, "Coherent-population-trapping transients induced by a modulated transverse magnetic field," Phys. Rev. A 88, 023827 (2013).
- A. V. Sharypov and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, " Multiphoton coherent population oscillation," arXiv:1410.7479v1 [physics.optics]
- D. Slavov, A. Sargsyan, D. Sarkisyan, R. Mirzoyan, A. Krasteva, A. D.Wilson-Gordon, S. Cartaleva, "Sub-natural N-type resonance in cesium atomic vapor: splitting in magnetic fields," J. Phys. B 47, 035001 (2014).
- P. L. Chapovsky and A. D. Wilson-Gordon, " Enrichment of nuclear spin isomers of molecules by bichromatic field," J. Phys.: Conf. Series 594, 012003 (2015).
- A. Krasteva, D. Slavov, A. Sargsyan, D. Sarkisyan, A. D. Wilson-Gordon and S Cartaleva, "Two-photon resonance on the D2 line of Cs enhanced by optical pumping," J. Phys.: Conf. Series 594, 012009 (2015).
- D. Sarkisyan; A. Sargsyan; A. D. Wilson-Gordon; and S. Cartaleva, "Conversion between electromagnetically induced absorption and transparency in a four-level system," Proc. SPIE 9447, 944707 (2015).
- A. D. Wilson-Gordon, L. Margalit, and M. Rosenbluh, "Degenerate two- and three-level systems in presence of longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields," Proc. SPIE 9447, 944702 (2015).
- A. Sargsyan, D. Sarkisyan., Y. Pashayan-Leroy, C. Leroy, S. Cartaleva, A. D.Wilson-Gordon, and M. Auzinsh, "Electromagnetically induced transparency resonances inverted in magnetic field," JETP 148, 1104 (2015).
Last Updated Date : 21/03/2023