BookIT System
go to BookIT FAQ |
There are three BOOKIT sites for the university:
1. The Chemistry Department's scientific instruments
2. The Life Sciences Faculty's scientific instruments
- Both these systems can be accessed with the user name and password used for the university's systems and for your personal computer (CCDOM).
3. The Medical Faculty scientific instruments
BookIT System Usage
This is how the system looks like after log in:
There are two parallel displays in the system calendar:
Daily Calendar displays all the reservations for the current day. |
Weekly calendar displays all the reservations for the current week. |
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Making a reservation:
- Click on the 'New Reservation' tab to create a reservation.
- Chose the instrument you wish to use.
- Specify start and finish time accurately.
- Tick the 'Notify me on availability' box.
- Click on "Create reservation" at the bottom.
- In order to see your reservation in the system, press "Show on calendar".
- It is possible to reserve a projector or a computer for a weekly reservation by clicking on "Weekly reservation (repetitive)" and specifying last date of use in the "until" field.
- It is also possible to create a reservation by clicking on the calendar at the desired date and hour.
Cancelling a reservation:
In order to cancel a reservation:
- Click on "Calendar"
- Choose the instrument you wish to cancel.
- Click on your reservation and the page with your reservation details is displayed (hour, day and personal details).
- Click on 'Cancel reservation'.
- In order to check whether your reservation was indeed cancelled, go back to the calendar display.
Reservations history:
The system allows the monitoring of all reservations made for all instruments, by clicking the second tab: "Reservation history".
Personal details:
In order to change your personal details or add missing ones (telephone number, cell phone, etc.), go to the calendar section and click "user details" (alternatively, click your name in the upper right part of the screen).