Special Seminar: A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime

05/02/2020 - 11:30 - 10:30Add To Calendar 2020-02-05 10:30:00 2020-02-05 11:30:00 Special Seminar: A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime S P E C I A L    S E M I N A R   Wednesday, 5/02/2020, 10:30 am Building 211, seminar room   SPEAKER: Dr. Amikam Levy Department of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley      TOPIC: A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime   Abstract: The standard approach to deriving fluctuation theorems fails to capture the effect of quantum correlation and coherence in the initial state of the system. I overcome this difficulty by showing that the heat exchange between two locally thermal states in the presence of initial quantum correlations is faithfully captured by the Margenau-Hill quasiprobability distribution. I will discuss the thermodynamic interpretation of the negative probabilities which witness non-classicality. Furthermore, I will provide inequalities for the heat flows that can only be violated in the presence of these negativities. The results are tested on data collected in a recent experiment studying the heat transfer between two spin half systems in an NMR setup.   A. Levy and M. Lostaligo, arXiv:1909.11116 (2019) Abstract (PDF) Department of Chemistry chemistry.office@biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public

S P E C I A L    S E M I N A R


Wednesday, 5/02/2020, 10:30 am

Building 211, seminar room



Dr. Amikam Levy

Department of Chemistry

University of California, Berkeley




A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime



The standard approach to deriving fluctuation theorems fails to capture the effect of quantum correlation and coherence in the initial state of the system. I overcome this difficulty by showing that the heat exchange between two locally thermal states in the presence of initial quantum correlations is faithfully captured by the Margenau-Hill quasiprobability distribution. I will discuss the thermodynamic interpretation of the negative probabilities which witness non-classicality. Furthermore, I will provide inequalities for the heat flows that can only be violated in the presence of these negativities. The results are tested on data collected in a recent experiment studying the heat transfer between two spin half systems in an NMR setup.


A. Levy and M. Lostaligo, arXiv:1909.11116 (2019)

Abstract (PDF)

Last Updated Date : 30/01/2020